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/lit/ - Literature

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6676420 No.6676420 [Reply] [Original]

>"I don't read books because it's a waste of time."

What's a good counter argument for this /lit/?

>> No.6676427

>implying time can be wasted

>> No.6676432

It's true. Reading the book spoils the movie.

>> No.6676434

there is none, everything is technically a waste of time.

>> No.6676436

some combo of these is true. can't answer that argument

>> No.6676437

itt high schoolers
go do your assignments

>> No.6676506

"I don't ponder dumb quotes because it's a waste of time".

>> No.6676519
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<-This. Always.

>> No.6676561

>implying time

>> No.6676563

All manner of philosophy can be best explained in text, and books exercise the imagination because you have to visualize everything instead of just being able to see it on a screen.

Next question.

People who believe this will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Nothing more than ignorant children, really.

>> No.6676566

i hate reading, and i'm convinced everyone else does, too

>> No.6676586

Prove any hobby isn't a waste of time

>> No.6676591
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>having hobbies

Everything you do should be with the goal of making yourself better. If you haven't released your magnum opus by the age of 50 or 60, then perhaps we can discuss wasted time.

>> No.6676598


Op make an argument why I should try to convince you of reading's value. I see no reason to pull you out of the muck you're so happily splashing around in.

>> No.6676604

if you're not consuming you should be creating and if the first doesn't appeal to you and you're not smart enough to write then you kill yourself

>> No.6676605

getting a magnum opus is a waste of time.
living to the age of 50 is a waste of time, yet you still want both.

>> No.6676609

Go to some other board than.

>> No.6676611

Only if your magnum opus sucks, and only if you didn't write it by the age of 50.

>> No.6676613
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>working hard for those sweet fleeting moments of aesthetic transcendence

normies will never understand feels this rare

>> No.6676629

why wouldn't it be a waste of time?

>> No.6676641
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No accomplishment is a waste. Are you some kind of fucking pagan filth that you do not know the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ?

>our Father who sees in secret will repay you

>> No.6676650

come on, i just want to plug books into my brain to bring about the downfall of rome in virtual reality, but books are all i've got

>> No.6676663


All aboard the Fuck Off train, toot toot!

>> No.6676666

Pretty sure Jesus spoke little about the benefits of accomplishments.

>> No.6676667

More like "all aboard the ruse cruise," you fucking dip

>> No.6676670
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It depends what you consider to be an accomplishment.

How have you spent the life God gave you, my friend? Are you the person Christ wanted you to be? Are you working to be that person?

>> No.6676674

I once came on the outside wall of the church.

>> No.6676677
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>> No.6676682



It would be appreciated if you toned down the racial animosity. Thank you.

>> No.6676684

why would got care about your literary achievements?

>> No.6676693


Because cognitive dissonance and vanity.

>> No.6676705

How does one exit the circular intellectual checks and balances of one's own work?

>> No.6677693

"Then write one that isn't."

>> No.6677712
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Okay, Ye

>> No.6677715

"fuck off tranny"

>> No.6677726

>What's a good counter argument for this /lit/?


>> No.6677741

>to each their own i guess

anything else is tryhard faggotry

>> No.6677790

You work in finite geometry John. Your research is a waste of time.

>> No.6677953

"You too"
360 walkaway

>> No.6677972

Time is a mere illusion, so the notion of being able to waste it is simply a meme

>> No.6678307

Your opinion is harmless on its own, but as a widespread cultural apathy such an opinion is a plague slowly killing what is left of the arts, as scattered and transient they may be

>> No.6678381

reading fiction is a waste of time if you don't enjoy it so there is none.

>> No.6678878


>> No.6678912

Time is a social construct

>> No.6678918


>> No.6678926


>> No.6678939

>implying suicide is bad
>implying whether you live or die has any consequences whatsoever
To answer your question, OP, either nothing is a waste of time or everything is a waste of time, because nothing one does in life matters one bit. Only plebs don't realize this, and the solution for that is (of course) more books.

>> No.6679028


My friend said this to me once while watching repeats of how I met your mother.
There's no counter argument for that kind of stupid.

>> No.6679173

I thought that was Einstein.

>> No.6679184

Arguing with this person would be a waste of time

>> No.6679205


Actual physical violence tbh.

Seriously, just punch them, repeatedly in the face and lower body until you've achieved catharsis.

Don't bother trying to tell them that they're wrong, they won't listen, just take it as carte blanche to abuse them for sport.

>> No.6679287

>Implying time can be not wasted

>> No.6679323
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change watching shows for any activity you want.

>> No.6679379

Nicely put, Anon.

>> No.6680269

>a person who doesn't read has no advantage over a person who can't read

>> No.6682769


>> No.6682794

To be fair, you can exchange "reading" for pretty much anything there.

>> No.6682799

The answer is pretty simple to me. There is no counter argument and thats okay. The guy who claims he never read a book cause it's futile is doing something with his life. Drawing. Sport activities. Staring at wall. Something. It's not like I should embrace every fucker into literature or any other activity. And neither I should justify my hobbies before him, if that's a point of a quoted statemant.

>> No.6682801

Just ignore them and never pay attention to them and tell them their opinion is shit because they're meat-headed philistines.

>> No.6682807


>> No.6682861

Op, you will never win an argument such as this one, because it's a fool's argument. No matter the answer you will always loose. Let it go.

>> No.6682873

Same reason you don't watch TV then?

>> No.6682967

'Whatever floats your boat mate'

>> No.6682985
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>implying that time can pass and exists

>> No.6683012

All you really need to do is ask them why and they'll kick the chair out from under their feet all by themselves

>> No.6683022

>ur a twat

>> No.6683040

in what way does this have anything to do with literature numb nuts?

>> No.6683046

Just ask them what you should be doing with your time instead. They will come up with some shit-tier answer.

>> No.6683625

nice quads`

>> No.6683726
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What purpose or utility does have a better you serve? If every moment should be spent attaining that, as you said, then it's a self-propogating task. That besides, it's vague as fuck, and 'better' is subjective. Is stronger better? Is wiser better? Is an open mind better? Are having more world experiences better?

And if you say "Yes, all those are valid" well then guess what nigger, you have hobbies.

>> No.6684806

Not talking to this person because that is the real waste of time.

>> No.6684832

Tell it it's okay if they want to Facebook instead and you won't judge them or call them a plebeian hypocrite.

>> No.6684852
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"Then you're a fucking idiot."