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/lit/ - Literature

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6665668 No.6665668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This literally just happened to me

>Want to start getting a grasp of Nietzsche's philosophy
>Buy pic related
>Reading it on the train to work
>I have to commute to London for 1 hour 30 minutes and back every day
>Train is always packed
>Sitting opposite an Ashkenazic-looking lady
>She has an obstinate grimace on her face
>Switches from looking at me and the book cover continuously with the aforementioned facial expression, never ceasing
>Try to ignore her
>Eventually get perturbed and ask her if something is wrong
>"I just can't believe you can just sit there and just... read that"
>Ask her what is wrong with it
>She starts to fake-cry and sheds crocodile tears
>Male passengers take notice ask her what's wrong
>She doesn't answer and goes into a different carriage

What the fuck just happened?

>> No.6665678

That, basically.

I don't believe you though, it's too good to be real.

>> No.6665684

You're literally Satan OP. Get the hell out of here.

>> No.6665693
File: 435 KB, 420x315, 1415319333012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should ask a nazi next time

>> No.6665699

why would you just go on the internet and lie like that

>> No.6665704

hahahaha, this is great

>> No.6665708

She was just disturbed by how much of a fucking pleb you are.

>> No.6665713

>"Ashkenazic looking lady"
>200,000 in all of England
>public transportation

OP got trolled by a gypsy

>> No.6665722
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>read George Eliot
>"Huh, another dead white male for your collection. Why don't you get some diversity in your life?"
>read Evelyn Waugh
>"Bro, what's with that pussy shit? Read something by a man for christ sake."

>> No.6665726

Nietzsche was misinterpreted by the Nazis. The most ironic part is he hated antisemitism and nationalism.

>> No.6665740

He didn't hate nationalism, he hated ultranationalism.

>> No.6665743

Mostly just hate for German Nationalism, really.

>> No.6665747

>Ashkenazic-looking lady

good trollbait op, 7/10 will get bites

>> No.6665753

>study politics
>take theories of international relations class
>every time we touch on philosophical ideas, lecturer feels the need to talk about LOL DEAD WHITE GUYS AMIRITE
>majority of class are white girls who think he is hilarious
And this is when I realised International Relations is a meme degree.

>> No.6665756

>in a bookshop with bros girl
>buying The Color Purple and Dracula
>"So what do you like to read Anon, isn't reading mostly for kids?"
>"I mostly like classics, the more mature kind"
>"Isn't Dracula a kid's story?"
>"no it's a classic..."
>she looks at me like I a junior school kid reading only because the other boys won't play with me

>> No.6665759


Those books are both literally for school children, they are both taught to high school students in the lower grades.

When will summer go? You guys have absolute shit fucking taste/knowledge of literature

>> No.6665777
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It's still a fucking classic which I haven't read, the other is a fucking Pulitzer Prize winner. Am I not supposed to read it now, eh, tell me?

It's like To Kill A Mockingbird, sure it's written for younger people but I read it just last year and it's still a bloody good book.

When I was younger I read mostly sci-fi, not much else.

Are you the book police?

>> No.6665782


No but I am someone who would like to see a board of adults talking about literature, not children discussing the books that are the favourites of soccer moms.

Also, Mockingbird is a shit book.

>> No.6665796
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>trying to argue not being a kid

>> No.6665804
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>reading in public
>girl approaches
>"what are you reading?"
>show her the book cover
>"oh that's nice, what's it about?"
>"well... read it and find out"
>"okay haha"

This happened to me a lot of times. Should I say something else? I don't want to be the guy who thinks every girl that talks to you wants the dick, but, do they expect something else or they really only want to know what i'm reading?

>> No.6665809

>A frog picture
>On a neolithic cave painting forum
>Calling someone a kid


>> No.6665813


That is a terrible thing to say. Boil down the plot to one simple sentence that, if necessary, distort's the book into a simple, digestible idea.

Eg. if someone asks you this when you are reading Anna Karenina, respond with "it's about a woman who cheats on her husband and then offs herself" or just "it's about a woman who cheats on her husband"

>> No.6665819
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>> No.6665821

She knows you didn't start with the greeks, bro.

>> No.6665824
File: 10 KB, 266x189, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read Nietzsche, Cioran, Plato, Hume, Nabokov, Joyce, etc. etc. etc. it doesn't mean I don't or shouldn't read not-"highbrow" stuff. I have no pretensions about books, perhaps you should check yours.

Also, just because you find a children's book crap doesn't mean it to be, for instance Alice in Wonderland actually kicks the "mature" books you probably acclaim asses' in my eyes. Let's not get all snobby because you read intellectual books in 2015 okay?

>> No.6665830


We're not getting snobby there mate. I think Treasure Island and Through the Looking Glass are both incredible. It's not a matter of being snobby, it's a matter of knowing good writing regardless of the group it's written for.

Mockingbird is absolute shit

>> No.6665850
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>> No.6665853

What if i'm reading Gravity's Rainbow?

>"Well you know, it's about pavlovian conditioned erections, paranoia, bananas and talking light bulbs at the end of the second world war, there's also rockets, shit eating and Mickey Rooney"

>> No.6665861

you cant just boil down a classic to a sentence. it would be better this way:

>what are you reading?
>the stranger
>whats it about?
>absurdism, alienation, nihilism

>> No.6665864


that actually wouldn't be a bad response as you might be able to get a laugh if you say it in a way that doesn't make you look like an autistic loser and bring your listener in on the joke of the book's complexity

>> No.6665866
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>> No.6665869

>"It's a masterpiece of litrichur by Tommy Pinecone. My friends on fortune dot org slash lit told me about it, you should start with the greeks though pleb."

>> No.6665873


so random X3

>> No.6665875

Imagine for a second that another's idea of good writing doesn't fit your criteria.
I found it odd myself how I liked that one with me actually being extremely picky. I still see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6665881

yeah that is what the book eat, you urophilic orangutan

>> No.6665884

>you will never be approached by a girl

>> No.6665890

>and it's still a bloody good book.
why do you think this?

>> No.6665894


Captcha: Select all Pasta.

>> No.6665900

Never say never

>girl approaches
>"hey, could you stop following me?"

>> No.6665902

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up fountain pen my name is Tom but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF b00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very literary!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet literary ppl like me _… im 78 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch The Simpsons w/ my shota (im bi if u dont like it present a cogent argument as to why its degeneratcy matters in the nuclear age) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO literary!!!! he's litarary 2 of course but i want 2 meet more literary ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of book recs!!!!
NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein literary again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and bananas,

t3h PeNgU1N oF b00m

>> No.6665945
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Firstly this book would've never worked out for me if the humour didn't agree with me. Luckily that did. Sure it's lots predictable, muh discrimination and injustice, ignorance and other die-hard inheritances, but it's not told through a morally high horsed narrator but an innocent little girl, which makes a big difference. It's way off from being close to didactic in any manner which was imperative considering the subject matters. I think it is quite commendable an achievement to actually package a book with those themes getting the perfect balance in basically everything to actually make a grown man not eye-roll at its contents but enjoy it.

>> No.6666022 [DELETED] 

This literally just happened to me.

>want to start getting a grasp of Giovanni Gentile's philosophy
>buy pic related
>reading it on the train to work
>I have to commute to New York City for 45 minutes and back every day
>train is always packed
>sitting opposite a bespectacled, thin, and dyspeptic-looking man
>he has an obstinate grimace on his face
>switches from looking at me and the book cover continuously with the aforementioned facial expression, never ceasing
>try to ignore him, put in my headphones and start to listen to and hum along with Wagner
>eventually get perturbed and ask him if something is wrong
>In a nasally voice, he says, "I can't believe you can sit there and just... read that"
>ask him what's wrong with it
>he starts to fake cry and sheds crocodile tears
>other passengers notice and ask him why he's being a fucking pussy
>he doesn't answer and jumps out of the train to his death

>> No.6666029 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 144x216, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This literally just happened to me.

>want to start getting a grasp of Giovanni Gentile's philosophy
>buy pic related
>reading it on the train to work
>I have to commute to New York City for 45 minutes and back every day
>train is always packed
>sitting opposite a bespectacled, thin, and dyspeptic-looking man
>he has an obstinate grimace on his face
>switches from looking at me and the book cover continuously with the aforementioned facial expression, never ceasing
>try to ignore him, put in my headphones and start to listen to and hum along with Wagner
>eventually get perturbed and ask him if something is wrong
>In a nasally voice, he says, "I can't believe you can sit there and just... read that"
>ask him what's wrong with it
>he starts to fake cry and sheds crocodile tears
>other passengers notice and ask him why he's being a fucking pussy
>he doesn't answer and jumps out of the train to his death

>> No.6666072

>graduate from college
>find a place on my own with a mediocre job
>barely keep in touch with old friends
>spend last 8 months reading obsessively, becoming a regular runner, and writing
>start forcing myself to go to reading groups and other smart/"hip" events
>old friends finally start coming around
>meet new people who are actually genuinely interested in what I have to say regarding philosophy, art, and literature
>realize women actually are into /lit/ men who actually read

Cocoon mode works y'all.

>> No.6666084

Where do you live. I live in the Midwest and I feel there is no hope for me.

>> No.6666107

Philistine and Luddite HQ. You need to move.

>> No.6666108
File: 186 KB, 1252x1252, kngka6su..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I'd just be happy with a YA reading pleb girl.

>> No.6666469
File: 29 KB, 245x245, doubt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one bad professor makes a entire field of study worthless

>> No.6666503

i can believe this
old jews generally think hitler got all his bright ideas from him
it's weird, i know

>> No.6666525

Nietzsche is associated with Nihilism, which is considered to be an extremely bleak philosophy by the layman who may not actually know much of anything about it. She could've just thought it was depressing to see a young guy reading something that's popularly considered to be bleak and hopeless.

>> No.6666533

Considering he's a verbosity on Stirner, yeah, it's easy to mistake him for nihilism.

>> No.6666537

Her natural hair colour is better

>> No.6666549
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Preach it!

>> No.6666557
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>tfw ugly
Unless I get published and make millions no one will ever love me.

>> No.6666567

Buttercup has a crush, too.

>> No.6666617

In what way was he not nihilistic?

>> No.6666772

It's less that he wasn't a nihilist and more that peoples' understanding of nihilism tends to be extremely simplistic.

>> No.6666786

No, no, no. You have it all wrong. He hated SUPERnationalism. Common mistake.

>> No.6666789

Ok i get u

>> No.6666793

It's really confusing when there's two common meanings....

>> No.6666794

>book police

Come on dude. Have a little self respect here.

>> No.6666796
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>> No.6666817

if he's on the northern line or jubilee he's quite likely to see jews at least once over the course of many tube journeys.

>> No.6666823

The common meaning being a gross oversimplification of the philosophy is exactly the problem.

>> No.6666844


I think it's a little more than that. The morphisation of language and all that. It's seems it's always the buzzwords that suffer. And a little of my sanity.

>> No.6666845
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>> No.6666853

... UNSW?

The main introductory lecturer was meme-like, but I took a specialist class on Southeast Asia taught by a former Singaporean civil servant and it was great.

>> No.6666868
File: 11 KB, 500x247, d7e14310c0261a3c5f84b11d7f8e91f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt asks what im reading
>its Perfume
one of these days i gotta come up with a good way of describing this infernal book.

>> No.6666887

>My love so deep I could just eat you up!

>> No.6666911

>peoples' understanding of nihilism tends to be extremely simplistic

People who take nihilism seriously have a pretty simplistic understanding of philosophy.

>> No.6666912

>it smells

>> No.6666914
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, old-freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the university is dead

>> No.6666916

Go on.

>> No.6666921

To be fair, Int. Relations was pretty much an intellectual stillbirth.

>> No.6666976

>be riding, unseeing and unhearing, in the desolation of the London underground, so very far from Old Great Zion
>contemplating how to compose a great Postmodern epic of my people, perhaps in the vain of Joyce's great Modern epic of his people
>see some goddamn goggleyed idiot, beaniecapped and hairslicked, get on the train and sit in front of me, emitting a thick musk of superiority
>he cracks open a freshly minted "A Nietzsche Reader"
>can tell he thinks he's some hotshot intellectual
>involuntarily grimace at this horrible intellectual stillbirth
>he glances up at me for just a millisecond
>can tell he's somewhat uncomfortable
>decided I'll play a game with him
>I keep on grimacing at him and he keeps on looking up at me periodically
>he starts sweating profusely: the crisco in his hair becomes a fine syrup that drips like the seed of untold thousands down his increasingly disturbed face
>all pretensions of intellectualism disappear: slowly but surely he reveals himself as the animal he is, debating whether to fight or to flee, licking his lips like a dog brought too close to flame
>eventually, soaked handkerchief in hand, he stutt-stutt-stutters at me i-i-i-ii-is th-th-thhh-there s-something w-w-wr-w-wrong?
>I burst into tears and begin making vague accusations at him
>I take my leave, knowing yet another pseud has been castrated by my excellent theatricality

>> No.6667716


>> No.6667740


Dracula is just seminal genre fiction. The only reason to read it anymore is for its historic significance, not for any literary merit.

>> No.6667742

>book police
This is /lit/, we're the book SS

>> No.6667752

They're interested in what you're reading because they want to emulate you in order to appear intelligent because they are vapid whores.

>> No.6667757

Fuck off

>> No.6667764

What's an ashnazi? Like a nazi from morrowind?

>> No.6667787

I lel'd

>> No.6667789

>It's like To Kill A Mockingbird, sure it's written for younger people but I read it just last year and it's still a bloody good book.
>To Kill A Mockingbird

I want Summer to go.

>> No.6667797

mirin your dedication to being this much of a boring person

>> No.6667804

>smart/"hip" events
.....like what?

>> No.6667859
File: 416 KB, 441x565, schalgam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carrying Lolita
>been reading it, trying to understand why do people like fiction, why do they like Nabakov and lastly, why Lolita in particular
>literarish meme girl sees me
>asks ".....? Are you reading Lolita?"
>she's someone I know and she knows that I am one of the last persons on earth to read Lolita
>i reply "No. I'm examining it."
>just when we're about to leave, I emphasize: "I am not reading it."
>we part away without a word, never mention it again
>a few weeks later, I see her carrying Lolita

>> No.6667865

Kikes are so fucking overly-emotional. You should have just ignored her.

>> No.6667958

I think he called it "übernationalismus". In fact he discusses that subject a lot on his books.

>> No.6667983

>being that worried about being categorized by plebs
You have a long way to go.

>> No.6668004

>first year in uni
>Literature studies mostly comprised of women
>professor assigns us Lolita
>girls are visibly disgusted when they hear what it's about
>mention that I've already read it and enjoyed it
>everyone looks at me in utter confusion
>every time I'm around now everyone makes "smart" quips insinuating that I'm a paedophile
>two years later it's still going on

What the fuck /lit/, I'm actually being bullied at age 22.

>> No.6668007

>trying to understand why do people like fiction

I'm a pleb too, as you can see. It's only natural that I don't want to be mistaken for an e/lit/ist.

>> No.6668013

Oh, I see.

For the "understand why do people like fiction" I think it has something to do with the capacity to empathize with the characters and project yourself into the situation.
You know, the kind of things only a pleb would do.

>> No.6668033

Ah well, sorry. Completely my fault for not elaborating on my actual question of interest:

"Why do some people like fiction/literature (genre or not) more than cinema or vidya?"

You see, "capacity to empathize with the characters and project yourself into the situation" is involved even more in cinema and vidya I think.

>> No.6668034

File complaints with the faculty against all of them.

>> No.6668653

That's synonymous with ultranationalism, don't be a bitch about exact translations.

>> No.6668724

"It's about huffing panties in the 18th century."

>> No.6668831
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>start explaining the plot in really awkward autistic way
>I can see the expression on their face that they don't know what the fuck I'm talking about
>get even more flustered in my explaining
>force myself to stop, leading to a long uncomfortable pause before I can switch the topic or the person walks away

>> No.6668849

>it's a post-modernist war novel, it's kinda crazy

>> No.6669063

This post is literally reddit's /r/books.

>> No.6669210
File: 48 KB, 337x404, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off already. You all just gave shit taste.
>muh elitistism

You're all too stuck up your own arses to enjoy the little things.

Don't worry you'll all get out of your edgy phases soon or later.


>> No.6669224
File: 21 KB, 364x450, Dilma..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses anime pictures with all of his posts

>> No.6669225

>You all just gave shit taste
>enjoy the little things
>your edgy phases
>posts little girl animu pics
Wizardchan pls go

>> No.6669246


>> No.6669262

Enthusiastically give two or three sentences about some theme on it, taper off, smile, laugh, apologize for not knowing her name.

>> No.6669272
File: 63 KB, 659x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse. Y'all have literary spooks. Just fucking read what you like and stop conforming to idealistic notions of what's supposed to be good in the fringes of culture anyhow.

>> No.6669283

>It's about an 18th century serial killer. It's pretty fucked up.

>> No.6669285

this is hilarious

>> No.6669293


>> No.6669302

Fuck off we elitists are the final bastion of literature.

>> No.6669311

Fuck off retard

>> No.6669312
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>> No.6669321
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>Us Internet Shitposter dilleanets protect the integrity of the maymays.

>> No.6669333
File: 33 KB, 400x478, 1403272174064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What are you reading, anon?"
>It's an image board where people discuss literature
>"Cool! I love reading. What was the last book you read?"
>Oh, I've never read a book

Every time

>> No.6669340

You're a pleb so you wouldn't understand, fucking idiot.

>> No.6669347

I read "I refuse" as "Yada!"

Don't put cute anime girl faces please.

The point where you are wrong: Sometimes "conforming to idealistic notions of what's supposed to be good" is more fun and likable than "reading something you like". "Judging" is a method of entertainment too. You shouldn't be bothered by it.

>> No.6669362
File: 78 KB, 398x608, concept of the political.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be reading pic related
>"teehee that looks like an interesting boooook anon! whats it about?"
>Oh, it's a profound study of the existential basis of all politics. As the Lord says in the third chapter of the Book of Genesis, 'I shall put enmity between thy seed and her seed'. The central insight given by the great Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt is that enmity is an inescapable condition of community, that being-with necessitates being-against, and that liberal attempts to remove enmity from the world and generate a peaceful global community is either bound for failure or else a conscious lie designed to persecute their opponents in an ever more clever and hidden way.
>"...you should like a shitlord anon"
>she slaps me

>> No.6669367

Congrats, you don't have autism!

>> No.6669376
File: 124 KB, 600x726, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 3D is ew Anon.

The rest of what you said: Fair enough but if getting on a high horse and trying to lombast others for not playing the game is also considered as entertainment then the game needs some reformation I'd say.

>> No.6669383

>getting on a high horse and trying to lombast others for not playing the game
what part of "Judging" didn't you understand, anon?

>> No.6669385
File: 253 KB, 829x473, kaibaraka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd say that. The players feel fine, so there won't be any change.

Thanks for non-anime image.

>> No.6669387

Fuck off pleb

>> No.6669391

Also, as this anon said (I think), judgement doesn't have to be always scornful.

>> No.6669398

Yes it does or else the quality is literature drops, now fuck off pleb

>> No.6669411

Let it be, at least he is reading and not prayposting.

>> No.6669413

Nah. Go moderate your own literature board somewhere, until only you remain.

>> No.6669419
File: 108 KB, 584x780, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging, sure, but that's very different from applying peer pressure through relative harassment. 2 different things really.

I'm not "fine" with it. But then I might not be a consenting player, and if I'm not then why are you playing a game with somebody that's not interested?

You know what's it's called when you cut a lizard's tail off? Torture. It's called torture and bullying.

>> No.6669439

kill yourself, cunt

>> No.6669443

Fuck off, you're a pleb so you wouldn't understand

>> No.6669449

It's good to bully plebs

>> No.6669452

if you've read joyce (which you haven't) and still think lee is good you should off yourself

>> No.6669457
File: 949 KB, 500x281, pisuvar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what I'm saying is torture and bullying are not inherently "wrong".

Assume throwing a rock at an ocean. Is it torture? You'd say no. Because the rock lacks a consciousness as far as we know. Even if it does have a consciousness, it has no evidence of being complex, unlike that of men.

Now, assume someone regarding you "pleb" - intellectually inferior and therefore a lot lex complex. Now, in the perspective of that person, harrassing you doesn't even feel evil.

This is only one way of explaining it. The fact is, people don't have to care about what other people feel. There is nothing you can do about it. Well, you could try doing something, for your own convenience, in order to feel righteous, but it would be in vain.

>> No.6669469

>a lot lex complex
>a lot less complex
Fixed the error in my lexicon :^).

>> No.6669484

>not children's literature
Jokes aside, it is important more beacuse of his place in history that because being "mature". It is actually a little childish.

>> No.6669489

Oops. Meant to quote >>6665756

>> No.6669500

Litteraly reddit: the book

>> No.6669518

Good taste my man

>> No.6669558

I skipped the Naruto gifs I had, afraid of the lynching.

>> No.6669624
File: 63 KB, 330x444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do much research on books before reading them. So it's a fair misconception.

I wouldn't argue morals with you, as I don't believe much in them myself. But you're defending your actions on the lack of them and saying mine are vain precisely because I'm not being wronged in your eyes yet, conversely, I am not wrong in my own eyes in defending my stance on what I read, now vain it is but it's no different from yours in that aspect, vanity is the root of your actions as well, I feel like you missed that part.

Or if you were arguing subtly that social morphing by power of 'the more' is justified simply because a lot of fools believe themselves wise which is more logically fraudulent than, fuck, too much.

>> No.6669737
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Alright, now I'm not a worthy conversation partner to you. Both your English, apparent intellect and arguements have surpassed those of mine. I'd appreciate if someone else could replace me.

But, I'll try to answer myself too, even though I didn't really understand what you're saying. If I am not making sense, do not pay heed.

Futility, as a theme proposed by me, was to counter this assertment of yours: "the game needs some reformation I'd say". You assume a "need" here, an obligation. I was arguing against the need for obligation, and supporting myself with the truth that you will never be able to maximize empathy through all of humanity. So, there is no "need" of change, and there is no "possibility" of change. That makes your position more futile than the other side's. The other side earns satisfaction while persisting their baseless behaviour. You earn frusturation. Theirs is not "in vain". Yours seems to be.

>> No.6669740

the way the donut fits in her mouth doesn't make any geometrical sense

>> No.6669865

Except you're the fool here, fucking pleb

>> No.6669872

Hitler really ruined Nietzsche's reputation

Regardless, you should've done the nothin personnel kid smug pepe face

>> No.6670206


>> No.6671912
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>> No.6672015
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And he posted angry anime to prove how mature he is

>> No.6672053

What a fucking pleb lol

>> No.6672065

How did so many people fall for this?

>> No.6672073

Yet you're being made fun. Fuck off weeb

>> No.6672074

>3d is ew

So you're a fucking virgin too? Hahahaha

>> No.6672168
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So I was right in that you were talking about not just 4chan behaviour but society in general, this understanding makes what you're trying to say clearer to me. And you're right in almost every way. Though I didn't say there's a need but a want from me. For a need to exist society or national governments need to set objectives on what it would like to achieve in this, or similar matters that they would care more for, to enable it to be put into law - thereby removing it from unenforceable positions based on morals but a right to act against what they deem fit.

But that is just as dangerous if not more so than to leave the masses' attitudes and opinions on whatever the government interest is to the natural and societal mechanisms that push and shove to conformity, as though such a totalitarian approach by the government could be as wise or foolish, misguided or appropriate, based or fallacious as the societal melting pot, the absence of basic rights such as freedom of thought and expression which safeguards a contrarian position which totalitarianism removes and which without is like a nation as a race car with only tunnel vision, which will and has always crashed dramatically.

So basically you faggots (not you) can keep calling me pleb and shit but you should know you're all a bunch shitheads and with out a doubt still wrong as I see it. Hurr hurr.

>> No.6672222

>not looking her in the eye and whispering Ish ben days Übermensch
Missed opportunity/10

>> No.6672230


>> No.6672242


>> No.6672244

doesn't count unless it's last three digits

>> No.6672331
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>> No.6672459

Summer fags galore.