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6655342 No.6655342 [Reply] [Original]

A wise man once said that if you wish to learn philosophy, then you must start with the Greeks. How would one go about this? And how would one expand from there?

>> No.6655345

Commence with the Chinese

>> No.6655367

Begin with the Babylonians, Ascend with the Aztecs, Finish with the Finnish

>> No.6655392

It depends. From Machiavelli on, there's a very big break between the ancient and modern conceptions of philosophy, such that you could say that even when there's disagreement on particulars, the ancients largely agreed more than they disagreed on what philosophy was. The modern view is largely an attempt to give philosophy the preeminence of modern science, which changes the very nature of what philosophy and its activity consist in.

Plato's obviously the first philosopher to put forward a large corpus of writings, but he considered his precursors no less philosophical than he. Homer and Hesiod especially he takes to be the starting point of both concealed political philosophy and the source of the Heraclitean and Protagorean theses on becoming.

One path might be Homer, Hesiod's Theogony, the Pre-Socratics, and Herodotus. That's a lot of reading and work though, but it put before you a lot of the issues Plato and Aristotle pick up (especially the conflict between nature and custom in Herodotus).

>> No.6655396

You just gotta start with them

>> No.6655459

waste of time

start with zizek

>> No.6655463

>tfw dozens of the same thread in a single day

just sticky this already

>> No.6655496
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You think they care about quality on 4chan?