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/lit/ - Literature

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6689715 No.6689715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"So your mother tells me you were thinking about majoring in philosophy? Anon what do you hope do do with that degree? You are a smart kid, it would be a be a shame to waste your skills, why not major in engineering or accounting like your brother? "

>> No.6690043

Honestly though, what do philosophy majors think will happen when they know in advance that there are no jobs for philosophy majors? I know four career paths: law school, academia, non-profits, or starving artist.
>I want to work in a university for the rest of my life under backbreaking student loans, tiptoeing around the cultural hegemony of the academic left, make shit pay for years on end, and then maybe one day become Relevant™!
>I want to work in a law office for the rest of my life under backbreaking student loans, tiptoeing around the collapsing job market, make no pay for years on end, and then maybe one day become Relevant™!
Your father is right.

>> No.6690061

The best argument against majoring in philosophy is the simple fact that philosophy can easily be studied and experienced through any academic path. Philosophy majors are the quintessence of the "all talk, no action" academy.

>> No.6690068

i dont think that far ahead

i live in the moment maaaaaaan

>> No.6690075

I'm an employed phil major and I kek every time i see this thread.

>> No.6690086

me too bro, i always blow my co workers mind when i talk about philosophy of burger flippin' :^)

>> No.6690094

studying philosophy in academia is literally one of the most anti-philosophical things one can do.

>> No.6690096

I, personally, hope for the "starving artist" path.

>> No.6690101

Yep, Plato's academy was defo anti-philosophical.

>> No.6690111

i'm doing this now
smugness is my main satisfaction

>> No.6690122
File: 494 KB, 1024x768, 1424950901404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw get teased by friends all throughout Uni
>mfw all the stem faggots who said they were gonna ceo 7k/day are not
>mfw I'm literally the boss of a department with a bunch of stem masters degrees for a tech company. making more than any of them to basically babysit the autistic all day
>tfw meetings with boss i just make up impressive sounding shit about how we are doing, i could not even code hello world if my life depended on it.
>Mfw joke degree, but the punch line is your life

If you are not going to become a doctor or an engineer for a field that is actually interesting there is literally 0 reason to get any degree that does not interest you.

My uni biology roommate is literally delivering pizza's

>> No.6690134

I'm obviously talking about today (although a case could be made for Plato and his followers marking the beginning of the decline)

>> No.6690143

I am an engineer, academia propagates modern biases that can be easily avoided through the autodidact lifestyle.

>> No.6690145

Congrats bro. I agree with your statement on pursuing your interests. So many people study for jobs and seem to spend large parts of their lives unhappy as a result. The "I hate my job" "ten years until I retire" people

>> No.6690154
File: 44 KB, 625x351, smug ruste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lack the constitution to get a job, you filthy natalist.

>> No.6690201

does anyone have that .png on the difference between phil math and physics

>> No.6690207

I'm studying English and Physics and my dad doesn't think it's as good as studying Engineering from the perspective of landing a high paying job. Dump stats that'll help shut him up

>> No.6690214

dump a print of your paycheck on him is all I can say. cut that guy out of your life

>> No.6690215


>start philosophy degree
>parents try to discourage me, but I KNOW BETTER!
>can't do shit with it
>go back to get a real degree
>get a job

lol Dad was right

>> No.6690221

>fuck off before I knock you out again dad

>> No.6690225

If you want something more than a salary wage-slavery position you need to carve out your own "job" I'm sorry to say

>> No.6690228
File: 104 KB, 736x1019, 545220b287511ccf7e982a6dba996b2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret switching from engineering to philosophy. My career options are really boring and limited.

but if I had to do it all over again I would probably do philosophy anyway, it was really easy and fun, was basically a 4 year vacation. Oh well

>> No.6690248
File: 16 KB, 368x468, satori gen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually people who still want to 'make something' of themselves anno 2015

get with the times, lads.

>> No.6690267

philosophy is a self assertive degree.

Your dad knew you were too beta to make something happen with it on your own.

>> No.6690376

>why is this old white guy talking to me? who the fuck are you cracker, you're not the boss of me.

>> No.6690380

>dad speaks to me
>I do not recognize him as my father any more than I recognize any other abstraction
>"yes, human"
>take his money and never speak to him again

>> No.6690393
File: 10 KB, 224x225, starcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey could I get a venti latte mocha with whipcream and sugar and pumpkin spice to go please?

>> No.6690479

to be fair biology is a joke degree. the field is so saturated that unless you need it for med or want a phd it'd be more useful if you cashed out your student loan and burnt it. at least that way you won't be wasting three years of your life

>> No.6690488

Parents are generally retards.
>Huh work at at keeping that soace job so one day you can be just as unhappy as me
>u must learn self delusion yourself
Fuck off.

>> No.6690492

It would be alright if it was real philosophy, but people who pay to hear about Nietzsche's or Hegel's or Sartre's opinions are idiots. At least real philosophy teaches you valuable skills in reasoning.

>> No.6690504

What are your favorite modern biases to avoid?

>> No.6690507

Boy, these sure are some good books! I love discussing literature with you guys :)

>> No.6690510

Identity politics (women, workers, 'coloured' people etc.).

>> No.6690569

Is this board supposed to be about philosophy or just literature?

>> No.6690575

Anything with books about it can be discussed if you keep it on topic. And anything related with futuristic technology has a place in /m/, anything with comics about it is /co/, and so on.

>> No.6690609

mr scientist
deluded hunchback fuck i reap what you sow. value and objectivity granted, negligible arbitrariness in scientific theory choice aside, baysian algorithms included...now what? shared fruits of your labor are mine and his and hers you stupid disgusting gelatinous worms. new blackberry, thank you quasimodo, i cant into quantum mechanics but ill smile as she puts it on vibrate, slides it in her cunt and tells me to call her. dialing dorsy. eternal return.contributing nothing to the world fuck the world id rather make the newest slut read me some foucault as i feed her inches of cock while a fireplace screen saver warms the room through my 80 inch high definition SHARP. i reap what you sow. i suckle seven teats at once as you starve while building me the next ipad. do you faggots even talk to girls? no, you are too busy 'bettering the world'. you are the new proletarian class. expendable, products making products; plastic forks and spoons making plastic forks and spoons making plastic forks and spoons i cant who making and whos being made i spit in your graves nigger nigger cunt nigger nigger cunt nigger.

>> No.6690610

Should I major in what I'm interested in, or what's lucrative that I'm kinda into
CS or English...
fuckin life choices, my HS mates laughed when I considered an English major

>> No.6690617
File: 52 KB, 364x350, dostoevsky[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not majoring in engineering so once you graduate you have the dosh to fund your artistic goals.

Seriously, engineering is not that hard. Phil people tend to be analytical anyway.

>> No.6690642

What kind of non-profit work do philosophy majors do? I've worked in non-profits for five years and I've never met one.

>> No.6690652

I switched from engineering into pure math because engineering was boring. My dad has some kind of engineer envy. He kept asking me about jobs back when I was finishing undergrad, and I told him I doubt I will enjoy most "real jobs" much anyway. He advised me to commit suicide. Can't win no matter what with this guy I guess.

>> No.6690656

>/lit/ - Christianity, politics, philosophy, and occasionally literature.

>> No.6690685

that's what I do, I'm studying something that leaves some decen dosh in my country to pay for all the things I want to do, then at around 28 I will settle down and raise a family, so I have around 4-5 years to write my book.

>> No.6690750

What do you mean by 'real' philosophy?. I'm planning to study philosophy but hearing idiots opinions on philosophers is something that I'm really concerned about. Please guide an anon here.

>> No.6690755

Analytic philosophy, it's the one based on mathematics and logic, rather than opinions. It's predominant in 90% of Germanic philosophy departments.

>> No.6690760

Are you the guy who keeps posting that proper philosophy starts with Frege? I'm an admirer of your work.

>> No.6690763

Yes, that is me. Thank you.

>> No.6690786

Do people still get mad, I wonder?

>> No.6690793

Occasionally. I can't tell if they're actually mad or just trolls trolling trolls. /int/ still gets mad about it, though, but they're the easiest board to bait on this whole site.

>> No.6691884
File: 249 KB, 500x789, Muenchhausen_Herrfurth_7_500x789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know that math and logic are based on opinions

>> No.6691920
File: 149 KB, 1006x906, 1432222669993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need food
Give me rare pepes and pissbottles and we're good to go.

>> No.6691983

Don't worry dad, I changed my mind and am going to get a history degree instead!

>> No.6692131


There is no point in doing this
if you're going to university for nothing but a jbo and a salary you are wasting your time and money
If you're not going to pursue something you're genuinely interested in, what's the point?
You realize tech schools exist? You can go there for less money and time and then come out earlier and make shit tons of money
I hear welding's good
It's an interest thing, STEM is easy but boring to me so i won't major in it or pursue a career

>> No.6692145
File: 94 KB, 1435x478, smug pepeism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das it mane

>> No.6692290

My dad is dead, who the fuck are you?

>> No.6692614

Do whatever you want man

>> No.6692638

What are you talking about, dad?
You have a degree in philosophy as well. I thought this is what you wanted.
Also you've been dead for 3 years.
Shit I'm high.

>> No.6692642

Just go to some Latin American country and become an EST teacher. Pays well.

>> No.6692643

English / Phil double major here.

I work in data related to the journalism field and a hell of a lot of journalists / correspondents / editors etc have degrees in English, Philosophy, History and the like. Many of them just have BAs though some obviously go onto get an MA in journalism. If you are presentable and able to use microsoft excel you should be able to get by just fine in any major city. It's weird that people get so angered at the idea that people they don't know are choosing to take degrees that don't lead to a definite career path, I can only attribute it to jealousy tbh.

>> No.6692669

Nobody knows more than an undergrad anon.

>> No.6692677

>>I want to work in a university for the rest of my life under backbreaking student loans, tiptoeing around the cultural hegemony of the academic left, make shit pay for years on end, and then maybe one day become Relevant™!

>muh boogeymen

>> No.6692713

did someone say NEETfags?

>> No.6692830
File: 47 KB, 370x200, The Ziz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, I mean, my got, are we aware that when we buy a cappuccino from Starbucksh we also buy quite a lot of ideology? Which ideology?

You know, when you enter a Starbucksh store, it’s usually always displayed in some posters their message: “Yes, our cappuccino ish more expenshive than others,” but, then comesh the story: “We give 1% all our income to some Guatemalan children to keep them healthy, for the water supply for some Shaharan farmer, or to save the forest, to enable organic growing for coffee, or whatever or whatever.”

Now, I admire the ingenuity of this sholushon. In the old days of pure, simple consumerism, you bough a product, and then you felt bad: “My God, I’m just a consumerist, while people are starving in Africa . . . And so on and so on.”

So the idea is that you had to do something to counteract your pure, destructive consumerism. For example, you contribute to charity and so on.

What Starbucks enables you is to be a consumerist, without any bad conscience, because the price for the countermeasure, for fighting consumerism, is already included into the price of a commodity. Like, you pay a little bit more, and you’re not just a consumerist, but you do also your duty towards the environment, the poor, starving people in Africa, and so on and so on.

It’s, I think, the ultimate form of consumerism.”

>> No.6692890

Natalism should be punishable by death tbh.

>> No.6692923


You could say that for any of the humanities. Philosophy isn't special in that respect. It's true that English might lead you to Journalism/Advertising. History might lead you to research. Politics might lead you to public service. But equally philosophy could lead you to law/analysis work.

But that's not how the world works and everyone knows it. Very few people work in their degree fields besides more vocational ones like engineering and architecture. It's not like most math students go on to become mathematicians or you need a math degree to become an accountant.

So let's just break this down. There are jobs that require further training which are still open to you whether or not you do a philosophy degree such as being a pilot, chef or programmer.

Then there are the many careers and jobs which generally a degree in a humanities is advantageous such as law, journalism, teaching, marketing, entertainment, managerial work, librarian, publishing, researcher, counselor, civil service and the millions of other jobs that are done under the guise of business.

I think for a lot of philosophy students they are just interested in their subject and doing a degree is not a big deal. It's 3/4 years and you can do a masters in something else if you feel the need to. You're going to be alive a long fucking time a most careers have lots of entry points. Some really believe they will go on to study and teach philosophy their whole lives. Others think it will be an interesting bridge to careers that involve argument and analysis. Some are just lost and bored.

For the record I did a philosophy degree. I was headhunted for a job in analysis out the door because of my good grade and baller university. I turned down the offer and now I work as a writer/editor making half decent money. My training in philosophy comes in handy in my area of work, it was a lot of fun to do it and I didn't piss away those three years doing a Chemistry degree so I could go and become a security software specialist or whatever crap I might have ended up doing.

>> No.6692945

You forgot the NEET master race.

>> No.6692948


It's a bit paradoxical really.

You should major in a STEM because there is, theoretically, more money in those fields. However, many of those fields won't require you to have a degree and you'd be better off doing 4 years of practical experience instead of paying a single dollar for college.

So really, you shouldn't go to college or you should study whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6692971

>tfw studying CS
>tfw could have studied history or philosophy and become the next Chomsky/Zizek/Harris or some political advisor in my third world country
Fug. I hope I have enough time to major in history or philosophy after I get a good job as a CS student.

>> No.6692978

Universities are not vocational institutions I don't know where this whole nonsense of "career paths" related to "programs" came from but its probably some American late capitalist bullshit.
You go to university to learn.

>> No.6692985

are you all from first world countries?
I thought most first worlders didn't care much about "making it" or "getting dosh". I was really confused when I went to /sci/ and all they cared was that this degree gives you more cash and this don't, and that "it's more difficult so it's better".
So are all of you third worlders or are first world countries not as good as I think?
or maybe you are all a bunch of faggots, that can be a possibility.

>> No.6692991

Yes everyone in the "first world" is the exact same and we all have the same aspirations, goals, and philosophical orientation.

>> No.6692996

I always felt it was pointless going down a STEM route when the world has an endless supply of Asians, at least with Lit the expectations of my 'contribution' to society are rock bottom to begin with.

>> No.6693003

Enlightened first worlders like myself just collect welfare and suckle on a bag of wine while reading pirated and second hand books tbh.

>> No.6693013



The STEM disciplines metastasized inside the university system and now everybody thinks the university should produce instruments for the system of society. No, universities are supposed to be about the discovery and dispersal of knowledge.

We really need to divide the university into trades and academics and make the academics section much more selective but also better funded.

But shit utilitarianism, economics, and egoism have basically taken over society, so unless you can run a cost benefit analysis nothing good's going to happen.

>> No.6693014

nigga I mean since first world countries enjoy economic prosperity (except in shit countries like spain) then many of you aren't so keen in making money, so you rather become artists, philosophers, authors or theoretical scientis (whatever that means). So I thought at least there would be a majority in /lit/ and /sci/ that wouldn't care that much of being some sort o yuppie with a lot of cash fucking bitches.

>> No.6693028

>I mean since first world countries enjoy economic prosperity (except in shit countries like spain) then many of you aren't so keen in making money
Actually because times are so good most people are keen to get in on the action and become the kind of truly wealthy that you can only become as first worlder.
Patricians know that wealth is a spook though

>> No.6693038

>he advised me to commit suicide
r u srs? The greatest argument against suicide (for me) was my (imagined or otherwise) familial ties.

>> No.6693060


> But why live if I'm not doing Philosophy ?

>> No.6693106

>implying I don't want to work at starbucks

>> No.6693202

undergrad English here
how do you get your foot in the door with journalism and what should I expect to make?

>> No.6693235

How to get hired in a non specialized (not a doctor, engineer) manner 101
>humanities major of your choice
>look at all that room in your schedule since liberal arts is insanely flexible
>take higher maths classes!
>take some programming!
>holy shit son you a baller or something?
>oh shit son
>humanities degree AND programming /math efficiency?
>all the shit I want from a STEM major with none of the sperg or smugness?
>AND you're well learned in (degree)?
>TAKE my virginity!

>> No.6693259

>its bullshit to use skills you learnt at uni in a job
OK whatever you say bro

>> No.6693323

Philosophy makes a great minor degree

>> No.6693329

Minors are great in bed.

>> No.6693349

It's impossible not to hear this in his voice, with all the intonation and mannerisms in place.

>> No.6693358

Do a shitload of unpaid internships and try and get familiar with some commissioning editors so your work is somewhat reliable. Pay is shit.

>> No.6693691

how the fuck did you even get there

>> No.6693707

Objectively speaking, philosophy majors have higher mid-career median salaries than many other majors, including supposedly "sensible" majors like Accounting, Business Management, Biology, Geology, Chemistry and Education:


So, statistically speaking, if your father recommends Accounting over Philosophy for economic reasons, he is giving you bad advice.

>> No.6693970


>> No.6694031


Serious question, what do philosophy majors do for occupation? I'm in philosophy purely for the sake of it. But what sort of career paths are available? I know law is a common one but I hate lawyers for ethical reasons.

>> No.6694064

Teaching, of all sorts.
Depends on what field you're interested in, really.

>> No.6694072

writing books
become a pop philosopher like zizek

>> No.6694103

Philosophy does not tend to lead to a singular career path unless you're going for academics.

University is not a vocational school, even though STEM/law/medicine plebs make it more so every day.

>> No.6694155

My path was as follows: philosophy degree -----> mental illness -----> social security -----> eternal joy

>> No.6694195

>i don't like it therefore it's not true

>> No.6694284

ultra failed attack!

>> No.6694314


A lot of businesses will hire you for some sort of consultant or PR or some other similar job with a philosophy degree. Good friend of mine is making $50,000 or so as a law firm consultant. Philosophy is just as good as a business or marketing degree these days.

>> No.6694330

You don't have to remind us. I wish I could get away from this board; I'm sick of religion.

>> No.6694337

>implying this works

>> No.6694340

yep, dont listen to yous parents niggas. most of them dont know show about living good.

>> No.6694346

what does "writer/editor" actually mean? Do you work for a business? What do you do?

>> No.6694347

>engineering is not that hard

>> No.6694352


you gained brouzouf

>> No.6694430

Yes, it was a completely serious conversation. I don't have any desire to kill myself, though. I do not understand how someone can be so upset about their child not eagerly anticipating being an engineer when they barely graduated from business school.

>> No.6694759

>not stem

>> No.6694762

You seem somewhat well-adjusted, but I just want you to know that you're not alone.

>> No.6694765


>> No.6694771

I should laugh they never even raised me. Fed me like a product. Fuck them.