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6646259 No.6646259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why hasn't a good cuckolding book been written yet?

>> No.6646262


>> No.6646263


>> No.6646266

The phrase cuckold comes from a book, does it not?

>> No.6646271
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Wuthering Heights

>> No.6646272

Why has cuckolding become such a huge thing on 4chan?
Freudians, Lacanians unite! We need an answer

>> No.6646276


cuckolding is only the biggest meme since the word meme became a meme my friend!

>> No.6646279

bc moot claimed it was a thinking mans fetish in his farewell speech

>> No.6646284

srsly? source?

>> No.6646286

because people here feel impotent and feel like their masculinity is threatened by feminists and blacks.

>> No.6646307

I'm guessing 'beta' was getting stale as an insult and a new term for weak subservient male was necessary. Also it rhymes with fuck. Its got some force to it.

>> No.6646313

Doesn't Leopold Bloom get cucked? I haven't read the book yet, but I remember it being mentioned in Slacker lel

>> No.6646314

ulysses m88

>> No.6646318

Against it's will

>> No.6646337

Look up the word wittol, it's what all you spastics usually mean when you say cuckold.

>> No.6646351


same with No longer human

>> No.6646384

Read about Caligula, I believe Camus had a play about him if you want something super intro Caligula.

>> No.6646435

I first saw cuckolding become on /gif/. Everyone on that board tries to outdo eachother in their fetishes, so sure enough, people started dedicating threads to cuckolding gifs and stories. Usually these threads would degenerate into flamewars with people, most likely /pol/tards, coming in to express their disgust at cuckolding and the people who practiced it, while at the same time claiming to want to be the one who does the cuckolding, or "the bull" as it came to be called. For their part, the cuckolds started producing a body of greentext stories, and started adding texts to regular porn gifs making them cuckold gifs, to the outrage of the /pol/tards. This state of affairs went on for a year or two. In the meantime, there formed the subgenre of "cuckqueans," or female cuckolds, and other more I'm sure. Anyway, some /pol/lack a few months ago who must have browsed these threads internalized the term and must have started using it on his homeboard, from where it spread like plague to the rest of this and other boards and continues to fester

>> No.6646443


If /pol/ wasn't so illiterate, Ulysses would be prime shitposting material.

>> No.6646449

fuck man don't encourage them

>> No.6646636

I'm writing a book with cuckolding as a main theme. It's also a satire on amazon smut revolving around the basis of a woman fucking other men during the day to fulfill her bestiality fantasies with men who are willing to act and scream like orcs and bigfoot for an easy fuck.

>> No.6646665

The Magus by John Fowles

Ultimate cuckening.

>> No.6646671

In search of lost time

>> No.6646681

Don't worry, they'll never read it. Literally zero chance.

>> No.6646693

It's from FYAD, some epic memer stole it from there to impress people on the internet and it spread like wildfire. It's huge here because it's a short, sharp word you can throw at someone you disagree with

>> No.6646696

It was an insult on /pol/ for people who are okay with miscegenation or immigration, implying they are okay with it because they fantasize about being cuckolded by someone of another race.

>> No.6646698

/pol/ is truly the death of 4chan

>> No.6646711

>t. sjw

>> No.6646712
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And why do you want to believe it is just that, just some word, some word that people use all the time, for no particular good reason?

>> No.6646716

No, it comes from the idea of interracial sex, which has long been associated with cuckolding.

>> No.6646738

There is that connection, but from the perspective of /r9k/ tier "MRAs" it's an afterthought. Anyone who doesn't plan on subjugating women is a cuck, too.

>> No.6646741

I'm really far from a SJW and despise them. I'm against multiculturalism as well. It's one thing to be like this and another to unironically wear foil hats, blame blacks and deny the Holocaust. Death of 4chan, I repeat.

>> No.6646749

Yes, but that came after the interracial association, which broadened from being okay with miscegenation to apply to anyone who wasn't opposed to other races, and then it came to mean any attitude that wasn't far-right, because that was perceived as weak and asking to be dominated.

>> No.6646758

Because it's hardly ever used in a context that even makes sense for one. Secondly, it's convenience as an insult is undeniable, and it's ubiquitous presence here is testament to that. How many posts on 4chan do you see that involve preparation or forethought, especially the aggressive ones? It's a matter of convenience, like the fedora tipping meme (also stolen from FYAD where it was conceived 8 years ago).

>> No.6646763

Unless we can reconstruct a genealogical timeline, I think the best theory is a simultaneous origin in the fear of women/sjws and the fear of other races.

>> No.6646772

>Because it's hardly ever used in a context that even makes sense for one
Interesting, that you, a human being, with excellent skills at pattern recognition, would deliberately deny yourself the recognition of this one particular pattern, the context and purpose of the insult "cuck". Tell me about your mother, was she a whore?

>> No.6646787

Is it okay if I let other people shit and piss on my spouse? I'd never allow one of them to enter her but I love seeing her fully soiled, and I just can't produce enough material.

>> No.6646813

Why are you asking us if it's okay, we're not even involved in the act?
>please 4chan validate my fetishes
>please tell me I'm not something you don't approve of
You insecure cunt.

>> No.6646834

Literally the central plot of Ulysses.

>> No.6646847

he said good

>> No.6646856

As others have mentioned, Ulysses is a big one.

Various forms of infidelity come up all the time throughout literature, though. It's one of the oldest themes there is.

Also one of the protagonists in my novel is a cuckold and a couple others get involuntarily cucked :^)

>> No.6647064

What about Anna Karenina?

>> No.6647066


daaaamn that gameboy camera

>> No.6647070


this is either b8 or some ignint illiterate breh's shitpost. Some of the best books in history (Anna Karenina, Ulysses, Swann's Way, etc.) involve dudes who cuck all over themselves constantly.

>> No.6647071

de Sade wrote about cuckolding, but I cant call his book good.

>> No.6647080

Under the Volcano is about a cuck-ster

>> No.6647085
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please mericans understand this

reminder that to be a cuckold is when your partner is fucked by at least one other party (willy nilly from your part)

if you watch the partner being fucked while not at all fucking her, it is CANDAULISM

>> No.6647095

Shakespeare uses it all the time read more newfag

>> No.6647110

you're candaulism