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/lit/ - Literature

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6663547 No.6663547 [Reply] [Original]

Are there enough Portuguese and Brazilians here to have threads on Lusophone literature going? I only ask because I've seen quite a few.

>> No.6664570

Dom Casmurro.

>> No.6664585

Brazilian here. I used to make some Portuguese language threads.

>> No.6664603


>> No.6665118

Was reading Gonçalo M Tavares', Mateo perdeu o emprego yesterday.
Was gud.

>> No.6665130

If /lit/ still has sand in their pussies about "Barba Ensopada de Sangue", then try Lourenço Mutarelli. I don't know how easy it is to find a translation to english, but his works are a great example of what is going on at the contemporary brazillian scene of literature.

>> No.6665142

Can any Brazilian philosophy students delve into Roberto Unger? I find the Wikipedia summary of his pragmatic philosophy drawing my interest.

>> No.6665149

I heard Mutarelli was the Brazilian Chuck Palahniuk, accurate or not?


Sad the status of our language isn't high enough to see the world reading Camões as they do Dante... yet.

>> No.6665150 [DELETED] 
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Another Brazillian here, from Pará. Despite Portugese and Brazillian literature is very prolific, I'd rather read other countries' books. IMO, our culture is very bland compared to millenia of german, breton and asian.

>tfw not german

>> No.6665161

tem q falar ingles aqui msm? faz filosofia aonde guri

queria fazer mas nem da dinheiro :s

>> No.6665187


You wanted to study philosophy but the money wasn't good enough?

>> No.6665218
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>he wants to be german

>> No.6665224

>I heard Mutarelli was the Brazilian Chuck Palahniuk, accurate or not?

Slightly. His things have that whole nihilistic atmosphere, and the style of prose is quite similar, yet the (black) humour of Mutarelli is actually a form of recognizable humour, and there is not much violence and squickness in Mutarelli as there is with Palahniuk.

>> No.6665226

sim, conseguir um salário bom fazendo filosofia é dificil, mesmo seguindo a carreira acadêmica são muitos anos até conseguir uma vida econômica estável. por isso to fazendo uma facul pra conseguir uma estabilidade financeira primeiramente e talvez depois partir p vida academica de filosofia.

>> No.6665247
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Eu até entenderia um desejo de ter mais intimidade com literatura inglesa/britânica. Mas alemã? Sério? Os filósofos são God-tier, mas o resto... e asiática? Santo Deus.

>> No.6665257


That reminds me of the orthodox Marxist ideal, that if man had 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, and 8 hours recreation that people would voluntarily engage in education, art, and debate in their free time.

>> No.6665267
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>Culture originated of white-european, native tribal, african-religious and with influence of the peoples of all over europe mixed in different ways and in different places with different traditions is bland
>culture of exclusively white european countries with nationalistic myths and traditions is less bland

>> No.6665273

>see portuguese captioned image
>scroll past
>nothing to see here
>oh wai-

Can anons recommend me good Brazilian authors who are still alive? Alive and writing? Where the fuck do I go for good contemporary lit?

>> No.6665285

>caring that much about money

You have no place in philosophy. Shoo, now, go back to lurking.

>> No.6665301

I know that feel. I'd say Lourenço Mutarelli and Milton Hatoum. I left high school a long time ago but I've noticed a few schools are starting to include Hatoum in the Literature curriculum. When I was studying there everything ended with Macunaíma and Drummond.

>> No.6665302

>Lourenço Mutarelli
>Gonçalo M. Tavares
>Daniel Galera

>> No.6665308
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>8 hours sleep

>> No.6665314 [DELETED] 

Oh, yes. That mixing surely made us the best country in the world.

>> No.6665324

ambiente muito culto aqui hein. um ovomaltine pls

>> No.6665328

>being a racist mongrel
How does that even work out for you?

>> No.6665329

Which german writers have you read? Until a year ago (or so) I still found myself rather unfamiliar with german-speaking writers besides the obvious Kafka, Goethe and Hesse.

Asian writers are only Murakami and Soseki, as far as I know.

More time to develop, less anxiety about being left behind and identityless.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of good interesting culture down south but until a little while ago, it tended to be mostly copies of "whatever used to be cool in Europe 20 years ago".

>> No.6665331
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>complaining about not being one of the best countries of the world
>praising Asia

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.6665342

I don't like Daniel Galera. At all. The fact that he is considered good and his name the one I hear most only make me dislike him further.

Will look into the other ones, though.
Thank you too. Where do people get info on this anyway? Are there magazines, facebook pages, anything at all?

>> No.6665343

Quais são os melhores tradutores que temos? Não queria começar com os russos sem saber se estou lendo algo mais próximo do original.

>> No.6665357

>caring about proper writing and disliking it when people can't as much as put question marks at the end of their questions
>or even observe the proper way to behave before posting and making a fool of themselves
>muito culto

Nah. You just are just stupid and not welcome here.

>> No.6665359 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 696x415, multiculti-nationalism-rubkik-cubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these charts below:

>Implying that multiculturalism is good.
Even I, a brown dude, can see that it's shit.

>> No.6665364

Edições da Cosac e Editora 34 são sempre de bons tradutores.

>> No.6665368

Falam bem de Paulo Henriques Britto, que recebeu ajuda do próprio Thomas Pynchon quando ele traduziu um dos livros dele, que agora eu nem lembro qual era.

>> No.6665371

sorry moot

>> No.6665379

>being this self-loathing
I thought the point of nationalism was to be proud? You're doing it wrong.

>> No.6665386

it's not about multiculturalism, which I'm against myself, but the claim that a culture formed by several others that coexist in near-perfect harmony in the brazillian canon is less bland than a culture slowly created by the same people with the same beliefs in the same place.

>Also, brazillian weeabo.

>> No.6665405

Alguém aqui sabe se a tradução do Caetano Galindo de Infinite Jest (publicada pela Cia. das Letras) é boa? Edição física indo por 100 dilmas.

>> No.6665428

to com ela aqui, não é boa. Traduziram o Ano de Glad como "Ano Feliz" (glad como a palavra glad, e não uma marca), os apelidos traduzidos dos pais deles, "Himself" e "Moms" ficou "Sipróprio" e "Mães", tem várias cagadas nas piadas e trocadilhos e nomes traduzidos e por aí vai.

E eu nem acho que vá ficar melhor com revisões futuras.

>> No.6665436

I think this so-called anxiety of being left behind and being a mutt has been and still is a great generative power for Brazilian literature. We are a society built on paternalism and identity, Roman institutions brought by Portuguese colonization. We're one of the true multicultural societies since the moment of birth, I believe only the US can be compared. Everything develops into:

>formalism, elitism and a strong sense of status and proper traditional values
>insubordination, shock, grit, in-your-face realism and irony
>regionalism, chauvinism, ufanismo

And that has guided our literature since forever, since the formalists (Arcadism, Parnasianism), to the shockers (Ultra-Romanticism, Machado, Mutarelli) and the epic (Alencar, Castro Alves, Mário de Andrade).

All in all, an interesting influence.

>> No.6665448

Que triste, mas valeu pela informação. Eu cheguei a ler umas 100 páginas da edição original mas desandei, vou ver se retomo a leitura.

>> No.6665531

Of course, which is what I mean by 'until a while ago'.

Thank you, honestly, for putting it in better and more explanatory terms, though.

>> No.6665541

>readng contemporary literature

Are you faggot's even trying? Anything past ~1900 is terrible, past 1950 just dreadful

>> No.6665567
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>tfw want to write the Great Brazilian Novel of the century, the Macunaíma of Memes, the Lusiads of Lel, but don't know where to start now

>> No.6665568

Well, I do want to get published. Knowing what I'm up against is fundamental.

How does one even get published in this shithole? Do we need "agents" like americunts or?

>> No.6665574

>Anything past ~1900 is terrible, past 1950 just dreadful

1902 with Os Sertões to be exactly

>> No.6665580


>> No.6665628


>> No.6665705

I went to read some Bocage today, what the fuck am I reading. It's like /b/ in the old times.

>> No.6666854

Which book, anon?

>> No.6667891

I checked Elegia, Improvisos de Bocage and some of the erotic poems. That nigga was really funny.