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6672726 No.6672726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you degenerates used meth effectively to supplement your reading habits?

I'm NEET and I think with a help from little buddy here I could be more efficient.

>> No.6672745

>Get addicted
>Spend every waking moment trying to get more
>Sell all books to fund habit
>Break into houses, get arrested
>Chemical destroys body, eyes wear out
>Can't read, brain eaten away

You aren't retarded enough to think this is a good idea are you?

>> No.6672749

I'm not retarded enough to get addicted to a drug like meth, some people can handle their drugs

>> No.6672752

If you say so m8

>> No.6672756

>I'm not retarded enough

well you are a NEET

>> No.6672760
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Is this a good book?

>> No.6672767
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thats probably the worst drug for what amounts to a meditative, patience, consistence practice to acquire knowledge
i can understand even using it at a rave, but if you want cognitive enhancements, this is what i do:
walnuts/almonds first
a piece of 90% cacao chocolate, maybe two
swish it all down with green tea
and i take a hit of some weed, purple k
acquire a semi reclined, or seated position and supplement with lots of food and aerobic activity

>> No.6672768


you know literally everyone who gets fucked by hard drugs thinks this, right?

>> No.6672772
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>not using adderall
>using drugs made in bubba's trailer
>being white trash
I'm surprised someone who would even consider it can both read and afford internet.

>> No.6672785

I think you are right. Going to jail due to drugs will probably increase your efficiency.

>> No.6672787

are your almonds activated?

>> No.6672800

NEVER active the almonds it ends up in death of your first born

>> No.6672801

>Going to jail due to drugs
kek I'm white

>> No.6672813


Great now your parents will not only have to deal with a NEET but also a meth addicted drug fiend. What do you even need to be "efficient" for? A job interview? A college class? Pffft

>> No.6672827

for reading books and wanking sessions

>> No.6672830

cause you can just tell your body to not get physically addicted to something right you fucking retard

>> No.6672837

>getting physically addicted

kek i said meth not xanax you stupid housewife. physical addiction only occurs with drugs that bind to GABA receptors

>> No.6672861


psychological addiction is far stronger than physical addiction and probably just as inevitable

>> No.6672864

Fuck it I don't have much to live for and maybe this'll give me a rehab / camp counsellor gig 15 years down the line :^)

>> No.6672874

Then do heroin. As someone who has done both I would recommend not getting a meth habit.

>> No.6672886

meth is great for writing
heroin is great for reading
acid is great for poetry
MDMA is great for conversation
use all four wisely

>> No.6672887

rehab gigs fucking suck. i got out of treatment last year and a bunch of friends got jobs as case managers. you put up with a bunch of pissy privileged assholes and make like 15 an hour

>> No.6672890

>not being Straight Edge
Enjoy destroying your body & minds you damn fools

>> No.6672891

heroin WDs are 5000x worse than meth WDs. although meth can fuck you up way worse while in the active addiction phase

>> No.6672895

>straight edge

holy shit stay pleb forever

>> No.6672896

I'm schizo and want to be a recreational therapist and play card games with druggies and crazies. how well does this pay? do I need a degree?

>> No.6672897


>> No.6672899

>do I need a degree?

Nope, just get addicted to any hard drug and stop taking it for 3 weeks and you're qualified.

>> No.6672902

enjoying that correlation between low IQ and drug abstinence?

>> No.6672905

you dont need a degree you need whats called a CADAC or some shit. at least thats what the rehab certification class is called in california. seriously though its not that cool you dont sit around and play with druggies. theyre all off drugs and pissed cause their parents made them go to rehab. you sit at a computer all day write up treatment plans and get bitched at by little trust fund fucks

>> No.6672909

worthless rhetoric

>> No.6672910

source faggot

>> No.6672911

you're supposed to sell drugs to the kids in rehab for an exorbitant markup
>not benefitting from prison-style blackmarkets

>> No.6672912
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you could always play mind games with them and manipulate them into ODing

>> No.6672916


>> No.6672919

cause when they relapse and call mommy and daddy when they got nowhere else to go theyll definitely not blame the guy who sold them drugs

>> No.6672925

if you sell them the right drugs there won't be anyone left to call mommy and addy

>> No.6672930

the fuck are you talking about selling them rat poison or some shit? druggies know how big of shots to take and usually have at least a rough estimate of how strong shit is

>> No.6672933


>> No.6672936
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>selling them rat poison or some shit

>> No.6672943

an addict going through WDs will literally fuck over anyone and everyone to get out of their current situation. these rules would not apply for sure

>> No.6672949

yeah but at that point youre a dealer, so you handle the snitch and move shop elsewhere

>> No.6672956

putting like, battery acid and fucked up shit in people's shots is a way people commit murder. definitely happens.

>> No.6672969

but then you lose all your clientele who buy for that sweet markup price, which is what i was originally arguing

>> No.6673004

it's not this simple you dumbfuck. i have done it. you can do it without being a piece of shit and getting addicted.

to op, try it. yolo.

>> No.6673016

weekend warrior can only last so long though

>> No.6673023

worst thing is we have one less NEET

So. win-win.

>> No.6673051

Meth is playing with fire man, I have had every drug besides it and heroin before and there is nothing like it.

I tried smoking it 6 months ago and now I do it once a month, but that might only be because I work away for 3 weeks of the month. All I know is now I'm having dreams about smoking it.

I'm not sure how I'd go reading, for one it is very very hard to sit still.

>> No.6673140

you don't wanna lose your good boy points and not be able to get any tendies now, do you OP?

>> No.6673150 [SPOILER] 
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If you do it, do it for the life experience

And smoke it. It takes a certain amount of skill, to not burn the bowl while making the meth itself last. To get the fattest hits
You'll appreciate it

>> No.6674049

Why the fuck would you willingly take meth? are you fucking dumb?

Do you enjoy literally destroying your neurons? and your ability to feel pleasure? because thats what you're doing.

I take normal amphetamine salts for ADD, even though retards that "recreationally" use it are fucking morons, why not do that instead of slowly killing yourself?

>> No.6674053
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>Only occurs with drugs that bind to GABA receptors
>I've never taken an organic chemistry course ever
read a book nigger

>> No.6674061

I've tried a wide variety of stimulants and I wouldn't recommend any of them to help read. You lose retention even with something that's designed as a focus aid, like modafinil.
Redrafting creative writing is fun on amphetamines but you need to do the first draft before you start or your imagination tends to go.

>> No.6674067



>> No.6674079

>you can smoke a drug infamous for addictive potential and life-crippling danger as long as you repeat the mantra "I am not addicted to meth" while you light up
have fun dying in a ditch, carpe dipshit

>> No.6674207

I had a friend who claimed that if he hadn't smoked for a day, he was sober in his mind and was, thus, actually sober.

It led me to make jokes about how quitting drugs must be easy since he's done it hundreds of times.

>> No.6674564

Kek ADD is a fake ailment, you fell for the meme speedhead

>> No.6674569


>In addition to being physically addictive, methamphetamine can also be very psychologically addictive as well. Under the influence of methamphetamine, users experience bursts of energy, talkativeness, and excitement. Users are able to go for hours or even days without sleep or food. 13 High doses or chronic use have been associated with increased nervousness, irritability, paranoia, and occasionally violent behavior, while withdrawal from high doses generally leads to severe depression. Chronic abuse produces a psychosis similar to schizophrenia and is characterized by paranoia, picking at the skin, self-absorption, auditory and visual hallucinations, and sometimes episodes of violence.
>in addition to being physically addictive

>> No.6674575

> posting propaganda

>> No.6674577

>buying into the idea that drugs make you seem smarter

It's like /lit/ really is advertised in highschools

>> No.6674578

>Make it to age 20 without ever trying drugs or alcohol
>Smoke marijuana once at a friend's house
>Spend the next two years completely addicted, pick up cigarettes and heavy drinking as well
I was a walking Government PSA. Just consider your willpower OP.

>> No.6674583

"His colleague Alfréd Rényi said, "a mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems", and Erdős drank copious quantities. After 1971 he also took amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 that he could not stop taking the drug for a month. Erdős won the bet, but complained that during his abstinence, mathematics had been set back by a month: "Before, when I looked at a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper." After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his amphetamine use."

>> No.6674584

I'm a member of MENSA

>> No.6674585

>thinking meth isn't physically addictive
>writing from suburbs, never known a drug addict
>can't read, on /lit/

>> No.6674590


Op this seems like a great idea. Try whacking your nuts with a hammer next

>> No.6674593

No, you're just a faggot. Try setting them down, just once, and you'll discover that while it's inconvenient for a few days, they ultimately have no hold over you.

>> No.6674599

>a math genius takes amphetamines and they help him revolutionize math
>if I take methamphetamines, I'll realize my own genius.

It's like people cling to these stories of people discovering their genius through untraditional means and believe it will happen to them

>if I quit my job, I'll write a great novel!
>if I take meth, I'll have lots of ideas!
>if I sell all my possessions and travel the world, I'll write a kickass memoir! It can't fail!

>> No.6674603

Whatever, loser. My connect pulled through and I'll be with the goodstuff tonight! Just need to get one of those fake rose pipes from the gas station and I'm all set :^)

>> No.6674612


I am taking MODAFINIL

If I did not develop tolerance (so that you need constant higher doses to make the thing work) and if the thing is really not-addictive (as many studies affirm) I guess I will make it my companion for live whenever I am writing. I don’t give a damn about any mystical “intelligence enhancer factors”; I just want the sleepiness to be dissolved, and this pill is much better than coffee.

>> No.6674620

Do you have some kind of extreme risk aversion? Better to try and fail gloriously than not try at all.

Weed helps give me lots of ideas and curiosity, like Whitman the closest thing I want to get high off is the air, but that just doesn't cut it for me.

I doubt I'd take meth though, it wouldn't help for what I want.

>> No.6674621


modern neuroscience tends to view psychological and physical addiction the same, namely as chemical and electrical processes in the brain.

>> No.6674626

spot the undergrad

>> No.6674629

>being this much of a cliché

genre literature: the person

>> No.6674643

Clichés are clichés for a reason friend

>> No.6674651


i never studied psychology or neurology at all. it's something i read in an interview with a neurologist and took at face value because it seemed so intuitive.

>> No.6674652

I do not have extreme risk aversion. I jae a variety of drugs recreationally. The idea, however, of using stimulants to help my writing repulsed me. The idea of being addicted to anything repulses me. Why you would to be a slave to a chemical is beyond me.

Inb4 we're all slaves to the man
Inb4 chemicals are food
Inb4 there's no difference

>> No.6674659

I'm trying to figure out how drugs became so deeply embedded in our culture. Even meth now, apparently. I would say that about half of the people I know have done it. Some of them seem to love to brag about it. It's a punch line. Its social acceptability is rapidly becoming similar to that of alcohol.

It used to be that most drugs (weed excepted) were just a subject of books and movies. But now increasingly life is imitating art, and all the things we used to only read about are spilling out into the everyday. Many comedians are fond of saying, "People can tell the difference between a joke and reality. They don't do the things they enjoy laughing about."

I think that's no longer the case. All the lines are blurring. We underestimated just how malleable cultural norms are. We think of them as something set in stone. There are some boundaries that regular folk will just never cross. But that is patently false.

If the preceding century taught us anything, it's that culture can permit almost anything. Our idea of the control cultrue exerts over the things that can and can't happen is totally warped. The truth is that we can't even begin to imagine the things that are possible in this or in any other culture.

>> No.6674668

Drug addicts, especially young ones, are conformists flocking together in sticky groups, and I do not write for groups, nor approve of group therapy (the big scene in the Freudian farce); as I have said often enough, I write for myself in multiplicate, a not unfamiliar phenomenon on the horizon of shimmering deserts. Young dunces who turn to drugs cannot read “Lolita,” or any of my books, some in fact cannot read at all. Let me also observe that the term “square” already dates as a slang word, for nothing dates quicker than conservative youth, nor is there anything more philistine, more bourgeois, more ovine than this business of drug duncery. Half a century ago, a similar fashion among the smart set of St. Petersburg was cocaine sniffing combined with phony orientalities. The better and brighter minds of my young American readers are far removed from those juvenile fads and faddists. I also used to know in the past a Communist agent who got so involved in trying to wreck anti-Bolshevist groups by distributing drugs among them that he became an addict himself and lapsed into a dreamy state of commendable metempsychic sloth. He must be grazing today on some grassy slope in Tibet if he has not yet lined the coat of his fortunate shepherd.

>> No.6674669

>social acceptability is rapidly becoming similar to that of alcohol.
Like fuck is it.

>It used to be that most drugs (weed excepted) were just a subject of books and movies
You mean you used to be younger and not exposed to adult life.

>We underestimated just how malleable cultural norms are
Speak for yourself.

>> No.6674675

Did you write this?

>> No.6674676

Yes, Nabokov is posting on /lit/ from beyond the grave.

>> No.6674679

Yawn, yawn. This preachy John Green guy sure is insufferable.

>> No.6674688

I wonder: do all drug enthusiasts have avoidant personality disorder?

>> No.6674691

Yes, and the cliché here is that people who are confident that they can 'handle their drugs' are usually the ones who end up addicts.

>> No.6674693

No, I'm just smart enough not to take anything Nabokov said seriously.

>> No.6674701

I've taken oxycontin, smoked cigarettes, alcohol, weed, xanax, so far the only addiction I can't give up is mindlessly perusing the internet.

>> No.6674709

Oh goddamn son that's some serious shit there oh man meth is prolly the next step. Can we ban someone for underage without any real proof?

>> No.6674723

I wouldn't base your chance of addiction to the strongest stimulant on earth on your experience dabbling in a few common downers.

Especially since you plan on using meth as a tool rather than mere recreation, increasing your chance of dependency.

>> No.6674731

>I am smarter than Nabokov
>You can't tell me what to do old man

>> No.6674737

I've taken weed, methoxetamine, methoxphenidine, ketamine, LSD, LSZ, AL-LAD, psilocybin, 4-AcO-MET, harmine, Alprazolam, Lorazepam, etizolam, phenibut, kratom, amphetamine, methylphenidate, 4-fluoroamphetamine, MDMA, cocaine, and I guess alcohol and tobacco. I'm still a drug novice and so are you.

>> No.6674738

>I didn't get addicted
>Drug addiction is a government lie

>> No.6674740

>not knowing that shortcuts don't work and always backfire

Stop trying to cheat at life you lazy faggot.

>> No.6674745
File: 31 KB, 632x480, doggone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try water and lentils brah

fucking sick

>> No.6674765

>no nitrous
>naming psilocybin, the chemical
>muh four specific RCs

Get a life

>> No.6674771

I'm sorry, I'm not OP. No plans to do meth, but I might try ritalin or something. I thought this discussion had devolved to the point where anyone doing drugs is instantly seen as a fiend. From what I've read, opiates are more addictive than stimulants anyways, and I have taken them mostly for mental and physical pain, which people assume always certainly leads to addiction and dependency.

Does anyone actually think Nabokov was insanely smart and not just a decent prose stylist? I'd find that hard to believe. He did have a good penchant for PR I'll admit.

>> No.6674783

This is OPs mom.

OP died an hour ago. Please do not take stimulants while on an MAOI. Better safe than sorry!

>> No.6674784

Opiates in themselves are quite harmless though, stimulants will wreck you.

>> No.6674787

You or someone else said 'people who say they never get addicted will inevitably get addicted', I just used my own anecdotal evidence as an counterexample.

And yes, there is a lot of propaganda involved in the creation of drug users as fiends and drugs being worse than child rape.

What's the shortcut? You're still reading, albeit at a much faster pace.

>> No.6674788

>on /lit/
>not expecting the drug users to be elitist nerds

>> No.6674813

>What's the shortcut? You're still reading, albeit at a much faster pace.
You probably won't be reading at all because you're too busy being spun the fuck out and hopping around. Even if you do manage to read on it, the honeymoon phase of non-medicinal doses of amphetamines is very short and stops being beneficial relatively quickly.

In the long term sober people will get more reading done than druggies. Also, faster reading isn't better reading and reading more books isn't necessarily better than reading a few books in depth.

Viewing your education in quantity is a pleb move altogether.

>> No.6674837

I thought amphetamines were used to help with focusing. No one says you need to take huge amounts to the point where you're trying to choke yourself while spazzing out and shoving butt plugs in your ass and seeing stars.

>> No.6674879

kek how weak. my list:



Benzos & related:


Opiates & Opioids:

it's a work in progress

>> No.6674881

They are as a last resort for people lwho otherwise can't function like ADD lads, narcoleptics, people who must stay awake at all cost for a period of time fighter pilots, military leaders, soldiers in general etc.

Like most medication it has side effects. These side effects can be preferable to the condition that is treated. For example, my astma medication that makes me shaky is preferable to not breathing.

If there is nothing wrong with you and it's not en emergency then the downsides of stimulant use outweigh the benefits. This is even true for something as innocent as coffee.

Even in the case where the benefits of amphetamines outweigh the down sides, meth is rarely the drug of choice since it makes people go a bit crazy.

The Allied forces during WW2 had their people benzedrine be cause meth had too many side effects like making pilots irrationally aggressive and unpredictable. The Germans however were massively on meth, including Hitler himself.

>> No.6674905
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I don't know what to believe anymore except that I want to create something

>> No.6674907

you sound healthy

>> No.6674916

I'm in tip top physical condition, thanks for asking.

>> No.6674931
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>"hey come smoke pot don't worry I don't have to grind it"
>dosed with meth
>wrote a cool poem

>> No.6674942

Meth causes brain damage.

>inb4 [citation needed] - look it up yourself.

>> No.6674948

neurotoxicity =/= brain damage

>> No.6674951

Laced weed is an urban legend. Do you realize how much money drug dealers would lose if they fucked around putting hard drugs in pot?

>> No.6674991

not true. one of my friends in high school smoked weed that was laced with heroin by his dealer and he died

he deserved it for being a drug user

>> No.6674999

Wasn't even laced. I'm colorblind. I think she thought I straight up knew

>> No.6675007

Laced doesn't mean secretly laced. It just means laced. It was laced.

He probably just OD'd on the weed.

>> No.6675106

ITT: /lit/ proves that it is still the easiest board to troll

I quite enjoyed 2C-I. Did you find the other designer psychedelics to be similar?

>> No.6675223

>I can't do research, too busy smoking meth.
That's understandable.

>> No.6675229

i think that's a pretty cool poem.

>> No.6675235


>bragging about how many drugs you've tried

you must be really cool anon

>> No.6675299

>be a drug dealer just trying to hook up a newbie with some good weed laced with heroin - just to show him a good time
>the kid dies

What's wrong with people these days? But honestly, why would a drug dealer sell weed laced with heroin, wouldn't it be worth more money? Maybe he accidentally gave it to the kid.

>> No.6675382

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>"I'm innocent I swear!"

>"That's exactly what a guilty person would say >:-)

>> No.6675401

Someone not familiar with meth saying he knows in advance that he can handle it is exactly the kind of idiot to overestimate himself and get in over his head.

>> No.6675624

Fucking NBOMs. Why did nobody ever heard of 25F and it is the only shit I can get where i live.

>> No.6676441

25F is garbage anon

>> No.6676571


I was forced to do meth once by a 300 pound ex-mercenary with a machette who was bleeding out his face.

>> No.6676585

I've taken meth, and it doesn't work like that...

>> No.6676596

Getting addicted to "hard" drugs on first use is a myth and a meme.

>> No.6676616

He wasn't even saying that. Fucking drugies

>> No.6676626

meth is a party drug op
Learn your shit
your plebness is embarrassing

>> No.6676631

Just get adderall from your friend like a normal person.

>> No.6676639

adderall is lame. If you're going to take hard drugs you might as well do it right

>> No.6676643


I do opiates and read.

>> No.6676703

I don't know why anyone would be antsy to go hard on stimulants. But my town is fucking wrecked by meth.

>> No.6676714

>tfw european
>tfw meth never caught on because everyone is too patrician

>> No.6676761
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>tfw aussie
>tfw everyone and their mother does meth
>tfw patrician as fuck

>> No.6676798

I know, I watched this recently:


>> No.6676806
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You, my fine fellow, are a fool.

>> No.6676843

anon is probably slamming some fine crystal and in the middle of a 12 fuck session with your mom right now