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File: 349 KB, 1273x2108, lolita[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6680138 No.6680138 [Reply] [Original]

How do I buy this book without the people at the store looking at me funny? Don't want it in my amazon purchase history either.

>> No.6680143

Take your little sister with you.

>> No.6680148

give the check-out girl a cold stare and buy some condoms with it

>> No.6680150

Don't buy it alone. Buy a bunch of other classics with it so you seem less like a pedophile and more like a classic lit nerd.

>> No.6680151

>Don't want it in my amazon purchase history
Why the hellaheck not? It's not pornography. You may think whatever you like about ol' Nabby(I for one do not like his writings) but he's still part of the canon. What's wrong with having a book from the western canon in your history?

>> No.6680171

They either won't know what it is, or know that it's a piece of literature and won't care. Would you be worried the cashier might think you're a cowboy for buying Blood Meridian?

>> No.6680174

Almost every version of Lolita has a little girl on the cover. In Murrica people are hypersensitive to perceived pedophilia.

>> No.6680181


>> No.6680183

Get one with a better cover

>> No.6680189

I'm not saying I agree with it, just that it's how it is.

>> No.6680194

No, that's how it seems in your mind because you're uncomfortable about doing it.

>> No.6680201

I bought mine and didn't get a second look.
But then again I don't think the attendant at the cashier even reads.
I've also stopped caring what ignorant moral fags think.

>> No.6680214

I got funny looks from the librarian when I got out 120 days of sodom. I think my copy of Lolita was a gift from my underage girlfriend, I don't remember buying it.

>> No.6680222

What others books would you get with Lolita if you were trying to get the cashier to give you that look?

>> No.6680233

Ada, Death in Venice, books on raising adopting kids, Lonely Planet guides to Thailand, the Philippines and Mexico.

>> No.6680241

Stop having autism and buy it

>> No.6680246
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>> No.6680254

>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.6680274

That's funny yo

>> No.6680717
File: 44 KB, 593x400, lol1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add both the Kubrick and Lyne movie versions to your purchase and quit being such a pussy.

>> No.6680725

it's honestly more embarrassing to not buy this book, since it's a masterpiece of 20th century prose and psychological depth. I buy a copy of Lolita every time I walk into a bookstore just to make sure no one thinks I'm an idiot.

>> No.6680727

No one cares, it's a popular book. I've seen people reading it in public and no one cares at all.

>> No.6680737

>God's dead, honey
every time

>> No.6680743
File: 291 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-12-19-06-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get this one, has lolita along with pale fire and pnin.
No girls on the cover or anything.

>> No.6680744

No it isn't, this is a very popular book here. Don't use memes to justify being a paranoiac.

>> No.6680754
File: 146 KB, 1303x2141, lolita-popular penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Popular Penguins version is very plain too.

>> No.6681909


Isn't is fun living in the "land of the free"?

>> No.6681915

just don't use the R rated cover and you should be fine

>> No.6681936


>> No.6681953

That remembers me that video with a fedoralord going to a library and putting the bibles in the fiction section. The old lqdy thqt wqs there just said an ironic ok, as in ok I get it just leave

>> No.6682134

>lqdy thqt wqs
Did you just have stroke?

>> No.6682140

I've never read Loilta.

Should I? There's a copy just down the street at the library.

>> No.6682147

1. Pros: it is quite well written.

2. Cons: it may give you an erection which you will feel bad about.

>> No.6682190


So, it's actually good? My sister said she hated it and it made her really uncomfortable.

No comment.

>> No.6682229

nabokov writes beautifully

>> No.6682241


>> No.6682255

Well good. My sister said even though she didn't like it, wit was well written and he wrote"colorfully". I don't really know what that's supposed to mean but is it accurate?

It's not graphic, is it? Tvtropes page said France sold it as porn.

>> No.6682265


Fucking this.

>> No.6682279

Buy it with other books like the kama sutra and the anarchist cookbook

>> No.6682283

buy a copy of Mein Kampf to go with it. Then they won't care that you're a pedo.

>> No.6682286

Literally not a single sexual act is explicitly described in any detail at any point in the book, it's comprised entirely of heavy implication.

>> No.6682292
File: 44 KB, 375x375, 871325-jerry_seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why would there be a stigma against it?

>> No.6682303

Because plebs are severely under-educated swine

>> No.6682306

For >>6682292

>> No.6682313

Because it's still a book about kidnapping and repeatedly raping a 12-14 year old girl.

>> No.6682317

The truth is most people know what Lolita is about but relatively few have actually read it.

>> No.6682324

Hard Candy is kinda like that, and people seem to really like that movie.

>> No.6682330

You have to have not seen Hard Candy in order to like it. It's the reverse.

>> No.6682332

go into store, buy it. nobody cares. bought it. offline. no stares, no glares, nothing.

>> No.6682338
File: 29 KB, 226x346, 51NYolJfxFL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got the most lewd version of lolita on purpose

>> No.6682345

social retard detected

>> No.6682508

This isn't the 50s and most plebs don't know about Lolita, grow a pair and just buy it

>> No.6682523

A friend of mine works in a used book store and tells me every time they get a non-penguin edition. I can't tell if that's good or bad

>> No.6682526

Am I the only one who read Lolita and thought that having a 12 year old lover wouldn't be worth the effort?

>> No.6682532
File: 339 KB, 694x1024, naked_lunch.olympia.front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Olympia press published porn but also published literary fiction that was considered too graphic for mainstream publishers. France had pretty liberal censorship laws in general so a lot of writers published their stuff there, like Joyce or Henry Miller.

>> No.6682561

"I want to read this book that's on every list of greatest books of the twentieth century but also I'm afraid they'll think I'm weird because the protagonist was weird."

>> No.6682564

i went to barnes and noble not that long ago and there were no copies of lolita with a little girl. there were two different covers without pictures.

>> No.6682591

i own 5 different editions of Lolita because I think it lends itself to great, or at least interesting, cover art and this is my favorite (although I have a soft spot for the based Everyman's cover as well)

>> No.6682618

That penguin doesn't look a day over 12, you sick fuck.

>> No.6682746

Comparison of novels I've read:
Harry Potter > Narnia > Dark Tower > Metro 2033 > Lolita > Eragon

Decide for yourself.

>> No.6682751

most people recognise it as a classic - nobody would really bat an eyelid honestly, as long as you're not buying kids panties with it or some shit

>> No.6682803

I decide that you are a sperg

>> No.6682841

OK, maybe Lolita could be considered equal to Metro 2033.

>> No.6683620

I think the kind of 30-something hipster that works at a bookstore would know what lolita is

>> No.6683671
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1430768044383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childrens books, sickdark tower

>> No.6684164

i assume you're going to some faggy big-chain bookstore because you're too retarded to go to a 2nd hand one?
I bought 1 hardcore erotic photography book
2 georges bataille books
selected writings of marquis de sade
and delta od venus and the 40 year old woman behind the desk smiled politely and gave me my fucking receipt because she's not some dumb faggot bitch who decided to work for some faggy big-chain book store like chapters, you cunt.

>> No.6684186


>> No.6684223
File: 585 KB, 478x800, L0L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6684249

>in class
>we have read and talked about Goethe's Werther
>a girl turns around and asks me who is my Lotte
>think she asked me who is my Lolita
>stare confused and slightly scared at her for a few moments
>realize what happened, explain and laugh

>and luckily avoid having to answer the question because my Lotte is a guy

>> No.6684286

Who is your lolita, though?

>> No.6684293

Lexee Smith

>> No.6684377

the way I did it was I also bought Pale Fire and a couple other novels I was gonna get anyway so the cashier knows I was just buying some stuff I enjoy

>> No.6684397

Shitty name anon. It'd better be short for Alexandra

>> No.6685633

/tv/ please.

>> No.6685716

This. Nice edition, bonus reading.

>> No.6686443
File: 73 KB, 1469x803, fatima-ptacek-in-before-i-disappear-movie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pleb spotted

>> No.6686474

Wow, you deserve a medal to go with your flannel t-shirt

>> No.6686543

Oh no Big Data will think I'm a.... guy who's read one of the most acclaimed novels of the post-war era.

>> No.6686713

I wish there were folio society editions of nabokov's works

>> No.6687416


>> No.6687439


Tell them it's for your stepdaughter

>> No.6687609

u are a narcissist if u think people at book stores notice or remotely care about your selections

>> No.6687747

wow dude you really offended me with that comment. how does it feel to know i went to your mothers grave, dug her up, fucked her in the ass and after that she told me she never loved you? how do you like that, faggot?

>> No.6687759
File: 56 KB, 500x500, errolwerner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly who gives a fuck it's a classic novel.

if you're not a pedophile you don't have to worry about it because no one worth talking to is going to judge you for buying it (so as long as its not on top of a bunch of creepy shit you do, and if it is then you might be a pedophile in which case --->)

if you're not a pedophile you don't have to worry about it,

if you're a pedophile then why are you worrying what people think about you, you've already chosen to fulfill a sexual urge which will alienate you anyway/

>> No.6687763

It's like a man buying a pantyhose. If you are a regular dude who wants to use it as a cheap pop filter in your mic then you have no reason to worry about it, you could even joke about it. If you're going to wear it while crying in a corner of your room then you have reasons to be uncomfortable and it will show.

>> No.6687770

people don't think about you as much as you think about how they think about you

>> No.6688134

Congratulations, anon, you are smarter than half the professional critics who responded to Lolita. Nabokov and his wife just couldn't fucking believe how obtuse, misguided, and idiotic the response to the book was.

>> No.6688238


pedophile =/= someone who has sex with children

Please don't treat the two as synonyms.

>> No.6688258

So is this actually a pedo book?

If so, why do people read it here? Is it because they're pedos? Because the book has some other message? I don't get it.