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/lit/ - Literature

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6653492 No.6653492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw realizing that true happines reads in reading good genre fiction. Just the plot, the style, and the words, straightforward and honest without techniques praised by people studying a small set of books for a lifetime.

>> No.6653493
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>mfw plebs with disgustingly limited ideas about literature are on my /lit/

>> No.6653506

Calm down sperg, no one is taking your 'art' away.

>> No.6653522
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>> No.6653671

>Fucking plebs, get off my fucking board. God-fucking-damn!

>> No.6653739

great use of greentext m8

>> No.6653749


I wouldn't mind them being here if they knew their position and just lurked.

What is troublesome is the fact that they feel entitled to start threads to showcase their ignorance.

>> No.6653751
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>projecting your own pleb tastes this much

>> No.6653765

B-but I like Pale Fire

>> No.6653819
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>implying most pomo lit isn't as stale and predictably "outside the box" (DUDE REFERENCES LMAO) as genre fiction

>> No.6653830

Why is blue lesbian winking at me?

>> No.6653854


>> No.6653895

Because you get it

Pale Fire is pretty straightforward and you can read it starting from every page, just nice rhymes.

>> No.6654065
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Reading Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson and Pattern Recognition by William Gibson right now. Feels pretty damn good.

>> No.6655030

>Thinking some retarded college student with an inflated ego manufactured by the fact that he thinks he's smart for reading old books has any position of authority over anyone on the internet or in real life.

Lmao whatever dunderhead.

>> No.6655465

If I see this ugly cunts head posted again I will literally hack this place into oblivion.

>> No.6655509

Small set of books being the greatest literary achievements and masterworks ever produced by mankind

Cringed hard

>> No.6655535 [DELETED] 

>what is western canon

>> No.6655565

>muh western canon

do you really pretend anyone reads the greeks outside a small subset of tenure hunters?

>> No.6655583

Honestly I find the Greeks more interesting than yet another work of literary fiction about the trials of a literary type or yet another work about a Jewish author's Jewishness.

>> No.6655591

anon, your Latin based ladies' education is showing; the Greeks are lewd as [Latinate allusion]

>> No.6655673

i have no idea what you're trying to say, but 'lewd' is not a concept that the greeks aimed at in their celebrated works. you seem to be viewing them through christian morality but again, i have no idea what you wish to say.

well, just because you find a small subset of genre fiction shit doesn't mean it cannot provide more pleasure than yet another romp through ancient world myths and tribulations. thank fuck educated people don't have to endure bible classes anymore so we don't get works of literature clouded with hundreds of sunday school references. bible shit in 18th to early 20th century literature is akin to inserting memes into modern fiction.

>> No.6655702

Who is "anyone"? The degenerate herd? I don't give a shit about the mediocritising masses that inspire befuddlement in great artistic achievements, it concerns neither me nor that small circle of you people you (or that other guy) mentioned. And why are you even generalising my statement with the Greeks in the first place you cretin? As if all great literary works are limited to the Greeks