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6665901 No.6665901 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a fantasy series I can get into and totally obsess over that isn't Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones.

>> No.6665904

The Book of the New Sun

>> No.6665918

the bible

>> No.6665922


>> No.6665927


>> No.6665931

kind of hyped for the warcraft movie, hope the CGI wont be shit

>> No.6665932

Agree, whether toy believe it or not the bible has great tales

>> No.6665934

The God Delusion

>> No.6665937

Try the Warhammer/Black Library shit, or Forgotten Realms.

>> No.6665938


>> No.6665940

Dune is Sci Fi but it counts

>> No.6666036

wheel of time

>> No.6666207
File: 47 KB, 316x537, dsklangnd;l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams (his ignorance of the Oxford comma, not mine)

Guardians of the Flame by Joel Rosenberg (pic related)

The Belgariad by David Eddings (sort of cliche, but a good read anyway)

The Sword of Bedwyr by R.A. Salvatore (standalone, not set with his D&D and Drizzt shit, pretty good and funny to boot)

The Dark Tower by Stephen King (if you can stand books 5 and 6, and the Coda of 7)

Honourable mention Harry Potter <:^)))

>> No.6666211

>hope the CGI wont be shit
That's like hoping water won't be wet.

>> No.6666218

Gormenghast is damn good, if you like literature and not just plain fantasy.

>> No.6666219

the oxford comma thing is exactly what keeps me from even picking up the books when i see them

>> No.6666347

Actually it's only in the title of the trilogy itself, weirdly enough. The books themselves use the Oxford comma throughout.

>> No.6666349

>Dark Tower.
I was in middle school when I found those books, and I spent the next week staying up late reading them instead of studying or doing homework.

Those were some great times

>> No.6666886

Dune. It's sci fi but read it and you'll be obsessing over spice and machine jihads in no time.

>> No.6666946
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I just finished reading this series for nostalgia purposes and thought it was still pretty good. I don't know about obsessing over it but might be worth it

>> No.6666977

Conan (original Howard stories ONLY, the rest is cliche BS with 2D characters)
Fafthrd & Grey Mouser
Elric/eternal champion stories by Moorcock
Gormenghast (skip book three and read the short story boy in darkness instead)
Book of the New Sun
Discworld (all books before Pyramids & Small Gods are different and rather skippable however)

>> No.6666989

Try The Witcher series. They made games set after the books as well bretty gud

>> No.6667019

The Last Wish

>> No.6668759

Wheel of time
Elric saga
Coco the barbarian
Feist's magician series

>> No.6668762

it's not awful but that's probably the worst series nix has written

the abhorsen trilogy and seventh tower series are both better IMO

>> No.6668781

>Elric/eternal champion stories by Moorcock
This because you can be a rabid fanboy who worships Elric's feet. The Elric saga is so good precisely because it allows for this kind of obsession.
>Book of the New Sun
This because you can lose sleep analysing Gene Wolfe's word choices.

It's also worth checking the various winners and nominees of the various fantasy/sf awards that exist. They're by no means the be-all and end-all of quality, but they're just as good a starting point for exploration as any.

>> No.6668842

The Inheritance Saga

>> No.6668850

The dragonlance chronicles

>> No.6668880

This all the way OP

>> No.6668901

ice, man

>> No.6668922

it's written by a 15 year old, and exactly feels like that.

>> No.6668949
File: 30 KB, 600x200, the-first-law-trilogy-joe-abercrombie-slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. It's recognizably influenced by Martin, but it still stands as its own thing , it's not a ripoff.

>> No.6668964

Greco-Roman mythology.

>> No.6669004

Cherryh's Fortress Series

>> No.6669042

The Witcher series.

>> No.6669109

>reading any fantasy series other than Malazan Book if the Fallen

>> No.6669472

Scott Lynch's "Lies of Locke Lamora" series
Brent Weeks' "LIghtbringer" series

>> No.6669796


Why would you recommend such a terrible saga?

>> No.6669809

The Call of Ktulu

>> No.6671064

I haven't actually read those, so I can compare, but I enjoyed the premise and setting of Keys to the Kingdom. Plus that twist at the end.

>> No.6671069

*can't compare

>> No.6671124
File: 10 KB, 174x289, theblackcompany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Black Company chronicles are great. I just finished them two days ago and it's probably my favourite series now.

Would also recommend >>6668949 . The writing in the first half of the first book isnt great, but it really picks up after that.

>> No.6671180


>> No.6671344

The Bartimaeus Trilogy

>> No.6671387

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.6671492

nigga knows whats up

>> No.6671669

eddie lacroft (think it's spelled that way) medieval fantasy detective story.
also, "Betrayal at Falador" is a good book. the two follow up novels are just ok, suffer from characters developing into shits and not getting their just deserts. the first is pretty good from what I remember though.

>> No.6671675
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>> No.6671686

I really like the witcher books by Anderzej Sapkowski.

Ive heard mixed things about dragonlance also.

>> No.6671687

kek well done m8


>> No.6671700

Elder Scrolls

>> No.6672924
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x795, Knights Radiant Order Names and Surgebindings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gonna take ~30 years for all this shit to finish

>> No.6672931

I liked the way they incorporated Polish folklore.

>> No.6673492

What I'd recommend

>> No.6673532

This isn't remotely amusing, did you make it? I can't even tell what it's supposed to be making fun of.

>> No.6673538

Umm... HELLO! The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. Words of Radiance might actually be the best book ever written. 4.76 rating on Goodreads at the moment.

>> No.6673545

The Elric of Melnibone/Eternal champion works.
Lovecraft and cthulhu mythos such as Hounds of Tindalos

>> No.6673712


>> No.6675809
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>> No.6675826

go with the germans

>> No.6675927

>Dresden Files
>Black Company
>Malazan Book of the Fallen
>Black Jewels Trilogy
>Codex Alera
>Felix Castor
>Night Angel Trilogy(fuck you nay-sayers)
>Lightbringer Series(also fuck you nay-sayers)
>Raven's Shadow by Anthony Ryan
>Cold Fire Trilogy
>Riyria Series
>Powder Mage Trilogy
>Neal Asher Polity Series

>> No.6675947

is the blade itself any good?

>> No.6675963


You don't come here much do you? Either your a tumblrina, a troll, or you have made your way to the wrong side of the internet.

>> No.6676024

fuckin lol

>> No.6676297
File: 349 KB, 1037x1715, 81WmyLpandL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd bet that you WILL get addicted to this story (3 books total) if you like fantasy
Trust me

>> No.6676425

The Third Law trilogy

>> No.6676463

yep, pretty much this

>> No.6676480

This book is the biggest mary sue I've ever read in my life.

It's actually awful, but as a guilty pleasure read its fantastic.

>> No.6676487

Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?

>> No.6676518

Conan the Cimmerian

>> No.6676554


Koanan, the Commarian.

>> No.6676572

>thinks the Oxford comma is a mistake and not preference of style

>> No.6676594

this isn't the right board for you

it's a mistake, pleb

>> No.6676700

It was a reference to a song you twat

>> No.6676709
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If it is your first Fantasy novel and you have no standards to compare it to, then I could believe this post.

>> No.6677580
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The Wheel of Time, obviously

>> No.6677659

The Witcher Saga dude, all 8 toms.

>> No.6677669
File: 75 KB, 400x591, TheLastWish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with this and see what happens. one of the best games nowadays had to be inspired on something even bigger, right?

>> No.6677671
File: 19 KB, 160x238, Lost_Years_of_Merlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6678598

But water ain't wet mane.
Look it up

>> No.6678682

Do you really think videogames mean something in literary circles? First 2 novels are short stories that are not even good, merely acceptable, whilst the 5 book saga is worse than mediocre. If you insist, try the Spanish translation.
Genre fiction makes me feel dirty :S

>> No.6679737

the percy jackson books

>> No.6680351

Is The Lord of the Rings really worth reading?

>> No.6681415
File: 68 KB, 326x475, 6129NJNCK1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Edge Chronicles are actually pretty good for a fantasy series

>> No.6681427
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Or Pendragon.

>> No.6681439
File: 33 KB, 500x270, the-black-magician-trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

It's a pretty good story.

>> No.6681459

If you're looking for completed series try out:

Malazan Book of the Fallen
The Black Company
The First Law
The Broken Empire
Gentleman Bastard

If you don't care about it being completed, check out The Kingkiller Chronicle and The Stormlight Archive.

All of these are the most popular series to date, barring LotR and aSoIaF.

>> No.6681473

Y'all niggas overlooking the elder scrolls in-game books.

Full blown mythology, references everywhere to Greek, Norse, etc

>> No.6681487


I believe that if Morrowind was never a video game it would have made an even better book. Or just about anything in Elder Scrolls lore.

>> No.6681511

I would say it definitely could stand on its own, but the visual motifs of strange orientalism really helped in my opinion. I liked finding out the history on my own through contextual stuff, so I think some of that may be lost in a pure novel.

Hands down my favorite game though

>> No.6681821

A pleb song.

>> No.6682026

You should be hyped for the Assassins Creed film instead. It's got Michael Fassbender and the director of the upcoming Macbeth film. We're finally going to start seeing film adaptations of video games that aren't shit.

>> No.6682033

T.H White's The Once And Future King

>> No.6682057 [SPOILER] 
File: 307 KB, 1600x900, 1434173256915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw they're literally fighting a fucking castle that feeds off of the dead, or living.

>> No.6682079


>> No.6682083

I think there's a couple of offical novels about Morrowind in-between the time period of Oblivion and Skyrim. I can't speak to their quality though.