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/lit/ - Literature

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6678728 No.6678728 [Reply] [Original]

Why did reader input never took off as a legitimate literary device and kept being restricted to CYOAs?

>> No.6678756

Too gimicky? I dunno, I'd be curious to see an attempt at a literary CYOA.

How long has that device actually been around? Did it originate within the sword and sorcery genre or is it older than that?

>> No.6679480

I think the first attempts at it were supposed to be literary but no one got into it. Then this guy decided to turn it into a children's series and the idea took off and from then on everybody thought of it as a kids thing. There are probably some people doing serious, adult work with it today but it will probably always be seen as a game rather than a story.

>> No.6679492

>the names are ungiven and ambiguous. Zeroth person, the I narrative perspective swaps between characters without warning.

>does hamlet kill his uncle for killing his father? Does hamlets uncle kill hamlets father for killing hamlet? Choose your own adventure

>> No.6679493
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Also, Lone Wolf is my shit although that definitely starts to bring us into /tg/ territory.

>> No.6679609

This isn't exactly the same thing, but reader input was a major part of Armistead Maupin's Tale of the City series.

>The stories from Tales were originally serialized prior to their novelization, with the first four titles appearing as regular installments in the San Francisco Chronicle
>Because installments were published so soon after Maupin wrote them, he was able to incorporate many current events into the plot of the series, as well as gauge reader response and modify the story accordingly.

>> No.6679650
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Because you don't know anything about literature, OP.


A classic of postmodern experimentation, and published before any CYOA book

>> No.6679656

Also see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_fiction

>> No.6679663
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Maybe it had something to do with those schizophrenic foil covers...

>> No.6679723
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Adaptive educational hypermedia is one of the first and most popular kinds of adaptive hypermedia

Adaptive educational hypermedia tailors what the learner sees to that learner's goals, abilities, needs, interests, and knowledge of the subject

Essentially, the teaching tools "adapt" to the learner

>> No.6679725
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Participation of learner is a key component to collaborative learning as it functions as the method by which the learning process occurs. Thus collaborative learning occurs switching between “knowledge performers” and “observing helpers”

>> No.6679728

Queue Albini quote about Christiania and jazz.

>> No.6679730
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Adaptive Hypermedia is a disputed research field where hypermedia is made adaptive according to a user model

Activity theory further argues that subjects are grouped into communities

>> No.6679733

theres a goosebumps movie coming out soon

>> No.6679734
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Indigenous peoples utilize collaborative learning through their emphasis on role sharing and responsibility sharing within their communities

>> No.6679752
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Tools can been designed for supporting attention

These tools are often adaptive hypermedia

>> No.6680037


Recontextualisation is a process that extracts text, signs or meaning from its original context (decontextualisation) in order to introduce it into another context.

Openness to experience correlates with creativity, as measured by tests of divergent thinking

Openness has been linked to both artistic and scientific creativity

Interdiscursivity is the aspect of a discourse that relates it to other discourses.

Interdiscursivity has close affinity to recontextualisation because interdiscourse often implies that elements are imported from another discourse.

>> No.6680055
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Do you have fun with your artistic creative vision?

>> No.6680217
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Have fun with dubs

>a glib four words

>> No.6680257
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Carl Jung's most profound yet least understood discoveries, a new world view which embraced linear causality while simultaneously transcending it. A synchronistic universe balances and complements the mechanistic world of linear causality with a realm that is outside of space, time and causality. In a synchronicity, two heterogeneous World systems, the causal and acausal, interlock and interpenetrate each other for a moment in time

A story in time

Narratives, structures, complex systems

>> No.6680271

Nowadays you can even more easily make a text game and sell it instead of creating a book. I remember about a programming language created to make this process even easier.

>> No.6680319
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It can help you weave a good thread sometimes...

>> No.6680336
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>...by some obscure author

>> No.6680339

I stumbled on to an author, the other week, who does adult CYOAs. They're basically just about being a woman who makes terrible decisions, from what I can tell.

>> No.6680356
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The language of the birds was considered a secret


>> No.6680369
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Found it.

>> No.6680468
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metalinguistic abstraction is the process of solving complex problems by creating a new language or vocabulary to better understand

>> No.6680517

The land of /tg/ is fair and bounteous tbh.

Going there is never a bad idea.

>> No.6680542

because authors are selfish and ego driven and are telling you the story that they think is best and that they most want you to experience.

>> No.6680548

because first and second-person narration is inherently inferior to 3rd person narration.

>> No.6680832

Who lets this guy live?

>> No.6682589
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One can also make distinctions between the notions of "intertext", "hypertext" and "supertext"

The art of narrative is, by definition, an aesthetic enterprise, and there are a number of artistic elements that typically interact in well-developed stories

A remix may also refer to a non-linear re-interpretation of a given work or media other than audio. such as a hybridizing process combining fragments of various works. The process of combining and re-contextualizing will often produce unique results independent of the intentions and vision of the original designer/artist.

A remix in art often takes multiple perspectives upon the same theme. An artist takes an original work of art and adds their own take on the piece creating something completely different while still leaving traces of the original work

>> No.6682593
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Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system

Generative systems may be modified while they operate

Generative art systems can be categorized as being ordered, disordered, or complex. Here complex systems are those that have a mixture of both order and disorder and typically exhibit emergence

>fancy yourself a cyberpunk

>> No.6683736

we do have hopscotch by cortazar, beyond that i dont know