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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 929 KB, 966x3054, neet vs wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6638190 No.6638190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some anti-work books, please.

>> No.6638204 [DELETED] 
File: 848 KB, 2192x1856, 1424119083327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti work

the only non degenerate way to be anti work is to be part of the aristocracy

>> No.6638210

bob black- the abolition of work is all i'm really familiar with, but this subject interests me greatly

>> No.6638213

Get money. Grow up in a town called Hope.

>> No.6638223
File: 23 KB, 226x346, 51PEIzMLLvL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son in law of Karl Marx.

>> No.6638225
File: 60 KB, 660x300, University_Students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NET life > NEET Life

>been in university for 9 years allready, mounting up hundreds of thousands of dollars in dept
>will simply commit suicide when bank starts demanding I give any of it back

>> No.6638234
File: 113 KB, 900x675, thoreau cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Walden anti-work? Not as in anti-activity, but anti debt ridden wageslavery, decadence and conformity.

>> No.6638245

But the NEET life is pretty much without mandatory activity and Grecian obligations.

Who prefer the NET life?

>> No.6638262

why not leave the country

>> No.6638285

Where did this meme of NEETs doing anything productive come up? This is just bait, right?

>> No.6638305
File: 40 KB, 787x613, nietzsche re leisure and idleness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually "I can't bear the thought of NEETs doing something so I will vehemently deny it" is a fairly recent wageslave meme.

>> No.6638327

Ok, I already got the gist of the bait, you can come clean. There's no way a rational being believes in this trite.

>> No.6638335

the NEET has all their time for themselves, so its productiveness that betters them rather then betters your company.

>> No.6638342

How is it irrational to think that people who have time on their hands can spend that time in an agreeable way?

Look at the Greeks.

>> No.6638354

That would be true if any NEET actually did something with objective value. Except, that is, nobody does. And the occasional 1% that actually uses time productively would still do so while sustaining themselves outside society's nanny arms. It's baffling to have to explain this.

But I guess I got rused, anyway.

>> No.6638367
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>objective value

>> No.6638373


Ok I got everything, that was all.

>> No.6638375

>living the NEET life
>gf has to be the wageslave

hahaha. Life is good /lit/

>> No.6638379
File: 22 KB, 423x256, 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah i don't like medium
>thinks there are objective values
>being this retarded

>> No.6638386

but you don't get to enjoy u'r gf because she's angry and tired from work :(

>> No.6638418
File: 99 KB, 1351x709, Neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until she dumps you for someone who can take her out, and then you kill yourself. And then that's one less lazy cunt in the world.

>> No.6638434

The intriguing part is that NEETs who spout this wageslave meme are in other threads in this board simultaneously talking about their dreams of being a writer. They do that without any meaningful life experience which renders their writing soulless, disconnected and delusional.

Fuck me, it really makes you take things you read here with a grain of salt.

>> No.6638446 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, most of them don't actually want to be writers. They don't want to write. Writing is a go to for a lot of people who don't think it's work. They don't really understand that because they never had to sit and think for long periods of time about something. They are fucking pathetic.

>> No.6638454

>The intriguing part is that NEETs who spout this wageslave meme are in other threads in this board simultaneously talking about their dreams of being a writer.
You know this on an anonymous board, how?

>> No.6638469
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>all this wageslave butthurt

>> No.6638479

I can infer it with a good margin of certainty, since this is not the most popular area of this Finno-Ugric birdgazing sanhedrin.

>> No.6638485

I suspect that the people that proclaim themselves anti-work certainly have an aversion to work as the result of their upper middle-class upbringing wherein they never had to get a job.

>> No.6638494

You know that debt doesn't disappear when you kill yourself? It's most likely going to go to your parents.

>> No.6638497

No better way to start my morning than with a cup of hot wageslave tears.

>> No.6638501

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6638513


depends on cosigners and stuff but probably not true

>> No.6638514

Why is the NEET naked at the soup kitchen?

>> No.6638520

yes, the only way you could get life experience is by working 40 hours a week

>> No.6638526


>> No.6638529

once again TLP remains relevant

>> No.6638533

That I don't know, but I definetely know you cannot get life experience by playing vidya, watching anime and getting fat in a room somewhere. NEETs think they're the well-cultured anonymous who are dedicating time to higher pursuits: only they're not.

>> No.6638536



>> No.6638547

>being a wage slave
>being a NEET with only pennies to live out his hidden existence
clearly the only sensible option for honorable but common men is to procure funds via criminal activity

>> No.6638560

How about being born rich and get richer still by investing.

>> No.6638562

It's one way and
is correct. Sitting around doing fuck all means you only interact with people your own and will start lagging in late brain development. Working and meeting new people all the time, having to deal with people on a serious basis that are from a variety of ages, cultures, etc expands your brain creating vast numbers of new connections assisting your brain in finding dead end dendrites to prune off in your twenties as the more recent additions will start to mark the older "dumb" endings (those created as a teenager when the amgdyla controls you logic, reason and empathy) as ready for deletion. Amazing shit your brain, worth looking into when you are young enough to actually make a big impact on its effectiveness later in life.

>> No.6638563

i agree that there are some sexless delusional sperglords on 4chan trying to justify their miserable existence with this neet shit, but there are also neets with fulfilling social lives who don't spend all day inside and who do actually work on bettering themselves

>> No.6638566

that's why I said common men
richfags have it easy

>> No.6638568


Not Anti-work per say, but 'the Hacker Ethic' by Pekka Himanen is a pretty good remedy to the Protestant work ethic which is becoming increasingly irrelevant in a post-Fordist society.

>> No.6638573

What experience do you have? Arguing with your mother so you can use her debit card to buy more steam games, faggot?

>> No.6638580

haha i'm not a neet

>> No.6638593
File: 96 KB, 588x399, poly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't the answer be that things are smoother now. If you put more hours in writing, organizing, cleaning and designing, you get better text, saver procedures, cleaner stuff and better to use things. As long as there is left space for improvement of products, 40h weeks won't reduce to 15h weeks because of technology.

>> No.6638622

Seriously, this thread is hilarious but also a good indication of why this entire site is no longer any fun.

>> No.6638625

Shut the fuck up

>> No.6638658

It's true. Too bad there is (technically) no artistocracy, nor (actually) a middle class anymore. We are all degenerates here.

And why? Laziness. Yes, laziness created this new ecosystem where everyone is neither a NEET nor a wageslave but just plain poor.

The Founding Fathers were right all along. Freedom is for the enlightened. The stupid cannot handle it. They just waste themselves with it.

>> No.6638665

I find it very hard to convince myself that 25 hours/week for every working person worldwide were necessary to create sleeker looking iPhones and laptops that freeze slightly less, but if it helps you sleep at night, sure!

>> No.6638683
File: 77 KB, 640x426, Schiele_bookz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it has to do with me sleeping well.
I'm actually a physics PhD and I'm always in working mode. If I were on the team to develop touchscreen technology, I'd accept the 40h payment or the 25h one. In the second case, I'd come up with the same thing, but I'd probably do more private physics theory in my spare time and finish more slowly.

>> No.6638687

>objective value
>uses time productively
>sustaining themselves
>muh nanny state

*shrugs globe*

>> No.6638693

Why is it that people who work are so bitter about it yet still try to claim superiority over NEETs? If working life was so good, you wouldn't need to resort to ad hominems so quickly.

I say this as someone who recently got a job and hope the rumours about the company going bankrupt are true because spending my days reading, going the gym, watching movies and learning languages was much more enjoyable and productive on a personal level than spending the lion's share of the day sitting in front of a computer and planning the local transport networks of a major logistics firm while listening to my coworkers gossip about working for this major logistics firm because they literally have nothing else in their lives.

>> No.6638706

Why do you feel the need to create this all encompassing straw man? Is the notion of people who don't work and live meaningful enjoyable lives that scary to you?

>> No.6638733

Well, you're trying to come up with an excuse for the current working week that doesn't arrive at the conclusions the Strike Mag article does.

And if you think your working conditions are similar to most of ours, you're crazy.

put The Last Psychiatrist in the reactionary overwritten blog garbage along with Slate Star Codex and Mencius Moldbug, imo

>> No.6638748
File: 58 KB, 636x674, pepner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are wagies so spooked?

>> No.6638754

have you at least read the article

>> No.6638756

I play poker a few hours a day and I only leave my flat to get food, I spend all my freetime on whatever I want, wageslaves are envious as fuck.

>> No.6638757

>I'll greentext his valid points, that'll show him

That notion does nothing for me, because it's a fantasy; it doesn't exist. The idea of a wizarding school in Scotland makes more sense in Harold Bloom's mind than a productive, meaningful existence as a NEET does in the real world.

>> No.6638767

>People who spend half of their waking life in exertion to support themselves are more likely to use their free time productively than those who don't work at all
>this is because people who aren't forced to work spend their time doing drugs, watching television, browsing the internet and wasting their time
>lack of work ethic and adherence to orderly schedule (which has not gone undeveloped, but simply allowed to atrophy since leaving education) more than offsets the physical/mental drain of eight hours of exhausting work
For a group of people who get so indignant at the idea that they might not be one of the minority of exceptions to the fact that most people don't enjoy their work, they sure do make a lot of assumptions. And yet whenever there's a thread to the tune of, "how many books do you read per year?", they defensively accuse anyone who reads more than even fifty books a year (which works out to between one and two hours a day) of having no life, or of neglecting other, more important aspects of their lives. So much for making efficient productive use of your lesser amounts of free time!

>> No.6638771

guy debord's stuff is good.

>> No.6638816

>I'll greentext his valid points, that'll show him
"Objective value" is just a deluded way of saying "my strong opinion".

"Using time productively" is a deluded way of saying "using time in a manner that I like".

"Sustaining oneself" is just a deluded notion of independence since wageslaves are as much a cog in the machine as welfare recipients are, they just exert themselves more.

>> No.6638833
File: 8 KB, 129x250, 1430195213660s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please, pay for me to live
>they do

ha! neets are the best.

>> No.6638911
File: 224 KB, 640x480, banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until now I could pretty much avoid work that I don't like and if there was stress at work, it was because of interpersonal relations.

>> No.6638916

Why do retards pretend to be NEET on this site when, in fact, they're home for summer from their 1st year at Uni?

>> No.6638919

Well there is a reason why they are NEET

>> No.6638923

What are your NEET credentials?

>> No.6638924

>watch anime
Ok, it was a good run, but I'm now in favor of ending the entire social safety net. Die, weeb scum.

>> No.6638933

>being in favour of lumpenproles turning into rebels

Are you an accelerationist leftist or someone with a very poor sense of self-preservation?

>> No.6638975
File: 550 KB, 300x468, 1370980780676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am NEET in my soul

>> No.6639051

That's awesome, I hope in the future the same is true for the rest of us.

The Last Psychiatrist article? Yes, I did.

>> No.6639075


> They do that without any meaningful life experience which renders their writing soulless, disconnected and delusional.

>implying this will not be the most important thing in the new art movement in the 21st century


>> No.6639090

>They do that without any meaningful life experience which renders their writing soulless, disconnected and delusional
Is what you are saying that work is the only kind of life experience? You realize being a NEET doesn't mean never leaving your house right? Are you also just assuming that because a person is a NEET now they were always one?

>> No.6639115

This. Tao Lin is the spokesperson of our time.

>> No.6639156

He needs to tell himself everyone who doesn't work lives a horrible life in order to justify his own drudgery as the only sensible option.

>> No.6639182

The only anti-work books i've read have been Bertrand Russell's "In praise of Idleness" and lots of pamphlets/zines by Alfredo Bonanno. Would definitely recommend Bonanno's "Armed Joy" or "From Riot to Insurrection: Analysis for an anarchist perspective against post industrial capitalism"

>> No.6639184

I'll be a NEET in the future anyways.

>> No.6639221

>has unlimited time and infinite potential
>makes shitty charts and comics in ms paint

>> No.6639230



NEETs can't afford insurance.

>> No.6639233

Oh, you guys must think you are being funny.

>> No.6639275

>not living in the first world

>> No.6639307

This entire anti-work meme must be a horrible joke right?

>> No.6639312

read the literature you dummy

>> No.6639318

no, reading is for fags
just like not working

>> No.6639322


Time honoured tradition, m8.

>> No.6639330

But how will they eat without money?

>> No.6639335
File: 2.94 MB, 720x480, weird_creature.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I hope it's true for me too.
I was in the arguably nice position that I'm a physicist doing a PhD under a Russian female middle aged obnoxious Chemist (who nobody at work really likes) and I fought with her and won, gaining a lot of freedom.

>> No.6639337

>reading is for fags
I bet you have a rich library then.
#burn #told #knightsofthetoldrepublic

>> No.6639339

Social assistance and food stamps

>> No.6639343

In our country social assistance is only paid if you actively seek for job.

>> No.6639354

Like in Germany, say.
Is this different somewhere?
It's not like putting 15 minutes into slowly writing a cover letter to a firm a day is not worth the cash.

>> No.6639355

Which country would that be?

>> No.6639357

>but how will you survive without capitalist consumption?
Letting people starve is against the faux-morality of Western society.
What country are you in? I want to know how it stacks up in total homeless population/theft rates to others.

>> No.6639361

And you probably think that's like patronage, right? No, it's parasitism.

NEETs are parasites.
A NEET is not advancing himself intelectually, he's sitting, playing, eating, shitting and other innocuous bullshit.
A NEET is not the classy guy drinking coffee and discussing high art, he's the meme-spouter and the agoraphobe.
A NEET has no life to speak of, because his interactions with the world outside his head are only on Call of Duty or sperging to his parents.
A NEET is not the ideal of /lit/, he's a cross between /pol/ and /r9k/.
All of these are true generalizations.

>> No.6639368

André Gorz

>> No.6639371

That's what I thought at first but some people believe it. Shows the depths of shit we have reached.

>> No.6639372


The last place on earth where modems are still measured in Baud.

>> No.6639373
File: 519 KB, 635x592, 1427147036924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasites on what, anon?
A system that benefits from the exploitation of others less fortunate than yourself?
>all NEETs are one terrible hivemind while those with jobs working minimum wage at Burger King or attending a community college are unique and enlightened individuals
Honestly, you might have well just posted an obese man tipping his fedora and saved your time typing that all out.

>> No.6639396

In no way people who are not NEETs are necessarily self-aware and improving. What is being memed in the thread is that anti-work thinking is in any way validated with this delusion of intellectual pursuit. That isn't true.

Still, if it was a victimless kind of delusion, it could pass, but no, it actually has consequences towards society, economics and civilizational decline.

>> No.6639398

Then make yourself unhireable. Either you never get hired or they finally offer you a job so stupid it's no effort at all.

>> No.6639407

That job seems really nice.

>> No.6639409

>it actually has consequences towards society, economics and civilizational decline.

You must be American if you think work is actually advancing any of those things instead of declining.

>> No.6639413
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1382570818093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET just means you're not a student and don't have a job, spooklord.

>> No.6639421
File: 24 KB, 1146x1148, spookyhook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In November 2007 some two kilometers (1.2 miles) beneath the sea at the Perdido project in the Gulf of Mexico, the camera on an underwater, remotely-operated robot captured a glimpse of a big-fin squid for the first time. “It looked like one of the aliens from the movie Independence Day,” said Shell Senior Operations Coordinator Patrick Desrouleaux when he first saw the images. “The creature did not seem spooked or alarmed in any way.”

>> No.6639431
File: 76 KB, 600x333, 1414761637796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not working is so bad then why do all wage slaves crave retirement their whole lives?

>> No.6639433
File: 665 KB, 1364x965, 1427085803315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In no way people who are not NEETs are necessarily self-aware and improving
No, not everybody who is given more free hours chooses to use it to better themselves. Some people watch anime while others read. That isn't to say you can make swooping generalizations about how all NEETs function.
> anti-work thinking is in any way validated with this delusion of intellectual pursuit
I'm not sure validation is the right concept here. A NEETs learning experience is no more effective or genuine than that of a worker or student, but he has more time to hone his craft for his own good if he chooses to.
>it actually has consequences towards society, economics and civilizational decline.
Those supporting the previously mentioned system of exploitation are running it into the ground if anybody is.

>> No.6639435

It's not 1376 anymore, Gramps.

We have "machines" and "robots". They are supposed to work, not humans.
If the political will would be strong enough, no one would have to endure hunger or work more than 20 hours a week.

>> No.6639440

That's the game, you have to look for work hard enough to look like you're trying but not hard enough to get a job.

It's a tightrope, Spud, it's a fucking tightrope.

>> No.6639454

all the time looking for the true egoist and he was under the sea all along

>> No.6639457

You assume that watching anime is bettering oneself, and it's completely baffling. I can only assume you're a postmodernist to think something like that. You also assume people who are NEETs are honing their crafts in any way, when all evidence points to the contrary. With the rise of this lifestyle, we should see renewed cultural production if that was true, and in a place like Japan (where the prevalence is higher) what we see is fantasy-building, isolation and complete social alienation.

There's no advancement. There is nothing productive to the arts, crafts or science being produced out of the masses of NEETs. They are dead weight and anything else is a pretty lie.

>> No.6639459

It's ironic since you're showing a complete lack of intellectual advancement while straw-manning us. Good job dunce. You have no way of knowing any of the shit you accused of us.

>> No.6639464

the obsession with working is one case where the idea of a 'spook' is truly valuable

>> No.6639465
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>Still, if it was a victimless kind of delusion, it could pass, but no, it actually has consequences towards society, economics and civilizational decline.

Full employment is literally impossible in contemporary society and is only becoming less and less viable. NEETs are not to blame for this.

You should be happy a portion of the unemployed like their faith. An unsatisfied unemployed person is a greater burden to society than a satisfied one.

>> No.6639466

>There is nothing productive to the arts, crafts or science being produced out of the masses of NEETs.
that's because if you produce something good you can usually use it to get money, technically not being neet anymore

your reading comprehension is terrible by the way

>> No.6639476

thats me but im always here :)

>> No.6639484

You seem to think NEETs are a phenomenon created by people being lazy and entitled when its actually caused by the current point of capitalism. It doesn't matter if you think they are doing nothing productive or worthwhile. The fact is the vast majority of humanity is doing nothing productive or worthwhile. The phenomenon is also new, many cultural things will be created from it, and some already have. There are novels, art, etc, created by NEETs.

You just seem to have a bias and aversion which makes you think irrationally on the subject.

>> No.6639493

>You assume that watching anime is bettering oneself, and it's completely baffling.
No I don't, that was meant to contrast bettering yourself by reading.
>With the rise of this lifestyle ...
> fantasy-building, isolation and complete social alienation.
While Japan is a poor example, they are outputting more art than they were even a decade ago. When they're not producing art you complain that it's an effect of their culture. When they are producing art, you whine about unhealthy social standards being the focal point of their art. Did you ever think that while the art is undoubtedly changed by the unhealthy cultural view of NEETs, it is no more or less valuable than that created under a different suffering society? The same could be said for Western society and the need to create a market around your media.
>arts, crafts or science being produced out of the masses of NEETs
>nobody without money has ever made a living through their art
read that over a few times

>> No.6639506

shut up, I'm right and you're a worthless loser

>> No.6639508

If most of humanity isn't producing anything, wouldn't the ones with the most time on their hands be producing much more? Isn't that the heart of the argument? And yet, we can empirically assert that it is not the case. In fact, they are draining even more resources from the ones who are the real producers of knowledge. Delusion and empty rhetoric.

>> No.6639516

Suicide is for the weak of will and spirit.

>> No.6639517


try harder

>> No.6639519

>implying you can drain knowledge

>> No.6639522


>this fucking guy

>> No.6639523

don't fucking reply to me, scum
you are not worth the shit on the my boots
I didn't even read your post, it was insured to be complete shit

>> No.6639527

Not that Anon but you're missing the point entirely. Most of humanity produces nothing, the difference is some repeat the same task for 40~ hours per week while others don't.

>> No.6639533


why so mad, maybe it's because people still don't respect you even if you work? :^)

>> No.6639539
File: 96 KB, 474x700, tumblr_latqcsz0vm1qb3rj2o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639681

This. A lot of jobs these days exist to keep people occupied rather than produce anything of value.

The idea that someone doing a thing that can be done by a vending machine is somehow a better person than someone who just sits around on his own accord is pretty silly.

>> No.6639698

>the ones with the most time on their hands be producing much more?

Why does having time on your hands make it so you have to produce more? It doesn't matter if they produce less, the same, or more. Some produce more, some produce less. But the majority of mankind also produces very little.

>they are draining even more resources

What resources? You realize there is more good food in the back dumpsters of a supermarket than there is in a town in the third world? Most NEETs don't even consume that many resources, and the stereotypical ones you talk about don't even go to the doctor or have a gf so that's significantly less resource than en employed non-producer uses.
You the one with empty rhetoric.

>real producers of knowledge
are a tiny proportion of mankind and NEETs don't and won't affect them at all.

>> No.6639730
File: 8 KB, 473x500, pee hee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw automatisation will continue to increase and all these NEET hating wageslaves will have no choice but to become NEET themselves
>mfw NEETs are merely early adapters to the inevitable standard mode of living of an efficient society
>mfw being a functional member of society will soon be determined by how proficient one is at living a pleasant life without ulterior motives
>mfw people who have based their self-esteem on being a good worker will have no self-esteem left
>mfw wagies will drive themselves crazy and become depressed and suicidal because they can't cope with not being 'productive'
>mfw NEETs will inherit the earth and the gene pool like the golden god-children of leisure they are

>> No.6639757

>There's no way a rational being believes in this trite.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in wasn't the aristocratic life of self improvement, nobility, and leisure considered the highest objective good of mankind until recently.

Wageslaves aren't just suckers, they're sinners and degenerates to boot.

>> No.6639841



>> No.6639889

anyone got tips on how to become neet in canada? the welfare system in ontario is literally called, 'ontario works' and it puts you through job search hoops

>> No.6639896

NEETs are increasingly the backbone of the economy. Production is easily handled by a small minority, but you need a large consumer base to create ample demand for the produced goods and services.

>> No.6639908
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>> No.6639929

NEETs are government leeches though

>> No.6639939

Don't they do that everywhere? I think it's mostly rhetoric and theatre in order to give the wageslaves the idea that you're not getting a free ride. The truth is that there are many more unemployed people than there are available jobs for them, and in order not to get one you just have to be less employable than the other unemployed people. This is quite easy, because contrary to popular belief most people on welfare are actually failed normies who'd much rather have a job so that they can feel worthwhile than sit around doing as they please.

The trick is to always seem reasonable, willing and pleasant but also somehow strangely useless and unemployable in a way that nobody holds it against you if you 'fail' to get a job.

>> No.6639944

I went on vacation in Hope once when I was young. It was a nice time.

>> No.6639947

So? They reinject tax money into the economy, which is much more valuable to society than letting rich people hoard it.

>> No.6639951

>will simply commit suicide when bank starts demanding I give any of it back
Why not just go off the grid?

>> No.6639953

Welfare office workers see tons of people like you, and no amount of "reasonable, willing and pleasant" demeanor will actually fool anyone. They pretend to buy into your struggle, but if you've been looking for months and haven't found any job whatsoever, they know for a fact you don't want one.

>> No.6639965

Doing anything in excess will inevitably will inevitably lead to the strengthening of one personality component, and the withering of another. This happens with literally everything you do, and reading and other such intellectual activities are no different. Have you ever noticed that when you talk to someone who does nothing but reading, they occasionally seem incapable of carrying on a conversation? That's no coincidence, and if you refuse to find a balance in your life then you'll ruin yourself. The idea of a work/play dichotomy is completely ridiculous. You need to find the middle ground.

>> No.6639979

Living is for the weak of will and spirit, you mean.

>> No.6639993

>welfare babbies

>> No.6640054

As long as you go through the motions they can't fuck you over though.

>> No.6640180

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6640585

superb post

>> No.6640592
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>> No.6641126
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>Muh middle ground
What is it with plebs always spewing this asinine bullshit? Do you seriously derive your entire worldly philosophy from American capitalist drivel and that Goldilocks story?

Besides, unlike a wageslave, NEETs can spend hours a day reading and still have loads of time for other activities. The idea that "work", wherein you fruitlessly exert your physical and mental capacities in exchange for a bit of money is completely retarded no matter how much time you spend on it. Even the slightest study of history or philosophy would help you understand how modern and alienating the modern work ethic is anyways.
>sure people were hunter gatherers for millions of years, but "muh middle ground", I wouldn't be a complete person if I didn't spend 6 hours a day taking it in the ass from my boss

>> No.6641130

while , your a loser so shut up

>> No.6641153

It's funny because i get the reference!!!!!!!!

>> No.6641154


I spend the vast majority of the day doing exactly what I want. I'm also physically fit and well educated, and aside from invertible old age and death, my life looks like it will only go up from here in terms of health and education.
How am I a loser? Roman patricians, Greek citizens, and medieval kings would all envy my life. I don't envy any life but my own. I'm winning.

>> No.6641159

normies just don't understand man

>> No.6642475

Social status relies on consumerism rather than excellence and normies want social status more than anything.

>> No.6642754
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>tfw nobody spams jerkcity anymore

>> No.6642833

>ITT people don't realize these photos are jokes making fun of NEETs.

>> No.6642840

They're not doing a great job, are they? Fuck intentions.

>> No.6642848

I don't know where I fit in.

>work from home
>translate for a living, so I spend time reading and thinking how to bring knowledge of other cultures to non-speakers
>have good free time
>master of my time (granted, I usually get a deadline)
>meet new fascinating people, learn new and interesting stuff.

Am I the left or the right column? I feel like left.

>> No.6642853
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An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The Mexican replied, “only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The American then asked, “but what do you do with the rest of your time?”

The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life.” The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise.”

The Mexican fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?”

To which the American replied, “15 – 20 years.”

“But what then?” Asked the Mexican.

The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!”

“Millions – then what?”

The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”

>> No.6642856

(not true, by the way)

>> No.6642871

That was my point, I was posting in this at the beginning talking about this all being a ruse/bait. Yet some people REALLY believe it.

>> No.6642874
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>"photos" are sentient agents with motives now

>> No.6642875

Sloth is a disease of the soul. Be careful not to be come pro-sloth, even if you become "anti-work". Sloth leads inevitably to despair, feelings of worthlessness. If you are going to be NEET then you have to find something that you can commit yourself to completely, otherwise you would be happier working at McDonalds.

>> No.6642886

>implying no death of the author

>> No.6642888

They should be if anyone on this board could read.

Are you new? Have you not seen all this type of shit thats on /lit/ and /tv/ and similar?

This is just retarded and you know it.

>> No.6642890

Well but there' s a catch.
>guy fishes only to support family
>something happens, he can't fish, can't support his family
>family is kill

>guy fishes only to support family
>something happens, he can't fish, can't support his family
>tap into emergency monies
>spend no more than needed
>he gets better
>can fish again
The money he makes is the cushion.

How do NEETs get money? Never found that one out. Support from state?

>> No.6642899
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>idle hands are the devil's workshop

Unwarranted ideology tbh.

>> No.6642903

>This is just retarded and you know it.
Yes, it is very retarded to suggest you know the true intentions behind some picture you found on the internet.

>> No.6642907

>trusting pictures on average darker than #AAAAAA
They're the scum of the jpegs, man.

>> No.6642908

It's more likely that the second scenario would completely fail and land him in debt rather than the first option.

It's comes down to wasting most of your time on an enterprise you hate or dislike, purely for the money, which then just fails anyway. Most businesses do fail after all.

>> No.6642913

This is literally a literature board how are you so bad at reading and comprehending information ahaha like how

>> No.6642918


Doing something just for the sake of it isn't better than doing nothing.

>> No.6642920

True... But selling fish might not be that complicated. He could save up money, that way he has SOME pillow.
This way something happens, no brakes on the rape train.

What did you mean by that?

>> No.6642925

>Are you new? Have you not seen all this type of shit thats on /lit/ and /tv/ and similar?
I have, but it's the wageslaves who get more butthurt over these discussions, and I say that as a wageslave. The same threads are on r9k all the time.

>> No.6642930
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i needed a little break after working out and re-reading being and time; so i called up this girl i sometimes chill with when her manlet bf is at work, we ended up fucking then watching the movie "company man".

Its a korean thriller about a guy who works at an office for some metal company, but his wing of the company is a front for an assassination ring.

You can guess how it goes, but the movie was interesting on another level. Everyone at the company always talked about how important it was to "keep at it" or "stick through it" how you just needed to collect your retirement check and you "win". But among the young workers are older staff who never seemed to "make it". and older members seem to get soft and need to be "taken care of" more than anything else. One driver has his child die, and the company does not seem to even want to allow him time to grieve.
They make big deals of giving out company name plates and all that dumb shit that makes wageslaves think what they are doing matters at all.

At the end the boss says to the protag "i had the highest hopes for you" and the protag basically asks what he even means by that, or what those hopes even amount to, and the boss has no answer.

He tells a young guy working at the company not to waste his life, and instead to find a girl he loves and just live.

To me this was great NEET life enlightenment material. great movie i recommend highly if you want a bit of action/thriller with a little message in subtext.
If you can fit it into your routine you wont be disappointed.

>> No.6642939

All this thread is is pretentious edgelords living off their parents or the government because their "Social disorder" qualifies them for free money so they try and write it off as some philosophical path to enlightenment.

>> No.6642943

How do NEETs generate money? How does a NEET make money?

>> No.6643006

They live with their mom and dad or get Welfare.

>> No.6643111
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To me the most nefarious, and yet comical aspect of wageslave logic is their irrational reasons for selling their own lives.

A prostitute is classically looked down upon, for she is someone who sells her dignity for money.
If anyone was ever to look at a prostitute in disgust, then, is it not so much the worse to look on any average worker?

For the worker does not merely sell his dignity (although he certainly does) but he also sells his youth, his energy, his vitality; he sells his life force, the only thing that should be protected in oneself.
The wage slave sells the most precious time in which nature allows we run and explore and make love and music and expand.
The wage slave sells the vital life energy that should be a source of pride, and which would lead his heart into a pursuit of his passions.

The only thing within a person which they have of value is this life energy. It is their potentiality for good. It is their potential for love, and beauty and art and feeling.
It is the only thing that allows for anything which makes life worth anything.

The wage slave is the most depressing, pitiable and disgusting creature the world has ever known, for he has the opportunities, more so than any other time in history, to make his life beautiful, and yet he turns away from beauty entirely and into greyness and misery.
And whats most damnable of all, he eagerly tries to pull others, still free and beautiful, down into his despair.

This is why NEET are morally in the right for living off wageslaves.
No neet can ever be a "leech", for they are actually taking from something that could never miss what is being taken.

>> No.6643130

Stop with the sperging bullshit, too many have fallen for the ruse already.

>> No.6643156

>tfw you'll never be oblomov

>> No.6643224

I want to see someone write "a Keynesian theory of NEETs" and explain about the "NEET fiscal multiplier," "NEET propensity to consume," etc.

>> No.6643229

it's never too late to follow your dreams

>> No.6643241

>implying I haven't earned millions of dollars by running scams which I've then invested into various things, allowing me to live without worrying about money

>> No.6643251

so you are this 'in my garage with my new lamborghini here' book guy?

>> No.6643254

Anybody in here read Russell's In Praise of Idleness? I'm not technically a NEET but the topic interests me. Also what did you think of his other essays?

>> No.6643271

>Worked at job that got progressively more horrible because of corporate douchiness
>Wrote on the side
>Made extra scratch freelancing, including writing
>Began writing smut, making gas money
>Job gets progressively worse, feelings of depression creep in.
>Consider joining friends as a production assistant in the film industry, a venture I do not have the financial safety net for
>Publish my first erotica e-book on Amazon
>Awwww yeah here comes the cash
>Sold maybe four copies
>Get new job, make mad cash all of a sudden
>Forget about my erotica book. Promoting it is too much fucking work anyway
>Seven months later
>HR reveals a mistake on my paychecks: I've been making too much money. Have to slowly pay it back while also making a great deal less.
>Considering finding ways to pimp that smut book again.
I truly do hate the corporate world.

>> No.6643284

>Have to slowly pay it back while also making a great deal less.
It's ridiculous that they can force you to pay back tbh

>> No.6643331

>have to pay it back

No you don't. I mean, not if you don't care about the job. Tell them to fuck off. That mistake is their fault and that money is legally yours.

>> No.6643340

>getting blacklisted in corporate America

>> No.6643343

I researched it an nah, legally, I am obligated to pay it back. It blows but there's no way around it. I could take the money and run, but I'm not in a position to run, and I'm sure they would pursue me for that money.

Luckily I'm still making more than I did at my previous shit job.

>> No.6643349

>laziness: the thread

>> No.6643354

>living in a third world counry

>> No.6643357

What do they do to have the financial safety that you don't? You should look into it because doing something interesting for little money is much better than doing something you hate for a lot, particularly one that sounds as corporate and soul crushing as yours.

>> No.6643379

>What do they do to have the financial safety that you don't?
One guy with money, able to help keep other friend afloat, others have different specialties allowing bigger-paying gigs.

It's all in how much you put into it; you have to be consistent. Which is fine. The idea of freelance is scary, but if you're truly dedicated to it, it's no less risky.

I am however far less interested in being on films sets than I am writing, and I fear I'd experience a lot of difficulty maintaining my writing, and probably experience some apathy in finding consistent PA gigs. Consider that at the time I had exactly $100 in my savings (that's right, two zeros), it wasn't worth the risk.

My current job is much better than my previous, this one bad part included (though I like the people here much, much less).

>> No.6643649

Read about the Joseph Brodsky case.
In the Soviet Union being NEET was a crime because they wouldn't cut your welfare. that would make you criminal or antisocial (or dead) and they believed in re-education. That is why you have been put into an insane asylum for a while (after a trial.).
so this homeless person claimed got a trial and claimed that he had a vocation: a poet . The BBC caught wind of that story and raised him onto their flag. And soon he would get his nobel's arranged for him, to prove how they had this "artistic freedom" in the West.
Thing is, in the Soviet Union the artists weren't censored by the marketing departments* and gained all sorts of fashionable movie prizest so the CIA & the MI6 got jelly.
That said, the Russian poetry of Brodsky isn't actually that bad most of the time. So you better doing some acknowledged "art" thing as well.

*ex.1: advert for grounded chicken
*ex.2: cartoon based on ray bradbury

>> No.6644018

>on a literature board
>doesn't know about the death of the memer

>> No.6644033

>haha this NEET thread is about NEETs


>> No.6644067

Literally financial cuckoldry.

>> No.6646683

im glad i read this thread because all other neets ive come across only watch anime and post on 4chan. they have no sense of culture. been on this path for two years and though it feels like theres so much left to learn, every time i meet with old friends i see how behind they are in every common area of interest, and just overall intellect. though im aware this post is the most fedora thing ive ever written, its also the truth. stay strong brothers.

>> No.6646687

If you're a NEET, you're the same as they are, fuccboi.

>> No.6646708

>he isn't NEETking

>> No.6646868

You can deny the inheritance in my country.

>> No.6647055
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>we could all be working like 20 hours or less but wagecucks want us to work more and more based on some spook they have been conditioned to believe in

>> No.6647059

>caring about "culture"(you really just mean old shit) in 2015

This is a globalized modern world, our culture is what's on TV and the internet, anime and 4chan IS culture.

>> No.6647069

You're right anon, it's wouldn't be your fault for dropping out. If your only choice is between working 40 hours a week or not working at all, then choose the latter.

>> No.6647295

I agree with this sincerely tbh.

>> No.6647302
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Saddest thing about our times tbh.

>> No.6647343
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I know a man who had a management position after his bourgeois family offered his education in literary studies. At 30, after having enough money and partying, dating girls in the capital, he quit his job and went near the ocean to become a writer. He has produced a novel making women wet and received an award for this. He now has a contract forother books.

>> No.6647952


Working p/t doesn't pay enough to live in many places.

>> No.6647975

Is min wage even a proper living wage in the US today?

>> No.6648007

Also a pioneer at pilgrim creek

>> No.6648017

I know it doesn't, that's why he should go full NEET

>> No.6648043


>> No.6648064

because that's finally when its "socially acceptable" to relax.

>> No.6648070

tbh I don't think Ive ever found one funny. Are they supposed to be?

>> No.6648103

They're random posts taken from a chat log.

There's nothing really funny about them.

>> No.6648154
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>you fags call it being NEET
>I call it being rich as fuck

>> No.6648165

if you are studying english lit you're pretty much allowed to present yourself as NEET

>> No.6648274
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I like this meme

>> No.6648655

>carrying your own shit

Stay poor.

>> No.6648797


>not letting the plebs know who's boss by flaunting your purchases

>> No.6648809

that's the bag carrier, anon covered his face out of respect for his employees.

>> No.6648827
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lel keep dreaming poorfuck

>> No.6648852

>not having a bag carrier
>not having a watch reader
>thinking he has money
enjoy just barely being in the 1% poorfag.

>> No.6648866
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>all these butthurt losers
I'm sure you all spend your days lifting weights, learning Chinese, and having sex instead of masturbating and playing video games. Your parents most be not at all ashamed of you, and you obviously have a girlfriend.

>> No.6648894

It's something like 1/3 of one if you work 40 hours.

>> No.6648970


>being this deluded

>> No.6648977

nice pasty skin and nomuscle

>> No.6648982
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lel do you even lift fuccboi?

>> No.6648983

In my country there is no wage for mental disabilities and the only wage for crippled and blind people is only 150 dollars.

and job hours are almost everyone from 8 am to 6-7pm

fucking cocksuckers, if we had a rebellion we could be better off

>> No.6649016

>all these butthurt wageslaves
I'm sure you all spend your free time on self-improvement, working towards promotion, and having sex instead of watching trash television and lying awake on sunday nights dreading tomorrow's work. You must be not at all ashamed of your position in life, and your marriage obviously won't end in divorce

>> No.6649032

Get a job, losers.

>> No.6649040

>not being familiar with the theoretical basis of being a neet

know it don't blow it

>> No.6649047

What is the neet's plan for retirement?

>> No.6649062

NEETs are already retired

>> No.6649077

how can they afford their life ahead of them?

you only get good money in benefits if you're a single mum

>> No.6649081

State pension, unemployment and disability give you national insurance credits

>> No.6649106

A citizen who gives his labor for money degrades himself to the rank of slaves. - Kikero

>> No.6649110

the internet a computer and a library card is all i need m8

>> No.6649129

two hundred quid a week DLA+PIP and housing benefit, better off than min wage lol

>> No.6649136


>> No.6649461

If you mean slacking, Bukowski - Post office,
as a way of living in the past, the blut und boden types Hamsun - growth of the soil

>> No.6649578

>you only get good money in benefits if you're a single mum
that's what they want you to believe

>> No.6649637
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You don't need 'good money' to survive, you need 'good money' to live luxuriously. Life is a lot cheaper than most people pretend it is.

>> No.6649666


Not really.

If you are on ESA you get your rent paid and don't have to pay tax. So there is some of the biggest expenditures for wageslaves out the window and you have a home.

That then leaves you enough for food + internet and the rest of the bills. Some small luxiries if you manage your money well.

Not much worse than the average wage slave. It's only bad if you rely on a large amount of commodities beyond the necessary. Most of them being a waste of money in the first place.

Only worth it to work if you actually enjoy your job or you get paid loads so can actually afford worthwhile stuff, which like 95% of wageslaves can't anyway.

>> No.6650377
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the context (people saying these things) makes them pretty funny, although it doesn't apply so much to the above two

>> No.6650382
File: 24 KB, 588x288, must set alarm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't a spamposter, but I started enjoying them right about the time the mods got rid of them on /mu/

>> No.6650389
File: 50 KB, 588x588, i cannot help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life truly is a tragedy. last one for posterity

>> No.6650397

you live in a civilised country where you can easily live off welfare

>> No.6650398


Best anti-work book, by far.

>> No.6650427

wow thanks

>> No.6650429

pls teach me

tfw you read about how to make money with poker online when I was 16 but I didn't start because I thought it was a scam

>> No.6650440

which country is that?

>> No.6650444
File: 148 KB, 853x1301, kokoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best books about NEETs? Kokoro is pretty dope. too bad sensei had the guilty conscious of his friend though, otherwise he would have been living the dream

>> No.6650463

why do I need to meet new people all the time to have an enjoyable life? Sure those skills might come in handy if that's how you want to live but who says its correct? You are using a lot of spook terms about "expanding your brain" and being "effective later in life"

>> No.6650468

Epicurean community of /lit/ NEETs who share a big library of books when?

>> No.6650469

This thread got me really pumped about all things NEET. Are there any good books/papers on the matter?

>> No.6650474

work by crimethinc is p good

>> No.6650514

I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling that every pro anti-work here is just trying to justify them binge watching anime all day

>> No.6650522

why are normies so jealous?

>> No.6650527

i have two jobs and go to school. work is shit. also anime is shit.

>> No.6650530

and? Still better than believing that you are only worth something if you give most your freetime away

>> No.6650542

Where on the political compass would this belief be?

>> No.6650544

I don't like the idea of doing a job that is mechanistic in nature, which can be replaced by automatons, but I also don't want to be at the beck and call of my parents. There are certain jobs that don't require a lot of mental activity, like working in an orchard for example, and which allow you to contemplate whatever you please for hours on end, and also still be able to support yourself in some $400 a month bedroom. If I could have all my free time to do what I please, I would much prefer that. So, in my free time, I am attempting to replace the need to work at a job with my creative pursuits, all the while not feeling the intense pressure of needing to create some marketable work as soon as possible to sustain myself with and thus polluting my passion with the necessity of money. Yes, its quite a drag to work 40 hours a week at a job, I'm well aware, but this is still better than living with my parents at age 25, and in a few years (hopefully less than that) I can begin to sustain myself with what I love doing, gradually working less and less. Music and literature are my pursuits.

This whole animosity thing between people who support themselves and people who don't is childish. It makes sense to me that you would value your time, but since society is the way it is and nothing can be done about it, it is also responsible to play your part for the time being and not leech off of others and gradually shift into true artistic independence. If that means working at a gas station for a few years then so be it.

>> No.6650553

if your life interest was watching anime then why not? Should you spend life doing something you hate just to appease the big Other?

>> No.6650556

>implying your own ego knows what's best for you

Classic liberal slave-logic. Keep that senseless and stupid ideology to yourself.

>> No.6650571

key, not a feeling any more, now I know. Thanks for the answers

>> No.6650577

I've been a neet from 19 to 22, during the first year I lived near the university and was still 'studying', but in the reality I was depressed like shit because I realized that moving to another city and changing curses wouldn't make me any happy. After a little more than a semester I told my parents that I was a failure and I went back to my parents house. In this time I thought neet life was shit, that one couldn't live like that, that was depressing. On my [small] town I lived with my mom, dad and brother for almost 2 years without working, of course I had to endure all the bantering of me being a lazy ass faggot, but it was really enjoyable, even though I liked living alone, living with my parents was a lot better, I had some human contact and everything.

I had energy to clean the house, cook, etc. In this part I thought that the neet life was the life. At some point I had to find a job, though and now I work more than 45h a week in a ok job, but it also kind depressing, there is no point,

I have no skill or knowledge (maybe a bit of english?) and I fear that if I get off this job I will not have any other opportunities. I have lot of savings but I don't know what to do with it. To buy a place for myself I would need to work and save the same shit for like 20 years. What is even the point, really.

>> No.6650613
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>objective value

>> No.6650660

You made up your mind on the matter long before these replies served as "confirmation".

>> No.6650664

This community is vital for the reassurance I need to maintain my convictions. Everyone around me would have me believe that it's better to work some mundane, stagnating position than allocate my efforts towards self-improvement. I got a taste of the NEET life for a year after college and in that time I learned to play piano and accordion, I wrote a novel, and I learned read music and Arabic all while reading various books that have served to educate and entertain. Who could tell me without lying to my face that working 40 hours a week in that year would have been more to my benefit?

I went out of the country (US) to be able to work few hours that would provide me with a sufficient wage while still allowing me time for self-refinement. I want the NEET life again but my pride won't allow me to live with my parents. How can I return to that virtuous lifestyle?

>> No.6650665

Of course I had, this is an anime forum after all, but I was expecting more opposition I guess

>> No.6650725

>something happens, he can't fish, can't support his family
The friends he had solidified in all of his free time would help him and his family. The man who is occupied with his work and did not bother forming strong relationships would have no one to provide him help should he need it.

>> No.6650762

none of those were arguments in defense of anime

>> No.6650782

>why are normies so jealous?
>and? Still better than [..]
>if your life interest was watching anime then why not?

They might not be in defence of, but they sure seem comfortable with the idea, so I still suspect most people defending this not working stuff are more interested in spending the whole daywatching anime or playing video games than in defending any kind of non-working ideology

>> No.6650794

Of course. There's no self-improvement involved, there's only manchild stuff. This whole thing is so pathetic I thought it was only a joke, sadly not.

>> No.6650807

Why would you be anti-work? Every luxury anyone's ever had, and all technological/scientific/medical progress... civilization itself... has been thanks to hard workers.

>> No.6650811

They have this on a big poster at Jimmy John's.

>> No.6650815

>everybody who has a job has a shit office job
Also that image is fucking ridiculous

>> No.6650832

How hard is it to be homeless

I have a month between July and September where I will have no job so I want to live in my car at the beach. It's a suv and I can sleep it in which is fine but I fucking hate having a place. Living in a box and doing the same things is making me depressed

>> No.6650848

Because the neet challenges the upstanding theories of the most established mathematicians and physicists of all time.

>> No.6651486

Any Nordic one.

>> No.6651543


Immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous – Bertrand Russell

It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. – David Graeber

>> No.6651600
File: 105 KB, 728x1072, m004.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The morality of work is the morality of slaves, and the modern world has no need of slavery.

>> No.6651609
File: 210 KB, 250x580, rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651620

when you dont work you live

>> No.6651638


>> No.6651643

it's impossible work and not live

>> No.6651645


You do realise most NEETs are poor as fuck, spend their days watching day time TV, looking for work and drinking cheap alcohol.

No woman will sleep with a NEET

>> No.6651663

In the purely biological sense.

However, if you're working 40+ hours a week at something you don't enjoy then, you are unequivocally wasting your life, irrespective of the paycheque.

>> No.6651665

These conjectural generalizations mean nothing.

>> No.6651669

I disagree

>> No.6651675

>You do realise most NEETs are poor as fuck, spend their days watching day time TV, looking for work and drinking cheap alcohol.

So they basically have the same life as the average normie?

>No woman will sleep with a NEET

Why wouldn't they? If you are decent looking and have some social skills it's not exactly hard to get a woman to fuck you. NEET makes no difference.

>> No.6651683

>wageslaves are so obsessed with 'productivity' that you aren't living right if you aren't also being 'productive' in your free time

I'm sure most wageslaves use their ample amount of free time being productive and not being completely mentally/physically drained from work.

>> No.6651686
File: 181 KB, 811x1200, d122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kangoku gakuen

>what wagies fear will happen once they stop slaving

>> No.6651690


how can someone truly feel this way. are you some fucking peasant?

>> No.6651693
File: 165 KB, 778x658, 14336192931849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.6651705

You're allowed to, horses for courses, subjective reality and all that, though I think it is very silly.

I would rather spend my time doing things that I want to be doing.

Handily I have learned to live frugally, avoid avaricious desires for material goods, and can make or fix a lot of what I need, which helps with the whole anti-work angle I got going on.

>> No.6651723

your fallacies are an appeal to emotion and personal incredulity

a wasted life means a life with no purpose.
a life spent without working towards something is a life with no purpose
a life spent working towards something is a life with a purpose (wageslaves have objectives too the boss doesn't just tell them to do irrelevant shit for the purpose of ordering them around)
therefore a life spent working towards something is not a wasted life
therefore your argument is objectively invalid. I only said I "disagree" to avoid being harsh

>> No.6651728

sounds like a wasted life to me

>> No.6651730

Lol it thinks we are arguing
summer etc etc
>using the name of a fallacy as counter argument
end yourself
if you wonder what fallacy i'm using right now it's called "ad fedoram"

>> No.6651735


>> No.6651737

whenever there are opposing claims there is necessarily an argument

>> No.6651738
File: 88 KB, 500x391, abb_robot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard workers need not be human.

>> No.6651773

On what account?

I shan't live to see the fruits of my labour beyond my passing, and I have no intention of having children to provide for (they would come out wrong).

Ideas like duty to the the state ring hollow for me, as by and large I have always lived on the margins of society.

I could, I suppose get a forty hour a week job and put money away 'til I'm grey, but by then I'll be too old and institutionalized to know what to do with freedom.

It is preferable, and more noble in my sight to live as I please to the greatest extent possible, rather than allowing myself to be forced to behave in a manner contrary to my nature because it is expected of me.

This is my rationale, perhaps it will promote understanding between us disparate souls, perhaps not.

>> No.6651813

maintaining ones own satisfaction is not an ultimate objective. sure you want to do whatever you want to do all the time, but that doesn't distinguish you from a child

people who work are working on something which serves some purpose to society rather than just enjoying the perks of society without contributing anything to it themselves. that's why I see the NEET life as a wasted life

>> No.6651833

My life is, from the perspective of the government, who provided me with free education and healthcare from infancy, a categorical waste of resources.

On the other hand, enjoying my life to it's fullest extent and avoiding unnessecary suffering, is from my perspective, the most worthwhile thing in the universe.

One of the most commonplace deathbed confessions of our age: the now cliche "I wish I'd spent more time living and less time working" sums it up for me.

>> No.6651850

all you're doing is stating the obvious which is that people want to do what they want to do. sure someone might wish they spent more time enjoying themselves but that could just be an effect of investing their efforts into a failing company etc which has no tangible outcome of their work that they be responsible for so in looking back on it the way they lived seemed like a waste (when in reality their life would have been wasted anyways)

>> No.6651857

read this in a stream of consciousness style im here for myself not to put in work for you

>> No.6651965


>people want things
>they can't have them
>because i say so
>i choose to suffer out of a misguided sense of nobility so it's unfair if you do not also suffer
>children are bad, it is bad to think with the optimism and sincerity of a child, you must delude yourself into believing work is noble, because otherwise you faced with the life you've wasted

>> No.6651998

You're still not convincing me that I should consider living a life of indolence a waste of my time.

A waste of other people's investments in me perhaps, but they should have read the market projections first.

My priorities are not theirs.

>> No.6652085

>one needs ultimate objectives
>one must distinguish oneself from a child by putting on a serious face and doing boring things

Well spook'd.