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6643122 No.6643122 [Reply] [Original]

>It's all ideology
>It's all the negation of negation
>I don't understand Hegel or quantum physics
>Marx, Freud, and Lacan are all you need
>Christianity is fun

Is that all there is to Slavboy Cheesecake?

>> No.6643128

You're a moron

>> No.6643131

>Is that all there is to Slavboy Cheesecake?

He's le funny meme philosopher man. What did you expect? People mostly listen to him because he has a funny accent. He's an entertainer. Don't take him too seriously.

>> No.6643138

Care to prove that?
>What did you expect?
Substance; this is the most intelligent board on 4chan, I thought you guys would like intelligent thinkers, not idiots.

>> No.6643144

>this is the most intelligent board on 4chan


>> No.6643164
File: 251 KB, 900x1148, 1423187072977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marx, Freud,

>> No.6643174

>gender identity politics
>in anyway related to Marx


>> No.6643180

He's a good thinker. You haven't taken the time to understand him. \thread

>> No.6643187

Do you understand quantum physics, Phil?
How often do you read Hegel, Phil?

>> No.6643189

>trying this hard
ayy lmao

>> No.6643197

Identity politicians love identifying as Marxists, anon.
He doesn't think; how can he be a good thinker?
A little.
Often; I have Loewenberg's Hegel Selections on my desk right now, open to the section on International Relations in the Philosophy of Law.

>> No.6643204

You're an idiot tbh.

>> No.6643215

Deep down you know I'm right.

>> No.6643225

>Identity politicians

>> No.6643246


It is.

>> No.6643369

you're an idiot

>> No.6643397

You know--people who say shit like
>I'm a feminist
>I'm a trans rights activist
>I'm trans
>I'm queer
etc. and make it the centre of their identity.

>> No.6643441
File: 40 KB, 328x490, image%3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has actually a lot of insightful ideas, like the ones exposed in the conference on christianity and atheism. Anyway, most of his views come from a decent understanding based on philosophy, that's why only not very well read people attack him saying that most of his views are based on le lacan, when in reality he takes ideas from all the philosophical tradition.

>> No.6643462

>when in reality he takes ideas from all the philosophical tradition.
Making claims about Kant, Descartes, and Hegel doesn't make you an authority. It doesn't matter where ideas come from if they're presented as poorly as he presents them or as well as he could potentially present ideas. He chooses to be vague and circular.

>> No.6643483


Zizek is a good introduction to critical thinking for the beginner, i liked his book First as tragedy and then as Farse, the chapter about internal life propaganda is pretty good

>> No.6643489

1. If there is a more intelligent board on 4chan, I want to go there.

2. >intelligent board on 4chan

>> No.6643513
File: 19 KB, 456x378, image%3A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making claims about Kant, Descartes, and Hegel doesn't make you an authority.
I never said that he was an authority.

>It doesn't matter where ideas come from if they're presented as poorly as he presents them
He doesnt exactly present things poorly. He talks and exposes under the assumption that you already know the philosophical tradition. It is like when you say that Aristotle was a realist, and others say that you are too vague, when the deal is just that they dont have te theoritical knowledge to understand what you mean.

>> No.6643527

please, stop spamming this board
your material is poor, it will be a better place without you, leave please, you just dont fit with us

>> No.6643544

solid retort (third party commenter me btw); been meaning to approach zizek, though Sartre and Godel have already told me everything I need to know about myself and the inexistance of God for me to get on with my own existence already. Great minds talk about ideas...

>> No.6643553

>most intelligent board on 4chan
No, it is the board for people with unwarranted self importance problems who think their opinions are intelligent just because they are opinions about high culture subjects

>> No.6643554

The fact that it's possible to understand where he's coming from doesn't necessarily imply that he's correct. This is where problems arise. His manner of presentation basically runs counter to the concept of proof. For example, many of his assertions are grounded in comparisons between philosophical or psychoanalytic concepts and movies, and his readings are often unacceptably subjective and vague.

This is my issue with this style of writing (poststructuralism, postmodernism, w/e). Many of its claims seem to be grounded in something outside the realm of fact and well in the realm of opinion, and its practitioners don't really care where they draw their ideas from.

>> No.6643556

>I don't understand Zizek

Faggot retard cunt

>I haven't read Zizek

>> No.6643559
File: 503 KB, 500x667, nietzsche flip stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Often; I have Loewenberg's Hegel Selections on my desk right now, open to the section on International Relations in the Philosophy of Law.

dfw yourself

>> No.6643561

Godel believed in god, also, you dont understand godel please stop namedropping him, no, reading something someone said about godel is not the same as understanding godel

>> No.6643567

>God's existence
If you believe the bible because of Godel's modal logic proof, you are literally retarded.

>> No.6643568

>Godel believed in god
[citation needed]

>> No.6643582

There is literally a proof for the existence of God named after him you pseudo intellectual twat

>> No.6643590
File: 439 KB, 500x375, 1432091345694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read three books by him so far and liked them. also have seen most of his movies and alot of his speaches.
as theoretical thinker he does fairly well although he repreats himself quite alot for which i am thankful because i get most of his thoughts only when i read them a second or a third time.
i especially like his ideas about freedom. how there is a difference between formal and true freedom. formal freedom is the freedom of choice. this or that etc. real freedom is to open up a third option by yourself. closely related is modern society as superego injunction.
you internalize societal demands and in turn get a bad conscience when you obey, however the more you obey, the more it demands and the worse you conscience gets. problematic about this is that you still feel free.
comparable to the situation of a father forcing his daughter to visit granny or to give her the choice: you dont have to go to granny, but she would really like it and we will all be disappoint if you dont come along.
so you dont only have to go in order to not have bad conscience and cannot really fight against it as it is "your choice" and on top of that you have to even enjoy visiting your granny.
lacan on the other hand doenst fascinate me too much as its just too far out

>> No.6643592

I'd never heard of it. Is that a crime? I don't study theology, geez.

>> No.6643593

Well thing is, most of the internet especially 4chan, sees Žižek as a dank memeteer, but he recently written a good critique of Antigone and implicitly criticised the current moral debate in Slovenia about post-WWII extrajuridical killings.

>> No.6643600

who has mentioned the bible?, me?, ah, not, it was you

>> No.6643604

Even if the god believes in a god...to have an opinion is not mean know truth

>> No.6643607

it is not a crime,but it is extremely obnoxious that you enter in conversations about subjects you dont know shit about just because you cant stand not having a reply to every minute thing that someone says

>> No.6643608

Dont tell me what someone believed no matter what their name is. Clearly, you don't understand the sense of the verb namedrop, which is obviously not what I was trying to do, asshat. Godel is the guy who came up with the expression "This statement is unprovable," however, which is all the logic I need to know that God doesn't exist. Although, whether "He" "is" because people make him "be", as in, "esse" is "percipi", then perhaps you're totally correct. I just take it on good faith and good reading that you're probably missing the point altogether.

>> No.6643617

hi, third party kid here, I haven't even read the bible lmao, get bent asshole, im existential af

>> No.6643618

Sorry, last time I checked this was 4chan. I thought most people here were atheists. It didn't occur to me that anyone here actually believed in God until today.

>> No.6643620

he is strongest in analyting contemporary culture. mostly films obviously.

and he is weakest when it comes to proposing solutions for our "predicament". he just lacks imagination, but hes old and ugly so who cares

>> No.6643625

hahaha Mr. Gabriel doesn't study theology

>> No.6643628

how is epistomological dissonance obnoxious? do you hate people or something? or worse, are you a solipsistic nihilist? sheesh, I can't stand those guys!

>> No.6643629

boy. many people believe in god.
even if he is dead, doenst mean he never existed.
just fuck off
christianity has a message you pleb.

>> No.6643637

you dont believe in god because one can make logically conflicting arguments?
how so?

>> No.6643651

This tbh.

This board is infested with dogshit stupid people being offensively smug over nothing of value.

Sometimes we talk about books though, and that's nice.

>> No.6643652

I am a mathematician and there is nothing more ridicule than people extrapolating godels theorems to things that are not related to it
it is LITERALLY the same as new age fags talking about quatum healing auras or infinite dimensions, so dont try to explain godel to me, I actully understand the theorems and in which fields they are relevant and which they are not, and Godel theorems are only applicable to the foundations of mathematics, specifically the construction of the set of the natural numbers, it cant be applied to philosophical logic because philosophy is not a system of mathematical axioms

>> No.6643654

gödel didnt come up with the liar paradox.
Epimenides was the guy.
gödel just expanded it and proved that no formal system can ever be created that doesnt have such non-statements, as you can always build analogies to meta systems that can bring such unprovable arguments into play

>> No.6643659

>I am a mathematician
So what? Have you studied philosophy?
Nothing irritates us philosophers more than when untrained mathematicians claim our stuff is theirs.

>> No.6643670

I dare you to speak three words without using philosophical jargon, dear god, do you really think that using fancy terms automatically makes what you say intelligent?

>> No.6643673

Phil, just because you are a teenager on /lit doesn't mean you're a philosopher.

>> No.6643676

you are not a philosopher

>> No.6643684

then why the actual fuck are you even posting in a zizek thread u dumbass nigga, nigga read a book, shieeet

>> No.6643693

>6643684 was directed at u, look i dun even know how to 4chan, i just read books really, it's easier than using an imageboard from japan anywayz

>> No.6643700

You don't know me. I could be Slavoj Zizek or Alain Badiou or Saul Kripke IRL.
Besides, what even is a philosopher?

>> No.6643703

lol u closed-minded maf, i applied a logical expression that godel once formulated to a logical problem, read a fucking dictionary nigguh, ur the first guy ive met whom i honestly think needs to

>> No.6643705

>look, im speaking like if i was you and i was retarded, that makes you retarded
aha, sublime my friend

>> No.6643712

webster says quack
no wait, moo?
no wait:

Full Definition of PHILOSOPHER
a : a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment : scholar, thinker
b : a student of philosophy
a : a person whose philosophical perspective makes meeting trouble with equanimity easier
b : an expounder of a theory in a particular area of experience
c : one who philosophizes

>> No.6643716

>what is a philosopher?
you are not one, that is enough

>> No.6643717


Sam harris pls go and stay go

>> No.6643719

Care to prove it?

>> No.6643723

wtf is with all this unnecessary overextrapolation? i write like i talk, foo, i dont even know who the fuck u think u are, much less how u fuckin talk

>> No.6643725

no matter how hard you argue, if you dont understand you dont understand

>> No.6643727

This. Grad student in math here, some asshat in some other thread claimed Godel's 1st incompleteness thm was basically a "restatement of aristotle"

Godel's construction of unprovable statements within formal systems are mostly extremely boring variations on the liars paradox. It's very unglamorous and philosophically unsexy, and no, it doesn't mean that you "ultimately can't know nuffin". There are only a few known exceptions of undecidable statements that are actually arguably interesting, like the continuum hypothesis, but the majority is uninteresting formal bs.

>> No.6643729

Post pics fgt! Philosopher is a person with a small penis but with a pair of large balls and you only have a small penis.

>> No.6643730

me too (2b and c, that is);
mah nigga (excuse my french but im in fraaaance)

>> No.6643735

you are a walking proof, if you had a little of self awareness you will realize it

>> No.6643737

no shit sherlock, read the kabbalah once in ur life u derivative fuck

>> No.6643751

the kabbalah is not a book, you mean "read kabbalah", not "read the kabbalah"

>> No.6643757

I wasnt bringing up Godel (or Gödel, if you prefer) for philosophical reasons, I haven't even read Zizek enough to care what the implications of my choice was. All I was saying was pertaining to my degree and understanding in Logic, the field that usurped Philosophy, at least until Zizek came around, so I'm told. Peace, you illiterate fucks. Also, Gabriel's the realest nigga here, unless Martha Stewart's OP.

>> No.6643762

>Jewish mysticism

>> No.6643764

Kabbalah means 'tradition' in Hebrew, so read whatever the fuck you wanna, shit, didn't you understand what I was tryna say, you fuckin grammar nazi?

>> No.6643765

I wasn't responding to you either.

>> No.6643772

sophist: One who iscaptious, fallacious, ordeceptiveinargument.

>> No.6643775

>greentexting with sarcasm
>closing your mind to possible other perspectives on the same fucking ideas
>not understanding my reference to someone's own allusion
>obviously not ready to understand
>same atheist nigga from above (in the thread, not from so-called 'heaven', to be 'perfectly' clear)

>> No.6643781

dat ego defense, he even switched to jargon to make everything sound trivial

>> No.6643782

so what? u wanna golf clap for ur broken record ass? cos i aint no tyger, tyger, burnin' bright tho!

>> No.6643792

wow, you're really on a shitposting spree tonight aren't you?

>> No.6643795

have u even read freud? cos i read breuer in german and havelock ellis too, dumbass; besides, buddhists dont have egos, and i can only try so hard, being human and such, so im told

what kinda jargon u want me to use? i speak like twelve languages, altho they're prolly all greek to u

>> No.6643797

>didnt understand what I was trying to say
>out of the blue comes and shouts "READ THE KABBALAH"

>> No.6643801

at least u understood what i was implying lol i aint even religious i hate synagogues as much as churches and mosques and colleges, i prefer libraries

>> No.6643803

please go and stay go

>> No.6643804

>buddhists dont have egos
then you must not be a buddhist
also, buddhists have egos, only boddhisatvas or buddhas are free of egoistical desires, you are showing pride, you have broken the first jewel of dharma, go meditate about it

>> No.6643810


>> No.6643813

btw, the joke u all missed was a pun on the dude i was originally replying to, since it is in kabbalistic tradition that the phrase "those who will understand will understand" came from, down from buddhist tradition perhaps, tho that might be one heresy too much for u to comprehend hahaha

>> No.6643821


jesus said that first actually, in other words

>> No.6643999

> In August 1970, Gödel told Oskar Morgenstern that he was "satisfied" with the proof, but Morgenstern recorded in his diary entry for 29 August 1970, that Gödel would not publish because he was afraid that others might think "that he actually believes in God, whereas he is only engaged in a logical investigation (that is, in showing that such a proof with classical assumptions (completeness, etc.) correspondingly axiomatized, is possible)."[1]


>> No.6644008

nope. not in other words, just the ones i wrote. jesus was way too late and missed the boat. also, fuck religions. alexandria was around for centuries before fucking hey-zeus showed up, and pilate fuckin' washt his hands before givin that nigga what he deservt

>> No.6644017

well, shit, if i were catholic, i'd call u a fuckin saint lol good shit homie