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6688545 No.6688545 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone else only read hardcovers? I have a kindle and plenty of paperbacks but I always hate reading them and often don't finish in order to pick up a hardcover copy. I can't be the only one.

>> No.6688568

I prefer hardcovers because they're typically better made and easier to read. Especially larger books, paperback is hard to hold for extended periods of time.

I don't like reading on computers or nooks or anything like that. It's hard to get into anything like that.

>> No.6688581


Your momma didn't raise you right, op

>> No.6688586

itt gentrified faggots

>> No.6688608

Yeah paper backs are pretty challenging to hold. They're like, kinda bendy. Shit's a fucking ordeal

>> No.6688884

Structure is important

>> No.6688887

o ?

>> No.6689207

You can get a used hardcover copy of nearly any book used for $4 or $5. Literally no reason to bother with paperbacks. I'll take a decent condition hardcover copy for $5 over a $10 or $15 new paperback any day.

>> No.6689231

im the opposite i never liked hard covers, they are too heavy, their spines/edges stab you...and they are clunky to store and move around

really hate them actually
paperbacks are best
but for the most comfort i like my e-reader

>> No.6689400
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>> No.6689438

Once again, how do you hold a hardcover if you have manlet hands?
Someone told me that using glasses case is convenient, is that a thing?

>> No.6689453

why would i spend money on a book i can't carry in my pockets?

>> No.6689479

i actually only like paperbacks because i bend the shit out of my books. in every direction.

>> No.6689546
File: 103 KB, 500x641, How-to-Open-New-Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might help you a little bit.

>> No.6689552

thanks anon, currently i abuse my books, dog ears and all the sins; perhaps i should develop more respect for objects.

>> No.6689576

You can make some origami bookmarks if you make lots of dog ears. They're easy as shit to make and also look cute.

>> No.6689582

This. I like the "accessibility" of them, that you can bend them, dog-ear them, carry them everywhere and give them lots of use that shows that you truly love the book. Hardcovers are only good for cosmetic collections, in my opinion.

>> No.6689602
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some just like it hard, thick, and rough

i prefer softcovers due to my sensitive anus