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/lit/ - Literature

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6662209 No.6662209 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Plato on the subway
>Parmenides, struggling to understand
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you read Plato"
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower

what the fuck

>> No.6662216

>well the jerk store called..

>> No.6662218

geez /lit

>laughs politely
>"Oh, have you read plato?"


>> No.6662219

you got pleb'd by a superior moorish patrician

>> No.6662221

lol get owned op

>> No.6662222
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>laughs politely

>> No.6662224


>> No.6662226
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>> No.6662227


>> No.6662229

fucking lel

>> No.6662230


>> No.6662234

he meant it as you read plato to become an intellectual m8

>> No.6662237

I don't know, his tone was very ambiguous and somehow sarcastic.

>> No.6662246
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this encounter will nag you for a few days, if not forever

>> No.6662247

>riding subway
>reading Mein Kampf
>early thirties woman starts talking to me about reading on the subway and books in general
>hit my stop
>she hands me her number
>tfw now dating a woman ten years older than me I met on the subway because I was reading Mein Kampf

Heil Hitler!

>> No.6662250

I really hope that by dating, you mean pump and dump

>> No.6662252
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Stop ! Do not further damage my self-esteem

>> No.6662255

Did you shag her m8

>> No.6662259

be careful, she might abduct you and murder you in the name of revenge against hitler or something

for this reason, i never readon in public

>> No.6662267

>"I know that I know nothing"
>or "I know one thing: that I know nothing", >sometimes called the Socratic paradox,
is a well-known saying that is derived from Plato's account of the Greek philosopher Socrates.
>"Not really"
>yfw he was complementing your humility and your working towards becoming an intellectual

>> No.6662270


Something similar happened to me

>on the tramway
>reading Plato or Aristotle, can't remember
>black guy in suit with strong accent talks to me
>"Do you enjoy philosophy ?"
>I study it at [name of university]
>"I study here too, I am finishing my law master"
>"You better suceed"
>cue condescending smile
>he leaves and I wonder what it meant

>> No.6662278

I would have told him to mind his nigger business, I refuse to talk to those apes.

>> No.6662279

>tfw OP realizes he just encountered the smartest nigger in the world and forgot his Master Pokeball

>> No.6662281

It was actually Morgan Freeman both times

>> No.6662283
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>> No.6662286

Why would that be special? He'd only be as smart as an average white man.

>> No.6662289

I like collecting rare niggas. Then I would train it to evolve and join the human race

>> No.6662290

Post more hedgehogs you intellectual midget

>> No.6662303
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What the fuck did you just call me, you little shit ?

>> No.6662314

>enjoying evening constitutional whilst reading Kierkegaard
>bespectacled gentleman approaches me
>"excuse me fine sir, but are you aware faith is a morally driven spook?"
>cannot believe this fellow had the nerve
>work up a "t-to whom do you think you're speaking to?"
>the man's eyebrows furrow as a grin spreads from cheek to cheek
>"it is not whom, but you"
>turn around to pack my things up to leave and such
>when i regained my original position the man was gone
>ask the nearby curmudgeon in a hawaiin shirt if he had seen where the man with the glasses had gone
>he had no idea what i was talking about

>> No.6662317
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10/10 bespeeched

>> No.6662320


>> No.6662321


Anons insecurities rose to the surface

>> No.6662325

at least he didnt dance with his crew doing that one move where you grab one arm and dislocate your shoulder as your move it behind you, and then put out a hat out to ask for money

god I hate going through oakland

>> No.6662330
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is stirner the buddha?

>> No.6662333



>> No.6662336

No, Buddha was a moralising prick.

>> No.6662337

what the fuck

>> No.6662340

on /lit/

>> No.6662350
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>> No.6662352

You heard what I said, more hedgehogs


>> No.6662353


shit like this...


>> No.6662354
File: 31 KB, 397x390, 1422567580344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading ideologie der anonymen gesellschaft on the subway
>"Stirner is a petty bourgeois who would have condoned Hitler", struggling to understand
>homeless looking guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an anarcho communist?"
>"Not really"
>"That's why you read Helms"
>He smiles and leaves a few stations later
>Come home and try thinking of comebacks
>Realize nigger stole my cellphone
>pull a note from my duffle bag
>"property is a spook"
>I-it's not like me and my own needed it anyways b-baka

>> No.6662356


>> No.6662357

This totally happened, btw.

>> No.6662358


>> No.6662399

a tawny moor

>> No.6662406


>> No.6662440

He was actually praising you for your Socratic humility. In Plato's time the intellectuals were called the sophists and Socrates spent his life embarrassing them until they had him arrested and condemned to death. By saying that you are not an intellectual you take the position of Socrates against the sophist, claiming to be a philosopher, that is, a lover of wisdom, rather than a sophist or sage, that is, someone who already has wisdom.

Socratic ignorance is not a doctrine that you have to learn or even a technique that you get the knack of an employ every now and then in an argument. Socratic ignorance is a consistent way of life. Socratic ignorance doesn't mean doubting everything - that would be the doubt of Descartes. Socratic ignorance means doubting nothing, assuming really that everyone other than you is wise, and only doubting one thing - your self, your own understanding.Whereas doubting everything really does away with the desire for wisdom because you reduce wisdom to a figment of the imagination that can be done away with with and live without, doubting nothing except your self means living in a constant state of desire for wisdom. Whereas the professional Cartesian kind of doubters and professional scientific doubters will doubt every now and then when ever it suits them, but fall into popular prejudice and easygoing opinion when ever it suits them, the Socratic wakes up doubting himself and goes to bed doubting himself. Socrates did not doubt the really of Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Virtue, or anything else, he only doubted his own understanding of them and would spent every waking moment trying to understand them better.

Socratic ignorance is the religious discipline of the intellect making it always to stand in fear of God.

>> No.6662444

Also, if you do try and reduce Socratic ignorance to a mere technique to be employed in arguments you will know robber execute it very poorly. This is why none of the university teachers use the Socratic method - they can't. Sophistry is a habit of mind, it is a constant state of intellectual arrogance, and so getting a sophist to practice intellectual humility the Socratic method, is very difficult. In order to have a Socratic conversation you have to already be initiated in the method of doubting your on understanding, otherwise you will end up abandoning doubt half way through the conversation and instead try teaching the person something you think you know.

>> No.6662469
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yeah. fukin apes

>> No.6662476

your descriptions of the two kinds of doubting sound like they refer to the same thing

>> No.6662497

I saw Max Stirner at a milk store in Leipzig yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be an involuntary egoist and bother him and ask him for precepts or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re being now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “spooks! spooks! spooks!” and closing his book shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him say an Ave Ego as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Sancho trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen milk bottles in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” Initially he kept pretending to be unique and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bottles and started weighing it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to weigh them each *individually* “to prevent any ethical infetterence,” and then turned around and grinned at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she weighed each bottle and put them in a crate and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by smoking really boldly..

>> No.6662551

>went to the store
>picking out a drink
>a fat squat looking man approaches me
>''which ever drink you chose, you will still be drinking pure ideology mandated by the capitalist power structure''
>he invites me to his home for some ''fucking fruit juice''
>get forced to fist him while he rants about stalin

>> No.6662584

>Don't doubt the world, doubt your self.

That was well said

>> No.6662597

check this >>6662584
>Don't doubt the world, doubt your self.

Socrates and Descartes are inversions of one and other. Socrates starts by doubting himself and ends up humbled before reality. Descartes starts by doubting reality and ends up affirming only himself, "I think therefore I am".

Descartes isn't called the father of modern philosophy for nothing. The Cartesian mind which begins only with itself and makes itself the absolute point of reference is modern solipsism. For the ancients, philosophy begun with wonder, awe in the face of being; for the moderns, philosophy begins with the denial of being, and if a modern philosopher ever confronts being he doesn't stand and wonder, he has "existential angst", and supreme disgust in the face of being.

>> No.6662606

I'd prefer not to

>> No.6662610

He knows you'll never be a philosopher king

it's boring anyway

>> No.6662615


Agreed, Descartes affirmed that everything around him was real, but he also found truth in around the same things that Socrates did. The point is still the same though, but idk how the two in particular are so different.

Besides the fact Descartes comes across as an epic method memer in his writing

>> No.6662638
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When you are inverting the origin of perspective, this makes sense.

>> No.6662740
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[sniffs internaly]

>> No.6662753
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>laughs politely
>"Oh, can you read?"

>> No.6663134

Are you sure he was putting you down OP
>are you an intellectual
>not really
>[yeah right] that's why you read Plato
Like he was sarcastically implying that you were being humble

>> No.6663137


>> No.6663144

Right. He didn't say anything wrong, so continue with the conversation.

>> No.6663150

>I read on the subway


>> No.6663323

I was reading Plato too, Protagoras & Meno iirc, on a packed bus and a burnt out middle aged white guy asked me what I was reading. I showed him and he said, "Oh I used to study philosophy at the university of x." "Really? I go there, not for philosophy. How'd you like it?" And we made some small talk about the university, he went to a library with a good set of encyclopedias that he'd always copy off of and his profs would never know. He told me that he went back to university for a business degree because philosophy is useless. And I asked him, "So do you still read philosophy, which authors do you like?" and he replied, "I mainly read Derrida and Heidegger." Then he asked the bus driver where the nearest liquour store was and got off, leaving me completely outpatricianed.

>> No.6663367


>> No.6663389

Reading pretentiously on the subway:


>> No.6663574

Hehe. This.

>> No.6663714


>> No.6663721

>"Fuck you nigger go eat a Plato watermelon"

>> No.6663726
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>> No.6663763


>> No.6663779


>> No.6663793

>I'm eating a sandwich
>Are you hungry?
>Not really
>That's why you eat sandwiches

>> No.6663795

Every time I try to read in public I get hit on by gay men.

>> No.6663810

sounds like a textbook case of BTFO, OP

>> No.6663837
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>"I only know that I know nothing."
>"You guys need to listen to my philosophy cause I'm fucking fantastic and I know everything.
>Based Socrates.

>> No.6663848

If it was a black man with a typical America negro accent, he was making fun of you. If he had an African or West Indies accent then he was probably complimenting you.

>> No.6663894

> Reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra on bench on campus
> Somali guy walks up to me
> Asks me what I am reading
> Give him super simplified response because I assume he thinks I am reading fantasy
> Turns out he is a Math+Economic situation major with a minor in philosophy
> We start discussing philosophy
> I look like a fool because I only read philosophy so I can shit post

>> No.6663973

You were being a pretentious dick in public and got called out on it. Don't do it again

>> No.6664021

Kek, OP got utterly #rekt

>> No.6664026

no, the man was simply saying: to become an intellectual, you read plato.

>> No.6664083

>You were being a pretentious dick in public
>reading on the subway is being a pretentious dick
do you live in africa?

>> No.6664089

aw it's so kwt with it's little paws

>> No.6664156

Reading Plato in public is being a pretentious dick

>> No.6664183

Ask him when the last time a moolie ever read anything

>> No.6664192


>> No.6664550


kek, I didn't know people still said this.