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/lit/ - Literature

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6691212 No.6691212 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ posters you recognize
this guy who always say tbh
this german dude who keeps bashing the french
the worthless rhetoric guy
the guy who constantly posts the same dfw pic
this guy that posts the danter face all the time
this guy who only posts in the poetry critique and gives short reviews

>> No.6691225

>this guy who only posts in the poetry critique and gives short reviews
The flower guy? I've seen him around, he always posts with pictures of flowers, and I know it's the same guy because they're all titled the same way. It's usually in poetry related threads..

>> No.6691233

those pedantic moronic christposters

Oh wait that's 90% of /lit/ now

>> No.6691251

The guy who reposrs this copy pasta

>> No.6691264

That Zizek spammer

>> No.6691281

That assblasted Pynchon hater responsible for some of the funniest posts I've ever seen on /lit/

>It's a hard as nails book. You are not ready. But on the other hand, it's funny as all hell and will have you howling at the moon at the image of a man going down a toilet.
>So Pynchons got the high-brow covered, but he's also a man of the people. Seriously, the humor in the book is so random it makes Adult Swim look like Tolstoy.
>There are so many moments where you have to put the book down and go "OK! ok! no way did pynchon just make that happen, that is TOO random."
>All this is to say that pynchon is NOT your grandfather's literature. There's no silk bookmark to hold your place here.
>This. Is. Pynchon. *kicks you into a toilet*

>Looks boring, right? Some old dusty tome from the bookshelf of your old pa?
>You think their might be some fancy silk bookmark to mark your place in this double-covered sleeping pill?
>Wel,l guess what. It aint boring. This is Thomas Pynchon bitch. He writes about history.... but with a twist.
>There's talkin dogs, people with names like Cherrycoke, drugzZz, and all kinds of wicked shit.
>This ain't your granddad's literature.

>> No.6691386

I fear the day I'll see "that one annoying tripfag who insists ungaretti is a better poet than shakespeare and americans cannot understand classical music"

>> No.6691393

That guy who lives in a petrol station
That analytic guy who posts MS paint pictures and always talks about Frege
Tao Lin

>> No.6691431

The pedophIle who always asks for books other than lolita to satiate his desire for 12 year old girls. Probably supplements his stash of cp. Even now he has a thread in the catalog

>> No.6691523
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that guy who's posts never get responded to

>> No.6691526

He no longer exists, my friend. <3

>> No.6691530

This guy who keeps making the same thread asking about /lit/ posters you recognize, I tend to see them a lot

>> No.6691614


>the pedantic brazilian guy who always posts shitty criticism on Shakespeare and Tolstoy threads and also on critics threads with tl;dr material

>> No.6691643


>> No.6691712

the guy in every john green thread

>shits on Aristotle
>nothing but praise for Aquinas


and then the picture of the dog as jesus or some bullshit

>> No.6691761

>this guy who always say tbh
What is 'anybody who also browses /int/'

Why have you made this exact thread so many times?

>> No.6691985
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I hate this website.

>> No.6691989

I hate you, so we're even.

>implying I don't hate you as a part of this website

>> No.6692004

the 4 assblasted militant atheists who try to fight about religion in every thread and the trolls who humor them.>>6691233

Gas Kun
Rei even when he posts anonymously
the redditor who always makes survey threads
the guy who's trying too hard to make regan (the booktuber girl) a thing.

>> No.6692020

Daily reminder Jackson Pynchon posts here and is a faggot.

>> No.6692029

>/lit/ posters you recognize
this guy who posted this same thread 2 weeks ago and 20 anons saw themselves as the tbh guy.
That's almost as pathetic as the French military history.

>> No.6692058

tbh is an /int/ meme

>> No.6692078


>> No.6692087


>> No.6692119

this tbh lads

>> No.6692181 [DELETED] 
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حفظك الله، يا انون

>> No.6692442

the guy who keeps starting these threads with this exact OP post and pic. is this the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.6693423
File: 73 KB, 375x500, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the worthless rhetoric guy
Isn't that literally everyone here though?

>> No.6693447

hey . . . fuck you, man.

>> No.6693449

Can we count all the French punctuation guys as just one anon ?

>> No.6693532

That one gay guy who always asks for gay novels mexican i assume
That ultimate shitposter who always brings joy and laughter to this gloomy board
That OP who always posts well-boobed ladies (please mercy me)