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/lit/ - Literature

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6653582 No.6653582 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.6653592

>Mason & Dixon

>Something Happened

>I Claudius

>> No.6653595

>Reading Lolita in Tehran

>The Digital Person

>Moby Dick

>> No.6653601


>> No.6653603
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>last: the paradox of liberation (Walzer)
>current: pic related
>next: probably Society of the Spectacle

>> No.6653605

>Brothers Karamazov

>Gravity"s Rainbow

>not sure

>> No.6653606

>The Summer Book

>The Brothers Karamazov

>The Street of Crocodiles

>> No.6653615

>Blood Meridian and The Apology

>Journey to the End of the Night

>Dave Eggers, DFW, Dostoyevskiy

>> No.6653616

>The Catcher in the Rye

>Der Enzige

>A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.6653617

>The Revolt of Man


>The Beautiful and Damned

Nothing unorthodox

>> No.6653623

Oh no why Dave Eggers

>> No.6653626


>Look to Windward

>Merhanical Orange

>> No.6653636

Should I check this out? I read The Man in the High Castle last summer and really liked it

>> No.6653638


Narcissus and Goldmund

Ulysses or the Sound and the Fury

>> No.6653654

What's wrong with him? A Heartbreaking Work seems like something I could relate to

Is he looked down upon here?

>> No.6653660

>La nieve del almirante, mutis
>Berserk vol. 37
>The recognitions, Gaddis

>> No.6653669

>Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy
>Crime and Punishment
>The Decline of the West

>> No.6653679

>the recognitions

God bless and good luck

>> No.6653681

> Notes from Underground/The Double

> The Picture of Dorian Gray + Necronomicon on the side

> Brave New World or The Iliad

>> No.6653690

>The Ambassadors by Henry James
>The Joke by Milan Kundera
>Lost Illusions by Honore de Balzac

>> No.6653694

A Tale of Two Cities

A Doll's House
The Well Wrought Urn


>> No.6653695

Billy Budd, Sailor and Selected Tales (Melville)
Samson Agonistes (Milton)
To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner)
The Penguin Book of the Sonnet (edited by Levin)
The Confidence-Man (Melville)
The Waves (Woolf)
Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner)

>> No.6653698

>Earthsea Cycle: The Tombs of Atuan

>Earthsea Cycle: The Farthest Shore

>Earthsea Cycle: Tehanu

>> No.6653732

Great expectations
Portrait of the artist as a young man
Beyond good and evil

>> No.6653754
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>Nicomachean Ethics
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>A History of Western Philosophy or more Aristotle
I hate how much time it's taking to start with the Greeks. I just want to read Hegel and Dosteovsky.

>> No.6653759

"The Cold War" by John Lewis Gaddis

"Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare

"Macbeth" by Shakespeare

>> No.6653760

>Crime and Punishment

>War and Peace

>Anna Karenina

>> No.6653771

The sailor who fell from grace with the sea

The Crossing

Wise Blood

>> No.6653774

if you liked it, you will also like ubik

>> No.6653776

well if you already read nicomachean ethics you should be finishing the greeks pretty soon, don't even bother with neoplatonic shit

>> No.6653778

Time and Technics by Bernard Stiegler

Inoperative Community by Jean Luc Nancy and Rings of Saturn by WG Sebald

Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel

>> No.6653780

I think we would be friends

>> No.6653781

>Is he looked down upon here?
He's super-uncool
Like DFW but without the indiscernible talent

>> No.6653786

>Paper Towns

>The Children of Men

>Blood Meridian

>> No.6653797


Just read Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Dostoyevski.

and then Heidegger, Zizek, Foucault

>> No.6653803

how was RLiT? looks pretty interesting

>> No.6653812

>Primer of a Visual Literacy (Dondis)
>The Gift (Mauss)
>The Problems of Philosophy (Russell)

>Brothers Karamazov
>Art and Visual Perception (Arnheim)

>Will probably follow that /lit/ philos. guide

>> No.6653835

>The Book of Disquiet

>Mason & Dixon

>The Man Who Loved Only Numbers

>> No.6653837
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>actually starting with the Greeks

>> No.6653852

Its better to end with the Greeks, then everything comes together and makes sense rather than spoiling it all off the start.

>> No.6653884

>Gravity's Rainbow, Pynchon

>Mary/Maschenka, Nabokov

>De geruchten, Claus

>> No.6653885

Can we talk about MD. How far are you?

>> No.6653892

>lady macbeth of msensk

>the dwarf

>the stranger

>> No.6653906

>Waiting for Godot

>Omensetter's Luck

>Either The Floating Opera or Barthelme's Sixty Stories

>> No.6653907
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>not starting and then abruptly ending with the greatest philosopher in history
>waiting until the end of your studies to find that everything you read before and after him is meaningless

>> No.6653950
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>The Metamorphosis

>the Iliad

>Lewis's The Abolition of Man or Hesiod's Theogony

>> No.6653966
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>Lady Chatterly's Lover

>Carthage Must Be Destroyed

>Around the World in 80 Days

>> No.6653970
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>not based Thales

I thought this was a patrician board?

>> No.6653978

Hundred years of solitude 7.5/10

Wretched of the Earth - Franz Fanton
Loving this shit so far. As someone from a country recently under colonial rule, it speaks volumes.

Probably Book of the New Sun.
Also trying to get my hands on a copy of Philosophies and Opinions of Marcus Garvey

>> No.6653999

bit over 300 pages.

>> No.6654000

>Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Fucking Cato

>> No.6654015
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>right about everything

>> No.6654028

A Farewell to Arms or The Sound and The Fury, whichever arrives in the mail first

>> No.6654044



>The Iliad

>> No.6654051

>As I Lay Dying

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>The Metamorphosis

>> No.6654054

Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans by Thomas Taylor (had to stop midway)
Elements by Euclid
Principles of Political Economy by David Ricardo

The Works of Archimedes edited by T.L. Heath
Principles of Political Economy by John Stuart Mill

>> No.6654074


I'm reading sections from Avicenna's " The Healing", particularly the stuff on causation.

>> No.6654081

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

The Notebook, The Proof and The Third Lie / Brothers Karamazov / The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Perhaps something by László Krasznahorkai, if not Roadside Picnic and maybe The Stranger in French because it seems simple enough and I still suck at French fuck it why not three all at once

I have bad habits

>> No.6654082


The Book of Disquiet
Children of Men

Book of New Sun

Midnight's Children
The Crying of Lot 49
The Kraken Wakes

>> No.6654085


Oh right and the other two.

>Before: Edward Grant: Physical Science in the Middle Ages

>After: Michael Sylwanowicz: Contingent Causality and the Foundations of Duns Scotus' Metaphysics.

>> No.6654098

>Secret Agent

>Nuremberg Diary


>> No.6654108

The Way of The Fight

My Fight your fight


>> No.6654110

I usually read two books at once, but with uni work it has been really hard to squeeze in the time...

Last Book: Sharp Objects... I think
Reading: Pantaleon y las Visitadoras (Captain Pantoja and the Special Service) by Mario Vargas Llosa
A really shitty japanese novel in japanese, it's slice of life-ish and good for language learning. Called 'Parade'

Going to read:
Imma read Kitchen by Yoshimoto Banana
and Trainspotting

>> No.6654124

>The Dharma Bums

>Light in August


I was thinking about this book Kokoro, this book Pedro Parama, or starting the Border Trilogy

>> No.6654135

>2001: A Space Odyssey


>Finnegans Wake

>> No.6654149

>2001: A Space Odyssey
How was this one?
2001 is one of my favorite movies, but I read that it was different from the book.

>> No.6654172


2001 is one of my favourite movies too, i'm primarily a film guy and only just got into literature like a year ago.

the book is different from the movie, and nowhere near as good (but then again very few things are), however it's still a great work in its own right and definitely worth a read, i should check out some more of Clarke's stuff in the future.

>> No.6654214

I will check that out, thanks, but I know that no book that has an adaptation by Kubrick can be as good as the film.
Also, will you read the other Space Odyssey books?

>> No.6654226

>Dom Quijote
>O Ateneu - Raul Pompeia

>> No.6654243

>Narcissus and Goldmund
>Swann's Way

>> No.6654252

>I forgot
>Brothers Karamazov and One flew over the cuckoo's nest

>> No.6654256
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Love the Abolition of Man. Hope you enjoy it. If you like that one, also consider Heidegger's essay 'The Question Concerning Technology.'

>> No.6654257

Nice apathy, jerk

>> No.6654289

>Heidegger's essay 'The Question Concerning Technology.

Thanks, I'll certainly look in to it.

>> No.6654300


indeed i do plan on reading the rest of the series. in fact i may do so to take a break between reading Ulysses and The Book Which Shall Not Be Named.

and indeed, the general consensus seems to be that Kubrick adaptations are much better than the original book (having read both ACO and The Shining, I am inclined to agree), however Lolita is supposed to be the exception to the rule. funnily enough that is the only one of kubrick's films i have yet to see, and i indeed haven't even read the original novel yet (like i said, i am relatively new to this whole /lit/erary thing)

>> No.6654304

Murphy - Samuel Beckett

Pale Fire - Nabokov

Against The Day - Pynchon or Crime And Punishment - Dostoyevsky

>> No.6654311

How'd you like Beckett? I have a "collection of shorter plays" that I've yet to start. Are his major works the only ones worth sinking my teeth into?

>> No.6654312

Finished it at 3am last night. The final section of the book is absolutely God-tier. I've always seen pynchon as a writer that keeps his distance but I felt a lot of his struggles as person in the last section. The rest of the book was fantastic and what I expected but The Transit came out of nowhere.

>> No.6654334


I thought it was fucking incredible, can really see the sort of Joycean influence but also the sort of twisted warping modernism. Murphy is good too because it's very philosophical in parts because it talks about disparities of reality, within solipsism and psychiatric practice.

I wouldn't know about the rest, it's the only Beckett I've read but I ordered his trilogy straight away, and I'm reading it as soon as it arrives.

>> No.6654343

Sounds awesome. I'll have to check him out

>> No.6654346


Yeah man, do. Won't regret it. It's short too so like, it's not a huge commitment. Enjoy.

>> No.6654351


hop on that shit bro. haven't read murphy yet, but the trilogy is fucking phenomenal

>> No.6654356

>war and peace
>I just started w&p it's too early to think about other books

>> No.6654361

>Plato's Republic

>Plato's Republic

>Plato's Republic

>> No.6654362

Read Lolita next, it's Dosteyevsky's best book, way better than W&P

>> No.6654373




>> No.6654374

Poe - Black Cat (great)
If short stories don't count then
Guy - Pyongyang (meh)
If neither short stories nor comics count
Goethe - Werther (meh)

Glukhovsky - Metro 2033 (pretty good)
Euripides - Medea (also pretty good)

Eco - Name of the Rose
Arnason - History of Modern Art
I'll get Shakespeare's complete works soon so probably one of his plays

>> No.6654378

I liked it. The author writes very well, and it's an interesting glimpse into the change to a totalitarian regime in Iran in the early/mid 80's and the war with Iraq in the late 80's.

The literary allusions in the chapters are terse, and it can overall get quite preachy in sections. It's heavy on women's issues as well, living as second class citizens, and marriage/dating problems.

Overall it was quite good, I picked it up in a thrift store around here for a buck.

>> No.6654381




>> No.6654396

James Joyce's Ulysses

Louis Bonaparte - Marx

Hm... I suppose something more modern...

>> No.6654399

>Paradise Lost, The Complete Cosmicomics (read and finished simultaneously)

>Fellowship of the Ring

>The Two Towers, The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man

>> No.6654417

Can anyone recommend something like this:

1940-1970, height of avant-garde, beginnings of postmodernism, something flavored with the tinge of the 'New' but still written with the tone of those writing pre-WWII

I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT I'M TRYING TO DESCRIBE, but something along the lines of Borges, Calvino, the Beats

>> No.6654420

as i lay dying

geek love/the satanic verses


>> No.6654426

The Death of Bunny Monroe - Nick Cave

Eugene Onegin - Alexander Pushkin

The Last Temptation - Nikos Kazantzakis

>> No.6654434

Are you reading Onegin in Russian? If not, is it the Oxford world classics? That's the one I have and I may tackle it next

>> No.6654491
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>Brave New World

>The Plague

>The Great Gatsby

I've read quite a few novellas recently, though.

>> No.6654495

>The Road

>Hamilton's Mythology

>The Iliad

>> No.6654505

>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>The Golden Bowl

>The Tunnel

I actually enjoyed A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius more than I expected to. I would recommend giving it a shot if it at all interests you.

I've been conflicted about whether to try his fiction.

>> No.6654511

>fifth business
>the iliad and/or the great Gatsby

Need to start working through the /lit/ starter kit and the Greeks

>> No.6654512

>Blindness - Jose Saramago

>White Teeth - Zadie Smith/Collected Fictions of Borges

>The Recognitions by Gaddis or A Smugglers Bible by Joseph McElroy, along with Necesarry Illusions by Chompsky

>> No.6654513

Waiting for Godot

The Odyssey

Planning on reading the Histories by Herodotus

>> No.6654525

ya ni ponimayoo po russkie ni ocheen khorashow. I'm reading the Penguin Classics version translated by Charles Johnston. Picked it up in a charity shop for a euro.

>> No.6654529

How is Omensetter's Luck? I've not read any Gass yet, he's about the last somewhat known pomo writer I haven't sampled. 60 stories (from what I've read so far, never one to read shory story collections cover to cover) is beautiful and thought provoking.

>> No.6654530

>12 caesars
>treasure island

>> No.6654543
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sounds Persian.

>> No.6654546

>The Crying of Lot 49

>Invisible Man

>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6654554


>Cambodia: Year Zero

>Paradise Lost


>> No.6654555


> Cat's Cradle

>Whatever Vonnegut book Half Price Books has that I haven't read.
I'm trying to read the compete work of Vonnegut as part of my Indiana History training so I can get a job at the Indiana State museum.

>> No.6654556

>Flowers For Algernon

>Moby Dick, Of Mice and Men, Catch 22

>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

>> No.6654563

I won't call anyone out but intro plebs you know who you are

>> No.6654575

>The Dream of the Celt

>A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

>Consider the Lobster

>> No.6654591

>none, just finished
>The Sound And The Fury
I have a feeling I'll like faulkner's corncobby ass far more

>> No.6654637
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>The secret history of the Spirit world
I really liked it, as far as occult history books go, it was probably one of the best.

>The secret history of the world
One of the best occult history books out there. I feel like it's given me a deeper insight into the nature of the world, and the occult mysteries that are in society, religion and so on, and so forth, I would very much recommend.

>In the heart of the sea.
I need to get that same rush that Melville gave me, but it's still too soon to read Moby Dick again

>> No.6654718

Looking forward to it.
I read it on my train commute to/from work, which has a stop called Ruggles. Always makes me smile.

>> No.6655088
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>reading Ricardo instead of Marx
get on my level

>> No.6655092

>Wretched of the Earth - Franz Fanton

What country? Also Black Skin, White Masks was great too

>> No.6655105

If you want my advice do NOT read a History of Western Philosophy unless you want Russel's biases to corrupt practically every philosophical text from here on out. It would probably be better to just spend a couple days reading pages from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy if you want some sort widespread knowledge of philosophy.

Also, IMO, the only "Start with the Greeks" texts that are completely necessary are The Republic and Nicomachean Ethics, although you should still read the other books at some point. What is more important however is that when you get into later philosophy not to read any thought that is a criticism or based of other thought e.g. Don't read Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript if you haven't already read Hegel.

>> No.6655129

I was just posting in another thread about the preponderance of Marxist and Rothbardian economics over any other sort of economics.

>> No.6655149

>History of Western Philosophy is bad
Babby can't handle Russell making a little critical commentary? Learn to read between the lines

>> No.6655161

>Slicing Pie: Funding Your Company Without Funds

>HP Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction

>TBD, probably This Book Is Full of Spiders

>> No.6655168

>If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

>Sheppard Lee

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6655171

Great current read, be prepared to wait years for the next volume though.

>> No.6655212

>The Word of God (Thomas M. Disch)

>The Glass Bead Game (Herman Hesse)

>The Creative Mind (Henri Bergson)

>> No.6655240

>Babby can't handle Russell making a little critical commentary

Critical commentary would be needed AFTER reading the original texts themselves meaning that, yes, a History of Western Philosophy is a terrible book for a beginner which is precisely what I was addressing in my post.

>> No.6655277

Even a beginner should be able to read it and come to their own conclusions. If they can't do that, their understanding of the actual text themselves is not going to be very good

>> No.6655318

>Hermann Hesse - Gertrude
>Thomas Ligotti - My Work is Not Yet Done
>Hermann Hesse - Glass Bead Game

>> No.6655407


>A Brave New World


>The Iliad

almost samesies

>> No.6655464

Confederacy of Dunces
Doctor Zhivago

>> No.6655474



>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6655691

>Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

>The Works of H.G. Wells (The Time Machine specifically)

>For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.6655711

LAST - God is Not Great: How Religion Poinsons Everything

CURRENT - Kafka on the Shore

NEXT - The Devil in the White City

>> No.6655784

this week:
steaming to bamboola by christopher buckley
the white house mess by christopher buckley
both easy reads, but well-written. pretty good
re-read a canticle for leibowitz by walter m miller jr
probably the best sci fi novel this side of dune.
nearly completed the rise and fall of the third reich by shirer
i've heard historians don't like it because of the editorializing, journalistic aspects, but its a good read and at the very least a glimpse into the post-war understanding of nazism
in m

>> No.6655787




Also reading the Old Testament on the side.

>> No.6655794

>Child of God

>Grapes of Wrath

>??????? maybe something pulpy by Bester

>> No.6655796


>Brothers Karamazov

>The Iliad or Infinite Jest

>> No.6655800

last read: american pastoral by philip roth
currently reading: blood meridian by cormack mccarthy
next up: not sure yet, probably the autobiography of alice b toklas by gertrude stein (need a break from all the men)

>> No.6655830

>Absalom, Absalom!



>> No.6655839

The Lover - Marguerite Duras

V. - Pynchon

Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison

>> No.6655845

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Under the Volcano
Independence Day

>> No.6655856

>letting go
>that question is the one that im asking myself right now and i cant answer it

>> No.6655864

aw i love heart is a lonely hunter. the member of the wedding is even better.

>> No.6655871

Russel's introduction is a potboiler he wrote quickly and sloppily. He systematically mis-summarizes several philosophers, and then critiques them based on his poor summaries. Nietzsche is the most glaring example. There's no reason to read that as an introduction.

Read this if you want an introduction:

Full historical and topical summary of philosophy compiled by modern scholars in the area. Clear but demanding.

>> No.6655874

It is one of my favorites now. I'm going to give it some time and then read through the rest of her bibliography.

>> No.6656041

>pinball, 1973

>The Corrections

>Capital in the 21st century

>> No.6656047

white noise

If on a winters night a traveller

great expectations

>> No.6656082

>Measuring Techniques
>Mechanical Engineering Principles 1
>Mechanical Engineering Principles 2

>> No.6656148

>Blood Meridian

>On Blue's Waters

>In Green's Jungles

>> No.6656156


> Runaway Horses


>Pale Fire

>> No.6656161

how was pinball?

>> No.6656182

Baukunin God and the state

Zizek living in the end times

Probably some intro text to lacan

>> No.6656223
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>El Tunel
>The Discovery of Heaven, Outer Dark
>L'Ecoume des Jours, The Confusions of Young TorleB

>> No.6656229

Read The Brothers Karamazov before Doctor Zhivago

>> No.6656251

Pedro Paramo or The Border Trilogy

>> No.6656263

I haven't read the other two but The Confidence Man is brilliant

>> No.6656278

> My Friend the Mercenary
>Infinite Jest
> Les trois mousquetaires

>> No.6656292

I fucking love that bust. Just imagining those unmanifested marble mammaries, ready to become what anyone imagines them to be...sweet lord.

>Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff/Johnson)
>The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays (Memetin Heidegger)
>maybe Drop City (Boyle), need a fiction break

>> No.6656307


>How to do I into ottermode


>> No.6656336
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some book about hitler's childhood

the tatami galaxy novel translation that some anon made a thread for earlier

not sure, maybe rimbaud, though honestly i have no idea where to start. would appreciate suggestions

>> No.6656346

Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman + Reread of Graveyard Book

Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman + Reread of Mistborn: The Final Empire

Stardust - Neil Gaiman before I switch into some Sci-Fi and then back to Terry Pratchett for more Discworld

>> No.6656356

>Beyond Good & Evil and Satantango

>The Unbearable Lightness of being

>Stoner, then the last two books of Illuminatus! Trilogy

>> No.6656363

>a guide for adult children of alcoholics



>> No.6656375

> A Midsummer Night's Dream

> Norweigan Wood

> The Trial

>> No.6656386

>Stephen King --- Duma Key

>Jules Verne --- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

>Maybe, Arthur C. Clarke --- Rama

>> No.6656390

>Last: Norwegen Wood by Haruki Murakami
>Currently: World Gone Water by Jaime Clark (I'm reading an old advanced review copy for a class on book reviews)
>Next: Not sure yet. Got a few that I'm kicking around. I usually just grab one from my big cue on a whim.

>> No.6656400

>from my big cue
no wonder you read murakami

>> No.6656532

How did you like Paper Towns?

I kind of enjoyed it, even if I felt a bit guilty for it afterwards.

>> No.6656545

Silence by Endo

Savage Detectives by Bolaño

???? (Maybe Quine, probably a phil text)

>> No.6656549

>working through Being and Time


>Idk, maybe something about yogacara

>> No.6656589

>Ice By Ice
>Diamonds Are Forever
>The Death and Life of Superman

>> No.6656630

Njal's Saga

Zeno's Conscience - Italo Svevo

Road to Wigan Pier - Orwell

>> No.6656641

>The Odyssey
>Work and Days

>> No.6656653

Just finished Lonesome Dove.

Just Started I Want My MTV.

Next in line is The Camp Of The Saints.

>> No.6656742

I thought it was an enjoyable read. I really liked the interaction between the main cast and Margo at the end, where they find out she wasn't this perfect figure who they had hyped her up to be in their minds. Felt like I could've enjoyed it more if Q just left her be without the romantic stuff at the end, but I guess it was written to appeal to a certain demographic after all.

Another thing I liked about it was the interactions between the characters, it felt pretty realistic. It was nice that the characters weren't always cool with one another and they sort of found their way eventually.

I can relate with that guilty feeling, but the way I see it is that its nice to have an informed opinion on these kinds of books and its been several years since I had read another of his books and wanted to see how accessible it was today, and sure enough I read it in almost a single sitting. An easy read for sure, but an enjoyable one.

>> No.6656760

Why do you like the Mistborn books enough to re-read them? I was recommended them as a contemporary fantasy but gave up after the second book because I found them to be so clunky.

>> No.6656804

Red: The Asiatics.

Redan: Split Second.

Wither thither: Against the Day? Fifty Shades of Grey? Open to suggestions ...

>> No.6656824
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This was an excellent film, better than any book I've ever read anyways.

>> No.6656832

Yeah, I felt pretty much the same about it. The guilty feeling was not so much about the quality of the book, just the constant feeling that I was not in the target audience for the book.

>> No.6656834


The second book is the weakest of them all. The resolution of everything that happens is fun. And Sanderson is about to release Book 2 and 3 of the Alloy of Law series.

I was going to have to reread them eventually because of cosmere reasons, so I might as well get it out of the way naw and not have to worry about it.

>> No.6657110



>The Glass Bead Game

>> No.6657245

>Bulgakov- Heart of a dog


>Probably Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.6658082

The Alchemist (it was shit)

The Brothers Karamazov (it's amazing)

Franny and Zooey (is it shit?)

>> No.6658121


Listen plebs, I don't know who told you this was even remotely okay. This is NOT the place to lightheartedly discuss yor recent john green feels. It's not even close to the place. I would assume bait if you guys didn't seem so into it. Now cut that shit out

>> No.6658133

Holy shit I'm the same. I'm just gonna go and jump to Hume and then Kant though

>> No.6658187


>> No.6658242

>Thomas Ligotti, Grimscribe

>Thomas Ligotti, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>Michel Foucault, The Order of Things

>> No.6658285

Bolaño - 2666

Bely - Petersburg

Hlasko - The Graveyard

>> No.6658288

Petersburg is phenomenal. Good choices recently anon

>> No.6658303

it's in english though
the intro makes it clear Bely was fixed on phonetics at even the syllable level, feels like I'll never know its true value until I learn russian :/

>> No.6658415

Why are you so butthurt?
I'm able to read complex stuff as well, I read Infinite Jest with English being my second language, and I study philosophy at the university for fun.
Sometimes it's nice to read a simple relaxing book, the same way other people would watch a TV-show or a movie, but I don't do that.

I've read all three Hunger Games books too, and even enjoyed the first two. Stay mad friend.

Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does. Maybe read a nice relaxing book to calm your nerves, I recommend Holy Cow by the X-Files guy.

>> No.6658439

>Sometimes it's nice to read a simple relaxing book, the same way other people would watch a TV-show or a movie, but I don't do that.
>Needing to "take a break" from "grown up" books


>> No.6658492

Wrong site I think.

notice how you cant downvote me

>> No.6658514

I work long hours when I first work.
After a 12 hour work day I need a book that reads it self.
You can lyao all you want.

Maybe not wrong site, but I think this is the wrong board for me. I enjoy a few other boards much more, because the people there are not so insecure, and the amount of shitposting is lower.

>> No.6658521

last things read
>a bunch of Gertrude Stein pieces
>some essays and crit about Bob Dylan

>middlemarch by george eliot


>> No.6658531

>wrong board for me

Yea, I agree. It's nothing personal but this board can't devolve to the point of actually discussing john green, it's hard enough to discuss actual literature. That's cool if you work 12 hours, but don't bring that Paper Town shit here.

Also, not being an asshole, but try swinging over to /r/books. I think that's what you're actually looking for.

>> No.6658542

Cervantes' Don Quixote
Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
>Will read
Poe's tales, poetry, criticism

>> No.6658550

>Last one:
Auto-Engano (Self-Mistake) - Eduardo Gianetti
>Currently one - The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
>Next One
Institutio Oratoria - Quintilian

>> No.6658559


The Catcher in the Rye


Wuthering Heights


Slaughter House 5

Yeah I'm starting my A2 course in my 6th from, after restarting last year. Bretty pleb, but I'm just ordering a shit tonne of books to read

>> No.6658570

The Illuminations
The Master Builder
King Lear
Translations of writings by Antonin Artaud
The Revengers Tragedy
Stindberg or Chekhov.
Maybe Dostoevsky.

>> No.6658583

>The Little Prince

>Robinson Crusoe

>Heart of Darkness or Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.6658612

Jerzy Kosinski - The Painted Bird
Ivan Turgenev - The Torrents of Spring

Sinclair Lewis - Babbitt

Edward Bellamy - Looking Backward

>> No.6658616

Okay, fair enough, though it seems to have devolved into memery and shitposting and there's not much left to save.
/r/books is hopeless for anything other than seeing how many ways you can misinterpret 1984. I come here for some insightful debate, but I never find it and settke for some frogposting instead.

Again, didn't mean to ruin your board, i thought at least list threads were free from circle jerks.

>> No.6658617

>Rayuela, Julio Cortazar

>Don Quijote Don Flamingo and Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik

>fuck me if I know

>> No.6658628
File: 334 KB, 1000x1984, Purchases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does lit think of my new purchases
I'm a fairly new to literature, I'm a very competent reader, but any "difficult" literature mostly extends to my GCSE and AS level books.
I've read and enjoyed Ulysses, and all of the lit 'starter' books

>> No.6658678

>Raven (about Jonestown Massacre)

>Kitchen Confidential


>> No.6658679


>> No.6658687

I know this is a meme but I've read homer's oddessy

>> No.6658706

just cause it's a meme doesn't mean you shoudn't do it; eating is a meme and i'd like to see you not doing it m8

>> No.6658737

> Do androids dream of electric sheep
> crying of lot 49
> V. or trying vonnegut

>> No.6658739

Some Evelyn Waugh is always nice.

>> No.6658743

You can find PDFs of some of his stuff online. I think you should be able to find all his short stories and I've found God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian (which you should go read right now if you haven't, it'll take very little time) before.

>> No.6658744

>last book
Milton - Paradise Lost
>currently reading
Melville - Moby-Dick
probably McCarthy - Blood Meridian

I'm taking a break from reading every damn Pynchon and Marquez novel to fill in some holes in my reading knowledge, hope you're happy /lit/

>> No.6658748

>eating is a meme

You're too stupid to post here.

>> No.6658762



The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6658769

>Rendezvous with Rama (Clarke)

>The Plague (Camus)

>?; maybe: The Myth of Sisyphus, 2001, Crime and Punishment, The Stranger, Plato's 5 Dialogues, or something else

>> No.6658771

Did you like Gertrude? I've read several Hesse works and enjoyed them all. I've never heard anything about Gertrude, though.

>> No.6658797

>Grapes of Wrath

Cherish this, you'll never be able to read it for the first time again.

>> No.6658804


I agree partially, I disagree with some stuff by Plato, the forms for example at least in their original sense (given developments such as evolution and technological innovation after the Greeks, what is the form of a hadron collider?) but I keep seeing things come up in the real world that seem inherently Platonic, such as "Why would scientists bother with ideal gas laws if ideal gases do not and cannot exist?".

>> No.6658813

A Felicidade Clandestina (Clarice Lispector)

1Q84 and Zaratustra

Infinite Jest

>> No.6658940


>Crime and Punishment

>Light in August

>> No.6658945




>> No.6659030

Yeah but what is "all the fun?" A lot of people I know like these, I'm not trying to draw you out to shit on you or anything. I just really didn't get anything out of them. The first one had an OK sort of contrasting political styles thing, and some decent fight scenes, but man Sanderson is rough work compared to a lot of other stuff I've read.


How's Swamplandia? I've heard a few of her short stories read on podcasts, liked them, but I felt they were a little, idunno, kitsch?, because the fantastic elements were subtly foregrounded in a way they don't seem to be in Kafka, Marquez, Calvino. The story seemed stuffed with them. Like you could feel the writer beyond the page going, yeah, this is cool!

>The Alchemist (it was shit)

You have my condolences.

Franny and Zooey is good but weird. For the love of God don't read any Salinger past that: it turns into Rand-level ranting about spiritual stuff.

>muh special elite literature club only discuss tolstoy's philosophical chapter

Grow the fuck up. Is it against the rules for the board? No. I don't even enjoy that shit. You're wasting your life. God forbid some people aren't totally into reading dense classics all the time, or are relatively inexperienced readers but enjoy books, and come to post on your special little board.


All good stuff. Have fun. Take your time with Joyce. If you have trouble with Ulysses, here is a free, full, professional reading of it


>> No.6659053
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>Moonwalking with Einstein and Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas

>Consider the Lobster

>> No.6659070

>Infinite Jest

>The Crying of Lot 49

>No idea, maybe something by Woolf? Just scared she might read like Austen Mk II

>> No.6659082

>last book
tai pei

infinite jest
something to be desired (thomas mcguane)

after jest, either GR or M&D
after something, the chosen place, the timeless people (paule marshall)

>> No.6659101

>For the love of God don't read any Salinger past that
Dogshit advice, read Bananafish or Catcher
>I don't even enjoy talking about philosophy or Tolstoy
I can tell
>white knighting john green posts
Not sure how to respond
>it turns into rand-level ranting about spiritual stuff


>> No.6659128

From Gracchi to Nero -HG Scullard
Seven Eves -Neil Stephenson
Not sure yet, thinking of whats next spoils the current.

>> No.6659132

>reading Ulysses before any other Joyce novels

is this doable? what is the necessary background for the big guy?

>> No.6659143
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This is a top notch work of art. If any anon out there is looking to expand his mind I suggest watching pic related

>> No.6659153

also, question
i am reading the pevear & volokhonsky translation because that's what they had at my library. is this a good translation? would anyone recommend a different one? thanks

>> No.6659157

It's not that tough. I'd only read Portrait a few years before hand and while you'll know who Stephen is it's not absolutely necessary. Ulysses is a tough read but it's not impossible for your average reader.

>> No.6659373
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>Provincializing Europe

>History at the limit of World History

>Postcolonial Theory and the specter of capitalism

Please send help

>> No.6659440





>> No.6659475

I love Tolstoy. I enjoy philosophy. I hate John Green and Y.A literature generally.

The short stories are great. Do you seriously like Raise High the Roof Beam? It's a long, disjointed spiritual tract for a huge portion of the novel.

>> No.6659492

It's not like having a thousand fucking Rajs at war all the time helped you either.

>> No.6659497

Read Hamlet.

>> No.6659531

>secondary literature on Stirner
>Understanding the Linux kernel
>the complete works of Machiavelli

>> No.6659541


>books and cigarettes, George orwell
>The invisible cities
>I never know

>> No.6659585

I'm not Indian, I have to read this as an assignment.

>> No.6659609

Well I guess I was confused by your wording then. No, I didn't like that Salinger but I stand by the short stories and Catcher. Franny and Zooey was great, but didn't live up to those two.

>> No.6659622

last: Soumission by Houellebecq (first book i've ever read in my cellphone)

starting: El Rey Criollo by Parménides

>> No.6659645


>> No.6659709

> The conference of the birds - Farid ud-Din Attar
> Solal - Albert Cohen
> probably Gogol plays

>> No.6659741

I personally would wait to take a class on the book, if that resource is available to you. If you aren't well versed in the Greeks, do that.

>> No.6659757
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>Crying of Lot 49

>The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal

>Gravity's Rainbow, when I can find it

>> No.6659931




>> No.6659972

> The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
> Hard Boiled Wonderland
> Infinite Jest with the Infinite Summer guys

I'm in the phase of just trying to broaden my scope and trying out anything I can get my hands on

>> No.6659981

Just read the book like a normal person you autist that's going to take three months.

>> No.6660122

The Stranger

Inherent Vice

Either Gravity's Rainbow or Rules of Attraction.
pick for me /lit/

>> No.6660152

Something else by pynchon other than "pick 1 and then you can read 37 pages of GR and never read him again".

>> No.6660161

inherent vice is some of the most fun i've ever had reading though i'm aware it's his easiest read

>> No.6660169

Go with V next. Less accessible, better storytelling. Great prep for the GR and MD

>> No.6660281

Cool, thanks.

>> No.6660358

I'm a slow reader anyway. My normal reading pace is around 20 pages in one sitting, so that group works perfectly for me

>> No.6660368
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>Tarzan of the Apes #1
>Probly the next Tarzan

>> No.6660487
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>being in a meme book club
Are you a middle-aged woman?

Your thoughts and opinions are just as valid if you don't shove them down 3-5 other people's throats every week.

>> No.6660634

Calm down, man. I just figured it'd be interesting to read alongside people for a change. I don't even plan on discussing with them that often, it's just to keep me on track. No biggie

>> No.6660643

This guy is actually mad that people on lit made a reading group. L O L

>> No.6660648

Do whatever you want anon, ignore the pol migrants

>> No.6660659

>Divine Comedy


>The Decameron

>> No.6660677

A little out of order but I respect the choices

>> No.6660852

You are on a good course, keep it going

>> No.6660859

just read that translation, only autists find problems with the P&V translations

>> No.6661876
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>Socialism: Scientific and Utopian

>Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy
>Dance of the Dialectic

>Critique of the Gotha Program
>The Civil War in France

>> No.6661922


>> No.6662117

>Brothers Karamazov
>The Tin Drum
>Monte Christo

How's Monte Christo? Did you guys like it? I'm reading it either way.

>> No.6662142

- drawing of the three(dark tower)

-slaughterhouse 5

-the wastelands(dark tower)

>> No.6662233

last read
>infinite jest
reading currently
>the bees
reading next
>the worm ourboros
>a little life

>> No.6662240

Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Not sure, probably The Sound and the Fury.

>> No.6662248

how was The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea?

I just bought it; might read it next.

>> No.6662251



>Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Obviously, preparing to read Ulysses

>> No.6662253

Lol, every time I think of David Eggers, I think of that scene in Parks and Rec where Aubrey Plaza's character is trying to help Ron sell his cabin in the woods and she tells this obnoxious hipster couple that David Eggers wrote a short story out there.

>> No.6662801
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I've only really started reading like a year ago, that's why i read baby books.

>> No.6662876

>Danton's Death by Georg Büchner


>Pale Fire or Notes from Underground

>> No.6663296

>the story of the eye

>madame Bovary

>? Labyrinths?

>> No.6663321

the brothers karamazov
Infinite Jest
Rise of the Greeks by Micheal Grant
A Farewell to Arms

>> No.6664194

>Paradise Lost

>The Assassin Guiteau for a screenplay I hope to write and Soseki's I am a Cat.

>I'd like to read some Victorian literature. Probably Elliot's Middlemarch or something by Hardy or Lawrence.

>> No.6664616


>> No.6664654
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Almost done with this.

I thought it was gonna talk about how to be real samurai nigga and live a virtuous life or something.
Half of the book consists of anecdotes about samurai being total niggers.
Getting into fights, killing people at the drop of a hat, killing themselves because of the stupidest shit under the guise of 'muh honor'.
There's some good stuff in there, though.

What I find amusing is that the writer believes that 'kids these days' are soft, because the practice of beheading prisoners at the age of 14-15, to get used to killing, is not being practiced anymore.
Also, he went to some kind of 'execution ground' and beheaded a couple of convicts; he found it enjoyable and to be adverse to the enjoyment of such an act is cowardice.

Nips were fucking crazy man.

All in all good stuff, but not what I was expecting.

>> No.6664660

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro

>Around the World in 80 Days

>> No.6664661

Did you know it was written a about a hundred years after the "high days" of the Samurai, a hundred years of peace? Guy was the first reactionary weaboo, longing for the "good old days of nipponese"

>> No.6664665

Is it that good?? I'm a different anon and about to read it for the first time

>> No.6664678

yeah I was let down by that book.

what are some good books about living a virtuous life like a real OG samurai?

>> No.6664696


>Did you know it was written a about a hundred years

It's right there in the introduction.

>> No.6664716
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The introduction mentions it, but I assumed that 'relative peace' meant that shit still went down occasionally.

It explains a lot though, the guy has a huge hard-on for traditional samurai values.
Like, a huge crazy throbbing veiny hard-on.
What I for example I found a bit silly, that he stresses unwavering loyalty to your master, no matter how irrational.
If your master is an douchebag, all the better because having a good master is lmao easy mode and your a shitty retainer if that's the case.
What I do like is the fact that he also stresses virtues like courage, valor, not being afraid of death, but then he has to take that concept way too far, saying one should always choose irrational death no matter what, and how that's the true Way of the Samurai, everybody else is a little bitch, etc.

Now knowing that he never even fought in a battle, that definitely reeks of delusional weeabo.
Kind of like those people on /k/ that claim that they would have wanted to fight in WW2 or something.

But whatever, still a fun read.

I don't know man, I'd like to know too.

Probably fucking Marcus Aurelius or something, as funny as that sounds.

>> No.6665091

> Blood Meridian
> Ficciones / V.
> Journey at the end of the night

>> No.6665245

>The Scarlet Gospels

>Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel

>The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All.

>> No.6665988

>American Psycho

>Is There Life After Death?

>Naked Lunch