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6674665 No.6674665 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/,

I'm looking for books on violence and agressiveness. It can be non-fiction or fiction, it doesn't matter, but I'm not looking for war novels, just for books that talk about violence as an emotional or political response on a more personal level. If you know any quotes or good paragraphs on it, please do share. If you don't know of books, but recall a good comic book or film that fits, also share.

The question that is puzzling me is
>is it necessary to be agressive to set a certain limit?
And from that: What are the alternatives? What is agressiveness? What compelled it to be there?

>> No.6674730

start with the greeks

>> No.6674759
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War non-fiction.
>What is agressiveness?
Anti social behavior. Chemically it is, among other things, the presence of estradiol, an estrogen, in males blood.

>> No.6674823


>> No.6674935

Chris Hedges - War is a Force that Gives us Meaning

>> No.6674939

All quiet on the western front

>> No.6675226
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"To Every Birth Its Blood" by Serote, is an apartheid terrorist novel.

"On Killing" by Grossman, is a summary into data on the willingness to do violence, and the psychological marks left by different kinds of violence.

Aggression is the willingness, or eagerness, to do harm to somebody. The situations that make one aggressive depend heavily on upbringing, values, culture and genetics. In today's society, it is considered appropriate to be aggressive to someone who threatens you or your family with harm, but this used to be different because there were more serious repercussions to taking an insult lying down. That's just an example, but overall I'd say society has limited the situations where it's appropriate to be aggressive and that this is a good thing.

>> No.6675245

Rising Up and Rising Down.

The definitive text on the subject.

> All 4000 pages
> You gotta do it

>> No.6675265

>"To Every Birth Its Blood" by Serote, is an apartheid terrorist novel.
You seem to be on the wrong side of history, they're called freedom fighters.

>> No.6675289

>planting bombs in the black part of town just to stir people up
>burning dissenters with tires doused in gasoline
>killing twice as many blacks in four years as were killed by the apartheid government in 50.
They may have represented the will of the people, but they're terrorists. (protip, the ANC's Soviet backers could have armed the people but chose to use terror bombings instead because an armed populace would make a communist South Africa harder to control).

>> No.6675290
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Too be honest, and this is going to probably to cause several people to flip out, but The Oven Heaven, a light novel based on the character of DIO from the manga Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, is actually a very good read on the minds of violent people. Though obviously not meant to a psychology book, it is the thoughts of a vampire who kills countless people and has no morals other than "be a taker". Of course it Jojo spoilers in it.

>> No.6675297

There's a worn copy of the first edition, all 7 volumes, on Amazon for $350.

Go buy it and delete the thread.

>> No.6675317


terrorist still applies, even if one thinks they're the good guys

>> No.6675441

lol I was waiting for someone to post this

has anyone even read the short version

>> No.6675616

Thanks for the recs so far.

I'd like to say that agressiveness is not only killing and physical attacking people on purpose. You can act agressive with people you love, you can act agressive with things or, for instance, to approach a certain task in an agressive manner. You can act agressive over a small thing, you can take your anger some place and put it someplace else. When working in collaboration with someone, both parties need to set limits and estabilish a dialogue that will make for a good workflow and a good end result, but sometimes things can get agressive, some other times one party is more passive than other and so the other exceeds certain limits. I'm interested in that nuance vision of agressiveness, explosing behaviour and so on.

>> No.6675881

On Aggression by Konrad Lorenz or certain essays by Foucault like Truth and Power (which is an interview but whatever)

>> No.6676552

Only sections.

I'm thinking about spending my tax return Obamabux on a full set next year