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6632959 No.6632959 [Reply] [Original]

"1 book until its done" or "Multiple books at the same time"


>> No.6632971

1 at a time. Or else I'll never finish.

>> No.6632981

I keep saying to myself "I'm just going to read 1 book at a time from now on, to fully focus on just that book and not spend a month on 3 or 4 books at a time."
Sadly, I keep getting over enthousiastic and I never do.

>> No.6632986

shit bread tbh

>> No.6632988

I like multiple books but I make a rule only to have 2. When I lose steam on one i'll switch. But I must read at least a chapter in both books per week.

>> No.6632991

I think 1 is best (for besy digestive understanding). However, I also think between 1-2 books is doable.

>> No.6632994


>> No.6632998

1 fiction
1 nonfiction

>> No.6633006
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muh nig

>> No.6633055

This is good

also i sometimes read an easy book for the sake of entertainment whilst reading a harder, more dense book for the sake of art. I do this with film as well.

>> No.6633063

Depends, if I'm reading while preparing an exam, if the "main" book is gripping me enough, if something fun and brief pops up on the side...

For instance, the last couple of weeks I've been reading the Book of the New Sun as a main, a couple of Terry Pratchett's books on my phone as pdfs when I wanted something light and fairly mindless, Hegel and Heidegger for an exam. Gets pretty cramped after a while though.

>> No.6633089

Are you a P or a J?

I'm an ENTP

>> No.6633094

One Doorstop and then poetry/short stories/novellas

>> No.6633163

1 fiction, 1 none

I also sometimes cheat on finishing the fiction, sometimes i read 50~ pages of my next book when i'm near the end of the one im reading.

>> No.6633177

I don't think having multiple books going at one time is a bad thing. For people that read a lot, they want to switch it up. Otherwise you plow through books too quickly. It makes sense for people who don't read much to read one at a time, but if you're reading for hours a day, you want to have a few.

>> No.6633192

One book get bored don't read for three months.

>> No.6633202
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1 in English 1 in Latin

If I don't constantly read some Latin my comprehension degrades, so I am always at least reading 1 book in Latin if not a second in English.

>> No.6633208

How do I teach myself latin? ( assuming you're not shitpisting)

>> No.6633280
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I took it in college, and instead of quitting I bought a Jerome's Vulgate to keep reading some easier, yet still real, latin; now, I am about to attempt to read Livy.

If you want to learn I must suggest Cambridge's Reading Latin course as that is what our classical department used; however, I have heard that Wheelock's is better, so maybe look into that course as well. I also suggest Mark Williams's Essential Latin Vocabulary; he used statistics to determine the 1,425 most common latin words in the classical literature, so by learning these words you will be able to more efficiently read. I also like Leo Stelton's Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin; this has helped with the Vulgate, although I am not sure it will serve me as well with pagan classical texts. It comes in a sturdy hardback with thick, crisp pages; one of the best constructed dictionaries I own, Latin or otherwise.

Lastly, daily practice is imperative; progress will be slow, but in time you will see marked improvement. I kept myself motivated by considering the prospects of one day being able to read from a corpus of literature that spans over a thousand years and includes profound pagan and Catholic works.

Disclaimer: I am not a classics major; rather, I simply took Latin to fulfill my language requirement and ended up enjoying it immensely. I am no expert.

>> No.6633284

*instead of quitting when I was done with my required 3 semesters. I was a bit vague there.

>> No.6633289

One book in English and another in French.

>> No.6633317


>> No.6633854

Generally 1 fiction, 1 non-fiction but when I was reading War and Peace I allowed myself to read other books on the side.

>> No.6633967

2 or 3. I feel like I'm finishing them too quickly otherwise.

>> No.6633985

Multiple books at a time, read over and over, or certain passages I will look up when I need some reflection on certain things.

>> No.6633987

100 pages of one book, then 100 pages of another, then back to another 100 pages of the first, and so on.

>> No.6634004 [DELETED] 

1 novel
1-3 short story collections
1-2 non-fiction

>> No.6634008

0-1 novel
1-3 short story collections
1-2 non-fiction

>> No.6634011

5 at a time, successively stopping somewhere in the middle to pick up a different one, never finishing anything.

>> No.6634276


>> No.6634285

lol what

>> No.6634875

1 book. Any more than that and I neglect the 2nd book like an ugly middle child.

>> No.6634885

1 at a time for me.

Out of curiosity, how do you read short story collections? Just you just power through all the stories one after the other? Or one then take a break for a little bit before another?

>> No.6634904

I think if you have a ton of brain space to spare it's very economic to read multiple books at the same time. Personally, I need to read one book at a time because I like to really immerse myself in the story. There's a point in reading where you don't feel like you're reading a book anymore, you're just living out the story and that's what I like reading books for generally.

>> No.6634908

depends on the size of the books and the state of my anus