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/lit/ - Literature

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6639969 No.6639969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What should man have have accomplished before he reaches the age of 25?

>> No.6640001

losing his virginity, moving out of the house, being fucked somehow and learn from it, having planned a bigger trip or vacation

>> No.6640010

He should definitely have moved out and have a source of earning income to support his lifestyle.

Beyond that is up to him.

>> No.6640015

Got in a fight, preferably with a stranger, conquered a fear, lived with a woman, been in love, experienced the death of a loved one, learned to let go of that which doesn't matter and determine what that is.

>> No.6640016

According to /lit/ if you haven't published a novel you can forget about being in the canon

>> No.6640019

nothing, all answers are arbitrary

>> No.6640022

a man should have killed at least three men by the time he is 25. they must be of equal strength and able to defend themselves. if successful, then three rivals have already been defeated before they could have posed a threat during the period of life that actually matters, a man's prime, 25-50 years old.

>> No.6640024

should have fought a stranger and fucked a stranger. Not the same stranger tho

>> No.6640027


>> No.6640029


Read Evola and Nietzsche

Has to become the Ubermensch and get /fit/

>> No.6640031

Considering most greats get recognized and actually get talent 40+

I doubt it.

At most you can be a passionate poet or a flowery lyrical prose writer

>> No.6640036
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>experienced the death of a loved one,

Turn 25 in a couple months, and this is the only one that hasn't happened it.

seems like I have to do something drastic...

>tfw have to do the things you hate to be complete

>> No.6640037

nothing, form your own fucking goals

>> No.6640062

>as is this one

>> No.6640079

>Got in a fight

>lived with a woman
I think most people have lived with a women for most of their lives.

>Not the same stranger tho
y not?

>> No.6640086

>losing his virginity
Are the Pope and the Dalai Lama failures in life?

>> No.6640090

Publish something that gets him into the Western Canon.
Catch all 1st Gen Pokemon.

>> No.6640092

Professional connections and, assuming he has the resources and talent for it, a university degree or training in a trade.

>> No.6640098

The realization that we live in a world devoid of 'shoulds.'

>> No.6640104
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Become a skilled craftsman or graduate from University

Be competent in both first aid and two forms of combat (pistol shooting counts)

Become skilled at at least one sport that people actually care about watching

Have a personal and ongoing connection with at least one mentor from outside the family

Lose his virginity

Take a girl's virginity

Travel far from home and plan the trip himself. (bonus points if taking a bitch with him)

Be internally motivated to better his efforts in a creative discipline

Kill and eat a large animal

Live in the wilderness for at least a week alone

Make at least 10,000 shitposts on 4chan

>> No.6640112

>tfw reading this thread as a 27yo NEET kv

>> No.6640113

Living for 24 years and 364 days seems like a key requisite.

>> No.6640124
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>Be competent in both first aid and two forms of combat
fuggin lossid

>> No.6640130

I've got a lethal wit and a wicked-sharp tongue so I should be alright ;)

>> No.6640149

I think the only thing you need to have on your 25th birthday is a plan for the rest of your life.

>> No.6640154


>> No.6640158


>> No.6640191

Yuck you are the worst

>> No.6640196
File: 93 KB, 1280x551, 2013-culture-news-modern-renaissance-man-mh-1-1280x551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know at least two languages other than his native tongue

Know how to play Chess

Be familiar with how to play at least two professional sports

Have traveled to at least two countries beside his native land

Be proficient in at least two instruments

Be familiar with at least two martial arts

Regularly keep in shape by running, swimming, and lifting weights

Be proficient in the use of both ranged and melee weapons

Be familiar with at least one programming language

Have written at least one full-length novel and one full-length work of nonfiction

Be familiar with the arts and its mediums, including oil on canvas, photography, and digital mediums of art

Be knowledgeable about several of the sciences, including Astronomy, Biology, and Physics

Have completed a university degree, preferably a graduate degree as well

Have a vast array of poems stories of his own invention that he is able to recount on a whim

He must also know how to properly set a dinner table for his guests, and what dishes are appropriate on what occasions

>> No.6640208

I'd done all of this by the age of 18 except being skilled in two forms of combat and
ten thousand shitposts. It's mostly normal as far as I'm aware. Are these things people actually find impressive?

>> No.6640214

>Before the age of 25

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6640218

is this a meme?
I keep seeing people talk shit about Nietzsche and Evola
I'm fascinated with the idea of ubermensch
what should I read?

>> No.6640220


Thoreauite detected. You'll grow out of that, one hopes.

>> No.6640221

No. That's the point, they're things you really should have done and if you didn't you suck.

>> No.6640226


yes, but they're definitely winners in the afterlife

>> No.6640227


>all this unrelated things that are pure vanity and muh internal life


>> No.6640228

>What should man have have accomplished before he reaches the age of 25?

He should have the realization that the expectations of others are either their attempts to boast of their own deeds or are musings of what they wish they would do, and so are useless as a metric.

>> No.6640233

Fighting teaches you a lot about yourself and other people in general. even if you just go to a gym and spar with some dudes you can learn a lot.

and I meant a woman who isn't your relative.

>> No.6640237

>and I meant a woman who isn't your relative.

>> No.6640240

Many men are true renaissance men (me included). The renaissance man is not a rare species. The mass of modern society in which we live, does not place real value on a renaissance man's true attributes, thus many who fit the definition are not recognized as such

>> No.6640242

>Know at least two languages other than his native tongue
I've been working on that for most of the day. French is fun, but it also hurts sometimes.

>> No.6640243


Every young man in South Korea is required to learn taekwondo during his mandatory military service. Is that vanity?

>> No.6640246

What could you learn about yourself that you couldn't learn anywhere else? I've been in my fair share of fights and all I've learned is that it isn't worth the energy.

>> No.6640248

I ask this question of myself every day, I'm 24 and I feel like i should be developing myself on a discernible tract, but am constantly pulled everywhere and nowhere at the same time

>> No.6640250

because woman are a pain in the ass to live with and suffering reveals aspects of the human condition.

>> No.6640253


>teaching that shitty meme martial art instead of something more pragmatic

yes, that's pure nationalism vanity

>> No.6640255

Taekwondo is used a fortifier of military discipline, in that case. I don't see joining the military on your list.

>> No.6640256

>Be familiar with at least one programming language
Does Max count?

>> No.6640258


Life is too shot.

Yesterday you said tomorrow.
Just do it.

>> No.6640266

Well I already learned that from living with my mother and my sister. I really don't need more of that bullshit.

Is that really the worst suffering you could think of, though? That's nothing compared to the spiritual suffering of depression.

>> No.6640270


>Just do it.

I'm a huge Nike fan too!

>> No.6640271

Not at all, I just know not to enter into false struggles that will dominate my entire life. Bad faith, yo

>> No.6640273

You know what's worse than depression?

Going to a doctor and finding out you don't have depression.

>> No.6640274

Hello Bait, my old friend.

>> No.6640282


>> No.6640283

I was joking. Living with a woman I didn't grow up with taught me more about women than anything else in my life.

>> No.6640286

should also have taken at least 30 different recreational drugs by this point, without succumbing to addiction or misuse.

I'm at 22 but I have a few years left to get there.

>> No.6640291

>tfw starting university at the age of 22

>> No.6640292


>> No.6640293

Experienced a major failure
Rejected by a beautiful woman
Broken a bone

>> No.6640294


Well, what do you plan to do with your life then? Professional connections both exist and matter in every field - even if you are self-trained or self-employed. If you're self-employed, you're going to need to know other people who are self-employed in the same field and be able to keep up with what they're doing.

A self-employed artist or a self-employed repairman are as much bound to the reality of professional connections as a lawyer is.

>> No.6640296

Think about it

>> No.6640301

Nice vagueties

>> No.6640304


It's very possible your depressive symptoms are the result of a physical ailment.

>> No.6640306

it means that he's naturally a lil whiny bitch lolllllllllll

>> No.6640307

I don't know what you're trying to say, though. You're being too vague.

>> No.6640308

Sounds like that can be done all at once in a moment to be honest.

>> No.6640309

>live in the wilderness alone for a week

>> No.6640313

I've never broken a bone

I have no clue why

I really should have by now

>> No.6640317

That's true, but to just do these things is to miss the point.

>> No.6640321


>get a load of this loser having career ambitions and not solely focusing on the world of culture and art so that he can die alone in a smoke-blackened room filled with empty bottles of cheap Algerian wine surrounded by books

>> No.6640324

You mean an unrelated disorder/disease that produces similar symptoms?

Think of it as a narrative, we are on /lit/ after all.

>> No.6640326

>he's never been in a fight or lived with a woman.
I'm not going to spoonfeed you. find out for yourself. it's a whole big world out there.

>> No.6640329

>I'm going to list things you should do
>but don't just 'do' them

>> No.6640333

>Kill and eat a large animal
Does your mother count?

>> No.6640336

I bet you eat plenty of large animals anon

>> No.6640337

>Be proficient in the use of both ranged and melee weapons

>Be familiar with at least one programming language

Reddit pls go.

>> No.6640338

I have been in a fight

I'm >>6640246

You haven't answered my question and when another anon questioned you, you went in circles. You have no reasons for listing those things other than "Well I did it". Stop being stupid.

>> No.6640343

Probably not as many as you might think.

>> No.6640344

No but your dad's trouser snake does :^)

>> No.6640346

Are there any other alternatives? I don't want to mutilate my father.

>> No.6640350

>get a load of this asshole entertaining thoughts of living and dying bohemian lifestyle and not solely focusing on reading GK Chesterton while listening to IDM dronepop while surrounded by empty bottles of Saudi camel-urine-date-wine acting as portable toilets

>> No.6640352

You're right. Since you learned nothing from your experience no one else could have possibly done from theirs. What was I thinking?

>> No.6640354

You already mutilated your mother

>> No.6640355

Swallow it whole and don't use your teeth

>> No.6640361

Exactly. I don't want to do that to both parents. That wasn't my choice, anyway.

I'd be less hesitant to do it if it were anyone other than my father.

>> No.6640368

Then what should I have learned? I've asked you this just short of 3 times already and you've said nothing to the effect of an answer. I don't mind waiting.

>> No.6640370

Stopped posting on 4chan

>> No.6640381

Taekwondo? That's straight up vanity. They should learn real martial arts.

>> No.6640383

>you will never leave 4chan

>> No.6640392

I pray every night that terrorists will attack 4 little iMacs in NYC and free me from this prison.

>> No.6640396

hold me brehs

>> No.6640415

Survive 25 years, that's a big enough accomplishment as far as I'm concerned...

>> No.6640426

I can't tell you what you should have gotten out of it. I personally learned things about myself that you have noticed I am reluctant to share, even on an anonymous image board, such as how much pain I can take, what it's like to be completely humiliated and powerless, that I experience a certain cognitive dissonance wherein I am both satisfied and disgusted at myself for hurting other people. I learned that everyone is afraid when they fight, no matter how big you are or if you think you're angry or calm there is a level of fear ever present. I learned that if you take out someone's knee real early on you've already won It also made me realize we're all just monkeys floating on a rock through space

But that's just me man, I'm sure that different people experience things differently. Much of what you learn is personal. I'm sure someone here might discount what I've said as juvenile or worthless but it means a lot to me.

>> No.6640437
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He should have found a reason to continue living past 25.

>> No.6640454

Only you can define your life, you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.6640456
File: 190 KB, 580x435, 1411598244512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was shitposting and jerking off to vietnamese cartoons five years ago
>tfw I just had a wank and made a shit post

I don't even know if I should be depressed or proud at this point.

Oh, and, great thread about literature yo

>> No.6640461

There we go man. Shit. That's all I've been asking you for, was it that hard?

>> No.6640464

>losing virginity
>being fucked somehow and learn from it
been fucked my whole life by mental poor unhealthy and unstable family members and molested at a young age
>having planed a bigger trip or vacation
spent two months in italy last year that I payed for working minimum fucking wage

Now about moving out of the house...I either have to go back to school (dropped out to travel) or work full time...if I go to school I can't handle an apartment because I'll only be able to work part time...if I get a full time job somewhere I'll kill myself for being a failure for not doing something I love.

At a crossroads...but this is what being an adult is all about. I have till July to think it over.

>> No.6640486

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6640501

shit book

stay away from it, Nietzsche is a meme philosopher, read the greeks and study mathematics instead

>> No.6640504


>> No.6640523

Ok bud.

>> No.6640534
File: 128 KB, 726x1043, Francesco_Melzi_-_Portrait_of_Leonardo_-_WGA14795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a reason to live

if you have that the rest falls into place

>> No.6640541

Best answer

>> No.6640557
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>no job
>no friends
>no degrees
>living with parents
>no novel published
fight me

>> No.6640563

you forgot
>is a weeb

>> No.6640564


having read the western canon

>> No.6640572
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>normies on /lit/

>> No.6640575

I'm asking this in a completely serious manner...
how do you let yourself become such an utter fucking loser?

>> No.6640588

The way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.

- John Meme

>> No.6640589


one must imagine sisyphus happy

>> No.6640605

>muh societal standards

Is that cud tasty?

>> No.6640607
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>weebs anywhere but death camps

>> No.6640635
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well, gee anon, where do you think you are?

>> No.6640716

>social standards

You need to kill yourself

>> No.6640730

woah easy there chad

>> No.6640735


I mean the guy is a little over the top but you really ought to get yourself together. How the fuck can anyone let themselves fall into such a state of desuetude and yet continue to exist?

>> No.6640741

how do you not

>> No.6640747

how can someone be so normal?

>> No.6640759

why would you ask a literature board full of shut-in faggots this? all of these answers are just 18 year olds projecting their own insecurities into the thread.

>> No.6640760


Having a job and a home allows for a greater amount of freedom and you can have passionate sex with your girlfriend as loudly as you want

>> No.6640772

what an ironically telling condemnation.

>> No.6640781

but not everyone has this opportunity

>you will never get a job
>you will never have sex

>> No.6640786
File: 85 KB, 677x631, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned 25 2 weeks ago I can confirm that once for all that all you would need to conquer before it is to not die. Some ppl I know didn't make it , they shall be remembered, but the strong must live on!

>> No.6640787

The only important question for him is, "Am I following my will?".

>> No.6640790

Same reason as everything else in that list. It will bring you into contact with things that have a profound impact on your development as a person. I tried to avoid making it stuff to dickwave about.

>> No.6640792
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>develop a psychotic monomania
>if you have that the rest falls into place
Not that you're wrong.

>> No.6640795

>tfw nearly 30 and never had a friend

>> No.6640799

tfw live in a third world country and started it when I was 16. Oh man how it sucks.

>> No.6640810

At least you're going to university


>> No.6640828

Nobody has Anon, they're super rare. I've had like a dozen close friends in real life but they've all been complete strangers. Complete robots with tidbits of individuality and that's all in the crap music they listen to that everybody else listens to as well.

>> No.6640845

I concur.

>> No.6640868

>(me included)

>> No.6640873

Is this a new species of fedora'd gentlemen?

>> No.6640890

since we're in a shitpost thread...

I have an idea for a piece of non fiction or a collection of pieces probably. I've worked at Walmart for the pivotal years of age 18-22 and I'm wondering, based on the idea alone would you give it a chance? I'm a working class, probably autistic, community college student and if I can manage to, with even a speckle of taste, translate some of the truly absurd moments I've experienced there-- I feel like I have an opportunity to write a mildly interesting piece.

anyway, what do u think.

>> No.6640898


sorry the shitty structure of this post probably creates in your mind the impression that there's no way I could produce a decent piece of nonfic

but pls anon suspend your disbelief

>> No.6640908
File: 30 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tackled nihilism and turned into smoke grasping at dust.

>> No.6640915
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Itt: Spooks

>> No.6641039
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my god.

>> No.6641190
File: 318 KB, 869x1024, 1418486083158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Not a NEET, but I barely scrape by on as little effort and money as possible
>Use my free time to focus on my inner life, personality, and health
>Radiate a natural self confidence and strength of personality that draws wageslaves to me
>My pick of the ladies
>Don't want to take them to my shitty shack though
>Not like I have a car to drive them around anyways
>Fuck them in the bushes of the local park like a real man
>Mon visage quand wageslaves actually feel like they need money to have sex

I bet you complain loudly on /r9k/ about all women being whores too

>> No.6641196

There is no imperative.

Do everything or do nothing: the grave yawns.

>> No.6641198

Monogamy is boring, awful and always devolves into mutual loathing tbh.

>> No.6641206

Or—you're a dick. .???!

>> No.6641211

Actively pursue or achieve their will, whatever it may be.

You want to court a minor? Do it. You want to scale Everest? Do it. If you don't, fine, that is your will too; but if your only barrier is the influence of society, you are a slave who is living somebody else's life.
>I keep seeing people talk shit about Nietzsche and Evola
Angry, lazy Marxists aren't people.

>> No.6641219

achievement of the understanding that there is no self

>> No.6641238
File: 39 KB, 411x395, cornfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you match this criteria

>> No.6641299

No, it's not supposed to be impressive. It's supposed to be basic shit you should do, and if you don't, you suck.