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6673302 No.6673302 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on this essay from the voice of your generation, /lit/?


>> No.6673317

>not insofar

what did this

>> No.6673318 [DELETED] 

oh, so that is the person that /mu/ "cold winter nights" spammer keeps posting

>> No.6673373

Also dem cliched

>I was horrified
>needless to say

>> No.6673378


>> No.6673386

hurr I have sex with women I take a lot of drugs hurr I am depressed hurr so trendy

>> No.6673393 [DELETED] 

Be honest, you're just mad that any random girl can have sex with 4 or 5 people without any effort even when their lives are in shambles.

>> No.6673414

Why is her world just a fermentation of antidepressants, emotional instability and basic bitchness?

I got bored and sick of her life just reading that.

>> No.6673421

not everybody is as deprived as you, anon
it's boring
(i didn't even read any of this thread, but i know you're a fag)

>> No.6673427 [DELETED] 


>> No.6673433

>I got bored

You mean jealous

>> No.6673449

Are you implying that I envy someone that is "depressed"? "Depression" is a very serious issue, Anon

>> No.6673466

"Hello, I am a pathetic wreck who takes lots of Xanax. I am not unique or even interesting (that's a lie by the way, I think I am very unique and interesting and I want you to think so too, that's why I'm publishing thousands of words about my shitty life and how I take lots of Xanax). Now please read about this boring episode from my boring life. Oh, and did I mention I take lots of Xanax?"

>> No.6673594

Is this what autism looks like?

>> No.6673597


she's latinatho

>> No.6673601
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>> No.6673602


>> No.6673618

That's just more proof that casual sex doesn't make you happy, and in fact often has the opposite effect.

>> No.6673625

You can be mad, and still not want to participate in the same thing, you know.

>> No.6673657


>> No.6673661

This is the most asinine thing I've read in a long time.

My god, this is terrible. It's the "literary" equivalent of TV static or Keeping Up With The Kardashians or something. Just mind-numbing trash.

What a gross person.

>> No.6673670

Yet magazines and publishers are paying her to write for them and thousands of people are paying to read her poetry and tweets. while you're posting on one of 4chan's least frequented boards.

>> No.6673672


Just about to say that. Personal perspectives make something interesting to read, but not when that perspective has no intention of looking beyond themselves for just a wee moment.

>> No.6673675

Yeah, and? It's obviously not working out too well for her.

>> No.6673680

> Luckily I just found a new TV show to watch on Netflix and I also have like 10mg of Xanax. I’m ready to kill the void

>> No.6673716

Thousands of people around the world get sexual pleasure from being shat on. Moby-Dick sold on average less than 100 copies a year while Melville was still alive.

>> No.6673721

Oh come on, you think she's really depressed? Apathy, laziness etc are all interpreted as "depression" because young people know that depression is associated with mysteriousness, intelligence and depth of character. It's "cool" to be sad and to have that sadness represent your identity. She's getting attention, money and so on at the age of 22, it's unlikely she's as depressed as she says. It's actually pretty funny because Tao has previously said how he distrusts people who claim they have depression, yet here he is literally running around New York with a bagful of vegan cookies to be with this talentless narcissist whose "brand" is "depression-chic"

>> No.6673725

lol @ your bitterness

Haters are so creepy

>> No.6673734

Exactly. Whenever she talks about people who are apparently close to her she either "doesn't understand" their actions, mocks them (feels the need to belittle Spencer Madsen, as she often does), self-consciously (ironically?) uses her ex(?)-boyfriend etc. Narcissist in the same vein as Laurie Penny methinks

>> No.6673771

Even if she's not depressed, her life sounds like a fucking mess. She's pretty much a junkie who places importance in live-tweeting films and sleeping around with men and women (but don't worry guys, she says she's straight).

I don't know if she's happy living this way or actually depressed or whatever, but I'd honestly rather live my own isolated, actually-clinically-depressed life than live in whatever shit wreck she does, money or not.

Also fuck Tao, he's an idiot.

>> No.6673786

Depression isn't determined by material circumstances. I'm not vouching for her or anything, but the argument that she's rich and gets laid therefore can't be depressed is rubbish.

>> No.6673802

>20mg of oxycontin
>essentially like heroine

I've railed hydrocodone before and 20mg of oxycontin is nothing. Especially because it's time release. I hate this essay and the junkie in me is angry.

>> No.6673843

am I literally the only person here that thought it was good?

someone else pls write an autobiographical review of a random movie and make it at least half as interesting to read

>> No.6673880


Yeah it's entertaining but it's vacuous and pretty cringeworthy, and it's certainly not a film review as much as it is an anecdote.

>> No.6673889


Plus, am I being outrageous in suggesting that it's easier for a girl to write this kind of shit? I'm doing a running commentary of how I'd write and in my mind all I can think is ELLIOT RODGERS

>> No.6673954


Depression is liberal bourgeois artifice. People need to learn how to feel real contempt for themselves.

>> No.6674098
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>people need to learn how to feel real contempt for themselves

>> No.6674124
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Fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.6674186
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Cause if there are a lot of people into it, that means it's good!

>> No.6674201
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Because I can't!
The fucking "I"s all over the fucking thing make it impossible to me.

That's why I say that any typing monkey can write to these zines.

>> No.6674222

Never mind the asinine content, the writing itself is atrocious too. Who reads this dross?

>> No.6674259

I agree, at least it was interesting in the "I have nothing better to do anyway so I might as well keep reading and see where this goes" type of way

>> No.6674291
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>"every night while he – they were – he was high on cocaine"

"Every night while he (they) was high on cocaine..."
Fixed it for you.

>> No.6674324

*Every night while he was (they were) on cocaine...

>> No.6674331

she a genius.

>> No.6674332
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Every night while he (they?) was high on cocaine...

>> No.6674339

Where did I mention money or sexual intercourse?

>> No.6674344

I'd rather listen to Kendrick if that's the amount of bullshit we're gonna be put up now.

>> No.6674347

Anna or Lamar?

>> No.6674356

Haha so funny. I dumped my boyfriend because i was tired.

I wish these bitches would be beat into submission. It's the only way theyll be happy anyway as it's not like they can run their own life.

>> No.6674371


>> No.6674377

*shoves you into the locker*

"Back off!?"

>> No.6674379
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It could be worse (Anna)

>> No.6674381

(Go to him)

>> No.6674388

It's pretty weird, she's a qt3.14 in her photos but IRL she sounds like a fag


>> No.6674398
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>A depressed...

"Depressed" people only write shit.
Rich pampered youngsters faced with the first troubles of life who decide to off themselves only write shit.

Hear that, DFW?

>> No.6674418

No, bored and I'm not even that anon. Shit essay. Not even an essay it is a dear diary.

>> No.6674420


How can a woman sound like a fag.

>> No.6674422

Eugh, so many creepy white guys in this thread...

>> No.6674424
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What you got against Kendrick Lamar?

>> No.6674429

>criticizing the diary form
>Anne Frank is one of the best-selling writers of all time

>> No.6674432
File: 10 KB, 194x225, é ou não é.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this site*

back to >>>/tumblr/

>> No.6674436

Love his music actually
Doin' this for replies tbh. sry

>> No.6674438

>best selling
So is Nora Roberts, that doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6674445

>trying this hard to avoid acknowledging Mira Gonzalez as the voice of your generation

lol what's it like living in the 18th century grandpa?

>> No.6674447

>any rap music that is not the wu tang clan
I seriously hope you pseuds don't do this

>> No.6674448

This prose (written) is poop (human)

>> No.6674471

Nope, but she clearly doesn't speak for me, or most of the people I know and respect. She is a little girl with a dirty dress who doesn't know how to do laundry, and refuses to even try. There is no voice of any generation, and trying to pinpoint someone as the one voice is a waste of time and a really lame marketing technique. You should know better. stop being lazy and try harder, you do get paid for this after all. At least do a good job.

>> No.6674474 [DELETED] 

do you even organized konfusion nigga

>> No.6674481



>> No.6674485

>(that’s not to say drugs are ‘bad’ or something, I also like cocaine)
Gee, I wonder why she's so sad.

Most Hispanics are just white people.

>> No.6674486

Beach House, Simon and Garfunkel, Todd Rundgren, stuff like that.

>> No.6674487

>Apathy, laziness etc are all interpreted as "depression" because young people know that depression is associated with mysteriousness, intelligence and depth of character. It's "cool" to be sad and to have that sadness represent your identity.
this tbh

>> No.6674490

Do me a favour and explain how that was mysoginistic.

>> No.6674495


>> No.6674499

Who's not even trying here? I bet you make the same sound when you have to wait for the hopeless person to hurry up and make your coffee. Step it up. You are dull, and you will eventually see this. I'm so fucking bored.

>> No.6674508

This is perhaps the most self-indulgent thing I've ever read. At least the Franzen/DFW camp of the 90's and naughties masked their solipsism with fictional narratives and a depth of content.

>> No.6674518

i'm literally sitting here loling @ ur assumptions

>> No.6674526
File: 33 KB, 600x450, tao lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am BEYOND sure this anon is Tao Lin.

>> No.6674534

it's pretty much irrelevant if it is since it's an anonymous imageboard

>> No.6674536
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>> No.6674541


I'd much rather read an actual review of that magnificent film than this whore's boring life story.

>> No.6674546

Don't talk to me, Tao. Go boast your homies somewhere else.

>> No.6674560

STOP being SEXIST! EVERY day WOMEN all OVER THE WORLD has to DEAL with SEXISM from OUTDATED /SOCIOLOGICAL/ CONSTRUCTS! Copy this signature into your post if u agree.

>> No.6674567
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>> No.6674580

What is bait? Hehe, im from fb :) Sorry, i'm a girl ;-)

>> No.6674589

keep trying hard satan, I will not fall for the temptations of the bait.

>> No.6674605

lol this ain't /r9k/, if you're expecting dweebs to be like qt pls be gf you've come to the wrong place mate.

>> No.6674616

not who you were replying to, but yeah, that frustrates me

that's why women should earn less

>> No.6674624


>> No.6674639

the r9ks arrived

>> No.6674710
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Her writing style is stupid shit and I'm not even talking about how hard she tries to be ~~depressed and unique~~

>> No.6675133
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>I said that live tweeting a completely non humorous movie about slavery was probably a bad idea, but then Tao said something like ‘we can just shit talk white people’ and it immediately seemed fine.

haha salty

>> No.6675196

Todd Rundgren, Beach House, Simon & Garfunkel ,that sort of thing

>> No.6675222

since when is it okay to use your real life circumstances as excuses for poor quality work

we no longer fight through adversity but let it swallow us and define our artistic output?

i should try this at school. "professor, i had a cold when studying for the test, so could you grade it on a cold-sufferers scale rather than the default one? you know, just skew the points higher. thanks!"

>> No.6675287

It's weird how many girls I know actually think and act the way she does. It's actually less weird, and a bit more unsettling. I mean, I wouldn't go that far as to call it revolting, but it just kind of makes me want to smile at these girls I know and just never talk to them again.

Also Tao seems surprisingly down to earth, maybe I should read his book.

>> No.6675338

can you imagine existing as some kind of spectral wraith-woman that feeds off of the attention of other human beings?

>> No.6675390

What a piece of shit person the writer is, seriously, all my respect for Tao Lin disappeared while reading it.
There is a line of acceptable people to befriend and I don't thing Tao Lin can be considered human and a non-autists if he choses such friends.

>> No.6675405

Did you read Tai Pei

Literally "I, Tao Lin, unequivocally have autism and maybe a drug problem" The Book

>> No.6675417

Only his poetry that I found on the net. Eastern Europe isn't exactly the place to get 'trendy druggie young adults literature that is published in America in English'.
I always found him to be at least competent in the New Sincerity field from what I saw. For me, you didn't have to be a complete degenerate to be good in that genre.

>> No.6675420


love that's called pissing your time away on xanex

>> No.6675422

Tao's just looking to A) Get some good SJW-related PR by supporting a womyn, and B) Fuck some of what was until recently PTP

>> No.6675448

>I took the A train a few stops from my apartment in Brooklyn to IFC theater in Manhattan, where I planned to see a 7:15 showing of Blue Is the Warmest Color. I was going to live tweet it, then write a review of it the next day.
>At this point I was already extremely high on Xanax and I had a flask of vodka in my purse, which I planned to drink during the movie.
>Lives in Brooklyn
>Close friends with Tao Lin
>High on Xanax and/or drunk constantly
>Live tweeting movies like that's an actual thing people should do regularly

Why is all of this so fucking unbelievably unsurprising? And I actually saw an article somewhere the other day that tried to claim 'hipsters' were dead.

>> No.6675460
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You had respect for Tao Lin?

>> No.6675469
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>I had a relationship
>I have sex with 5 people after the relationship
>I'm depressed

>normies thinking that they are depressed
>not just bourgeois ennui because they are too vapid to have anything in life than their own pleasure and ego-worship


>> No.6675477

>muh depression
>waaahhhh I can't help myself
I'm so sick of this shit.

>> No.6675483

MAN, this girl can't write. That is the worst sentence I ever read in english.

>> No.6675484
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>mfw people who have had sex countless times tell me their life is shit when I've never even held hands with a girl

>> No.6675486
File: 47 KB, 403x392, gon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you little beta fucking shits. Time to stop wallowing in self-pity.

I introduce to you your new lord and savior: discipline.

Discipline will save you from slowly rotting away in the pure shit of "muh feels" and "tfw no gf".
If you want to be hard with others you have to be hard on yourself. If you pamper yourself like a little sissyboy then it's no wonder that with others you are a bumbling retard.

Q: but anon, I'm to weak-willed for discipline, 7 years of constant anime and masturbation has left me without any self-control. How do I acquire the power for discipline?
A: The power for discipline come from pure self-hatred. It's the desire to conquer yourself. When ever you feel that emasculating urge, "you know, I really can't be bothered", you have to stand up like a man and kick that mumbling faggot into the fucking dirt.

Q: but anon, I already hate myself, and my self hatred just makes me even more apathetic.
A: Here's the thing asshole. You don't hate yourself, you love yourself - and that's the problem. You surrender to the most dirty, most weak and effeminate, most lazy, most degenerate of your thoughts and desires because you love and adore yourself. You have no self-contempt. You have no desire to rise above yourself. You are like a pig that loves the smell of its own shit.

Q: but what's it for? Life is meaningless, he world's gone to shit. Best to watch it burn while meme'ing about it on good ol' 4chan.
A: these thoughts are the maggots that are growing in your sloth-infested brain. I don't care how shitty the world is right now, discipline will make you get more out of whatever is left. Even if you are determined to be a NEET, discipline will make you a better NEET who can enjoy his days.

Men CANNOT be happy without courage. A cowardly man is an unhappy man. The first step to bravery is being brave with yourself.

>> No.6675489

>mfw idiots deciding whether their life has value over fucking girls or not
>i have no face

>> No.6675514


Value to whom?

>> No.6675516

>being so depressed that you spend your nights looking into the mirror repeating your name over and over to yourself until you feel totally disconnected from your body
>being so depressed that you literally walk up a mountain to beg God for help there
>being so depressed that you literally see satan and he offers you an escape if you bow down and worship him

>whores on the internet feel mild ennui because they got bored of their 8th boyfriend

hehe, fucking normies

>> No.6675521

let's see if they like it

>> No.6675528


>> No.6675531

It's not an essay, it's a rambling diary entry.

>> No.6675538


If someone feels like finding a romantic partner is extremely important to them, that's not a feeling you can just logic yourself out of.

>> No.6675541

DFW was in his 40s

>> No.6675546

So is John Green but look at his mindset

>> No.6675572

well, you can logic yourself out of it, but it leads to death

>> No.6675574

I have a hell of a strong feeling that she is going to read this thread and commit suicide like that transsexual girl from /v/

>> No.6675580
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Holy shit dude.
Holy fucking shit dude.

>> No.6675582

she says she's not a lesbian, not that she's straight

>> No.6675588

>not being able to read something
I can give any piece of writing the benefit of the doubt to the very end, always.
I almost feel bad for you, that you can't.

>> No.6675605

It was clunky with all that repetition. But I ended up reading parts of it and I lost interest when she wrote "when he - they were - he was" and that made even less sense.

I'm all about reading despite some weirding out characteristics of it, since I'm sort of a fan of bizarro fiction, but look at this. The girl CAN'T write.

>> No.6675607

At least then something good will have come of this thread.

>> No.6675634



It must be hard to have society misunderstand you so profoundly, huh pal?

>> No.6675645


What is the hedonic treadmill.


Encouraging words, anon. You are 4chan's caped crusader; cheesy, though effective.

Never stop.

>> No.6675663


I don't say this often, and when I do, I rarely mean it, but you should really consider committing suicide dude. Or, if you don't have the cajones to do that, which I deeply suspect, then fucking get a grip on yourself and realize that all of your problem's are self-fabricated, auto-perpetuated, and quite frankly imaginary. You're not special, you're as normal as everyone else; you just can't accept it because your upbringing has probably sequestered you so much from healthy thoughts and habits that you are actually unable to clearly acknowledge the objectivity of your being. And please, don't fucking embark on some mindless semantical argument regarding objectivity, with neither me nor yourself.

Get a fucking hold of yourself anon, jesus. It's pathetic, beyond pathetic, unfathomably pitiful.

>> No.6675704

I hate when people, specially trendy teenagers, think that they can get famous and popular just by saying how depressed they are.
I wish someone in their family had depression. My mom tried to kill herself 2 times when I was 12 and 14, that really fucked me up and my family never got back to what it used to. It's a serious issue that they are making it so banal like it wasn't an issue.

Being a sad fucker that wants to have attention from others so that their life has some meaning =/= depression. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.6675715

>I also like cocaine

This girl certainly knows her target audience. I wonder how many entitled rich kids are in their suburbian houses, locking the doors to their rooms, blasting the Smiths and crying over this zine. This is disgusting

>> No.6675746

>just like kill yourself dude
Highschooles with no experience in anything should never, ever give advice. Ever. Ever, ever, ever. Read this anon. Read it and heed it.

>> No.6675766

>muh real depression
>you don't know real pain!
fuck off

>> No.6675804

Agree with you. My mother killed herself when I was 16.

Feel bad for you tbh. You're pretty desensitized, huh?

>> No.6675823

thanks for the pepetalk.

You might be on to something about needing to hate oneself. My only friend, who is pretty normative and also a relatively successful, proactive person, seems to be driven by disgust towards himself and other people.

I'm the super-chill, in the moment guy compared to him. I like eating my food slowly, reading long books (slowly), and basically whatever I happen to be doing at the time.

He gets stressed and even angry if he has to do stuff he doesn't like or deems unproductive. I mean, he'll do enjoyable stuff like go for walks, watch a movie, or play a game, but only as a purposeful break from life's real task: his work. He's always working on personal projects or learning new skills.

In other words, he's more disciplined than I and gets more done. He's always judging, sorting people and things into "like" or "dislike." Always evaluating the usefulness of his activities. Always criticizing himself and (quietly) others.

I'm trying to be more like him, but I don't want to be stressed and hateful.

>> No.6675830

Caught in a loop
She found her fame from vice
And self-decay through narcissism
From a burgeoning economy of misshapen souls
Propped up by Twitter

>> No.6675832

His life sucks and your life sounds good . Keep your life

>> No.6675867


I've actually started to do that lately.

The only conundrum comes from that voice in the back of your head (or people) that tells you that you should sympathise with everyone. I did that but it's proven to be bad-advice because trying to please everybody simply leaves you losing out. I'm not wealthy enough to be the charitable type (and I don't work in charity so I can't pretend that I'm making a difference just out of the kindness of my heart).

I haven't really had much time to evaluate this but my gut-instinct knows that I'm growing more selfish and manipulative by the day.

>> No.6675899

this is trash and only leads to suicide

>> No.6675989


Instead of disregarding my advice based solely on the first sentence, why don't you offer a few life tips of your own for our beleaguered friend here, anon? Or is it maybe that you think, deep down, that we are only jeopardizing our situations by devoting time to the decidedly less evolutionary fit of us?

The truth is, that poor sap of an internet poster to whom we are referring is beyond help, and probably will not absorb an ounce of advice, good or bad, that anybody throws at him. Life sucks, more for some than others, you should know this, anon.

Also, one more thing, it isn't very indicative of someone with a substantial amount of life experience to go ahead and assume that someone dishing out suicidal suggestions is automatically in high-school. Doesn't look good, anon. Ever. Ever, ever, ever.

That being said, I wish the best for our friend (which might just be eternal slumber).

>> No.6676031

>Also, one more thing, it isn't very indicative of someone with a substantial amount of life experience to go ahead and assume that someone dishing out suicidal suggestions is automatically in high-school.

Actually, no. No, you are wrong. That is high school behavior. No amount of condescension will change the fact that you're a kid. None. You will have real hardships and you'll ditch this "life isn't worth living because my dad works 9-5" garbage. Just wait and see. I hope you remember your previous post when you're older. Take a screenshot. Save it.

>> No.6676042

>being this smug

>> No.6676043

How can you know he is beyond help by three sentences he wrote? Maybe he is just a drama queen? Imma have to agree with the other anon, you sound like a jaded kid who just entered the phase of his life that makes Palahniuk sound like the best author ever.

>> No.6676048
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>Also, one more thing, it isn't very indicative of someone with a substantial amount of life experience to go ahead and assume that someone dishing out suicidal suggestions is automatically in high-school. Doesn't look good, anon.

It is, fedora man

>> No.6676064


Sigh, fine. You guys are right.

Sorry for being an insufferable prick. I'll try to revise my thinking and general behavior.

>> No.6676300

Yeah, I wouldn't trade my presentness for his compulsion for work. But it would be cool if I could graft his ability to *do* onto myself. I want to remain a chill person, but I want to have the discipline to do things when I naturally wish to do them. Not sure if that's possible, but it's something to try.

I'm attracted to the idea of wu wei, or "effortless action."

>> No.6676619

She seems uninteresting tbh. If Tao Lin writes about nothing it's at least interesting because of his perspective and style. She just seems like a boring girl that tries to seem interesting.

>> No.6676637

Sometimes I wonder if females can experience actual depression at all.

>> No.6676669

> a person who I had begun dating almost immediately after breaking up with my ex
>I have had sex with 4 or 5 different people since the break up
>I felt really bleak and it must have shown on my face because the security guard at the bar bought me gin and said something like ‘have you ever smiled before’.
> I agreed to date the person who I had broken up with previously
> I felt completely incapable of maintaining a relationship, but I enjoy spending time with him
>’I don’t plan on continuing to date him but honestly I probably will.

living on easy mode sure is hard

>> No.6676687

That sounds like fun. Read some Deleuze and some Artaud.

Make yourself a body without organs and just let different intensities pass through you.

Negative affects only matter when you're concerned with maintaining your body's present capacity and not realizing that you can simply marvel at the different planes at which your body functions.

>> No.6676689

>paying this much attention to some woman's tumblr stream of consciousness

what is wrong with everyone?

>> No.6676696

She's friends with Tao Lin.

THE Tao Lin

>> No.6676701

>he doesn't read for girls


>> No.6676727

>This past month I have been more depressed than maybe any other time in my life.'
>mostly due to having recently been through the worst ending to a relationship that I have ever experienced.

>I have consistently avoided social interaction as much as possible
> have had sex with 4 or 5 different people since the break up


>> No.6676780
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Sometimes I consider embracing Islam purely to put women in their place again tbh.

>> No.6677793

Tweet it to her

>> No.6677823

Is there anything wrong with this?

>> No.6677833
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>"M-Mira p-please turn around"

>> No.6678010


>> No.6678029

as someone who actually has severe depression and panic disorder this shit makes me fuckin' irate, like you physically can't eat or fuck when ur going through a rough patch

this is just narcissistic special-snowflake apathy. fuck her for bringing genuinely mentally ill people into her self-absorbed shit-show. yes i am rather peeved

>> No.6678032
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seriously. the "depressing" ordeals of her past month sound like a literal fucking fantasy world in comparison.

>> No.6678039

>like you physically can't eat or fuck when ur going through a rough patch
1. This is not universally true for depressed people
2. Why are so many people ITT trying to make a point out of how they've had it worse? Is this the tumblr depression olympics?

>> No.6678045

Not that anon but 95% of people categorized as having 'severe' depression m8

Ijust feel like it's exploiting mental illness to make a point about herself and how terrible her life is. Of course people are going to take umbrage when her essential thesis is 'my life is terrible' when other peoples experiential knowledge informs us that it's not.

>> No.6678046
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Pic related

>> No.6678051


>trying to make a point out of how they've had it worse

because it makes her grievances sound laughable in comparison?

>> No.6678052

it's pretty much de rigeur of course there are outliers but they're exceptions that prove the rules
yeah this has nothing to do with misogyny or her writing style (which i don't mind!) but more just her self-absorbtion

>> No.6678065
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/ L I T / B T F O

>> No.6678071

>categorized as having 'severe' depression
Afaik, that's not even a proper category.
And the statement 'my life is terrible' does not by any means exclude the possibility of others being worse off, e.g. compare "severe depression" with having the same thing while spending your entire life on a pakistani waste dump, or as a hobo.
I'm not even gonna read what that chick wrote because I don't care for that, but you guys are acting weird.

>> No.6678072


>yeah this has nothing to do with misogyny or her writing style (which i don't mind!) but more just her self-absorbtion

this. i buy quality female lit all the time. isn't about that in the slightest.

she is trying to play to an image that anon here can see through because they live it. this is lit that normies would read and exclaim "omg how did she manage?" but anon here who are genuinely fucked up people are going to read it and think it a heavenly reprieve compared to the shit that they have to deal with. this is nonsense lit made by a social butterfly who gets a bit moody sometimes.

>> No.6678077

it's quite clear you don't know much about mental illness if you aren't aware that it's delineated into categories based on severity and how impeding it is on peoples day-to-day lives? I see what you mean and it's right to be wary of saying someone's depression is worse than someone elses unless there's empirical evidence that it is; on this thread you have it and you continue to ignore it to make a tired and patently false point

>> No.6678086

bless you two, you get it. i would do despicable things to alleviate my shit to the severity of the level she describes, and i doubt i'm alone

>> No.6678094

>because it makes her grievances sound laughable in comparison
Sure, but what is the point of that?
Interesting how you'd mention that when I, in fact didn't accuse anyone
I'm not denying that you've had it worse, I just wonder what your point is by asserting this.

>> No.6678117

i actually haven't, fortunately, but in my line of work I see people who have on a daily basis. the reason it's worth asserting is that if the thesis of your article is that 'my life is unimaginably terrible' then it better fucking be terrible. like, how many articles have you read by people with depression or low-level anxiety compared to articles by people with schizophrenia or rapid-cycling bipolar? perhaps that's why I'm affected on behalf of these anons: that representations of mental illness in most media are palatable and myopic, and ultimate serve to erase seriously fucked up people from the social discourse

>> No.6678121

>not a lesbian
>not straight
What else is there?

>> No.6678134

>that representations of mental illness in most media are palatable and myopic, and ultimate serve to erase seriously fucked up people from the social discourse
Ok so this is literally about her checking her privilege? Wouldn't it be better to instead ask how people with bigger problems can gain visibility? And more importantly, do they even want that visibility? Would they benefit from being dragged into the limelight?

>> No.6678136

Bisexuals, friendo.

>> No.6678141

you're missing my point but suffice to say that of course not all of them want to be - or are equipped to be -- a 'voice' but of course some of them do but lmao you try to get stuff published as someone with schizophrenia. i honestly just think you're naive about the way a mental health record fucks people over so there's no way i can get through, and i know that sounds condescending but also it's true. get a couple of years of life experience then come back to me. i'm not even being facetious! you're talking about something you don't know much about

>> No.6678156

>try to get stuff published as someone with schizophrenia
Why would the publishers know you're schizophrenic? They don't know or care. The only reason they'd ignore your for being schizo would be that you're not communicating with them in the way they need to be communicated with. Don't send them long, rambling schizophrenic emails and you're set. Assuming your work is any good. Maybe they're just not publishing you because you're shit.

>> No.6678159

>you try to get stuff published as someone with schizophrenia.
Not trying to be a dick, but no one is preventing schizophrenics from writing stuff and publishing it online. And you're making to many assumptions about the kind of person I am, something I don't think I have done to anyone ITT.
I have never denied that people have it worse than that uninteresting chick, but what's happening here seems to be that people get a narcissistic sense of community by being more fucked up than the 'normies'. All I'm saying is that this isn't healthy, or a good idea.

>> No.6678162

>tfw I did this
>tfw they responded to my submission and 15k word essay by saying they were "worried" about me

>> No.6678163


>Don't send them long, rambling schizophrenic emails and you're set.

lol schizophrenic people you're set just stop doing all that weird schizophrenic shit and you're totally set okay.

>> No.6678168
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You just summed up the problem with r9k.

>> No.6678178


Yes. Learn to separate your interactions with them from your issues. No-one is stopping the depressed from being published either, but if they sent the editors a 15k word essay about wanting to kill themselves, they'd get a similar reaction. Be professional.

>> No.6678183

I know, but it's obviously not just /r9k/, you have it on other boards, too, albeit to a lesser degree, not even mentioning the tumblrinas who try to compete for most marginalized demographic.

>> No.6678196


>Learn to separate your interactions with them from your issues.
>Be professional.

i'm not schizophrenic but you'd seriously throw out these lame platitudes to someone with schizophrenia?

wow the previous anon is right.
you really are naive.

>> No.6678203

You make valid points.

>> No.6678204

Details please. What intensities, what planes? What affects?

>> No.6678208

That guy isn't me. I'm the naive one, I suggested writing a blog.

>> No.6678221


ah, fair enough. but he really is naive.

no matter how hard they try schizophrenics often aren't cognizant enough to be professional even if they wanted to.

saying "be professional" to a schizophrenic is either cruel or ignorant. but it's one of the two.

>> No.6678227

Look, if you can't interact with your publishers in a professional way, or get someone to do it for you then they're not going to respond to your queries. The publisher isn't sitting there thinking "I'm not going to publish this guy because he's schizophrenic", they're thinking "I don't know how to respond to this rambling email about the voices in his teeth so I'm not going to".

>> No.6678245

I realise that, but the anon I was responding to was suggesting that schizophrenics are discriminated against, on the basis of their medical records and condition. That is patently untrue.

>> No.6678275
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>any music that isn't NMH
Semen stains the mountaintops

>> No.6678332

You're and idiot.

>> No.6678358

a way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

>> No.6678374

Good prose

>> No.6678388
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Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all...

>> No.6678452

>old memes

>> No.6678507

>memes from when the world was young, primordial and terrifying

>> No.6678519

Latinamerican reporting, we also have filthy rich people here with kids that pretend to have problems like smoking weed all day and then feeling sad when they aren't artificially euphoric because they don't know how to deal with things not being designed for their constant happiness. Some of them aren't white and they still behave like rich people.

>> No.6678528

how do you get there? I'm more than willing to suck cocks if that's the answer, but I'm sure there has to be more than that since a lot of people suck them anyway,

>> No.6678543

It isn't a racial issue as much as /pol/ would have you believe it's one. The insipid bourgeois youth always act in similar ways.

>> No.6678548

yeah, a lot of it is also having no personality and mimicking what you see rich or interesting people do instead of building your own life, and being a depressed mess has been "in" since Baudelaire and before.

>> No.6678600


Do something (anything) in a major city and then write about it making sure to include both the details and your feelings about it and then submit it to websites/blogs who just want well-written stories about counter-cultural lifestyles.

I kind of think being part-minority helps too. If you're a white dude then good fucking luck, chuck.

>> No.6678602

she seems troubled, but the ridiculous amount of I's is distracting and comes off as egotistical, so it's difficult to sympathize

>> No.6678729


memes for the meme god

he grows hungry so long after katie

>> No.6678801


>> No.6678803

>football coach approach to depression

ayy le no education

>> No.6678806


>> No.6678811

>the coach approach
kek, spot on

>> No.6678846

That poem is so bad

>> No.6678850

>Anne frank actually wrote her diary
Good goy

>> No.6678860

I would definitely call it revolting

>> No.6678867
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>> No.6679135

he's a pretty hot fag, though.

>> No.6679142

what relation do you make between the author and the format? desperately anti jew or just poor reading comprehension?

>> No.6679174
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>Sex isn’t appealing
>I have something like 25 unread emails and I am late for at least 5 deadlines to submit writing to different publications.
>I have had sex with 4 or 5 different people since the break up
>I was solicited to write this essay about 3 weeks ago.
>I first came to know about Blue Is the Warmest Color through my ex (the one who I recently broke up with).
>I had recently been thinking about going to Ohio to visit a friend who I’ve had sex with at one point when she was visiting New York. I liked having sex with her.
>My ex also invited me to see Gravity a few weeks prior to this.
>The movie was impossible to live tweet.
>That being said, I’ve had sex with girls and enjoyed it (hence the previously mentioned girl from Ohio)
>I think he broke up with me last night, for seemingly no reason.



>> No.6679181

>reading to relate
oh, but John, you are the demons.

>> No.6679191

You and me both tbh.

I don't think this person speaks for me.

"Voice of a generation" is a bullshit phrase in any context.

>> No.6679226

>We both ate something like 20mg of Oxycontin before the movie (which, for those who don’t know, is essentially heroin).
That caught me off guard, physically cringed.

>> No.6679236

>The power for discipline come from pure self-hatred


>> No.6679239

Kierkegaard pls stop shitposting and get back to work

>> No.6679270

She's a prime example of the female niche market game.

When an average girl wants to be put on more of a pedestal than she would get in mainstream society she chooses a niche she is more desirable simply for the lack of prime pussy in said area and because betas naively worship women who pretend to share their interests. She's like a literature gamer girl that poses with books instead of controllers.

>> No.6679292
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>for seemingly no reason.
I think I figured the reason out.

>> No.6679300

i don't read to relate, since the relation comes naturally, but not this

>> No.6679301

>No one has linked DFW's The Depressed Person yet.
you guys really suck at /lit/

>> No.6679332
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friendly reminder that this is a no bully zone

>> No.6679336

your pepe is shit

>> No.6679345

it's my very favourite pepe tbh

>> No.6679354

>I don't go to the gym to get fit because getting fit comes naturally
you care about relating, you feel played when a text is unrelatable and question why would you read it. You are trash.

>> No.6679355

i know, i recognize you whenever you post

>> No.6679359

how do you discern me from others who post it?

>> No.6679361

you should know the form of relation i even mean is 'understanding'

who doesn't come to understand something as they read?

>> No.6679401

"We attend nuclear disarmament protests to ease the guilt of wanting to be nuked."~ paraphrased, Raoul Vaneigem

>> No.6679438

Discipline without purpose is madness, anon. Though it can help you find a purpose, it can only be a first and last step. In between that, you need to find a reason to carry on with discipline, a point where you can focus the vital energy gathered by discipline.

>> No.6679454

jesus shit vice should hire this creature

>> No.6679455

last night i cried for no discernible reason
in an apartment that doesn’t belong to me
in front of a person who also doesn’t belong to me
(because people can’t own other people)

i say that i don’t like owning things
but i’m not sure if that’s entirely accurate

i used to only cry alone
i have cried more in front of people in the last 6 months
than in the last 5 years of my life combined

crying seems funny, to me

i am on a very crowded train
passing grand central station
it is 9:01AM and i am officially late for work

i am late for work because i slept 15 minutes past my alarm
then i had sex
then i stopped for coffee

i am late to work every day
when you’re an intern nobody cares what you do

the main thing I am learning at my internship
is how to look busy when i’m not doing anything
also, i am very good at making photocopies now
and putting labels on things

today i got an email from a woman in human resources
she was upset because i haven’t gone to any of the ‘intern events’
because the ‘intern events’ count as your lunch break
and i want to eat lunch alone
i have become very good at avoiding other interns

at 5pm i will take a crowded train to my second job
at my second job i have learned how to answer phones
and transfer calls to the appropriate extensions
and smile at people
and bring people coffee
and call the car service
and process fed ex packages

today my brother emailed me while having a good drug experience
i want to have fun when i take drugs
but it’s difficult, sometimes

also, i want to lose 20 pounds
but i think that is an unrealistic goal
considering i don’t exercise
and my diet is terrible
and i am unmotivated

i think i would like to go to mexico and just hang out for a while
my dad says I have 50 cousins in mexico but i have never met them

would they let me leave work early
if i got hit by a car but wasn’t seriously injured

>people actually think that this is good poetry

>> No.6679461

Both of you seems pretty fine, tbh. Just make sure he doesn't turn schizophrenic or starts abusing himself or his relatives.

The idea that everyone should strive to be the new Einstein (who was a rather chill guy, btw) or, if they can't, a least the new Admiral Mcraven, is simply a meme.

>> No.6679470

You don't have to sympathise with everyone to be altruistic, quite the contrary. You have to experience with harder, more demanding form of sympathisation (the kind of commitment to other that actually involves contact, risk, and opening yourself to someone else's life), and you can't do that with everyone. Wether you're the popular, generally well-liked kind or not has little bearing on wether you're actually good to people who are close to you.

>> No.6679481

>anon admitting their errors on 4chan

That's pretty courageous of you anon. I'm unironically surprised.

This thread is insightful in a unsettling way. 4chan isn't supposed to be that good with life advices.

>> No.6679506
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>> No.6679509
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I like this one better; different author and less sucky:


>> No.6679559

This isn't really poetry, but it's not that bad. Sad in a teenagey way, if nothing else. It says a lot about her, voluntarily or not

>crying seems funny, to me

Good way to sum up the whole situation.

I guess you could take it as a form of documentary on people who live those kind of lives.

>> No.6679563

>the phase of his life that makes Palahniuk sound like the best author ever.
don't remind me of that, please.

>> No.6679587

The world desperately needs Second Religiousness.

>> No.6679599

at least I'm not depressed lol

>> No.6679604



>> No.6679613

>You feel it on Twitter more than Facebook, because >Facebook is where you go to do your performance art where >you pretend to be a hip, urbane person with the most
>best lunches ever.
>Facebook is surface; Twitter is subtext

Not dismisssing the thing out of hand (if millions people are using twitter regularly, then perhaps it means something is actually happening there, who knows), but I find it funny how Facebook and Twitter are his mains sources here.

>> No.6679626

Why do people constantly trot out this fucking retarded argument?

>Hitler was a reprehensible person

>He has thousands of people supporting him and following his orders in the name of his utopian vision, what do you have!?

>> No.6679629

>isn't poetry

You have no idea what you're talking about kid. Come back when you've graduated from a reputable university.

>> No.6679644

unproductive resentment is patrician af
get fucked plebs

>> No.6679651

good free verse is beautiful though

>> No.6679664

>Most Hispanics are just white people.
What's even better is that you're talking about am American hispanic

>> No.6679688

>In one poem, according to reviewer Emily Bludworth de Barrios, Gonzalez repeats a sequence of words for emphasis, sometimes called in poetry anaphora, to emphasize emotion.[7]
her wikipedia article is on the same intellectual level as her poetry

>> No.6679951
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>in an apartment that doesn’t belong to me
>in front of a person who also doesn’t belong to me
>(because people can’t own other people)

>> No.6679954

>I will spend hours on one sentence sometimes, and if I feel that sentence isn’t expressing exactly what I want it to express, I will delete the sentence entirely. I think it takes a lot of precision and tedious work.

Literally hours guys. Eat your heart out Joyce.

>> No.6680007

Sorry just poor reading comprehension

>> No.6680049

>Hitler was a reprehensible person

>> No.6680087

it's really difficult to achieve that perfect level of detached irony and feigned lack of effort

>> No.6680107

If I wrote to Fanzine telling them this was garbage, I could write better, and they should let me write for them, what would happen?

I do have a nice portfolio of freelance work to show them, if they actually asked.

>> No.6680128

lol another straight white male opinion on how he's superior

>> No.6680140


>self-fabricated, auto-perpetuated, and frankly imaginary

>translation: "nothin personnel kid." I

You have absolutely no grasp on the functions of mental illness, nor any sympathy with which you might motivate yourself to learn. The only conclusion I can come to is that you are below the age of 16 or severely stunted in your emotional/psychological development.

>> No.6680225

Only plebs can read trash.
>implying there is objectivity to life

>> No.6680275

Except there is a difference between depression and saying that you feel bad for says attention.
Muh fuck off back to >>>/v/, retard.

>> No.6680291

You even type like you're in high school

>> No.6680294

>person ill

The latter, anon.

>> No.6680297

Yes, yes, I'm an immature ingrate. We get it.

>> No.6680321

Fuck off underage b&
Fucking pretentious teens shitting up this board hoping to get in on some "smart jokes" to parrot to their friends and feign intelligence
If anyone should kill themselves it's you, I don't care if you're going to mature I'd just rather have one less fuckhead existing now than wait.

>> No.6680342

fucking high schoolers get the fuck off my board retard

>> No.6680349

you are the only autist who posts it
it's the same exif every time

>> No.6680353

>attention whoring and lies on an anonymous taiwanese papercrafting suicide line

>> No.6680363

He's right though
free verse is dogshit
enjoy sucking dicks at the next lefty poetry slam you go too and don't forget to have glases that matches your purse

>> No.6680549
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thanks anon, i really need that today.

>> No.6680553

worthless animeposter

>> No.6680566

are you a meme detective?

>> No.6680582

the anon you are replying to is an impostor (>>6680349)

i am the true meme detective (>>6679355)

>> No.6680586

no, i am the true meme detective

>> No.6680590

stop with the funny business!

>> No.6680748

Western attractive middle-upper class white women live life on easy mode.
Someone point out that not everybody in /lit/ is white or even male.

>> No.6681346

Pardon my encroaching, I had no idea it was your board, man. My bad.

>> No.6681562

poetry is shit

>> No.6681853

>(that’s not to say drugs are ‘bad’ or something, I also like cocaine).
Jesus Christ what a poor kid. She's too naive to even know that Substance Abuse almost always leads to depression. Fuck, I thought that that was common knowledge.

>> No.6681874

lel sounds super depressing

>> No.6682052

What a retarded kid, you mean, cuz it is common knowledge.

>> No.6682254

I never said it was mine, but being underage b& is against the rules, fucktard.

>> No.6682370



>> No.6683169

The only person making a racial issue out of this is the author herself.