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/lit/ - Literature

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6675970 No.6675970 [Reply] [Original]

>Plot is resolved through quantum physics

>> No.6675979

>Plot is resolved through quantum physics
>manuscript returned because of nonstandard kerning and single spaced format

>> No.6675999
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It was pretty good

>> No.6676011

>at the brink of destruction the army comes and saves everyone and nothing happens

>> No.6676041


>> No.6676057
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>> No.6676065

>This situation is a lot like Schroedinger's cat
>Schroedinger's cat? What is that?
>Well, allow me to explain...

>> No.6676068
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Actor–network theory, often abbreviated as ANT, is an approach to social theory and research

Although ANT is mostly associated with studies of science and technology and with the sociology of science, it has been making steady progress in other fields of sociology as well

>> No.6676082

supersymmetric representation
Adinkra symbols

>> No.6676088
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Transitions from one percept to its alternative are called perceptual reversals

Perceptual multistability can be evoked by visual patterns that are too ambiguous for the human visual system to recognise with one unique interpretation

>> No.6676089

>explains incorrectly

>> No.6676103
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"Acting is such a personal thing, which is weird because at the same time it's not. It's for the consumption of other people. But in terms of creative outlets and expressing yourself, it's just the most extreme version of that that I've ever found. It's like running, it's exertion" - Kristen Stewart

>> No.6676108
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Reality checkd

>> No.6676116

tbh between her and also-YA-made-into-movie star emma watson i prefer her. at least she seems self conscious and unsure. she's probably more likely to understand that she has to improve. watson is so fucking full of herself

>> No.6676142
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>Reality hackers...

>For it is they who surf the waves of Cosmic
energy, pulling from it what they need to create what they desire

>> No.6676150
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Nice 42

>> No.6676152 [DELETED] 
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whats my waifu doing on /lit/. damn you /tv/.

>you will never watch bergman films with her and then laugh at her farts

>> No.6676158
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"I never expected that this would be my life" - Kristen Stewart

>> No.6676170

eugh i tried to read cryptonomicon



>> No.6676171

>In literature, the science fiction novel Dhalgren, by Samuel R. Delany, contains circular text, multistable perception, and multiple entry points.

>> No.6676199
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Loose as fuck

>> No.6676208

Emma Watson is perfection incarnate.

>> No.6676211
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Multistable perceptual phenomena are a form of perceptual phenomena in which there are unpredictable sequences of spontaneous subjective changes

>> No.6676223

One of the antagonists is literally a libertarian fedora tipper
cryptonomicon is basically just supportive of a non-government controlled currency, and otherwise pretty politically moderate

>> No.6676224
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>"I 'm a multidimensional person and that's the freedom of fashion: that you're able to reinvent yourself through how you dress and how you cut your hair or whatever"

>> No.6676232
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*all* plots are resolved through quantum physics

>> No.6676236
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the coexistence of many possible meanings

>> No.6676238

>there's a giant net in space holding the earth in position

Scientists aren't really this dumb, are they? What's holding the net in place?

>> No.6676242

im talking less about the political views and more about the insufferable wasted pages explaining something irrelevant to the story and themes.

>> No.6676250
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Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data

Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye

>> No.6676257
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>"I like being in movies that have a great story" - Kristen Stewart

>> No.6676267

The deus ex machina of the modern man.

>> No.6676270

> What's holding the net in place?

An even bigger net beyond

>> No.6676281
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My Heart Is A Wiffle Ball/Freedom Pole

I reared digital moonlight
You read its clock, scrawled neon
across that black
Kismetly … ubiquitously crest fallen
Thrown down to strafe your foothills...
I'll suck the bones pretty.
Your nature perforated the abrasive
organ pumps
Spray painted everything known to man,
Stream rushed through and all out into
Whilst the crackling stare down sun snuck
Through our windows boarded up
He hit your flint face and it sparked.
And I bellowed and you parked
We reached Marfa.

One honest day up on this freedom pole
Devils not done digging
He's speaking in tongues all along the
pan handle

And this pining erosion is getting dust in
My eyes
And I'm drunk on your morsels
And so I look down the line
Your every twitch hand drum salute
Salutes mine...

I think this is a good poem

>> No.6676284

>unthinkable complexity

nice science

>> No.6676289
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>>Kismetly … ubiquitously crest fallen

>> No.6676290
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"I want to be a Renaissance woman. I want to paint, and I want to write, and I want to act, and I want to just do everything" - Emma

>> No.6676294
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>Renaissance woman

>> No.6676298

The eternal force

>> No.6676299

Dark matter.

>> No.6676301

lol I haven't read the book but "non-government controlled currency" is an absolutely insane far-right position on economics

>> No.6676310

That sounds like a theme that's relevant to the story. I think Stephenson just goes over your head. I mean that as an insult to you, not as praise to Stephenson, who is very fedora at times.

>> No.6676311
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"The difficulty for me is that I'm interested in so many different things. I could never really imagine myself doing one thing" - Emma

“crystallized” with multiple facets

Crystallized self in practice

To better realize a crystallized self, individuals might consider the following:

Rather than privileging work as the only productive realm of everyday experience, individuals should begin to elevate their nonprofessional selves alongside those that intersect with work

Play with language. Next time you’re at a party and asked what you do, rather than responding with your job title, consider playing with the answer. You could say, for instance, “I play with my child. I volunteer. I do yoga.”

>> No.6676317
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>"I check dubs"

>> No.6676318

You sound like a very boring person.

>> No.6676330

ah yes the relevancy of pages(WITH diagrams) about Lawrence's masturbation habits just to introduce his marriage

Stating that Stephenson could go over anyone's head is pretty bold, in fact.

>> No.6676336

you could always try "I do a little web design"

>> No.6676356

I'm a different poster and I haven't read Cryptonomicon, I was thinking more of Anathem and Snow Crash. Scientific concepts are important thematic elements and are involved in numerous plot points in both books. Neither makes sense without the concepts. Like I said, it was more of an insult to you than anything else. I don't think highly of Stephenson, but the significance of the way he incorporates science into his plots is hard to miss.

>> No.6676366

Oh yeah, he does explain the science. That wasn't what I was talking about. I was talking about when he goes on at length explaining something irrelevant to the story and themes, which is something I clearly wrote in my first post. Please read it again. Then fuck off.

>> No.6676371

Why at makes you think that's irrelevant to the plot? A character's sexuality says a lot about the character. It seems pretty pleb to disregard autistic masturbation graphs.

>> No.6676379

>Pretension makes me sooo angry >:(

>> No.6676398

Yeah, I absolutely think people should sacrifice their already lacking rhythm for several pages of characterization about a character who has already had hundreds of pages of characterization.

Are his other books of the same length?(1000+)

If they aren't I can see how you don't quite understand my gripe here. It's not a development its really a redundancy which is stated in a different place already and the small development which occurs could be summed up by maybe a paragraph at the longest.

>> No.6676424

Anathem is 1000+ pages long. Honestly, he's doing what DFW tried to do with footnotes in Infinite Jest but without the footnotes. I haven't read that one book you're complaining about so I don't know how bad it is there. Like I said I don't think Stephenson is great, I just don't think you give him enough credit.

>> No.6676438

"I meme"

>> No.6676445
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Transmedia storytelling (also known as transmedia narrative or multiplatform storytelling, cross-media seriality etc.) is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats including, but not limited to, games, books, events, cinema and television. The purpose being to not only reach a wider audience by expanding the target market pool, but to expand the narrative itself

Transmediation can refer to the process of "responding to cultural texts in a range of sign systems -- art, movement, sculpture, dance, music, and so on -- as well as in words."

Transmediated works are closely linked to semiotics and technology in the context of digital media.

We live in a mediacentric society filled with many affective sign systems.

Various great Enlightenment figures could be seen as lateral mediarists in that they wrote and copied ideas amongst the great thinkers of that era, a bit like the Internet

The Internet is largely a lateral media, specifically designed to promote lateral communication


>> No.6676459

>plot is resolved

Get with times, grandpa.

>> No.6676471
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>Denk meme

>> No.6676476

>single story OR story experience

into the trash you go

>> No.6676503
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>Play with language
>Letters, feathers, it's how you use them

>> No.6676599
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Hyperdimensional Reality and Syncromysticism


In order to approach new ways of making sense of narrative, one must first distinguish two different systems that can be found in the narrative structure: the sequence of events and the sequence of the actor's interactions. The former is the order in time in which all the events take place

Both constitute interdependent systems that express the flow of the narrative on two different levels.

Defining what constitutes a relationship depends on the specific research questions formulated for the study of the narrative

>> No.6676785

have you watched secret glory?

>> No.6676807

Plus the protagonists girlfriend is a passive aggressive women's studies grad student who writes a research paper about how his beard is gross

>> No.6676822

>>cryptonomicon sequel anathema prequel when

>> No.6676823

please stop

please stop what you're doing

>> No.6676832

>literally extremely helpful
>poetic sci fi story told out of order

>> No.6676849

>only one female character who does not have sex with the 3(not including one because he never meets any women) protagonists
>she plays a minor role

>> No.6676866

What am I doing?

>> No.6676877
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I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man

>Eliade proposed several different definitions of the word "shamanism". The first of these was that shamanism simply constituted a "technique of ecstasy", and in Eliade's opinion, this was the "least hazardous" definition

>> No.6677513

>Rather than privileging work as the only productive realm of everyday experience, individuals should begin to elevate their nonprofessional selves alongside those that intersect with work

very true, your example is just a good way to sound like a cunt tho tbh

>> No.6677575
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What's wrong with yoga or volunteering?

>> No.6677586

Nothing, but you know they mean "what is your profession", so not answering the question just makes you sound like a facetious smartass.

>> No.6677626
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>Play with language

Permeating the living reality of our culture are certain contagious notions, fads and trends that have the ability to influence the way we think about the nature of Reality and ourselves.

"Subculture: The Meaning of Style", Dick Hebdige discusses how an individual can be identified as a bricoleur when they "appropriated another range of commodities by placing them in a symbolic ensemble which served to erase or subvert their original straight meanings"

>> No.6677634
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Can you meet me halfway?

>George Gurdjieff remarked that we live in the “circle of the confusion of tongues” and suggested we need to build a language upon the principles of relativity in order to introduce relativity into all concepts and therefore make it possible to determine the angle of thought. This analogy of “geometric” communication,

>> No.6677641


>> No.6677731
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The Tetractys [also known as the decad] is an equilateral triangle formed from the sequence of the first ten numbers aligned in four rows. It is both a mathematical idea and a metaphysical symbol that embraces within itself—in seedlike form—the principles of the natural world, the harmony of the cosmos, the ascent to the divine, and the mysteries of the divine realm.

>> No.6677892

>this whole thread
Who let the schizos loose?

>> No.6678054

Destroy, destroy. The tasks of schizoanalysis goes by way of destruction – a whole scouring of the unconscious, a complete curettage. Destroy Oedipus, the illusion of the ego, the puppet of the superego, guilt, the law, castration. It is not a matter of pious destruction, such as those performed by psychoanalysis under the benevolent neutral eye of the analyst. For these are Hegel-style destruction, ways of conserving. How is it that the celebrated neutrality, and what psychoanalysis calls – dares to call – the disappearance or dissolution of the Oedipus complex, does not make us burst into laughter?

>> No.6678055

Who's the ugly friend?

>> No.6678733

We need a tachyon amplifier!

>> No.6679524
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Does it not make sense?
Lurk moar n lrn2archives

>> No.6679771
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Collaborative information seeking can extend to collaborative information synthesis

>> No.6679804
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Human creativity plays an important role in activity theory, that "human beings... are essentially creative beings"

One principle of activity theory is that many activities have multiple motivation (‘polymotivation’)

>> No.6679882


10, 9, 8, 7, triple six, five, forked tongue...

>> No.6679922

hilarious. you're retarded aren't you.

special relativity, and even dark matter and all this modern nonsense were already BTFO by wilhelm reich in 1940.

>> No.6679934


>> No.6679965

Have you seen Clouds of Sils Maria? Kstew is actually great in it, she won a cesar award for it, first American actress to ever win one.

Watson is garbage at acting, watch the new trailer for Regression, her line delivery is abhorrant.

>> No.6679970

>plot is resolved through semen demon

>> No.6679976


It's part of his style. Not saying it's a good thing, but I didn't mind too much. I found it a bit funny. I especially liked some of the tangents he went off on when it came to maths and science, like with the broken bike wheel for example. Though he really made some stupid shit up when when it came to how Randall used his computer.


So how come the bitcoin community is filled to the brink with lefties? I think you have confused 'rightist' with 'statist', I didn't expect such retardation on /lit/.


Yeah and he dumps her as part of his character progression. I really the part when he found out about the rape fantasy books in her basement or whatever it was (it was a while since I read the book so forgive me if I got details wrong).

>> No.6680006
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In action learning. questions allow group members to “step out of the frame of the prevailing ideology,”

The process of “stepping out” of a frame, out of a form of knowing – a prevailing ideology – is analogous to the work of artists as they struggle to give birth to fresh ways of seeing the world

>> No.6680016
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ntertextuality is the shaping of a text's meaning by another text. Examples of intertextuality are an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text, and a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another.

Some critics have complained that the ubiquity of the term "intertextuality" in postmodern criticism has crowded out related terms and important nuances

The term “intertextuality” has, itself, been borrowed and transformed many times

Linguist Norman Fairclough states that "intertextuality is a matter of recontextualization."

>> No.6680022
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> Quantum physics as a shorthand for magic

>> No.6680086
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Abstract machine : is a model. Abstract machines are often used in thought experiments.

Abstraction : is the process by which data and programs are defined with a representation similar in form to its meaning (semantics), while hiding away the implementation details. Abstraction captures only those details about an object that are relevant to the current perspective.

Abstraction layer : a way of hiding the implementation details of a particular set of functionality. A system can have several abstraction layers whereby different meanings and amounts of detail are exposed

>> No.6680092
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Abstract object theory, also known as abstract theory, is a branch of metaphysics regarding abstract objects, and studied in hyperdimensional physics. The theory was an expansion of mathematical Platonism

>> No.6680188

ear maggots

>> No.6680452
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So let the deep, sparkly waters serve as a symbol to each of you. That if you work hard enough, if you dream big enough, anything is possible...

>> No.6680622

>plot is resolved through me ejaculating a gallon of jism in K-Stew's anan cananal

>> No.6680640


>> No.6680686


You gotta believe

>> No.6680711
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Malcolm Gladwell
expresses a point of view that luck plays an even bigger role
than intelligence.

Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell’s book emphasizes the role of luck

His examples are mostly anecdotal. It’s hard to prove whether
luck or intelligence is more important for life success. Research
on luck is hard to conceptualize.

People who focus on intelligence typically do not downplay the
role of luck; people who focus on luck should not downplay
the role of intelligence.

>> No.6680751

Did someone seriously just cite Malcolm fucking Gladwell on /lit/ as if he's a legitimate source for anything?

I'm out of here.