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6669604 No.6669604 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Wheel of Time much better than Asoiaf?

>> No.6669608

Martin writes much better characters than Jordan did.

>> No.6669622

Martin has better twists.

Jordan actually has an ending.

It depends on how you like your fantasy for the most part. Jordan is better in pure detail. Martin has better melodrama (remember he was a TV writer for a long time and know how to pace for tension)

>> No.6669641

that would be like comparing vomit to feces.

>> No.6669652

well feces would imply that one of the two options at one point had some sort of nutritional value before being ejected out of the anus

>> No.6669667

But vomit had nutritional value as well. The only difference from feces is that it went out the wrong way and sooner.

>> No.6669690

>>read a Thousand pages overflowing with cliche it gets good!

>> No.6669699


no, because it's longer. i do prefer Jordan's prose to Martin's though....Martin's aphorisms and clunky, nomenclature-heavy descriptions make me sigh

>> No.6669725

IMO Jordan is actually better. He obviously knew where the series was going from the start, he just suffered during the middle to tie up all the plot points.

I highly doubt Martin knows where he is going at this point. It obvious he blew his story at the end of book 3. The "5 year gap" rewrite nonsense is just him trying to buy as much time as possible as he tries to figure out how to end the story.

>> No.6669755

No, it's much MUCH worse

Anyone who believes otherwise is blinded by nostalgia or b8ing

>> No.6669926

It's actually a lot worse. Jordan made his books so long I forgot I was reading one and realized that I never finished the series 4 years later. There's tons of filler after book 7 and people barely use the one power.

>> No.6670208

They're both shit, but Wheel is more generic

>> No.6670251

I enjoyed the series, but even if by happenstance you enjoy all the weird quirks of the writing, i guarantee, at some point practically every character (barring villains and like, mat cauthon) will genuinely annoy the piss out of you at some point during the series.

The female characters are worse for this, barring aviendha, who's brutal enough to stay interesting.

>> No.6670542

Wheel of time has a better plot by far.
Despite some chicles, it hás many good ideas, while got is just a medieval war fanfic with the same clichés.

It also has a very good worldbuild, while got's world is as interesting as eragon's world.

But indeed asoiaf has better characters. Wot characters are só annoying to the point I can't like any of them.
wot is indeed better, but that's not a lot

>> No.6671812

>The "5 year gap" rewrite nonsense is just him trying to buy as much time as possible as he tries to figure out how to end the story.
Not mentioning how bloated his books are getting. At the begining at least he used to kill some characters, but now nothing is happening.

>> No.6671823

i love that gum

>> No.6671845

Path of Daggers is one of the most boring books I've ever read. I couldn't tell you a damn thing that happened in Path of Daggers, because I basically snoozed my way through it.

>> No.6671852

Have you ever read A Feast for Crows?
Is as bad as PoD IMO.

>> No.6671862

I have. It wasn't the greatest, but I would say it's better than Path of Daggers.

>> No.6671868

I've read Feast for Crows, and at least I can summarize it as Arya went blind and Cersei was a shit queen.
I put the book down and forgot about the series, and never started again

>> No.6671901

>I put the book down and forgot about the series, and never started again
Actually the best part of WOT happens after Path of Daggers. Books 11 and Brandon Sanderson takeover are my favorites along with The Shadow Rising.
But you still need to defeat Crossroads of Twilight which is even worse than Path of Daggers. Yes, it's possible.

>> No.6671948
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What /lit/ think of this series?

Also what's /lit/'s favorite guilty pleasure fantasy book?

>> No.6671969

I really don't know if I should start it again. I last read the books 4 years ago. The Shadow Rising was GOAT but after reading Dune recently I realized that it was basically just Dune. I found that Jordan wrote great action scenes and whenever the one power was used I was really engaged. But as the books went on there were a lot of meaningless and boring side plots. I could never give a shit about the children of the light and morgase trakand.

>> No.6671973

IMHO it's second best epic fantasy series ever. For me only Tolkien is better writer than Erikson, and their style is so different it's hard to compare.
If ASOIAF were good, it would be Malazan.

>> No.6671977

Overly complicated for what it is.

Sanderson for strict guilty pleasure.

>> No.6672161
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