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File: 52 KB, 653x429, hglbgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6637326 No.6637326 [Reply] [Original]

I just got the joke

Kill myself

>> No.6638648

I've never read Hegel. Explain the joke, though.

>> No.6638663

bagel rhymes with hegel

>> No.6638671

It doesn't.

>> No.6638676

it does too bad

>> No.6638681



>> No.6638682
File: 223 KB, 302x367, paypay angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bagel, IPA: 'beJɡəl'
Hegel, IPA: 'heːɡəl'

Yeah, 'eJ' totes rhymes with 'heː'

>> No.6638692

>everyone uses the same phonemes

>> No.6638702

nope too bad

>> No.6638703
File: 201 KB, 919x960, fabulous yet angry pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Names are supposed to be pronounced the same in all languages, you damned American

>> No.6638711

the bagel is the sublated object par excellence. within the center of its circle is the seed of the negative waiting to be dialectically consumed in the act of eating.

>> No.6638712

sounds good to me

>> No.6638731

The joke is that Hegel, would he have ever been a bagel baker, would not have sold his product as a secondary item in someone else's store. The fact that it is Kafka's cafe makes the absurdism poignant and elevates the Kafka aspect of the joke further, while simultaneously illustrating that Hegel was a bitch.

>> No.6638738

i hope you're joking

>> No.6638769

The joke is that you guys watch The Simpsons past season 8.

>> No.6638787


Hegel thinks valid logic and history and lots of other weird shit moves according to a pattern of thesis, antithesis and synthesis which then becomes a new thesis for an antithesis. Wherever you start, if you keep doing this, you're supposed to end up with the realization that we're all God and physical reality is just different expressions of ourselves or something wacky romanticist insane like that.

OP seems to think the joke is that the bagel is the thesis, the hole in the middle an antithesis and having eaten up the bagel the synthesis. I don't think that's the joke though. Wouldn't the synthesis be something like bagel and not-bagel at the same time? >>6638663 is probably what the show writers intended.

>> No.6638920

The joke is that your simple mind works in the binary of 'pre' and 'post' season 8, considering everything post to be bad even though many of the episodes contained therein contain a mixture of good and shitty jokes, and intelligent people can differentiate from the good and bad jokes within the episodes

>> No.6638926

Intelligent people don't watch Simpsons.

>> No.6638928





>> No.6638944

*after season 9

>> No.6638963

Thesis + anti-thesis = progress towards a synthesis which will eventually encounter even more anti-theses ad nausium

>> No.6638969

Intelligent people watch Simpsons just for the mathematical jokes

>> No.6639498
File: 61 KB, 530x290, overthinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.6639518

Its anglicanized. Its like how we say Kam'us instead of Ka'moo

>> No.6639529
File: 79 KB, 766x511, milk-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never visit Stirners milk bar

>> No.6639583

>thesis, antithesis and synthesis

Kill yourself.

>> No.6639588

>Pronouncing the [s]
Jesus Christ how horrifying. I'm an American and if you do this where I'm from you get laughed at.

>> No.6639592
File: 16 KB, 200x150, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639599

Simultaneously as its being is consumed, the bagel reveals that the nothing at its center was as much its essence as the something which provided the structure of its substance :)

>> No.6639602
File: 10 KB, 250x223, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you talk about Camus where I'm from you get laughed at

>> No.6639618

Its a somewhat common last name here and they pronounce it with the s

>> No.6639623

No intelligent English-speaker does that.

>> No.6639633

speak with their own accent?

>> No.6639655

If you ever actually read Hegel you'd know that those terms have nothing to do with him.

>> No.6639659

"Hyuck hyuck hyuck, ain't that right Billy-Bob"

>> No.6639685
File: 263 KB, 887x841, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639704

Did anyone said bagel?

>> No.6639725

>pretending you can correctly pronounce the phonemes of a language you didn't grow up with
Get a load of this pretentious asshole, folks.

>> No.6639745

>not having the balls to at least try to pronounce things correctly
Amerifats in action

>> No.6639747

they rhyme:
hegel (like heg-gull)
bagel (beg-gull)

>> No.6640536
File: 690 KB, 579x1083, 1416451808152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Camus where I'm from you get laughed at
>where I'm from

daily reminder you post on 4chin

>> No.6640546

Mispronounce French names and claim it's acceptable. Intelligent English speakers who don't speak French admit the fact and move on.

>> No.6640562

aghbeght caghmu

>> No.6640785

Many people can, it isn't difficult. Also, I did grow up with German.

>> No.6640905
File: 229 KB, 900x900, 1433404579643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an american prounounces Quxiote as Kwik-sote

>> No.6640920

I've never heard that

>> No.6640939

What's your point? I'm not in some backwater shithole filled with mongoloids that can't into silent consonants.

>> No.6641008

yeah they are applied retroactively but they describe his thought well.

>> No.6641036


>my gamertag contains 'Quixote'
>literally every america fucks it up

>> No.6641042

that's actually more of a British thing. Most Americans are at least vaguely familiar with spanish pronunciations

>> No.6641048

>my gamertag contains 'Quixote'
you sound like a massive faggot tbh

>> No.6641077


>> No.6641078

If the hole in the bagel is part of the bagel, then the rest of the world is part of the bagel

>> No.6641081

only if it's a 3d bagel

>> No.6641085


Its Français plep

>> No.6641096

>actually reading Hegel
oh my god get a load of this cuck

>> No.6641108

Bagels are closed?

>> No.6641111

I don't read books! I don't! Freedom!

>> No.6641119

If only they had the same knowledge in English

>> No.6641296

It's cyclical you idiots, both in shape and nature.

You have a bagel, the bagel is composed from its elements, and is decomposed to its elements.
The process repeats with a new bagel, composed from the same elements and decomposed into the same elements as the cycle repeats.

In short, they're so good you want to eat them forever.

A bagel was chosen because it is more phonetically pleasing in conjunction to 'Hegel'

>> No.6641669

Maybe tis even "quixotic" it contains
Maybe tis a pun on "toxic"
All so much worse

>> No.6641685


>> No.6641695
File: 701 KB, 1366x567, 1415031675614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Idealism thread?

>> No.6641771


Emperor Quixote strikes fear into the hearts of millions of scrubs.

Bow down and beg for mercy

>> No.6641807

>Go on /lit/
Christ I've been gone for a long time, what the fuck.

>> No.6642434

The joke is about bad American education - everybody thinks hegel rhymes with bagel, because they do not know how to pronounce 'hegel'

>> No.6642577

The joke is apparently 40+ years old:

> Before you let that patient in, please tell us, Doc Lacan,
> The latest dope from Lévi-Strauss, Derrida and de Man.
> What symptomatic concepts may we now disseminate?
> What phallic simulacra may we “cluster” or sublate?
> Can dialectic referent be structured after Hegel?
> Will nominal concretions truly supersede the bagel?
> And does the signifier really mean the signified?
> O merde, Lacan, your patient just committed suicide!

>> No.6644442

The "gel" does rhyme, though. Is it too dominated by the long "bay" to be considered a proper rhyme?

>> No.6644476


Why would you be so pedantic as to worry about it? Pronunciation is fluid.

>> No.6644503


>> No.6645023

I thought the joke was they were a dingy bar that explained away the cockroaches by calling it Cafe Kafka and making literary puns on their food.

>> No.6647244

I'm not the one who keeps sperging out over it, just wondering

>> No.6647756

>itt: people who can't pronounce bagel