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File: 59 KB, 1025x512, john green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6683411 No.6683411 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.6683417

actually steven colbert said this. green concurred though..

I hate living in the same world as him

>> No.6683424

everything he says is true

>> No.6683428

>as him
Colbert or John Green

>> No.6683429

it's wordplay comedy and if you agree with it you might as well wonder if dogs are really forever in the push up position.

>> No.6683434

why be exclusionary

>> No.6683437

both are shit

>> No.6683443

I mean, yeah, since they're the only novels that have reached widespread exposure out outside the closed literature community.

Saying it like he did is a bit smug though. Doesn't make YA lit any more useful beyond getting young kids closer to joining our closed literature community~

>> No.6683445

JG. Colbert has probably helped the world by telling them about fucked up things, idk.

>> No.6683450

why not say ''them'' instead of ''him'' then you cunt

>> No.6683455
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, iscorngrass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might as well wonder if dogs are really forever in the push up position.

>> No.6683456


>> No.6683465

specifically to piss you off

>> No.6683470

nobody finds colbert funny here?

like, do you genuinely find him not funny or are we doing the thing where you pretend that partisan politics is worth getting mad over

>> No.6683481

I thought he was "funny" and "clever" when I was 15. Now I don't dislike him or John Green but I find both unremarkable and not worth paying attention to.

>> No.6683485

>I thought he was "funny" and "clever" when I was 15.

this sounds like such a 17 and a half thing to say

>> No.6683493

chill anon, it's ok to like something childish.

>> No.6683498

>stop not liking what I like!
He's not that funny anon.

>> No.6683515

It's ironic cause Colbert is the John Green of comedy

>> No.6683527

What about Jimmy Fallon?

>> No.6683569

Jimmy Fallon is the Tao Lin of talk shows. They have the same stuttering nervous personality and attraction to cheap gimmicky faggot shit jokes.

>> No.6683638

Personally hes alright but come on taking time to watch that show should be considered a redflag.

>> No.6683676

It was 20 minutes or so a night four days a week. 20 minutes a day isn't exactly a long time.

>> No.6683677
File: 90 KB, 511x448, John Green, the philosophy of the Cheerios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6683680


>> No.6683694

Im saying its shit you autistic, calculating dolt

>> No.6683699

>comparing sex to something you have to do every single day
>anything other than a disgusting animal

>> No.6683705

what a cuck

>> No.6683721

Colbert on feminism

daily reminder colbert is a cuck. He hangs out with Grover Norquist and watches the dudes bang his wife.

>> No.6683722

>Completely ignoring the emotional side of physical intimacy, comparing it to a detached chore with no real significance

Every time I see this image it reinforces my negative opinion of him

sage btw

>> No.6683727

And you're clearly just waaay above it all. :^)

>> No.6683729

You sound like a twat though so who cares.

>> No.6683772


Are you upset?

I'm not even that guy, but Colbert's humor is viciously partisan and black-and-white. There is no good form and substance to his act beyond affirming and innervating charged political grievances.

I thought he was hilarious ONLY when I was an adolescent and early teen. Do you know why? I lacked any breadth and nuance in my politics, I thought all conservatives everywhere and ever were plutocrats and rednecks, who had no opinions on any particular issues I could possibly imagine agreeing with. His satire was only biting and apt through that very particular lens, a delusional and absurd one at that.

>> No.6683777

>shilling for the cuckbert report this hard
kek stephen is that you?

>> No.6683943

>Ask for book at library I read when I was a child.
>Librarian gives me the stinky eye.
Fuck you it's still great.

>> No.6684031

Lynch Greene. Scatter his entrails to the four winds. Gut him alive and eat his still beating heart

>> No.6684096


>> No.6684112

Of course it's true. They are novels: fictitious book length prose. They do sell well and have a big following.

I'd prefer you call it by its real name though - New-adult fiction.

>> No.6684141

>I thought he was hilarious ONLY when I was an adolescent and early teen. Do you know why? I lacked any breadth and nuance in my politics, I thought all conservatives everywhere and ever were plutocrats and rednecks, who had no opinions on any particular issues I could possibly imagine agreeing with. His satire was only biting and apt through that very particular lens, a delusional and absurd one at that.

Nope, 99% of the people who play the "I was a stupid __ when I was young!" are typically people who never had literature as their main source of information and just go with the flow of the milieu they're inserted in. You probably passively absorbed the "lol republicans" rhetoric when you were surrounded by people like that and changed the tone accordingly when your habitus switched to a new one. In the process you probably didn't read a single book of political theory.

>> No.6684170

>you probably didnt read a single book on political theory
I bet youve read a lot of political theory after watching the colbert report and while sipping on some warm strawberry nesquick.
Im also the guy who wrote the autistic calculating comment and ill have you know sir that i have read MULTIPLE books on political theory.
>twirls cane, tips fedora, turns 180° on one foot, and swaggers out of thread.

>> No.6684187

Stay away from Alain de Botton's thoughts on sex if you're concerned about your blood pressure.

>> No.6684192

Yeah im also going to start wearing diapers and shitting myself because DUDE NOSTALGIA LMAO

>> No.6684201

How late were you toilet trained to possess memories of shitting a diaper?

>> No.6684221

I dont know man ask your mom

>> No.6684230


>> No.6684365

My blood pressure is raised by a solid 30% from just hearing Alain de Botton being namedropped.

>> No.6684438


My statements had nothing to do with tribal conversion, rather I was just extricated from the groupthink I had at the time.

Some of the disillusionment was spurred through cavorting with the other tribe, actually learning their principles, but I don't really identify under party lines any longer, probably because I actually do enjoy reading political theory ;^)