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/lit/ - Literature

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6655101 No.6655101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was John Coltrane an intellectual or a pretentious new age bitch?

>...with Coltrane, who studied the Qur'an, the Bible, Kabbalah, and astrology with equal sincerity."[34] He also explored Hinduism, Jiddu Krishnamurti, African history, the philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle,[35] and Zen Buddhism.[36]

>> No.6655104


Probably the latter, but the former when it comes to expressing those ideas musicaly.

>> No.6655110

He was a badass nigger.

>> No.6655133

this tbh

>> No.6655184

What about Sun Ra?
>Controversial[2] because of his eclectic music and unorthodox lifestyle, and claiming that he was of the "Angel Race", and not from Earth but from Saturn, Sun Ra developed a complex persona, using "cosmic" philosophies and lyrical poetry that made him a pioneer of afrofuturism. He preached awareness and peace above all. He abandoned his birth name and took on the name and persona of Sun Ra (Ra being the Egyptian God of the Sun), and used several other names throughout his career, including Le Sonra and Sonny Lee.[3] Sun Ra denied any connection with his birth name, saying "That's an imaginary person, never existed... Any name that I use other than Ra is a pseudonym.

>> No.6655382

Like all jazz 'musicians,' the latter.
>but the former when it comes to expressing those ideas musicaly.

>> No.6655398


How does it feel to miss out on a whole art form because you're scared of blacks?

>> No.6655419


My only longtime friend is a midnight black muzzie.

>> No.6655432

Hey, let's play nice.

>> No.6655446

Sun was one of those cases where the individual is equally intelligent, insane, talented and charismatic enough for you to not disregard him as a complete lunatic.

Somewhat akin to Moondog, I guess.

Also, Trane was hands down patrish, anyone who doesn't think so is a stupid pleb who probably listens to power metal or some other wankfest

>> No.6655469

>Also, Trane was hands down patrish, anyone who doesn't think so is a stupid pleb who probably listens to power metal or some other wankfest
Jazz is wank for the musically illiterate.

>> No.6655483

Jazz is pretty wanky, yeah. Don't start a flamewar over it, you'll make a shit ton of people mad.

>> No.6655493

Why would I care what some laymen teens feel?

>> No.6655518

You'll be wasting your time if you attempt to point out the flaws of jazz, as nobody is going to listen to you. I remember you from /mu/, you got people angry like nothing else. Any 'conversation' about jazz's self indulgent nature and proposed inferiority to Western art music ended with the opposing party just calling you a troll, throwing a hissy fit, or just getting angry and calling you names. You also were a bit of an asshole, but you weren't incorrect. You really tested my own appreciation of jazz and music in general, and I thank you for that. I still enjoy jazz but you definitely made me think more about it and study it more and not simply appreciate it because culture has deemed it complex and artistic. By the way, I also have you to thank for a renewed interest in mathematics. I really do thank you, you've helped me come a long way musically and intellectually. I'm being sincere right here- thank you.

>> No.6655526

You have to admit, it's entertaining to post the exact same thing and get different, yet equally extreme reactions to it.

/mu/ is bad, I'm the hero it needed.

>> No.6655546

that's terribly narrow, music can be about anything. it doesn't have to be relegated to the grand form and institutions of outdated normative tastes. that's an awfully blind idea of musical literacy. yawn.


>> No.6655555

I used to laugh at your posts because you would literally be saying the same argument every time with slightly different wording yet many people would keep generating different but similarly explosive responses. There were some threads where every point you made would literally be 'jazz is wank' and yet you'd get around 15 replies and your next post, also saying 'jazz is wank' would get another 10 replies.

I'm not sure many people benefited from it, but it was at least funny.

>> No.6655560

ITT: wannabe petit-bourgeois contrarians

You are all fucking retarded

Also OP you are the worst

>famous person not known for literature turns out to have read some big names!
>proceeds to make a thread on /lit/ asking for people to agree said person is too dumb to have understood it because he thinks reading Plato separates you from the rabble

I'm sick of entry level wankers like OP who have been reading proper literature for a matter of months pretending like their opinions aren't completely inadequate

Fuck off child

>> No.6655572

Please go, afro-Marxist revisionist.

>> No.6655577

Literally first thing that popped into my head was Moondog.
But he wasn't really 'insane' or even arrogant, was he?

Also, Ode to Venus is basically Over the Rainbow. Still my favourite piece, though

>> No.6656280

why is everyone in this thread so angry

>> No.6656383

Because of people who were grown up with classical supremacy brainwashing them clashing people who grew up with jazz supremacy brainwashing them.

>> No.6656404

this is nice 5 squared

>> No.6656504

This board is quick to criticise any music that isn't edgy mid-90s trash like Swans