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6637485 No.6637485 [Reply] [Original]

>George RR Martin is going to be doing nothing at all bar writing until his next novel The Winds of Winter is complete. At least that's what he'll have you believe, as the 67-year-old is determined to see the book on shelves before season six of Game of Thrones hits HBO
>before season six
>season six

Has any other writer been beaten to the punch by the tv show based on their book?

>> No.6637497

>cuckolded that hard

>> No.6637498

2001: a space odyssey?
(but no, I think they just worked together to begin with so the one coming more or less after the other isn't quite the same situation)

>> No.6637512


TV show is probably using his old draft as an ending with a few minor changes

>> No.6637533

>GRRM breaks his fat back to get TWOW out before season 6
>season 7 comes out 3 years before the last book and ruins the ending for bookfags everywhere
Bravo GRRM.

>> No.6637572

"B-but George, you said you'd finish the book by Octobe--",
"NO! GEORGE NEED POOPY NOW POOPY POOPY", He shits all over the pages. It's an instant classic.
"You've done it again George, the kids love it"

>> No.6637623


>the show is shit and diverging from the books at a rapid rate
>gurm probably told them a fake ending

>> No.6637688

I fucken loled

>> No.6637909


Fucking kek'd m80

>> No.6638906

Happens quite often with manga and anime based on manga. Manga can't keep up so anime starts doing a shit ton of filler or takes over with it's own plot (full metal alchemist)

source: I used to be a teenager on the internet

>> No.6638941

That's what happened with Ranma 1/2, too. The manga ended five years after the anime did.

>> No.6638952

This is what turned DBZ into a steaming load.

>> No.6638962

this happens with almost every single serial anime that follows a manga

Its hard to stay ahead of production, especially when they are skipping so much stuff.

that being said he is just an old lazy fuck the books have been out forever
its not going to be good
nothing to do with the ip is

>> No.6638978
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>yfw he gets so stressed playing catchup to HBO that he dies from a heart-attack and this whole god-awful fandom expires overnight

>> No.6638987

No one gives a shit

>> No.6639005

I've never watched or read Game of Thrones.

Should I do either?

>> No.6639007

that's nice

>> No.6639014

Watch the show if you like medieval themed porn with swordfights and lots of reddit dialogue. Don't bother reading the books they're garbage.

>> No.6639031

>Watch the show if you like medieval themed porn with swordfights and lots of reddit dialogue

I'm not 14, though.

>> No.6639032

Let's just say that the series is doing a much better job at telling us the story the the books.

>> No.6639036


>> No.6639052

then I guess you have your answer m8

>> No.6639056


>> No.6639068


The show is a lot of fun. It's good at getting you pumped for the characters and its world. Lots of ridiculous plot twists and 'Oh snap!' moments. It has excellent production value and just about every British actor that wasn't in Harry Potter.

Some people seem to hate it. I'm not sure why. It's trashy fantasy stuff in the vein of shit like Rome. Guess they wanted a really highbrow show about dragons and prostitues.

The books are fucking terrible. Bloated and poorly written fantasy trash. If you read a lot then you might enjoy them as a bit of filler. Otherwise I don't really see the value.

>> No.6639096
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I don't really care whether you care or not

>> No.6639102

Most anime.

>> No.6639106

since no one else has mentioned it anime is exactly the answer to your question OP.

>> No.6639107

top lel