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/lit/ - Literature

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6636149 No.6636149 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I'm a bit new here and I don't really read much. I wanted to start reading to expand my knowledge a bit and I was told by you guys to start with the book "Finnegan's Wake" by James Joyce to:
>gain a foundation for basic literature

Literally what the fuck is this shit? I picked this up at my bookstore and I just started reading it earlier today. I'm like 10 pages in and I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on. What was the purpose of this fucking book?

Can someone explain this nonsense to me?

>> No.6636156


It's a pretty easy book to get into for beginners. Maybe you're just not suited for literature. Sorry, some people's minds are just made for vidya and anime.

>> No.6636159

You've come to the wrong place to call James Joyce shit.

>> No.6636162

>it's an easy book to get into for beginners

Okay you fucking faggot, tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean, then:

>The fall (bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner-ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthur — nuk!) of a once wallstrait oldparr is retaled early in bed and later on life down through all christian minstrelsy.

Was this guy on drugs or something?

how did this even get published

>> No.6636166
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Lol, if you can't even handle Finnegan's Wake, how the fuck are you ever going to handle The Sun Also Rises or The Island?

>> No.6636174

You are quite the pompous little fagfart aren't you? OP, don't worry if you can't get into it. Put it down and read something else. Lit is known for riding on their high horses and acting like they're better than everyone. You can always come back to Joyce later.

>> No.6636175
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>> No.6636179

It's like book acid. Let it open up your mind, mannnnn.

Let tit riverrun threw ye and purifee ya well-wall of Anglish. A whet roarck to hown yer swords of speeeech.

>> No.6636181

my brain melted into keks

>> No.6636196


>> No.6636204

This is trolly bullshit, OP.

>> No.6636206 [SPOILER] 
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>What is satire?

You should probably read something a bit more simple until you can grasp such tough concepts.

>> No.6636208


If you're confused about the word, bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk, I'm guessing you can't have passed grade school. It's one of the book's "thunderwords" and combines the different words for "thunder" used in various languages.

>> No.6636211

That my friend is a thunderword

>> No.6636215

OP, this board is full of assholes who will try to fuck with you. Lurk some more and find more accessible tecxts. Seriously, Hemingway's Sun Also Rises is a great book for exploring how style creates meaning. The Great Gatsby is also a terrific read.

>> No.6636217
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>> No.6636218

If you read it aloud it will trigger a grand mal seizure. Or is it petite?

>> No.6636222


>Spoon feeding this hard

If they don't have the sense to see obvious banter and satire for what it is or just googling the name of the book they were given, they probably shouldn't try to into literature.

>> No.6636223

Style! Creates meaning!

>> No.6636233

>The fall

>bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner-ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthur — nuk!
Onomatopoeia of the sound of a waterfall, spliced with words in archaic languages related to loud noises.

>wallstrait oldparr
Juxtaposition of the mythical "Old Parr Thomas" with Wallstreet

>retaled early in bed
Sold at the beginning of life

>all christian minstrelsy
Reference to Christy's Minstrels, a minstrel performance group.

Don't blame the author because you're too pleb to understand it.

>> No.6636237

All lies.

>> No.6636238

All pleb.

>> No.6636240

>recommending pleb fodder

>> No.6636264

Don't even try it, this board is full of Reddit and Tumblr cancer

>> No.6636269

I luld.

>> No.6636273

You can't even understand something as simple as Finnegans Wake? Or realize that there's no apostrophe in it? Toppleb.

>> No.6636278

Me soides.

>> No.6636361

when the fuck did /lit become so easy to troll i swear it used to be slightly (ok not much but still) harder to troll you guys

>> No.6636382

Fuck off faggot I just finished reading Homer's Aenid

>> No.6636389

You've been rused my friend.

>> No.6636393

Awwwww shit. Fight, fight, fight.

>> No.6636413

Dear god I have never l laughed so hard in My life. If you are over the age of 14, reevaluate your life or consider yourself a failure.

>> No.6636427

did you even read boccaccio's adventures of achilles and friends first?

>> No.6636434

>he actually started with the Greeks
You have failed. You have been deceived and trolled by 4chan. I would not put it in such simple terms if I did not think your simple brain could handle anything but blunt reality

>> No.6636456
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>the aeneid
are you being really subtle?

>> No.6636480

Pleb here, hardest thing I've ever read was probably a tale of two cities. Could I enjoy war and peace?

>> No.6636493

that depends on why you found a tale of two cities difficult

>> No.6636496

It might be a bit long. If you learn speed reading first, it will help.

>> No.6636498

and yet ppl are still gonna get triggered

>> No.6636499

it was a few years ago, but i remember feeling like they could have explained everything with a lot less words

>> No.6636506
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>Homer's Aenid

>> No.6636511

Yes. it's an easy read, just long.

>> No.6636512

Boy, are you not going to be a fan of War and Peace

I mean, you could probably read it, but boy, would you hate it

>> No.6636514

war and peace isn't particularly difficult but it is rather verbose
tolstoy also has a thing for going off on several historical tangents and related monologuing
i don't think you'll like it

>> No.6636519

this is definitely a troll; if not well done
somebody who doesn't google a book deserves it

>> No.6636532

I dunno, some of the kids who post here are definitely retarded enough to actually go out and buy Finnegans Wake without knowing anything about it.

>> No.6636539

this is either fake, in which case its a good as hell thread, or its real, in which case its a good as hell thread

>> No.6636742

what's the best way to into james joyce

where do i start

>> No.6638087

I went Stephen the hero at 17 I think then Dubliners of curse and now at 20 yeah the full price Dublinsalem

>> No.6638145

>I really relate to this character :^)

>> No.6638152

do more

>> No.6638160

nice, man: really groovy, super cool, keep it up

>> No.6638167

was it not stephen hero?

>> No.6638178

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6638974


I'll actually explain you fucking plebs.

>the fall
obviously referring to the fall of man, a theme of all of Joyce's works, but esp. Ulysses and Finn Wake. In the story, Finnigan, while drunk, falls off his ladder and dies. He later rises from the dead. There are many ways to interpret the fall of man, but one thing is sure, since Finnigan is the one falling (and we're talking about the fall of man) Finnigan thus represents Man and his story is our story. The novel begins with the Fall because everything begins with the Fall, let's sure where it takes us. (Spoiler: around and around forever, the first sentence: riverrun... is actually the second part of the last sentence).

>(bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner-ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthur — nuk!)
As someone else said, it's a combination of "thunder" in different languages and is obviously the sound he makes he falls and probably hits al the rungs on the ladder. The concept of thunder is also commonly equated with God or the greatest of Gods (think Zeuss or Odin). So we see the Fall as an act of God, among other things.

>of a once wallstrait oldparr
Actually does refer to Wall Street as someone who wasn't taken seriously said, specifically the Wallstreet Crash of 1929. This is, of course, representative of human civilization crashing, as Wall Street and the stock exchange is in a way the backboneof our capitalistic society. Strait is difficulties.

Oldparr is a reference to Thomas Parr, don't feel like explaining, it's not that interesting.

retelling, or telling over and over again. The story is circular and repeats forever, as said above.

>early in bed
since the beginning/since a child (think bedtime stories)/conception

>and later on life
again and again/ also could be read as "later, on life" in others about life

what the minstrels sing about. Christian myth and history is a theme of all of Joyce's works.

Obviously this is very surface but it gives you a sense of what is going on, at least.

And yes, I know this is bait, but I'm sure others are interested as well.

>> No.6639378

ignore the brackets and it says "The fall of a once wallstrait oldparr is retaled early in bed and later on life down through all christian minstrelsy"

The bracketed word is an amalgamation of various thunder words, it highlights the pun Joyce is going for, he is talking about Finnegan falling off his ladder whilst simultaneously talking about The Fall, as in the moment when Adam and Eve pissed off God in the Garden of Eden, hence the bit about christian minstrelsy.

>> No.6639390

also retaled / retailed

>> No.6639393


Go away, you're not one of us.

>> No.6640147

>And the all gianed in with the shoutmost shoviality.

>> No.6640230

Sun Also Rises is much easier IMO

>> No.6640363

>falling for the Joyce meme

Just read some cormac mcarthy

>> No.6640500

>falling for the mccarthy meme

Just read some DFW.

>> No.6640507

>falling for the dfw meme

read some john green

>> No.6640518

>falling for the green meme

Unspook yourself with some Stirner

>> No.6641777

I tip my fedora to you, good sir. Well meme'd.

>> No.6641787


>> No.6641795

Review of the hungry caterpillar for you

and for everyone else

a collection of love letters sent by Joyce to his lover/wife. They are very dirty. Enjoy

>> No.6641871
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>implying the sun also rises is more difficult than finnegan's wake
even if this is satire you are fucking retarded

>> No.6641904

Omg anon, you should have totally started with the man without qualities instead: it's a super cool book about a serial killer and the incest between a brother and a sister, it's almost like one of those /gif/ thread made into a book

>> No.6641933

>learning about different worlds and lives is one of the most important reasons for reading books
What? No. You read books for their structure, not to learn about the world.

>> No.6641936

In case someone actually wants to read Finnegans Wake:


It really helped me, I got through about a third of the book so far and feel like I atleast somewhat grasped it.

>> No.6641939

>falling for the forehead meme
I don't know where to go from here.

>> No.6641999

How is this book considered good if no one can read it? Isn't the point of language to communicate with other people?

>> No.6642014

>Isn't the point of language to communicate with other people?
Yeah, and it does.

It also transcends the good-bad-dychotomy. :^)

Memes aside, it is an amalgam of basically all of western culture. It is not really a "good book" in the sense that you read it and then close it and that's it. It's much rather something work through, to test your literary knowledge, to stroll across and to pick up things that you find interesting once you notice the inherent structure.

>> No.6644073
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I suggest reading his earlier works such as Dubliners or Portrait of the Artist before beginning Finnegan's Wake.