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6665040 No.6665040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

…which was great unless you were a slave, or a woman.

>> No.6665056
File: 26 KB, 586x294, the scatologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I began to climb the stairs, crawling up them like a little kid would, slow at first so I could breathe, but then faster because I knew I couldn’t breathe and wanted to get to the top before everything gave out. The blackness encroached around my field of vision as I pulled
myself up, eighteen steps, steep as hell. I finally crested the staircase mostly blind and nauseated, the muscles in my arms and legs screaming for oxygen. I slumped seated against a wall, heaving watered-down coughs. There was an empty glass case bolted to the wall above me and I stared up through it to the ceiling and tried not to pass out.

Lidewij crouched down next to me, saying, “You are at the top, that is it,” and I nodded. I had a vague awareness of the adults all aroundglancing down at me worriedly; of Lidewij speaking quietly in one language and then another and then another to various visitors; of
Augustus standing above me, his hand on the top of my head, stroking my hair along the part.

After a long time, Lidewij and Augustus pulled me to my feet and I saw what was protected by the glass case: pencil marks on thewallpaper measuring the growth of all the children in the annex during the period they lived there, inch after inch until they would grow no more.

From there, we left the Franks’ living area, but we were still in the museum: A long narrow hallway showed pictures of each of theannex’s eight residents and described how and where and when they died.

“The only member of his whole family who survived the war,” Lidewij told us, referring to Anne’s father, Otto. Her voice was hushed like we were in church.

“But he didn’t survive a war, not really,” Augustus said. “He survived a genocide.”

>> No.6665065

wow did joyce right this it's actually pretty good

>> No.6665075
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>I know I know, eurocentrism again

>> No.6665087

Yeah, that's one of the more lucid parts of Finnegans Wake that most people dont' know about because they never get past the first few pages. Why couldn't the whole book be like that?

>> No.6665104
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Good thing I wasn't then!

>> No.6665109

I think his videos are not nearly radical enough but then I am literally fithy Commie scum so I would say that.

>> No.6665112
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>being a slave
>being a woman
What were they thinking?

>> No.6665113

This poor retard actually thinks that authors who get posted here are inherently shit because they are reposted. He's that new.

>> No.6665114


What would John Green do if he was forced to read Stirner?

>> No.6665123


babbys should stop complaining - it's not my fault I chose to play on easymode

>> No.6665124


>> No.6665126

Wow you really showed that guy, good job The cats.

>> No.6665129

Who knows. Green isn't sincere with his videos and books, he laughs it up all the way to the bank but for all we know he's shitposting on /pol/ at this very moment.

>> No.6665132

jesus it looks like he hasnt showered in a week

>> No.6665135

>tfw I look like that after the shower

>> No.6665141

so where's your audience pussy

>> No.6665146

>And it happens on a micro level every time I dehumanize someone by imagining them as less complex than myself.

Jesus fucking christ....

>> No.6665179

I think he is right that you dehumanize them,
but I think he is wrong where he thinks that there is an alternative

>> No.6665189

>after each cut, John Green, stands, and, without shutting the camera off, scoots the stool to the left or right, and later edits these shots out manually.
>>"Just shifting the stool, Hank."

>> No.6665192

Fuck, I'm so happy I wasnt born as woman.

>> No.6665203


>> No.6665223

There's actually an orthodox Jewish prayer that men recite daily in which they thank God for not making them women.

>> No.6665231

It really seems like he's just dumbing down Faggot Walrus' This is Water, which in its turn is probably the dumb down of something that I'm not smart enough to know.

>> No.6665235

Orthodox Jews are fucking weird
t. Jew by Jewish law

>> No.6665241

stop calling him that or in 50 years /lit/ will be full of threads about Chocolate Bango Smoothie's suicide.

>> No.6665246


Are you trying to imply we don't dehumanize people by naturally assuming they are less complex than we are?

Do you think we humans are not inherently racist? Do you think we humans are not inherently torturers, murderers and rapists?

He's right with what he's saying, it's just not interesting at all, everyone with half a brain should have had those thoughts he's elaborating on in their teens.

>> No.6665250

>inbreds whose entire religion is based on being as unpleasant to their host nations as possible without getting genocided
Weird doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.6665271

/pol/ is that way

>> No.6665280

No i'm not saying that, i'm saying the exact opposite.

What it means to be alive is to dehumanize others, you can't actually recognize a person's true complexity, so it is asinine to be anxious about it.

>> No.6665283

I can picture that happening and it's very vivid

>> No.6665299

>a commie who doesn't know their Hegel

>> No.6665310


Sorry, I completely misunderstood you. I agree with what you are saying, nicely put.

>> No.6665315

>Are you trying to imply we don't dehumanize people by naturally assuming they are less complex than we are?

Not that anon, but we don't. Not on a racist or mysoginistic level, but when you see a person you know clear as day that is not as complex as yourself, you are not necessarily seeing them as inferior animals, but as people who still have things to learn.

If you change your idea of humans being inherently racist because they're evil to the idea of them being inherently racist because they see people from other races as different by qualities that are determined by the human brain itself, like the condition that forces us to think that people of a certain race might look all the same, we will realize that we just see people as less complex when we understand that they did not learn enough to be like us, yet we compare them to us, also humans.

This is white-knight bullshit to say that we just want to discriminate people when we judge them. Constructive criticism is a thing.

>> No.6665350

John Greene is the world oldest college sophomore.

>> No.6665355
File: 24 KB, 455x427, kekd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keked loud

>> No.6665361

>You can deny someone's humanity by not making them a citzen
I... What?

>> No.6665374


Also given that when I think someone is a fucking idiot I am not denying them personhood but making a judgment on the quality of intellect or personality

I wish Heidegger was here to watch this video with me


>> No.6665383

>2 hours later
>watching BEST FUNNY CAT FAILS 2010" on Youtube with Heidegger

>> No.6665388


> There must be something more to being people than just biological, we all believe that, therefore there is "humanity"
> I mean really look, people deny other peoples "humanities" even though they know they are biologically the same. So "humanity" must be a thing.

He should have powered through that Aristotle even though he got cucked, he would have at least learned how to construct a syllogism.

>> No.6665394
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OMG typical 4chan misogyny and racism!!!!!! >:[

>> No.6665396


Then the feeling of the bead of cold sweat running down my face after he puts "loose change Jews" in the search bar

>> No.6665413
File: 62 KB, 392x500, tl;dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6665416

What's this from, Coleman? If anyone wants the whole of Phillip's article I can upload it. I'm too drunk to read it myself right now.

>> No.6665427

Its a book by Phillips? Its a review of her book in last weeks Spectator

>> No.6665442

Do you mean "This is why we can't have nice things"? I was referring to her paper "The House That Fox Built: Anonymous, Spectacle, and Cycles of Amplification". You might enjoy Coleman's most recent work on Anonymous although it's a little naive and wide-eyed.

>> No.6665443


>> No.6665465

jebus fug 2004 called and they want their images back

>> No.6665467

Yeah its from a review of 'This is why...'. Who is she? Just some normie scum who infiltrated and capitalised on our culture? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
And well I am not really interested in anonymous etc, and I was joking about the "our culture" thing too, so idk if I could read a book about some neckbeards. It seems they appeal to middle aged conservatives who think places like 4chan are full of evil, intelligent hackers and are moral wastelands. I know, however, it's much more retarded and simple than that and thus probably wouldn't buy into such (a) book/s.

>> No.6665472

The thing I dislike about this guy is that sometimes its as if he goes out of his way to purposely mispronounce even the simplest of foreign terms

>> No.6665481

You're thinking of Muslims

>> No.6665487
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1408067569307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their historic raison d'etre is the pursuit of 'lulz' -- a bastardisation of the ubiquitous 'laugh out loud' acronym, denoting mirthless cruel laughter.
The grandiloquence is palpable. Also, John Green is a hack.

>> No.6665488

You probably won't be interested in Coleman, then. I'm just trying to contextualise our own culture, both in terms of timelines (earlier hacker culture, modern cyber warfare, where this might lead, etc) as an X axis and see how it appears to "normies" as you call them, the Y axis of the world as it currently exists.

>> No.6665511

pre facebook internet frowned upon sharing personal information

post facebook internet encourages sharing of personal information

pre reddit internet was catered towards those that were more computer savvy

post reddit internet is catered toward the masses

pre smart phone internet was comprised of an older and smarter crowd

post smart phone internet is comprised of a younger and dumber crowd

>> No.6665515

R u pretending to be someone lol

>> No.6665520

>naturally assuming they are less complex than we are?

There's nothing "natural" about that assumption, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.6665529


>> No.6665544

It's just Ecclesiastes. Seriously.

I'm not a Christian, although my parents sort of tried to raise me that way, and I in no way support the reactionary Christianity meme, but "This Is Water" (and to a lesser extent this Greene video) is just a new, simplified Ecclesiastes. Read the Bible

>> No.6665565

10 star post

>> No.6665578
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this photograph at the airport the other day.

>> No.6665609

It's the same brand of cringe as someone who explains a joke.

That said, isn't "lol" an initialism, not an acronym? Unless Green thinks everyone pronounces it "lawl," which is, I think, used by most people as a joke pronunciation. Maybe I'm being pedantic. Too many rum and ginger ales today.

>> No.6665613

he's a big guy

>> No.6665619

Oh wait, that isn't Green. My bad, though it might as well be him.

>> No.6665647
File: 49 KB, 700x766, touch .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one guy be so comfy

>> No.6665652

>raison d'etre
>denoting mirthless cruel laughter

u wot. Also, if you use non-English words that can be translated smoothly it's really just embarrassing. You could say it's a tour de force of bad writing.