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6658310 No.6658310 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ has an Infinite Jest summer reading book group, and many people are involved. If you have an interest in this book -- whether you have read it or not -- please consider joining us!

Our start date is June 14th and we will be reading an average of 15 - 16 pages each day.
Discussions will take place primarily on weekends right here on /lit/, though I am sure there will probably always be a thread floating around.

Here is our reading schedule (yes, I'll put each day in one row today):

If you have questions/comments/concerns, please let me know.

>> No.6658313

One issue that I didn't want to put in the primary post:
The reading schedule above was made with the print version in mind, though many people might want to use an ebook version. Is there any way to accommodate for that besides simply giving the percentage that should have been read?

>> No.6658333

I thought it was 10 pages a day

>> No.6658337

>dozen of pages daily

let me guess, it's an american only reading group?

>> No.6658352

It changed for a few reasons, such as:
>This makes it flow better between breaks
>We will now finish during summer itself and not go into September when school starts for many people
It comes from this idea:

The basic reasoning behind it is that everyone has their own books to read from their backlog, yet they will be able to tackle Infinite Jest as well with some effort and persistence.

>> No.6658438


>> No.6658498

I have the ebook.
Someone can put in the schedule where to stop? Like the first line of the paragraph...

>> No.6658517

I bought the book for this. heh. Spent my last few scheckles on it in true NEET fashion.

my ereader doesn't change the pages. So one actual might require 3-4 page turns on the ereader.

>> No.6658518

>15-16 pages daily uhhhhhh
Why not like 45 pages every 2 days?

>> No.6658532

Holy Shit, Why can't we just follow the schedule and do it June 21st at 10 pages a day

>> No.6658538

Hey! I just bought this book so I would love to join in

>> No.6658546

Hell, 65 pages by Tuesday
Annother 65 pages by Thursday
(Make em sweat for not breaking it up through the week - hue hue hue sadism reading)

>> No.6658571

Can't we just follow this, It starts the first day of summer and ends right when summer ends rather than ours that starts a week early

>> No.6658580

Which is called, Infinite Summer or Summer of Jest? How can we be expected to read one whole book without a firmly established programme title? Also, what's our official meme?

>> No.6658582


>> No.6658592

can you postpone the starting date, Bloomsday is the 16th so I have do heavily read Ulysses that week.

>> No.6658681
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>Here is our reading schedule (yes, I'll put each day in one row today)

Appreciate it, my man. I was the only one asking.

>> No.6658691

at 15 pages a day it shouldnt be difficult to catch up

>> No.6658735

starting on the 21st is a possibility, but our schedule is much less shit

>> No.6658759

Man, this gained a lot of traction.

Must be more teenagers on /lit/ than I thought.

>> No.6658763

This isn't Infinite Summer, if you want to do Infinite Summer go do Infinite Summer, this is a reading group about the book that has a different schedule. Go shit on the Infinite Summer thread some more you cry baby.

>> No.6658774

Cause we're not fucking children who need to read at a fixed pace and would rather not take an unreasonably long time to finish a relatively easy book

>> No.6658784

The vast majority of people wanted June 14th (which I also prefer), so that date will stay. Like >>6658691 said, you shouldn't have a problem catching up since we will hardly have dug into the book.
The schedule as it has been outlined in the first post is more or less solid (barring any unforeseen changes) due to reasons mentioned here >>6658352 .

Keep in mind, the schedule it not the be-all and end-all for completing the book.
Some people might want to read more than it outlines on certain days and fall behind on other days. It's a general pace, though I don't think reading just 5 - 6 pages more each day (on average) should prove to be too difficult.

>> No.6658786

Well stop calling your reading group Infinite Summer then

>> No.6658787

Then, read it yourself and at your own pace, you fucking moron. I'm not even part of this shit and I find you completely obnoxious.

>> No.6658790

just started joyce's meme but i'll try to juggle this meme too since it looks like fun. read brief interviews and thought it was exhausting and good. this seems like it'll be more of the same.

>> No.6658791

holy fuck, just get out of here

>> No.6658795

I doubt that. You're voicing a minority opinion and I'm defending a schedule we voted on. I'd even wager you're the same jackass who was crying all day yesterday about the same thing.

>> No.6658806

>minority opinion

There already was an official schedule, this is just confusing everything

>> No.6658810

No it isn't. The guy who started this made a poll to see when people wanted to start reading. The 14th was voted on and he created his own schedule around it.

Anyone who can't keep up with a simple schedule change will probably have a hard time reading the book anyways.

>> No.6658825

Why June 14th?

>> No.6658840


>> No.6658848

I recently started War and Peace, and it's te first time reading it. I'm only about ~100 pages in but i want to continue. It's really nice.

If I joined in on this it would be my first time reading IJ, too. Does anyone think it would be too much to keep up with these two expansive novels?

>> No.6658852

where did the date even come from though?

>> No.6658876

stick to war and peace. infinite jest is fun but its really just gen x'er ramblings about how much this big nerd hates the sheeples always watchin teeeeveeeee maaaaan,

no idea. it fit someone's schedule so they proposed it and everyone went along. mostly because it won't cut into the fall term at school this way, i think

>> No.6658909

does anyone have a link to a pdf? ill buy it eventually i promise

>> No.6658915

You must have founded Infinite Summer to be so fucking defensive of it. Just read the goddamn book 10 pages a day and stop bitching, we wont stop you.

>> No.6659005

>Someone can put in the schedule where to stop? Like the first line of the paragraph...
That's a good idea.

>> No.6659043
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I've been contemplating doing Infinite Summer for a little while now, but I think it would be annoying to stick to a static pace, especially one that would take three months to finish a single book. Still haven't decided whether I'm going to do it.

>> No.6659059

Oh god, you are actually referring to the act of reading Infinite Jest as 'doing Infinite Summer'.

>> No.6659063

We haven't even started reading and I'm already sick of the community

>> No.6659066

Audience pussy

>> No.6659125

>Infinite Summer
>starts in spring

>> No.6659137

>dfw there will never be a third main character attending Harvard and based on dfw's own experiences in university
>dfw no matter how many nights it keeps you up it will never be

>> No.6659140

I'm a foreigner who cannot get the print version in English in time, how to follow on the e-book?

>> No.6659147

>being this bum-roaringly colon-bleeding assblasted

>> No.6659161

Follow the general schedule and someone will tell the paragraph where ebook readers should stop.

>> No.6659165

Anyone else here doing the June 21, 10 pages a day? I guess it would do no harm if we all posted in the same thread eh.

>> No.6659206

it would be very confusing, and it seems you're just trying to be difficult

>> No.6659235

You can stick to that schedule if you'd like, but don't post in here.

>> No.6659312

I plan on doing this schedule, but that other one had some posts, looked like blog stuff, to follow along. It looked neat, what if we follow those as well?

>> No.6659433

There will be nothing of the sort permitted. You MUST pick one or the other.

>> No.6659580

You tried your shitty /int/ memes last thread and it didn't work lel

>> No.6659978
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hi OP
I took it upon myself to consolidate the schedule can you make your doc editable?

>> No.6659982

>letting memers edit the doc


>> No.6659984

>tfw want to participate in this but already 740 pages into the book and don't wanna restart
a-a-anyone wanna do a 2666 rereadalong w/ me?

>> No.6659990

Are you open to changing it to a different book?

>> No.6659993

to the extent of books that I can actually get my hands on yeah

>> No.6660002

How about a Pynchon book?

>> No.6660004

infinite summer reading the infinite joyce

>> No.6660009

Okay, yes, please put it here.

>> No.6660021

You guys really have to get a solid group going and stop debating over stupid shit like page numbers (make up your minds). This isn't the first reading group - /lit/ had a Finnegan's Wake group reading: it was a big fucking mess.

>> No.6660027
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didn check for mistakes
hows it look though

going off OP's doc schedule

>> No.6660034
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>Finnegan's Wake reading group
What did you expect?

>> No.6660044

the ones I actually have are GR and Mason & Dixon and the local library has M&D too so whichever
and I could probably pick up maybe V. or Lot 49 at the bookstore if they still have copies

>> No.6660048


>> No.6660053

I'd be interested in any of them, though Lot 49 is probably too short to really matter for a big group read.

You should pick a book that you'd like best and start a new thread. I'm sure it would catch interest just like this one.

>> No.6660055 [DELETED] 
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any short ones we should combine?

>> No.6660064


Instead of doing it day by day why have more vague weekly objectives where people go at their own pace. People are probably going to start getting behind or reading ahead so to include the most people it would be better to have a more less strict objectives

>> No.6660083
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Pynchon Week June 8th-14th
Bloomsday (Joyce ) June 16th
Infinite Summer June 14/21

June is the month of the Triumvirate

>> No.6660088

I don't think the schedule is meant to be a strict guide

weekly threads might be a good idea though
meet every 7th day of the schedule and expect to talk roughly around where the scheudle is in the book

>> No.6660191

Great work, thank you very much.
The two spreadsheets are now here:
Some people will inevitably fall behind or get ahead, yet that is fine.
There will probably be a thread about this constantly floating around throughout the week (it's a relatively slow board), but the main goal will be to discuss the book here every weekend.
Someone could miss a few days and still be on track for the weekend.
Sounds like a good idea. I would join that as well.
The debates should cease now that we have a solid plan. Even when those were occurring yesterday there was a clear consensus...there was just a loud minority of people who wanted something else. I'm happy with this group and our plans, so let's see how it goes once June 14th comes.

On that note, I'd just like to ask everyone to please spread the word about this to anyone who might be interested.
It's better to start out with as many people as possible, since there will be some who simply don't like the book and get to a certain point where they don't want to continue.

>> No.6660227

This is a good plan.

>> No.6660613

Where will discussion take place?

If it's going to be here, prepare for the memeshouting drowning out any legitimate discussion.

>> No.6660821
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Can OP add a reading schedule for the rest of the meme trilogy?

>> No.6661153

I'd also like to do Gravity's Rainbow. A few people above were talking about it.

>> No.6661161

>I am literally afraid of 4chan

This is doomed to fail

>> No.6661362
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>> No.6661656

Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Odds are this thing will slowly peter out by July, although I really do want it to work.

>> No.6661666
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>> No.6661671

Count me in!
I'll have to reread for the first 2 weeks

>> No.6661702

>/lit/ had a Finnegan's Wake group reading: it was a big fucking mess.
That does not surprise me at all.

>> No.6661775

15 to 16 pages a day is this a fucking joke? and does this mean you're going to be making of these threads EVERY FUCK ING DAY?

it would make more sense to do weekly substanial reads

>> No.6661861

Read the thread.
We will read 15 - 16 pages a day and have discussions on weekends.

>> No.6662668

I'd be up for that too, been meaning to read that for a while

>> No.6662813

is this book spoilerable? this could be areal problem if we're doing this

>> No.6662824

might as well give it a shot

it's not like i have anything better to do

>> No.6662989

This feels like reddit, not /lit/.

>> No.6663000

I'm in

>> No.6663012

I like the idea of bookclubs, but the book sounds kinda boring - anyone remedy?

>> No.6663042

>doing things proactively
>working together
>enjoying ourselves
This is definitely reddit-tier.

>> No.6663065

Nice. I've enjoyed DFW's essays, so might as well jump into IJ for his fic. Ordering the book now.

>> No.6663449
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>> No.6664139

I'd love to join but judging by this introductory thread alone I can see that bitter assholes will be present as well criticizing the threads every step of the way.

Because God forbid anyone discuss books on /lit/. I'll probably just go it alone.

>> No.6664278

Sad but true. Yet you can give it a try.

>> No.6664307

So, just to ask...you guys are taking into account the end notes in your schedule, right? Some days are going to be a lot more than the "scheduled" number of pages.

I can't wait until you guys get to the filmography.

>> No.6664332

No reason to clutter /lit/ up with this stuff. Create a site elsewhere and talk there.

>> No.6664361

Clutter up /lit/ with a single thread each week? A thread discussing a book no less?

>> No.6664532

I am really looking forward to this, I just read the forward, boy howdy am I getting hype

>> No.6664574

Which edition do you have? I also just read the foreword in anticipation

>> No.6664604
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>> No.6664627

Im going to do it but im sticking to the June 21st 10 pages a day schedule

>> No.6664702

Okay, special snowflake, go for it.

>> No.6664786

>cluttering up /lit/


yes let's make room for more pinecone threads

>> No.6664966

im in my friends - - - - - im prob gonna start td tho just for funsies bc also i started reading it last summer and never finished it so ill prob be slacking off a lot and will hace to catch up

>> No.6664981

>tfw this is the only thing I have to look forward to this summer

i-i love y-you guys ;_;

>> No.6664997

Did you have an aneurysm while typing that?

>> No.6665001

I know Im being autistic but I want Infinite Summer to start on the first day of summer.

>> No.6665186

Book came in today. Can't wait to read this will y'all.

>> No.6665207

gotta be honest, i read the first 100 or so pages of the book and so far i find it absolutely brilliant.
at the same time, that shit scares me sincerely.

>> No.6666042

so the 14th then right?

>> No.6666063


>> No.6666204

whoops I read the first chapter already


>> No.6666235

We should start it up as soon as were finished with Jest. If we stay on schedule we should finish infinite jest on August 18th. We should probably start GR on August 23rd. Ill start dividing up the pages.

>> No.6666237

I am down for this as well.

>> No.6666304

im in. this book has been sitting on my shelf for a while so i look forward to discussing it with you guys.

>> No.6666320

Woah! I can only imagine the thought provoking discussion /lit/ will produce after reading 10 pages!!!

>> No.6666351

I'm in!

>> No.6666377

>tfw plebs will have read GR


>> No.6666839

Cool, keep us posted.

>> No.6666843

It seems like you haven't read even one post.

>> No.6667313

I'm in. Let's make this work, /lit/!

>> No.6667332

I'm white and teenaged. Let's do this!

>> No.6667422


>> No.6667442

Gravity's Rainbow, by Tommy Pinecone.

>> No.6667489

lol'd at the microwave

oh, james, this world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you

>> No.6667508

15-16 pages a day? I take on crazy ass books like this every summer in a matter of days. To be fair, I am an elementary teacher who doesn't do much other than read and drink in the summers.

>> No.6667513

does that part about his head exploding realistic at all or was it all just DFW being wildly creative?

>> No.6667523

me too but the point of this is to talk it over with other /lit/fags and let's face it, not many read >>6667513
idk but i think it's fairly accurate, never tried it or know of anyone that did to test it though

>> No.6667532
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yeah, 100x11 days isn't too bad. It was originally supposed to be for people who don't read a lot because the size would be intimidating for them so someone created Infinite Summer to spur interest in the book reading just 10 pages a day over summer.

I assume most people here are going to be reading other books along with it anyway.

>> No.6667537

actually, i think it probably would have worked if he used something other than foil to seal up the hole, i just don't think foil would work as well as say a towel or t-shirt

>> No.6667548

lol, it's got hundreds of footnotes, flipping back and forth for them is bad enough, scrolling around endlessly just to read it would be a nightmare. Just go buy it.

>> No.6667561

Its actually a lot easier, you click the footnote and it jumps right to it and then you click it again to get back.

>> No.6667563

That makes sense. I tried book-clubbing with a friend on the phone because I don't know many readers out here in bumfuck nowhere. It turns out that my friend, who I thought was a bigger reader than me, takes fucking forever to read anything. I need smarter friends. Or a better job. The difficult parts of my teaching gig have more to do with being patient with stupid parents and admin than anything else.

>> No.6667573

same, i have one friend that actually reads recreationally and we read candide together but when it came time to discuss it he was all 'hurr durr much disembowelment, sad candide life is sad'

>> No.6667618

>I assume most people here are going to be reading other books along with it anyway.

That's my plan. Reading the Greeks and Stirner while doing this.

Just hope I can finish Brothers Karamazov before we start this.

>> No.6668118

I'd like to try and blow through IJ in 2-3 weeks (w/ some notes) but stick around till august for the discussion

that said, is anyone else planning on reading at a similar pace?

>> No.6668527

I am. But I don't know if I have the stamina for it. I read Gravity's Rainbow in 21 days, but that was a very fun and interesting book that I couldn't put down. The couple of pages of Infinite Jest that I have read make me slightly dislike Mr. Wallace.

>> No.6668696

Fuck this makes me want to go to teachers college. They just made it a 2 year program though

>> No.6668837

How could anyone realistically read a book of this size in that amount of days and still absorb the information? Or are you just skim reading?

>> No.6668867

>group reading


You stupid fucking cunts

>> No.6668887


>> No.6669106

Having read both (and much preferring GR) I can tell you Infinite Jest is a much easier read in the long-run and actually a whole lot of fun. It had a rocky start for me too, some of the voice and narrative technique in the first few chapters felt questionable, but by the time the book's second protagonist is introduced everything seems to start coming together, and it never gets nearly as hard as Gravity's Rainbow does.

>> No.6669415

did you even read the book? he didn't actually die from putting his head in a microwave

>> No.6669460

>only a 5 day break

fuck that

>> No.6669512

>you now realise that the original e/lit/ists were a bunch of robots who first got together during the original Infinite Summer

Good luck, lads. Hopefully I can remember enough about the book to participate in the discussion threads.

>> No.6669520

Not him, but what?? How did he die then?

>> No.6669575

Was thinking the same. Would be good to have at least two weeks to focus on smaller works. Plus he got the math wrong, 69 days from June 14th would be the 21st August

>> No.6669627

fuck... im having trouble remembering... somebody set it up to look like he died in the microwave, right? and later they found his skull buried? with the entertainment inside of it?

>> No.6669727

OOOHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKI remember his skull being dug up, I never considered he wouldn't have a skull if his head exploded like it did

>> No.6670034

The German edition is 400 pages longer not counting the annotations

>> No.6670165

JOI killed himself using the microwave. He cut a hole in the door and sealed his head in there and it incinerated. The skull did not explode. Confirmed by Hal coming home and before knowing what happened thinking, "something smells delicious." Memory not disputed by Moms, Orin, nor the little deformed brother.

>> No.6670170

So if he microwaved his head to destroy the master copy of the entertainment then how did Orin get it?

>> No.6670186

My copy just came in. Prepared for reading infinite memes

>> No.6670596

His motive was not to destroy the master copy. His motive was to commit suicide. He was a blackly depressed alcoholic whose wife was fucking everything that moved (don't say that word), and his kids were fubar.

As a ghost, he is also in a position. Do we spoilers in this thread?

I know the answer. If you re-read the last two hundred pages, or have ever read them, you should know too.

>> No.6670631

No spoilers plz

>> No.6670798

Spoiler fags GTFO

>> No.6670908
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I am going to reread this for the first time since 1997. I am not prepared for the feels.

>> No.6670929

>The skull did not explode. Confirmed by Hal coming home and before knowing what happened thinking, "something smells delicious."
How does that confirm anything? The smell is from his cooked meat. How could that possibly comment on the state of his skull? Exploded or not the meat will be cooked.

You can't smell fragmentation or wholeness.

>> No.6670953

>there are people in this thread right now who will be reading this in peasant-back instead of reading from a first edition hardcover copy


>> No.6670978

Yeah but it's still in his head. I don't know what you mean about reading the last 200 pages because it's left somewhat ambiguous. Hal ate the mold(s) that produce DMZ as a child and is going through a lot of stress and changes, but JOI could also have laced his toothbrush. The copy the medical attache recieves is from Orin in Arizona. I think it's also supposed to not fully add up, I remember reading DFW saying it does "end, somewhere off there", but that it also can't be entirely reconciled. Which also fits in with JOI as the narrator (the author is literally dead)

>> No.6670998

it's been a while, why does orin mail him the tape?

>> No.6671003

Xing April

>> No.6671016

i dont remember that at all. it seems i really missed a big chunk of this book because whenevr peoople discuss the plot at large i feel immediately lost. guess ill pay better attention this time.

>> No.6672645

OP here -- tomorrow I will have a physical copy of the book and be able to write out the stopping points for at least the first week if necessary.

>> No.6672747

Why aren't you using the tripcode?

>> No.6672750

Does anybody else have the hardcover copy?

>> No.6672751 [DELETED] 

im in, always thought about reading this meme book

how to avoid faggots that spoil it?

>> No.6672761

Here's a spoiler in its own way - you really can't spoil it.

>> No.6672770


Not the guy you were talking to but there's a ton of stuff you naturally miss your first time around because it references people and events that happen much later in the book. The plot will make more sense reading it a second time.

>> No.6672776


>> No.6674068

What digital version are you needs buying?

>> No.6674397

Is there a difference between them? I just assumed there was one version.

>> No.6674489

Infinite Jest: Ultimate Jest Edition comes with two previously never before seen chapters.

Infinite Jest: Supreme Jest Edition has an alternate ending.

>> No.6674971

Just curious are we still going to have a tumblr for discussion?

>> No.6675032

No, only weekly threads on /lit/.

>> No.6675138


ordered.. But damn I'm struggling with Lolita so this is probably gonna be an ordeal for me

>> No.6675154

Prosaically, Lolita is way harder than Infinite Jest. Infinite Jest is really not so difficult, it is only disorienting because information is intentionally obscured from you. Perhaps the hardest part is linking characters/organizations/events in your mind.

>> No.6675330

Sounds fun I'll be down, just ordered the book and should be done with the Turn of the Screw in like one more day

>> No.6675449

The Tumblr was simply intended to be a place where we would have a FAQ, reading schedule, and reminders. Although I'm not sure if it will even be necessary.

>> No.6675653

>should be done with the Turn of the Screw in like one more day

I'm a slow reader and read that shit in an afternoon

>> No.6675745

The filmography <3
that was glorious, why the fuck did DfW do that, do you have any idea?

>> No.6675751

I've already read the fucker recently and am not up for going through it again (busy with Pynchon, Delillo, Bellow, Marquez and DfW's Oblivion this summer) -- but I'll definitely check in on the threads and discuss, the book rules fucking supreme.

>> No.6675762

I bought IJ and Brief Interviews with Hideous Men the other day, I finished Interviews and thought it was honestly pretty bad, not horrible, but a lot of it actually made me cringe and I only liked a few of the stories. Is Infinite Jest much better?

>> No.6675859

Is anyone else going to be taking notes during the read?

>> No.6675894


It's been a while since I read it. There's definitely a lot going on in there - some social satire, some of DFW just fucking around, and some stuff that you'll learn more about some as the book progresses - but I think a big reason was to develop the character of James O. Incandenza and the world around him in a kind of clever way.

>> No.6675925

It certainly was that. It certainly makes intuitive sense to deepen the filmmaker by the films he makes. But further than that... IDK, I always expect there to have been slightly more to it w/ DFW. He was very interested in Image Fiction, no, in exploring how mediation/overmediation affects our perception.

>> No.6676221

DFW was also a big film buff, he devotes like a quarter of his Charlie Rose interview to talking about films.


>> No.6676249

I will take notes in my Kindle.

>> No.6676263

I have my fucking book and I'm fucking ready!

>> No.6676455

Well I just started it today, and it's been kind of busy

don't you have anything else to do other than poke fun at my reading pace?

>> No.6676489
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>> No.6676494

Okay! :^)

>> No.6676517

It was also a parody of the postmodern canon!

>> No.6676783

was 'Roy Tony' the same guy as 'Poor Tony'?

>> No.6677444

I got the book earlier today (bump).

>> No.6677447

What book

>> No.6677461
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what are you, housewives?

>> No.6677466
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Shh, don't scare them away.

>> No.6677514

That would never make sense with the footnotes.

>> No.6677524

I think most of us are white college students.

>> No.6677545

I just ordered this brick...
comes in 5-8 business days.
Will finish my current book by the time it comes, and will catch up once it arrives.
Will be interesting / fun.

>> No.6677564


Well fags in this thread have succeeded in spoiling the novel for me. Perhaps not all of it but enough that I'm going to have a headache if I try to read it now. I was debating between this and Moby Dick (knowing Moby Dicks basic plot because of pop culture almost fully wards me away as well). Thanks fags, i guess I'll try some other shit.

>> No.6679200

Straight white males

>he clicks on spoiler boxes

>> No.6679442


>> No.6679767

As much as there may be legimitatelly valid commentary on reddit, I can't get over the whole circle jerking and game system of upvoting. Not to say that this doesn't exist on 4chan, just that being anonymous usually allows the removal of such behaviour.

>> No.6680284

Ok 1 question that needs clearing before I reread

who the fuck were the canadian guys that fought and shot gately

>> No.6680285

Haven't read "literature" since highschool 5 years ago is this a good place to get back into it?

>> No.6680296

1. How did you get here?
2. Yes. It's incredibly fun, will introduce you to heavier themes and really isn't as difficult as people say.

What are your other interests, though? I'm honestly wondering how someone who has never read literature outside of highschool ended up in a book club thread for a notoriously large book on a literature board on 4chan.

>> No.6680303

I'd start with the Greeks tbh, probably a better shout

>> No.6680316

I was looking for advice >>6680138 and ended up browsing >>6676529 and it linked me here.

More realistically it's summer so I have time to read something besides textbooks and know that IJ is kind of a meme book on this board with a difficult reputation so I thought someone might get a chuckle from my ignorant question.

>> No.6680322

>1100 page postmodern book

You suck at reading

>> No.6680333

What the fuck. Why are you so worried about Lolita? You realize it's one of the most respected pieces of American literature ever, right? There is literally no reason to be uncomfortable about it unless you've got some major paranoia about being found out as a pederast.

>> No.6682160


>> No.6682262

Need to finish up 150 pages on my current book so I'm ready to start on the 15th... I'm no Tai Lopez but I'll do my best

>> No.6682696

>tfw you will never attend ETA
it's like every 80s summer camp/boarding school movie mashed in with one and the added flair of a pretentious 1960s college campus and youth sporting trips


>> No.6683693

That guy, I think Bruce Green, kills the dog at the house party. And the the people chase him to the House. I don't think they were anyone important.

>> No.6683762

Just bought it so that would be great, I'm in.

>> No.6683766


>> No.6684048

hm okay. thanks. i don't remember that, but if it was anyone it woulda been lenz, not bruce I reckon.

>> No.6684681

Got bored waiting for you fucks and started. What a fun book, holy cow

>> No.6684748


I just finished it, and I can't believe that this book somehow got conflated with pretentiousness. It's incredibly readable and fun.

>> No.6684754


How douchey would it be to dress up as Pemulis for Halloween?

>> No.6684767

>tfw you have the ebook version

>> No.6684922

Is discussion for day one on the 14th or the 15th?

>> No.6685020

I dressed up as DFW last Halloween
One person got it

>> No.6685376

It will take place on the 20th and 21st.

>> No.6685501

I just started reading IJ a couple days ago. I'm at page 30. Where are you guys? I'd like to join your group or whatever

>> No.6685567

Tomorrow we will read the first 17 pages.

>> No.6685608

sweet, needed a kick in the pants to crack open the book.

>> No.6685640
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For those who will be re-reading.

>> No.6685658

When Hal Incandenza was seventeen years old, he left the tennis academy and the courts of his tennis academy to go smoke dank kush in the woods. There he enjoyed his spirit and solitude, and for two hours did not weary of it. But at last his buzz wore off —and rising one morning with the rosy dawn, he went before the deans of the University of Arizona, and spoke before them:
"I'm really good at concealing my autism."

>> No.6685662

based pemulis wins again
We should start a new thread now that we're getting into it, where's that tripfag at

>> No.6685664

I'm here -- I'll do it soon.

>> No.6685667

thx bby

>> No.6685706

Literally who? is what you're going to get

>> No.6685803

Okay, I have a new thread ready, though I am just going to wait until midnight to hit submit.

>> No.6685850

Please migrate to this thread: