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/lit/ - Literature

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6685370 No.6685370 [Reply] [Original]

Why are leftists* such fucking savage philistines with their ideological orthodoxy? Now even Shakespeare?


*i say this as a staunch anti-capitalist and anti-statist

pic related is just what came up when i googled shakespeare crying

>> No.6685387

English teachers always seem to be the worst kinds of people.

>> No.6685392

So everyone will feel detached from them and will roll their eyes everytime someone mentions something vaguely pointing to leftism.

>> No.6685402

Seems like clickbait

>> No.6685414

Leftism does seem to have become a containment [system of] ideology/ies, creating a loyal opposition/outrage machine.
It is written with a click-bait type of boorishness.

>> No.6685418

Why did you not respond to me.

>> No.6685430

I am sorry. I liked most of my english teachers.

>> No.6685440

>I dislike Shakespeare because of my own personal disinterest in reading stories written in an early form of the English language that I cannot always easily navigate

She's mad cuz she's pleb.

>If we only teach students of color, as I have been fortunate to do my entire career, then it is far past the time for us to dispense with our Eurocentric presentation of the literary world. Conversely, if we only teach white students, it is our imperative duty to open them up to a world of diversity through literature that they may never encounter anywhere else in their lives.

Isn't this hypocritical? Students of color should read literature from their own ancestral cultures and not white authors, while white students should read "diverse" literature and not writers from their own ancestral cultures?

>> No.6685477

>Isn't this hypocritical?
That struck me, too, but i didn't want to come off as a meme 'mih sjw' type.

Also she talks about assigning translations? iIn English class?

>> No.6685523


>Isn't this hypocritical?

Of course it is.

(Why are you even afraid of getting /pol/ flagged, you can spot a /pol/tard from ten miles away. Hint: If the post has the words "cuck", "degeneracy", "sandnigger", "sjw" or "tumblr" in it, you know it's time to redirect.)

>> No.6685533

Well I did use the word cuck in the op title, because it made me laugh.

>> No.6685545


Didn't even read the header. You're a faggot for making this place more of a cesspool.

>ha ha funny meems everyone

fuck off. I'd lash out more at you tbh because you deserve it for being part of the problem but I worked for twelve fucking hours straight and I just want to sleep in peace.

>> No.6685546

>Leftism does seem to have become a containment [system of] ideology/ies, creating a loyal opposition/outrage machine.
it's not created though, it's just that politicians are good at exploiting contingencies. this is basically what's happening:
a bunch of ideas started getting more popular, namely stuff that goes in the direction of welfare statism. lots of pro communicators thought they could profit from this, so they talk about it a lot. this causes the original set of ideas to become widely popular, but in order to popularize it to the highest level, the ideas need to be watered down so they can appeal to a wide array of different people. Actual politicians noticed the trend and started to exploit it: saying platitudes in public is pretty easy, and whenever they feel that some kind of measure has to be taken to gain popular consent they just push the idea that a certain word or concept has to be banned (e.g.: "nigger"). The adverse parties only need to point out the blatant retards in the movement to their target who is likely already annoyed with them. This way political discourse never actually progresses to actually important matters, a lot of marketers get to make a profit out of your fashionable quasi-ideology and the politics get to print votes with little to no effort. This happens a lot in western democracies btw, it's not just a sjw problem. in fact i'm baffled that such few people see it.

>> No.6685549

Maybe I'm being biased here, but as a student of history living in a country where our government was twice toppled by euro-american influence and euro-american capital this type of thing just strikes me as ... I don't know, a way you people found to continue insular and self-obsessed while telling yourselves you're fighting some type of oppression. It's like you guys don't want any of the duties and obligations that come with having an interventionist government and an expansionist economic system, which include the constant policing of these two entities, but you want the sense of crusading and moral reward of helping people.

The american left only remembers the rest of the world exists when Israel is bombing Palestine.

>> No.6685555

Case in point:
Here's someone trying to turn a complex problem into a buzzword campaign.

>> No.6685575

I accept your disgust as rational.
I just don't want great art to suffer levelling by some idiotic understanding of equality. Shakespeare is some of the best literature produced in English and to not present it to students because we 'need to give equal representation' is to subjugate art to ideology, This is disgusting to me regardless who the United States government has bombed, killed or maimed.
What you are describing reminds me of 'the century of the self'

>> No.6685585

ain't buzzword campaign we have seen enough people with shallow understanding trying to force their own prejudices everywhere let's all be calm and enjoy the calmness

>> No.6685589

>English teacher
>"written in an early form of the English language that I cannot always easily navigate"
>implying Shakespeare is hard to read at all

She's fatally insensitive to the particulars of language. She views literature as "stories." Philistine.

>> No.6685592

>*i say this as a staunch anti-capitalist and anti-statist

Opinion discarded

>> No.6685602

In literature there is logos, ethos, and pathos.

Plot is just a device, and so is language. The aesthetes who wallow in the sensations of "beautiful language" are even more idiotic than those who read "for the plot", because the plot pertains more to the logos whereas the language pertains more to the pathos, and logos is prior to pathos.

>> No.6685622

>I am a high school English teacher. I am not supposed to dislike Shakespeare. But I do. And not only do I dislike Shakespeare because of my own personal disinterest in reading stories written in an early form of the English language that I cannot always easily navigate, but also because there is a WORLD of really exciting literature out there that better speaks to the needs of my very ethnically-diverse and wonderfully curious modern-day students.

Holy fucking shit, legitimately horrifying that this person is charged with educating others. Public education, not even once [unless you live in a major city and your kid can get into a high quality separate school for gifted students].

>> No.6685631

apparently she only teaches brown people so she is actually just harming brown people by depriving them of Shakespeare

>> No.6685632


My God it got worse as it went on.

>> No.6685642


That was a pretty little pile of bullshit.

>> No.6685649


Yeah, she doesn't understand Shakespeare, and I suspect, any poetry that isn't contemporary because she sees the eccentricities of Shakespeare's as being historical instead of poetic. Somebody please get her Sister Miram's book.

And she isn't suggesting people read something other than the current classics so much as we dispense with the classics altogether for "relevant" literature. She wants everybody to read stuff about contemporary minorities.

>> No.6685695

>Great Schools ranks Luther Burbank HS in Sac a 3 of 10. It's state issued API (academic performance index) is 678 (again via the Great Schools website). That puts Ms Dusbinger's institution in the 2 decile of all California public High Schools. Maybe she should spend some time worrying about her schools test scores as less about sticking it to the white man.


>> No.6685712
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What I worry about is that as long as we continue to cling to ONE (white) MAN’S view of life as he lived it so long ago, we (perhaps unwittingly) promote the notion that other cultural perspectives are less important

>> No.6685724

kek deja vu
I was waiting for ya

>> No.6685725

>I am stupid and my students are niggers. please don't make me do a hard thing


>> No.6685799
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>if youve got a classroom full of POC, then get rid of eurocentrism!
>if you've got a classroom full of white kids, then get rid of eurocentrism!

it's almost as if she has an agenda or something

>> No.6685818

You tried so hard to sound like you know what you are talking about. I actually kind of pity you.

>> No.6685826


have to agree, I'll take it further though, teachers in general seem to be the worst kinds of people, somewhere between cops and pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.6685831


well when a black person has written a catalog as great as shakespeare then maybe we can have that discussion beyatch!

>> No.6685853


wtf are you on about???

>> No.6685861

>staunch anti-capitalist and anti-statist

you do realize these two stances are completely incompatible

>> No.6685872

Ironically only she and her students are going to be hurt by such a motion since they're going to end up with an even larger gap in their education that can't be filled by new age ethnic literature.

>> No.6685980
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o rly?

>> No.6685986


>If we only teach students of color, as I have been fortunate to do my entire career

This is racism, full fucking stop

>> No.6685992


It makes me sad that after all the hard work of genuinely concerned individuals like Du Bois to achieve equality in education we have fuckwits like this lady trying to dilute academic standards and inadvertently condemning her students to a lifetime of failure, all in the name of gratifying her own petty ego.

>> No.6685993

>Let's make things more diverse by entirely eliminating white people's work!

Great idea.

>> No.6685996


>“I sit with Shakespeare, and he winces not. Across the color line I move arm and arm with Balzac and Dumas, where smiling men and welcoming women glide in gilded halls. From out of the caves of evening that swing between the strong-limbed Earth and the tracery of stars, I summon Aristotle and Aurelius and what soul I will, and they come all graciously with no scorn nor condescension. So, wed with Truth, I dwell above the veil. Is this the life you grudge us, O knightly America? Is this the life you long to change into the dull red hideousness of Georgia? Are you so afraid lest peering from this high Pisgah, between Philistine and Amalekite, we sight the Promised Land?”

>> No.6686010

>free up the canon from white shit!
it is

>> No.6686025

>Across the color line I move arm and arm with Balzac and Dumas,
Dumas was black though

>> No.6686065

Shakespeare didn't say that.

Lear said that.

I fucking hate it when people get that wrong.

>> No.6686076

God that's beautiful.

>> No.6686110

The dumb bitch from OPs article needs this shit tattooed on her chest.

>> No.6686160
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Shakespeare wasn't written for Democrats.

>> No.6686179

And fill it with africoon shit? No thanks.

>> No.6686249
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>> No.6686863
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At least it's an ethos.

>> No.6686869
File: 11 KB, 304x405, Shakespeares Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This teacher, whoever she is, makes me fucking sick.

"I am sad that so many of my colleagues teach a canon that some white people decided upon so long ago and do it without question." There's no way that this is serious. "Some white people"? Does their skin colour take away from the fact that they are able to appreciate some of the most beautiful pieces of English prose ever written? And I want to affirm, in case any doubt is in you, that Shakespeare is the sole creator of that beautiful prose. There is no one in history that has had such an impact on literature than Shakespeare - and there is a reason for that.

This teacher, who somehow managed to get a degree in English (probably as a result of identity politics becoming so dominating in the field), argues that Shakespeare is outdated. This is, by every stretch of the imagination, a lie. In a BBC Radio 4 podcast about Shakespeare (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01h7cdr)) we hear that Marcel Reich-Ranicki at his quick marriage that saved him from death quoted to himself Shakespeare's, "Was ever woman in this humour woo'ed"; leaders of the African National Congress, whilst in Robben Island prison, smuggled in a copy of the works of Shakespeare and all signed next to their favourite lines - one signature came from Nelson Mandella, and was next to the passage by Julius Caesar,

"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard.
It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come."

Both of these examples link Shakespeare to the modern age, and both happen to relate to struggles that aren't to do with "white people" and their supposedly inferior literature.

I'd also like to hear of one piece of literature that will engage children. Some students can't take in Shakespeare because it's difficult to navigate. I understand that. But how is an inferior piece of writing from Latin America going to change that? Will they suddenly become infatuated with translations of these texts? No.

I remember when I was in school. To be a bit more culturally diverse, we studied Achebe's masterpiece, 'Things Fall Apart'. It is a beautiful book, but it went wholly unappreciated - even by the students that were from Nigeria. There was no innate connection by those students to the text; just because it was written in another country, it doesn't mean that people from that country will directly relate to it. Let's not forget that Things Fall Apart is set at the end of the 19th century.

Shakespeare is universal. Everyone can find something in those stories, even if it takes a while to get to grips with, it is utterly worthwhile.

>> No.6686948


>(young black man quotes freely):
>"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
>(ms. white bish has a nervous breakdown because she can't decypher the quote)
>After this day of school, all bloods and crips from her class came together to smoke blunts, kill some forties, sip on some drank and discuss the literary merits of Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.6687057

Please stop using "prose" if you don't know what it means
All of Shakespeare's best work was written in verse

>> No.6687122

such a dank meme zizek has become a part of

>> No.6687137

atleast we are having a logos

>> No.6687170

I don't wanna derail, but...

>21. Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principle, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists' hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.


>> No.6687175


>> No.6687193


>> No.6687230

The Unabomber was an educated person.

I don't agree with what he did, but he wasn't insane or stupid. If you dismiss him solely on his crimes, you are underestimating him.

>> No.6687240

chill, i read it anyways.

>> No.6687298

Art is art no matter what colour or sex the artist is

>> No.6687557

>Shakespeare lived in a pretty small world. It might now be appropriate for us to acknowledge him as chronicler of life as he saw it 450 years ago and leave it at that.

Except what makes him amazing is how his poetry and plays manage to encompass so much more than his small world. He was a dude with a seriously great mind.

She sounds like me when I first read his sonnets at age 12 and threw a hissy fit because I couldn't understand it.

Unfortunately she didn't grow up.

Her arguments are basically that he's old, white, a man, and too difficult for her. How did this person get a degree?

>> No.6687599

>dumb bitch depriving her nigger students of shakespeare

oh well

>> No.6687603

uhhhh shakespeare is a cis het white male and hence reading him in a public setting is EXTREMELY problematic to say the least

>> No.6687628

>tfw your mind will never be furnished with beauty


>> No.6687648
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>all the people clapping at the first guy
why does this kind of shit still get to me after all this time

>> No.6687661
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>tfw you will never have Peter Hitchens' righteous moral authority

>> No.6687690

When you say "I'm a voracious reader" you're automatically a faggot in my book.

>> No.6687705

I have an eclectic taste in books. :)

>> No.6687716

This is now a fucking Peter Hitchen's thread, keked out loud

>> No.6687740
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>mfw anorexic readers near me
I just identified pizza on the captcha, gonna get some delivered tonight.

>> No.6687778

>english teacher things shakespeare is "early" english

>> No.6687786

/thread. That's pretty great.

>> No.6687857
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The reason this is happening is because of education cuts. If Herr Stalin was in charge this wouldn't be happening.

Call SJWs 'leftists' all you want, but they're just putting band-aids on capitalism.

Concisely, the unsung reason for public school is to deprive plebs of their cultural capital and make them easier to control. By not teaching Shakespeare she's doing her job swimmingly, and the only way she could improve would be to attempt to teach Shakespeare and sully the great man for her entire class.

The difference is, mass culture is seen as "white". The reality is of course that it's a manifestation of capitalism and has nothing to do with the great European traditions of art. The one is seen as the same and so on and society suffers at the ugly maws of consumerism.

What's truly hypocritical however is the fact that I, and my peers, growing up in a small town in Canada, were never given privy to the great civilizations that existed before European conquest. For thousands of years Native tribes had settled the very purlieu I live in and carry about my affairs in today, yet I scarcely understand their myths and language. The entire new world, with perhaps the exception of Mexico, is culturally castrated because it attempts to live on the brink of history.

>> No.6688444

luckily that was the last of the post, you missed out on .txt

>> No.6689725

If that seems like a contradiction, then you're not thinking dialectically enough.

>> No.6689994

Who cares about what they teach to niggers anyway? I pity the teachers who live and work with this scum: it must be truly frustrating to try to teach them day after day and realize after constant failure that their intelligence is, in spite of all the cultural campaigns and social propaganda, significantly inferior.

Data is there for anyone to see, but most people refuse to believe in what research tells us.

>> No.6690023

