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/lit/ - Literature

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6685342 No.6685342 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw learning so much philosophy fucked your shit up and now you can never be truly happy again

ignorance was bliss

>> No.6685350


or maybe you just forgot how to live because you're a shut in whose entire existence revolves around existential problems.

friendly reminder socrates worked out, fought wars and spent almost his entire life talking to actual people, outside.

>> No.6685362

the obligatory /lit/ poster who nevers reads shit and thinks he can solve philosophical problems by saying "just go out more"

>> No.6685363

Look up Wes Cecil on YouTube. He will unfuck your shit up. Listen to the one on conversation.

>inb4 some non-Plato reading pleb who privileges written word over oral

>> No.6685371

ah, if it were only one

>> No.6685381

This is when you read Wittgenstein. He's all about stopping the impulse to philosophise.

>> No.6685400

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

>> No.6685424


>the obligatory /lit/ poster who nevers reads shit and thinks he can solve philosophical problems by saying "just go out more"

what exactly is wrong with this approach? going out will not stop you from reading, you know..

we are all faced with philosophical problems, but we deal with them differently. some see them as a challenge, some only answer with despair. in my opinion, this depends mostly on your state of mind, not on the magnitude of the philosophical problems or discourse. doing sports will not only increase brain activity, you will also feel more healthy. absorbing sunlight will meet your bodies vitamin d needs, which can raise serotonin levels. talking to people can give you a new perspective, it helps you escape circular thinking which is almost impossible to escape if you start over-analyzing phenomena. what I was saying was not merely "go out more, get a gf, be a normie", I was actually being genuine.

those things are not meant to actually solve philosophical problems, because philosophy should not be about finding out what truly makes you happy. philosophy is a voluntary quest for knowledge and truths. it is not an ideology you cling on because you're dissatisfied.

I'm >>6685350 by the way, really hope I can get a serious answer.

>>6685400 is not me.

>> No.6685435

I bet if you explained how it "fucked your shit up" we'll find that you somehow spooked your shit up while convincing yourself that you are spookless.

>> No.6685437

no one's saying you can solve philosophical problems by going out more. why are you on a literature board if you can't read? or are you just being disingenuous because you can't think of a reason why you shouldn't go outside?

>> No.6685439

kek you satan

>> No.6685444

No. The problem is you haven't learned anything. There is nothing worse than being half-learned or half-wise; it's better to be completely ignorant because at least then you don't trick yourself into thinking you're wise.

>> No.6685448


Start again with Plato, and this time do it with humility instead of pride. After 10 years you can graduate from Plato.

>> No.6685461

Now that I think about it the entire philosophy program in schools is a complete shambles. The way they go through one philosopher (or an entire school of philosophy) in one lecture until they've gone from ancient Greece to modern times. It would be literally better to watch television because at least then you aren't getting the false impression that you're learning something.

>> No.6685474

fuck it makes me mad, people spent their entire lives studying under a school of philosophy and some professor sums it up in a 40 min powerpoint.
what better way to impress students with the hatred of philosophy than to reduce it to powerpoint presentations and examinations.

>> No.6685484

“Consciousness is dead,” says Foucault; however, according to Dietrich[1] , it is not so much consciousness that is dead, but rather the failure, and eventually the fatal flaw, of consciousness. If Foucaultist power relations holds, we have to choose between cultural subtextual theory and patriarchial socialism.

The characteristic theme of Reicher’s[2] essay on Sontagist camp is a self-falsifying reality. However, the primary theme of the works of Eco is the absurdity of precultural society. The premise of semanticist theory implies that reality may be used to entrench outdated perceptions of narrativity.

In the works of Eco, a predominant concept is the distinction between creation and destruction. Therefore, several discourses concerning Sontagist camp may be discovered. Dietrich[3] suggests that we have to choose between Foucaultist power relations and modern nihilism.

The characteristic theme of Long’s[4] critique of capitalist theory is the common ground between sexual identity and society. It could be said that any number of constructions concerning the collapse, and some would say the stasis, of postdialectic sexuality exist. If Sontagist camp holds, we have to choose between Foucaultist power relations and cultural neomaterial theory.

Therefore, a number of narratives concerning textual Marxism may be found. The main theme of the works of Eco is not deappropriation, but predeappropriation.

Thus, Sartre’s analysis of Foucaultist power relations implies that reality is capable of intentionality. The primary theme of McElwaine’s[5] model of neodialectic discourse is the difference between sexual identity and society.

It could be said that Debord uses the term ‘Sontagist camp’ to denote the paradigm, and hence the genre, of capitalist sexuality. The main theme of the works of Rushdie is the role of the poet as writer.

Thus, the subject is interpolated into a nationalism that includes art as a totality. Foucaultist power relations states that the significance of the reader is deconstruction.

In a sense, von Junz[6] holds that we have to choose between Sontagist camp and Sartreist absurdity. In Idoru, Gibson denies nationalism; in Pattern Recognition he analyses Sontagist camp.

>> No.6685486


Agreed. You see the same mentality on /lit/, too: X was btfo by Hegel, why even read him? Y is just a hack, no one takes him seriously any more. >implying one thing Z might or might not have said is true >opinion discarded.

>> No.6685497


And how exactly did this "fuck your shit up"? What is depressing about this?
(Can there be something inherently depressing? Do you see where I am getting at?)

>> No.6685505

In the works of Spelling, a predominant concept is the concept of textual art. It could be said that Debord’s essay on socialism suggests that sexual identity has intrinsic meaning. A number of theories concerning not discourse, as Foucault would have it, but subdiscourse exist.

But the subject is interpolated into a Sartreist absurdity that includes culture as a reality. The primary theme of Hamburger’s model of Sontagist camp is a predialectic paradox.

It could be said that the subject is contextualised into a postdialectic objectivism that includes reality as a totality. The premise of Sontagist camp implies that art is capable of social comment.

Thus, if cultural subsemiotic theory holds, we have to choose between socialism and textual situationism. The subject is interpolated into a postcultural libertarianism that includes consciousness as a whole.

>> No.6685509
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those crazy continentals

>> No.6685563


>he says philosophy fucked up his mind

>he doesn't have even readed Cioran not Schopenhauer yet

yu don goofd

>> No.6685568

>ignorance was bliss

Do people really believe this? Let's be real OP, you are probably retarded and you are definitely a faggot

>> No.6685612
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Sounds like the beginning of the transition phase.

>> No.6685718

What philosophical problems haven't been solved yet? Just wondering, because from what I've read, there's nothing left to solve.

>> No.6685743
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I imagine it must be a painful process if you've rested your whole previous life on spooks.
The only mayor spook I've had to shake of was religion and life isn't much different than before if you can get past the 'so sad nothing after life' thing.

>> No.6685747

accept absurdism and live the life of a happy sisyphus

>> No.6685752

>the 'so sad nothing after life' thing.
You are still spooked. You have gone from believing into a soul that comes from nothing and goes to an afterlife, to believing in a soul that comes from nothing and goes to nothing.

>> No.6685759

I never mentioned "soul". Don't believe in it.

>> No.6685766

But to believe there is "nothing after life" you need to first believe that there is "something during life."

>> No.6685772

Not really.

>> No.6685775



>> No.6685776

Yeah, it's called living or being alive or experiencing various continiuly changing states of consciousness that gives the illusion of an undisturbed if bendable continuance conscience. I don't subscribe much more to it than derivatives of those.

>> No.6685787

>the illusion of an undisturbed if bendable continuance conscience
What reason do you have to believe it's an illusion?

>> No.6685793
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There is a way out. Wink, wink.

>> No.6685811

Why did you allow spooks to ruin your life?

>> No.6685817
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Your current consciousness at this moment is held together by the various interactions of chemicals and brain tissue, which changes perpetually, their composition is completely different, say, every 5 minutes, technically speaking you are a different person every very often.
Memory is what makes you think that you are the same person that experienced this or that at age 5, 10 or half an hour ago, but in actuality you're organic make-up has altered you into a new, different being already. Over time you can "differentiate" the changes in person yourself for notable effect but this all the time and just because you don't perceive the past you an hour ago as not identical doesn't mean you are still the same.

>> No.6685825

If consciousness is not constant, then what reason is there for it to be perceived as constant? And why do you think consciousness must originate from the body?

>> No.6685842
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The only thing that kind of fucked me up was the whole afterlife and heat death thing, and it wasn't even because I read philosophy, I just read something on Tv tropes I think and it kind of snowballed
Ever since then I started browsing /sci/ and /lit/ even though I had no interest in either board just to see if there was some chance of an afterlife or the universe not getting fucked, and the answers are never completely 100% for sure, there is always a counter argument to almost every position. Sometimes X "wins", sometimes "Y", and so on.
Then came the whole meaning of life stuff, which was more or less the same, and I didn't even care about that until I read it here, and suddenly it was a big deal.
Lately I've been getting into the whole antinatalism/pessimism stuff, even before getting to know those philosophies I had similar ideas (not having children cause the world sucks/is going to suck more/bad things can happen) and they don't really do much other than make me feel sad from time to time. Also Stirner and all that shit.

All in all the only thing that I have accomplished with my entry level knowledge and general plebiness is making my life slightly more complicated. And the worse part is that even when baby's first existential crisis was in full swing and I had the "nothing matters cause we all die" mindset I still couldn't talk to girls.

>> No.6685855

You eventually get to the point where you're apathetic towards pretty much everything and trudge through life with emotionless regard for a lot of things.

When you finally find something that matters to you it feels glorious.

>> No.6685860
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The being that we experience conscience is not constant. Therefore the same input from the outside world into your mind (or the mulling off that input inside) is being processed by a separate entity. Meaning the new and old being experiencing consciousness the same way is not possible (as they are not the same). And you don't experience it the same from one moment to the next then it can't be said to be continuous.

>> No.6685864

Entropy is the drive behind all action and high potential to cause entropy is the only truly special aspect of life. Everything only does anything in order to take the path of greater entropy.

>> No.6685877
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>taking the plunge into philosophy
>critically thinking about the world
>giving up and not being dedicated enough to see it through
tisk tisk

>> No.6685906

I love this guys lectures, I listen to them all the time

>> No.6685929
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>> No.6685935

I sincerely don't mean this to be rude, but is English your first language?

>> No.6685946

It's not. AND I'm posting from my phone.

>> No.6686145

I find a casual drug addiction is a good way of countering this

>> No.6686163

stop reading Schopenhauer then. I can't think of too many philosophers who aren't life affirming.

>> No.6686432

>tfw I google him and realize I know this fucker