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6686932 No.6686932 [Reply] [Original]

If I wanted to write a book that gave a definitive answer to the meaning of life - what topics/questions would I need to address?

Pic unrelated

>> No.6687591

It's been done. There is no meaning outside of what you make of it. It's greeting card simple.

If you wanted to write a book that danced around the subject and set up needless obstacles and mind games, you'd need to address, go over, all of philosophy.
Except Epicurus and Stirner. They just lead to the truth.

>> No.6688764

>Except Epicurus and Stirner The just lead to the truth.
The more I see your posts on here, the more I realize how retarded you are. At first, I thought it was just my hate for tripfags getting in the way, but I'm certainly sure it's not that.

>> No.6688779

do you think there is objective meaning to life? care to enlighten us all?

>> No.6688783

The question I should ask you is - do you think your opinions are facts? Do you seriously think Stirner and Epicurus lead to the truth? Do you think there's a "right" and "wrong" in philosophy?

>> No.6688786

If there is an objective reality, and life us a definite thing in that reality, then there is a meaning
The simple version - to feel pleasure

>> No.6688795

There is a right and wrong in everything, philosophy isn't any different

Do you think every idea is equal?

>> No.6688800

>There is a right and wrong in everything
Only in human-made concepts. That's why there's a "right" and "wrong" in Math, for example.
>Do you think every idea is equal?

>> No.6688814

right and wrong, who is to say? and who is to agree? i'm more likely to agree with nothing being factual, but of course i'll still hold my own beliefs above others. what truth is there aside from this understanding?

>> No.6688819

>I'm more likely to agree with nothing being factual
>but of course i'll still hold my own beliefs above others
What, why?

>> No.6688835

isn't this how everyone is? to change or do something different from this, i'd simply be making your beliefs my own.

>> No.6688846

To feel, is more like it. But even that is a big wtf.
Yes I prefer pleasantries, but going full tilt hedonist 100% of the time isn't a way to live.

>There is a right and wrong in everything
>Only in human-made concepts.
Is the universe infinite or finite? There can be only one right answer. Do you believe both or neither?

>> No.6688856

>If I wanted to write a book that gave a definitive answer to the meaning of life - what topics/questions would I need to address?
Saint Max gave the framework and that's all there is to it. Sorry lol

>> No.6688879

>There can be only one right answer.
what is dialetheism?

>> No.6688890

HA I donno. What is it?
Convince me.

>> No.6688929
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>mfw i was actually asking you to explain it to me

i believe it solves problems by accepting antithesis alongside thesis, or not discounting negations, regarding truth or certainty

>> No.6688936

Why do we exist?

>> No.6688986

Ah. Maybe it's for when you have unknowables and you need to keep it open while discussing it.

Some things have no solid answers of course. "How do I live" Well anyway you like of course. I'm not an absolutist sort, I just think there are answers to a lot of things.

Why don't more of us exist?
Why does that fungus grow on a rock. It's just a natural occurrence when the right elements meet the right temperatures. It's crazy wonderful without a conscious creator force.
But even if something like that did create the solar system, it did it to emulate his birthplace, because he had to have started somewhere. Everything in the universe has a beginning and an end except the universe itself.

>> No.6689131

Already solved long ago.


>> No.6689604

To feel, the most pure and basic form of existence, and from there you know: feeling good is better than feeling bad

Hedonism is misunderstood and you're not understanding it

>> No.6689610

I think you should just write a novel promoting the philosophy of Max Stirner.

>> No.6689633

das individuum, m8

>> No.6690297

I was kind of rattling on there a bit. You know I'm a negative-hedonist. It is the best way to live.

>Just back from a nice meal out