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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 600x400, 07transgender-JP-02-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652670 No.6652670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about trans children books? Personally, I am glad literature is catching up with the 21st century

>> No.6652677

Liberalism gone too far

>> No.6652679

I think this is poor bait.

>> No.6652681

it's a story on the front page of the new york times you illiterate shit head

>> No.6652691

Wouldn't transitioning gender mean that you successfully made a change? That just looks like some ugly guy in a dress. You're a degenerate sir and we don't respect you or your mental illness

>> No.6652694

>New York times
>you illiterate

Shoo shoo, get out of here.

>> No.6652697

oh look according to the latest issue of game informer nintendo is releasing another zelda game!

>> No.6652699

>his debut work of fiction — a semi-autobiographical story about a transgender teenage boy who falls in love with an older boy on the beach in Cape Cod — will be published in a collection this month by Duet, a new young adult publisher that specializes in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer fiction.

>“My goal was to write stories that would have helped me feel less alone at that age,” said Mr. Martin, who works as a Starbucks barista in Washington and writes at night.

Oh my god this is priceless

>> No.6652706

>Posts about a story in the old gray lady
>Thinks its relevant
The New York Times hasn't printed anything of value in over a decade.

>> No.6652712

they just printed a story about the high rate of hiv and meth among closeted caribbean gays in brooklyn, who knows that shit might have saved my life. in homophobic cultures like most black cultures the gay guys have to fuck a lot of girls to cover up their gayness, then unsuspecting nerds like me fuck the same girl and get sick, that's worth the cost of reading it, which is to say look at a big ad for some shitty hangbag or whatever

>> No.6652716

>shut up NY times saved my life


>> No.6652719

That's not news. Go to any STD clinic and they have videos about that playing on a loop over and over all day.

>> No.6652720

i'm sure they'll do a story about your mom's basement one day, friend

>> No.6652740
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>What does /lit/ think about trans children books?
It grieves my spirit.
Children should never be shown such evil things. However parenting is perpetually undergoing wild trends. And it won't matter much in the long run.

I'm gonna step on my soapbox for a moment to say, I don't understand how people willfully ignore the inherent problems in dismissing truth (biological certainties of men and women).
Individuals who identify themselves w/ a sex differing from that which they were born and are, are people who suppose that, simply by their own word, they may change nature. A lunatic in any spinning.
This country needs a moral compass.

>> No.6652746

>like most black cultures
>gay guys have to fuck a lot of girls
>If i fuck those girls I get aids

So uh the moral of the story is ask the girl If she has fucked any black guys? Or wear a condom?

Thank you ny times thank you thank you

>> No.6652900

I don't really care one way or another tbh.

>> No.6653547

You can't make this shit up

>> No.6653555
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Trannies write some really interesting shit.

>> No.6653580

It doesn't bother me, but I doubt if I have children that I will ever read them these books. I'll stick with The Jungle Books, Grimms' Fairy Tales, The Arabian Nights, Roald Dahl, Richard Dawkins' The Magic of Reality (this is not bait... I want my children to understand and appreciate science), and many others. Plus, I wouldn't want my children to develop gender dysphoria early on in life. I'd be worried such books might confuse them.

>> No.6653589
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>> No.6653604

Pretty much this minus Dawkins plus Silverstein

>> No.6653612

>Plus, I wouldn't want my children to develop gender dysphoria early on in life. I'd be worried such books might confuse them.
Man, if you sincerely believe gender dysphoria comes from being read the wrong book, idk...do some homework on that shit. Can books also make people gay? Or, alternatively, can they make gay people straight?

>> No.6653629

>Can books also make people gay? Or, alternatively, can they make gay people straight?
"We're not sure."
-American Psychological Association

>> No.6653631

I think people seeking a way to be individual may be able to convince themselves of something if it's labeled as normal. Even if this something stems from severe insecurities about identity

>> No.6653643

It's not that I think I'd read the book and then suddenly they'd feel like they were of another gender. But by learning about gender and sexuality at such a young age, they might misunderstand it, think it's just a matter of preference, and then gradually convince themselves and other around them that they're really a different gender. Of course this is unlikely, but these are my kids we're talking about!

>> No.6653650

Why would you fuck a girl that has fucked a black guy

>> No.6653662

I identify as the Sun?

>> No.6653676

Do they actually say that?
>I think people seeking a way to be individual may be able to convince themselves of something if it's labeled as normal
sure, but it would only be a passing phase if the self-identification isn't accurate, cf. college lesbians.
Ah, irrational fear, the good old link between bourgeois reaction and bourgeois family.

>> No.6653704

>irrational fear

It's a very rational fear. Gender dysphoria isn't very well understood, transpeople live harder, more miserable lives than the average Western person, and so I'm just taking some extra precautions. If I've offended you, I apologize.

>> No.6653708


I love meeting transgenders and people who respect anything that goes beyond LGB in LGBT*QJSAFGNWGUN. It gives me an opportunity to unironically claim to be a lion.

Its great to pretend to be a lion when others are taking you seriously.

rawr >:3

>> No.6653733
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Hmmm well if there's a kid that likes their gender and they suppress that cuz being gay ain't cool but read a book about a gay person loving themselves.... Then maybe they'd appreciate their sexuality is it really that hard to think of this

>> No.6653737

>Do they actually say that?

>"There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

>> No.6653744

Oh, no, I didn't mean the fear of your child having a tough life due to dysphoria is irrational, just the fear that a book that portrays it as something to be accepted will be a major factor in developing dysphoria.
Also, consider this: in the extremely unlikely case that the child is dysphoric already, such a book would probably dl better than willfully 'protecting' the child from the information that some people do believe he's not a freak.

And no, I'm not offended, I just made the general observation that parenting makes people, often gradually and unconsciously, gravitate towards conservatism.

>> No.6653756


>> No.6653762

That doesn't exactly say reading the wrong book might change your orientation or identification, though, which I don't think anyone sincerely believes.

>> No.6653770 [DELETED] 

>Why would you fuck a girl that has fucked a black guy

i have a pretty big dick so why not? maybe not as big as some congoid mandingo mutant, but my uncut aryan weiner is as big any run of the mill so-called "bbc", sorry if your small semitic anatomy relegates you to asians only, but for me it's just not an issue

>> No.6653817
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I think, if I have kids, they'll receive a diet of Aseop's fables, the bible, and Grimm's Fairy-tales not tranny pandering nonsense.

>> No.6653827


inb4 all of your kids turn out to be trannies with three dicks and five fannies

>> No.6653843
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>> No.6653867

>semi-autobiographical story about a transgender teenage boy

wait, so is this a chick who transitioned to being a boy and then falls in love with a boy? or is the transboy transitioning to being a chick? is the author supposed to be a chick? or a dude? the moobs are so gender neutral...maybe in a tgenderless dystopian future firm tits will be illegal and everyone will have to have floppy moobs

>> No.6653881

kids should know that reality is fluid and they can define it in any way that suits them

society will love them no matter what

reality will follow their whims

i want my kids to grow up knowing they are the centers of the universe

>> No.6653898

That looks like H.R. Giger

>> No.6653925

But without all that terrible "benefit to the planet" stuff getting in the way

>> No.6653940
File: 275 KB, 1180x867, 1433289406036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw faggots have, using faulty science, completely destroyed the concept of tabla rasa for future generations
>tfw by creating a worldview where essence precedes action these same dissimulating fudge packers have created a philosophy of self imposed totalitarianism
>tfw my entire generation, grace a consumer sex, mass pornography, and the politicization of the bedroom has been alienated from their own vie sexuelle and turned into an abstract tool of capitalism

Anyone else know this feel? I just want, like, free love man. Fucking queers had to ruin everything

>> No.6653961

stop watching CNN and browsing twitter/reddit/pol and you'll realize that the world around you basically functions the same way it always has, you sad little NEET

also the kid in that picture looks like my nephew and it freaks me out

>> No.6653977

oh my god please tell me that picture is entirely unedited

>> No.6653980

>tabula rasa
There is literally nothing good or worth saving about this, good work faggots.

>> No.6653994

Whats happening in that pic.

>> No.6654001

dirty gross nasty adolescent sexual exploration

i hope those kids are found and reeducated, for their sakes

>> No.6654024


>> No.6654026

That female looks older. He looks shocked and uncomfortable.

>> No.6654039

reads like burroughs.

>> No.6654045

The kid's a faget and being touched by a girl is weirding him out.

>> No.6654047
File: 9 KB, 200x184, 1389978221882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents don't have to buy this for their kids
>kids aren't going to "catch" transgender
>kids who are transgender will enjoy the book
>kids who aren't transgender will enjoy the book because they haven't been taught to find that stuff weird

I don't see the problem. /pol/ please go

>> No.6654061

Seriously this kid looks like exactly my nephew. I need to find the source of this image.

>> No.6654130

underrated post

they would probably just dismiss it with a "haha yeah that's great" and then go back to talking with the person that introduced you or something, and you'd be betad the fuck out

>> No.6654154

underrated post

the whole "gays are born that way" is a bad road to get started down...it would have been a lot better if they said "i choose to smoke pole and i'm proud of my choice, now give me rights!" not "i can't help it, i don't want to smoke pole but i was born this way and now i have no choice, it's not my fault" ...so disempowering...

>> No.6654177

>it would have been a lot better if they said "i choose to smoke pole and i'm proud of my choice, now give me rights!"

Obviously not, eejit. Most people wouldn't have accepted it if they were under the false impression that it was a choice.

>> No.6654212

bruv, you can't choose your sexuality. We're pretty sure that it develops over time, and we're not sure what causes it to develop, and we're pretty sure that it can change over time. But we do know that it's not something you just choose.

>> No.6654215
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Transgenderism is rare and serious enough, and such a large matter that it should only be properly addressed after the personal whiplashing of development is done. Someone will /know/ they're trans when they're 16 earliest, not 8, and the people buying books about trans kids are going to be parents that are so happy with themselves at how supportive they would totally be, not children who have made a life decision larger than career, faith, or politics before they know how to do long division

>> No.6654239

The authors of that should be put on trial and then rightfully executed for spreading kike degeneracy to our society. What a bunch of disgusting mentally ill fucks.

>> No.6654242

Premise 1: Media influences people
Premise 2: Children are easy to influence
Premise 3: Trans* people have an agenda

Conclusion: do not risk children to read trans* propaganda.

There really is no point. Might as well give them German NatSoc comic books. It's probably even a much more sensible decision.

>> No.6654244

so what if the world was reversed and everyone was expected to be gay, would you go around fucking dudes asses and sucking dick to cover up the fact that you're straight? because it sure seems like a lot of supposedly "gay" guys choose to marry women and start families

>> No.6654247

that should have been heideggers excuse, he didn't choose to be a nazi, he was born that way!

>> No.6654258
File: 50 KB, 452x569, bigjournalism-20110314-antisemeticimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.6654297
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ITT: Kikes and Kike Shills
Go back to your containment board, faggots

>> No.6654415

>and we're not sure what causes it to develop,

I'd say hormones and social influences play a big part.

>> No.6654436


well at some point the guy thinks "hmm i'd like to fuck a guy" sort of like at some point trying crystal meth suddenly seems appealing to a future junkie, so i guess drug users don't choose it? what about 4chan users? did you choose to waste your time on this shit hole? or were you just "born that way"? ahh, nothing is ever anyone's fault!

>> No.6654623

>Someone will /know/ they're trans when they're 16 earliest, not 8
What? Are you saying children don't know whether they're male or female till they are teens?

>> No.6654643

Honestly, even the B is pushing it. What makes being bisexual so "hard"? They literally have a choice.

>> No.6654650

I think anon is saying that 8 year olds aren't exactly distraught with their gender identity.

I think they're content with reading Clifford or Magic Tree House

>> No.6654703


kill yourselves

>tabla rasa

/pol/ everyone


sexuality is a man made concept. of course it's flawed. being bisexual is being attracted to men and women at the same time. it's not a choice. however, the choice of your partner (and their sex) is still a real one (assuming free will).

>> No.6654739

>being bisexual is being attracted to men and women
>it's not a choice
Except in the case of bisexuals their sexuality is literally defined by having a choice.

>> No.6654749

sounds like whatever book you guys are talking about isn't being marketed to children tho

when i hear "young adult" i'm thinking about maybe 15-22, i.e. old enough to know a thing or two about their own sexuality and identity and maybe wanting to seek out voices from people who've had similar experiences to them?

it's not like parents are reading porn to their infant children here, this is a niche publisher reaching to a niche audience

>> No.6654788

Realistically, YA is 11-25 these days. Which is just an absolute disgrace when you think about it.

>> No.6654805
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>/lit/ imagines a horrible dystopian future where breast implants no longer exist and people grow older than 40

>> No.6656387
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>can't take a message without shooting the messenger
I have a pretty fulfilling sexual life and try to live in the real world as much as possible. If you don't seriously see the negative effect a consumer focused sexuality is having on people you must be blind or stupid.

Exactly. I've had experiences with men and women, and every one of them has been because I CHOSE TO. My entire life in fact, is the manifestation of my will and I tread the thin line between being and becoming. If every kid was taught this, the crisis of society would come to a halt. Instead, they're taught that if they believe they're a women hard enough that's what they "really are". Obviously there are a few exceptions, but our entire perspective is sick to the core.

I really doubt that, sexual liberation as an ideal has been around in western civilization for a long time. The problem is that, rather than taking the route of the Greeks and exploring different forms of love and life, we've created a system where people are told they're imprisoned by arbitrary, invented, scientific sounding labels.

Even if that was the case, as citizens living in a democracy it should be openly debated and discussed, and the pros and cons should be weighed against each other. Noble (usually the reverse) lies are killing politics today.

I hope you're being sarcastic.

Tabula rasa is the basis for a enlightened egalitarian society you little shit. Without the assumption that all men are born equal with the potential for goodness, society becomes base and grotesque. Even if it isn't true, the principles derived from it, the ideas of human perfectibility and equality, are noble enough that we should accept it as the cornerstone to a just society.
It really amazes me how enlightenment era thought is considered not only radical, but morally disgusting today.

>being bisexual is being attracted to men and women at the same time. it's not a choice. however, the choice of your partner (and their sex) is still a real one
This actually hurts to read. Are you incapable detecting pure bullshit when you hear it? Your entire statement literally has zero meaning, it's 1984 level dribble.

>> No.6656422

>This actually hurts to read. Are you incapable detecting pure bullshit when you hear it? Your entire statement literally has zero meaning, it's 1984 level dribble
It really is the most retarded, disingenuous liberal doublespeak. I'm not even a conservative but I do find it ironic how the liberal ideal of tolerance is actualized through the dismissal of agency and accountability. Lifestyles and choices are vindicated for no reason other than "they didn't choose to be/do x".

>> No.6656461

>Tabula rasa is the basis for a enlightened egalitarian society you little shit
>Without the assumption that all men are born equal with the potential for goodness
That's not the assumption of a tabula rasa, that's the assumption of equality and potential goodnees. There is absolutely zero necessary connection right there.

>> No.6656472

>trans people have an agenda
If you believe this agenda consists in turning people trans, you are retarded. Trans people want to be accepted, and there is no reason this idea shouldn't influence your children, unless you consider turning them into tranny bashers a valid educational perspective.

>> No.6656480

So, what's some good reading material on this? I'm ignorant of the scientific side of it, but I can't help feel uncomfortable about all of this, especially when it comes to the media and public encouraging and accepting people, especially teenagers, to be trans-gendered, when it seems that it shouldn't be met with such enthusiasm but instead caution.

>> No.6656493

That's a lot of assumptions, anon.

>> No.6656501

Actually, it's only two: trans people want to be accepted, and accepting them doesn't hurt your kids. Now tell me what is wrong with either of those.