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/lit/ - Literature

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668797 No.668797 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your recent purchases.

I just got:
Against Civilisation: Reading and Reflections - John Zerzan
The Karamazov Brothers - Dostoyevsky
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist - Kaufmann.

>> No.668800

German for Idiots
German-English Dictionary
Learn German Book
and various manga....

>> No.668803

Kafka - Metamorphosis and other short stories
Goethe - Faust
Brothers Grimm - Fairy Tales

>> No.668804

The House on the Borderland
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Robert Jordans Conan omnibus, volume 2
The Hounds of Skaith

>> No.668809

Los Caprichos - Goya
Swamp Thing - Moore
Vincent Van Gogh - some German
Art of the 20th Century - art history bastards
The Metamorphosis - Ovid

>> No.668810

Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.668812
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>> No.668834

complete works of oscar wilde
robinson crusoe
the iliad

>> No.668867
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Problem, Toohey?

>> No.668868

Left Handed Blows, Writing on Sound 1993-2009, Bruce Russel

>> No.668886

Salman Rushdie - Midnight's Children
Aravind Adiga - The White Tiger
John le Carre - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Graham Greene - Our Man in Havana
Kierkegaard - Either/Or

>> No.668890

The Malleus Maleficarum (English translation)
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Volume 1
Particle or Wave?
The Quantum World

>> No.668915
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the pact by orlando r. petrocelli
bridget jone's diary by helen fielding

>> No.668918

Gilles Deleuze, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Richard Kern, porn catalogue

>> No.668925

JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

>> No.668926

On Liberty, with essays and letters to his wife, by John stuart Mill

Being and Nothingness by Satre

Smile or Die, by I can't remember who but it's basically about the culture of positive thinking

>> No.668930

Mrs. Dalloway - Woolf
Lolita - Nabokov
Pale Fire - Nabokov
The Plague - Camus
Fictions - Borges
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - Carroll

>> No.668963

Wolfe - Book of the New Sun (just finished)
GRRM - A Game of Thrones (just started)

>> No.668970

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Brave New World
Crime and Punishment
Brothers Karamazov
For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.669025

Cather in the Rye
Riding the bullet (a book with short stories by Stephen King)

>> No.669070

Julio Cortazar- tales (Jorge Luis Borges' personal library edition)
Bertrand Russell- anthology

>> No.669075

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn
South of the Border, West of the Sun - Murakami
Jacques The Fatalist - Diderot
Catch 22 - Heller

And I've just ordered Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov through Amazon.

>> No.669077

To the lighthouse - Woolf.
sublime object of ideology - zizek
double falsehood - Hammond

>> No.669277

Cat's eye - Margaret Atwood
Audition- Ryu Murakami

>> No.669302

The Gormenghast Trilogy
Three Kingdoms(Moss Roberts, abridged and regretting it)

>> No.669301

>To the lighthouse - Woolf.

Bro fist it. I bought To The Lighthouse yesterday along with Birthday Letters by Hughes and 1984.

>> No.669307

A farewell to arms - Hemmingway
Catch-22 - Heller
1984 - Orwell
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce

I'll be reading those all summer.

>> No.669320

2666 by Robert Bolano
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'engle
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

>> No.669332

Last Night:
Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
Parrot and Olivier in America - Peter Carey

>> No.669385
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short stories of f. scott fitzgerald
light in august
beautiful and damned

>> No.669392

Terry Pratchett - Nation Audiobook.

Really looking forward to getting into it once I finish the Wheel of Time books.

>> No.669401

About to read:
Catch 22
Slaughterhouse 5
A Clockwork Orange
Crime and Punishment

Just bought and finished reading:
World War Z
Earth Abides (so fucking drawn out and boring)
The Road (movie sucked)

>> No.669403
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Rayuela by Julio Cortázar
La Peste by Albert Camus
Primeiras Estórias by João Guimarães Rosa
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

>> No.669490

ITT: Is there like a videostore but for books where instead of videos you'd rent books?

>> No.669499


>> No.669498
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>Rayuela by Julio Cortázar

>> No.669514


>... I hev a PLAN

>> No.669519
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>> No.669523
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>> No.669623

i just ordered the stranger and lord of light off amazon

>> No.669641
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>They still buy books

>> No.669677
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>they don't understand how awesome it is to own books

>> No.669681
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>women laughing

>> No.669685

Eight Plays by Moliere
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Arabian Nights
The Green House (In the original language) - Mario Vargas Llosa

>> No.669687

doze're bro

>> No.669691
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