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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 186 KB, 1131x899, ivy league.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6646216 No.6646216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to transfer to a four year university in New England. My application is good enough that I'm considering pic related. Are there any anons who went to an Ivy League school that would share what it was like?

>> No.6646243

I am currently a student at one of them. It is shitty, unimaginative, and littered with shitty frats. You can find a decent amount of people that feel the same though, luckily

>> No.6646248

Then where does a solid applicant go for a quality education?

>> No.6646265

Get a job.
Join the union.
Shoot your boss.

>> No.6646269

become NEET and read the classics all day

>> No.6646278


>> No.6646287

>become NEET
No thanks. I find that I need some fulfillment in my life. I need a sense of productivity.

>> No.6646296

To an Ivy. It just sucks, but so does practically every institution

>> No.6646301

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

>> No.6646340


> I need a sense of productivity.

You're not a /lit/ native are you?

I live near brown and several of my friends parents are tenured professors there. My understanding is that it's a star child compared to most of the other Ivy Leagues. They encourage building your own major, and are closely linked with RISD. I would assume it takes a higher than average level of self guidance to get much out of undergrad there.

My bachelors is in painting from an art school. I'd personally love to go to brown for a masters in theory, criticism, or philosophy. That's not likely to happen because of $$$ and my history as an inconsistent and lazy student, but hey

>> No.6646346

/lit/ has academia threads all the time. It's no more off topic than philosophy or religion.

>> No.6646350
File: 182 KB, 640x800, poontang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an ivy, but went to a similarly ranked school and my girlfriend went to Brown.
>>6646243 isn't kidding about those downsides. A lot of people will be 4.0 chasing machines, especially in majors associated with certain careers, like Biology premeds and econ/quant-econ Wall Street hopefuls. At the same time, even a lot of the kids who seem dumb or boring are incredibly accomplished, and the wider your social network spreads the more unreal connections you'll make to the children of rulers, tycoons, artists and the rare individual who's going to make it big from nothing. When he says shitty frats, he's talking about super wealthy legacies and international students who do spend a lot of time socializing and dick waving but still shouldn't be underestimated intellectually. You WILL encounter tumblr tier /pol/-nightmare liberal nonsense, and for a while it'll shake you up and you'll think about it a lot but eventually you put it in perspective and realize that most people who pay it lip service just want to fit in so they can graduate and get a good job and have friends, and the ones who push it the most are mentally ill.

>> No.6646357

>You're not a /lit/ native are you?
No, I am. It's just that I had a stint of NEETdom for a few years and learned from it what it is that I need out of my life. It wasn't for me.

Brown sounds great, but I'm afraid that I'm not all that self guided. I still don't even know what I want to major in yet. I just want to learn more. I want a broad education in the liberal arts.

What school did you go to and would you recommend it? I'm open to highly ranked non-Ivy schools.

>> No.6646378

Harvard might be overrated, but it does come with unfettered access to what is arguably the best library in the Western Hemisphere.

>> No.6646387

Does Harvard not have an interlibrary loan system with other colleges that you could use to gain access?

>> No.6646412
File: 30 KB, 350x350, tufts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
Of course I'm gonna get shit on for saying it's similarly ranked, but whatever, we're the same size and have very similar student body composition to Ivies with what's in practical terms a hair's difference in selectivity.

Honest truth, Tufts is hard as dick if you push yourself with your course selections. Not MIT hard, but every semester was a marathon for me that I needed a good two weeks to recover from. In the end I did learn a lot, and met some amazing people, but I was on the verge of dropping out all the time. National Merit Scholar, fair haired boy in high school, so I'm not some retarded donor's child.

I recommend it if you want a challenge. You'd better be open to non Ivies because I don't think many ivies take double digit numbers of transfer students. If you want smaller schools regarded almost as well as the ivies (Amherst and Williams are compared only to Harvard, Yale and Princeton in "prestige"), try the NESCAC.

>> No.6646414

10/10 stacks-wandering experience, though.

>> No.6646421

Tufts tells premeds to take Organic Chemistry over the summer at Harvard if they can afford it because it's so much easier to get an A than at Tufts. That's all I've got to say about that.
Harvard refuses to participate in interlibrary loan programs with the other ivies and Boston universities.

>> No.6646423

>transferring to an Ivy

>> No.6646430

I was primarily looking at Dartmouth. They publish their transfer acceptance rate by GPA, and it's very promising for me.

>> No.6646461

I want to go to one of these for my graduate program. Currently studying English at UC Davis. Which should I choose?

>> No.6646465

Don't fool yourself. Simply go to a good university and get your degree. If you are actually serious about knowledge in whatever field you're in, the best route is independent education.

Ivy schools are just for lip service and some 49 swimming pools that you'll probably swim twice in during your entire time there

>> No.6646467


>> No.6646475

ayy I admitted some of my information was secondhand.

>> No.6646478

dropout detected

have fun working at starbucks with that online diploma

>> No.6646481


Tufts guy, you sound cool, what are you and your brown gf doing? What's your steez, what's your angle?

>> No.6646493
File: 71 KB, 500x411, sirjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching English, writing a novel and trying to make a copypasta that someone will actually copy. She works in the biotech industry. We might move abroad together soon but that's not quite decided.

>> No.6646501

What level do you teach at? You sound like you're living the ideal life.

>> No.6646503

That sounds like quite the life. I envy you.

>> No.6646508
File: 987 KB, 1280x1479, smelly winston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle-high school. Honestly, I do. What are you doing? What's keeping you from what I've got? It's nothing over the top, just mental peace, education, a little wealth, a creative outlet, and a loyal woman.

>> No.6646511

Right now, transferring. Still in my undergraduate phase, but I'm pretty satisfied with where I am too. Grades are looking up, girlfriend's moving over from NZ, and about to travel myself.

I aim for the same kind of life as yours, but hoping for a professorship somewhere instead of doing high school.

>> No.6646513
File: 106 KB, 1000x750, emma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck America. Cross the channel and start fresh at pic related.

>> No.6646518


Sounds like a nice life you made for yourself.

Are you trying to get people to use your copypasta for the lulz, or so you can mine the outcome for your novel/future dissertation? A copypasta based around that second premise, whether you were actually going to follow through with it or not, might gain traction on the back's of self aggrandizing /lit/ users

>> No.6646529
File: 888 KB, 2560x1576, waterroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching kids is not my end goal. Ideally I can make enough writing that any other work I do is strictly voluntary, but if writing is only moderately financially successful I'll pursue a fellowship or MFA to teach at a University.

Creative writing classes get a lot of shit, but the thing about that is that is that they're really a talent search. A fiction writing professor can conduct class any way he chooses, which opens a lot of interesting possibilities, so I think it would be engaging work.

>> No.6646532

Oh forgot to ask, where do you go right now?

>> No.6646544


>>6646529 is me. I'm moving out of Southern California to go up to UC Davis.

That's another one of my questions: I'm probably going to concentrate in Critical rather than Creative English, but I do want to be a writer more than a critic. My rationale was that creativity, although it can be fostered, has much less potential benefit from a classroom than critical skills. What's your take on this? (Sorry if I don't get back for a bit, probably going to hop in the tub and do some reading.) Thanks in advance.

>> No.6646548

For the lulz. I think it'll happen eventually. I just need to see a pasta I wrote resurface once and I'll leave this place forever.

>> No.6646574

Tufts doesn't offer a creative concentration in the English department so I've got no hands on experience with that. In fact, we have a cap on how many creative workshops you can count towards the major. I actually think this is a good approach, because you should choose your workshop professors with great care. I found that taking a few philosophy courses had a profound impact on my creative output, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.6646610


op after he gets rejected from every ivy league school


>> No.6646611

>be a contemptible layabout with no passion or drive; going to a piece of shit state school
>girlfriend gets into an ivy league
>massive inferiority complex because I am not and will never be "good enough" for that kind of school
>drink the pain of mediocrity away whenever I can
I lead a glamorous life.

>> No.6646750

I'm almost the same except I'm in 3rd world Asia and have no girlfriend. It hurts.

>> No.6646912

At Davis you're forced to apply to Creative separately, so acceptance is up to the teacher. I'm going to try to do some Creative alongside the Critical concentration, and hopefully double major/minor in another language, most likely Spanish or French.

>> No.6646915

Are you a fellow Bhutanese? I never see others from Bhutan on here.