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660917 No.660917 [Reply] [Original]

Epic fantasy novels without elves, dwarfs, goblins, orcs, boats, enchanted swords, a desert land, desert people, barbarians, an archer woman, political intrigue, a coming of age story and of course a dark lord. Go?

>> No.660922

Okay, so you take away staple fantasy races? Fair enough.
You take away desert and northern people? Fair enough.
You take away staple characters and obvious magic? Fair enough.

But no boats? Especially no political intrigue? What the hell? What do you have left? Farming?

>> No.660925

was going to say wheel of time but yeah got some of those last ones

thats what i was thinking lol

>> No.660927

The fuck?

>> No.660928

And the spaces in between those farms, chocked full of monsters, I'm sure!

Except goblins and orcs, of course.

>> No.660929

What's wrong with boats?

>> No.660932

Old and creaky, plus pirates are bound to invade and take up 10 or 20 pages.

>> No.660935

Anything by China Mieville.

>> No.660939

Oh, whoops. The entirety of The Scar takes place on a boat city. Nevermind.

>> No.660940

I... suppose you could tell some kind of mundane redemption tale about a knight defending some farm village from an onslaught of... uh... well any monster that is not a goblin or an orc.

>> No.660942

I think China Mieville would take exception to a claim that every book he's written is epic fantasy.

>> No.660943

A Song of Ice and Fire series includes many of these but in believable levels

>> No.660944
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>implying that I write

>> No.660947

then it's disqualified, no exceptions

>> No.660948

I guess. Fantasy is fantasy too me. Further diluting the genre with adjectives seems pointless.

He can be a cool kid and call it 'weird fantasy' if he wants.

>> No.660951

Damn, I should have put in oriental-like people in. Hmm, oh well..

>> No.660953

New weird is rather vaguely defined, but epic fantasy isn't, and the OP was specifically asking for epic fantasy.

That's why the requirements are pretty much impossible to fulfill.

>> No.660955

The Gunslinger?

>> No.660957

the Canterbury tales maybe?

>> No.660959

>a desert land

>> No.660960


>> No.660961

Isn't it more of a wasteland?

>> No.660964

i'd read a novel on op

>> No.660966

Good point.

>> No.660967

If it was about a land full of wastes, then it would make sense, but you're using the word in the sense that means a desert. Calling something by another word doesn't make it another thing.

>> No.660971

True but it gave me the desert land feel.

>> No.660974

Why single out political intrigue? Its hardly a staple of the genre.

>> No.660976

The Gormenghast series? The entire story takes place within a castle of titanic proportions. There's no magic, and all of the characters are human.

>> No.660978

political intrigue.

>> No.660979

If I wanted cheesy politics instead of mindless escapism I'd turn on fox news.

>> No.660980

I think The Name of the Wind fits what you're looking for, though my memory may be foggy.

>> No.660982

I'm not the OP, but I can't off the top of my head come up with a single epic fantasy series that doesn't have either a dark menace or political machinations going on.

I can't even see how you could write an epic scale plot without both. One of them, yes, but both? Countries fighting countries? People taking on a dark lord? You're bound to get either one, right?

>> No.660984

I thought so too, but it's kind of a coming of age story, though.

>> No.660985

You pretty much just eliminated everything that makes epic fantasy what it is. All you need to do is cut out elves too. Worthless troll attempt.

>> No.660988

Or a fantastical account of an adventurer traveling through a strange and hostile world. Epic sized, of course.

By God, could it be?

>> No.660989


>> No.660992

Troll /lit/? No thank you, we've got /a/ and /co/ for that.

Keep em coming, guys!

>> No.660993

The first book could just barely fit the limitations, but it isn't epic fantasy, and it has a lot of stuff that's borderline, namely political intrigue and a coming of age story.

>> No.660994

How would it be epic sized if its a single adventurer? Just because he travels a lot doesn't mean it's epic if the focus is local.

>> No.660998

Two, three, six... whatever! I'm justing looking for a typical fantasy minus the stuff I listed above.

>> No.661007

The Mistborn Trilogy

>> No.661010

I never read those books. I stopped after they started swallowing metal. Hold on, I'll wiki it.

>> No.661013

That's one of the main draws of the series. A type of power that actually has a physical fuel.

>> No.661015

That's great, but it appears to fall under "political intrigue". Try again.

>> No.661018

have I exhausted the geniuses of /lit/?

>> No.661026

One Kingdom: Book One of the Swans War by Sean Russell . I think just has humans. Though I only got to the second chapter. If anyone has read furtherer please correct.

>> No.661027

Jeff Vandermeer, Finch. Sort of.

>> No.661029

The lies of Locke Lamore. You'll love the gentlemen bastards!

>> No.661031

confirmed for attention whore

>> No.661033

from amazon:
>This first book in a new fantasy series starts more than a century after the war that was caused for lack of a successor to King Wyrr's throne. Running beneath a strained peace is a deep hatred between the royal houses of Renn‚ and Wills....

>> No.661041

Steph Swainston, the Year of Our War

>> No.661044

I can't tell from amazon, but it doesn't appear to be epic fantasy. Has anyone read this book?

>political intrigue

>> No.661047

from amazon:
>Ms. Swainston mixes political intrigue...

>> No.661050

I'm hittin' the hay for a bit, /lit/, I'll check back later.

>> No.661051

I think your definition of political intrigue needs to be refined. A book with some sort of ruler in it does not make it intrigue.

>> No.661053

Any epic fantasy tropes you actually accept OP? And some of those aren't unique to fantasy, do you hate coming of age stories in other genres?

Fuck it, try American Gods, unless that counts as political intrigue. Or something.

>> No.661056

It has an enchanted spear. And probably a female archer on one page. And maybe a dark lord, sort of. I'm sure out OP would hate it.

>> No.661058

No. It has a dwarf in it.

>> No.661063

ITT: OP hates everything ever.

>> No.661093

Mists of avalon? Is it fantasy? i think it should be...

>> No.661102

It probably has a political intrigue, or one character who comes of age, or one fucking boat. You can't please the OP. He is unpleasable.

>> No.661122

The Spice and Wolf light novels I guess. Although I think there may be some boats at some points.

>> No.661129

fuuuuuuuuu forgot about the political bit.

>> No.661131

what is left of the epic fantasy genre if you remove all of the above mentioned by op?

>> No.661134

Leave this place

>> No.661148 [DELETED] 

There's also governments manipulating currency. That's political intrigue.

>> No.661149

There are also governments manipulating currency. That's political intrigue.

>> No.661172

I think it's more economic than political.

>> No.661186

Yes, but they did it so their currency would be used more / become richer at the expense of other countries (I can't remember if it was either or both). They're linked pretty firmly together.

>> No.661195

OP here. I will not read anything that involves sunlight or the sense of hearing.

>> No.661269

Fuck you, I lol'd and spit out the water I was drinking.

>> No.661567

How about you start reading crime dramas?

>> No.661572

American Gods?
Ashes of the Sun has goblins and political intrigue but the goblins are not standard and it passes on everything else. That's about as close as I can get.

>> No.661573

Malazan book of the Fallen has what your looking for.

Fortunately it is also on the God-Tier level on fantasy

>> No.661615


Not really. It has Enchanted Swords, boats (quite a lot of boats), a desert island, barbarians and a dark lord. Also, it's mediocre at the best of times.

>> No.661634

Robin Hobb's "Farseer" and "Tawny Man" trilogies are about as low-fantasy as you can get.

Political intrigue is about as close as it gets.

>> No.661636

Malazan Book of the Fallen? Are you serious?

That has all kinds of crazy magic, dark lords, political intrigue, creatures, etc....

>> No.661638


Oh wow someone else on /lit/ has at the very least heard of Hobb.

>> No.661643

Hobb was one of my favorite authors. I didn't like the trilogy she most recently wrote, though - the Soldier's Son trilogy was just kinda meh.

>> No.661654


Became a rather big fan of her after reading Farseer. Soldier's Son was however slightly underwhelming. She has started a new one, something to do with the shipping trilogy, what led to it I believe.

>> No.661670

Well...there are lots of boats, two or three enchanted (or maybe more like cursed) swords, three books out of eight are set in a desert, barbarians are almost everywhere, and political intriques are definitely there too.

Gardens of the Moon are pretty close though...there are just the political intriques.

>> No.661675

The story I haven't finished writing yet, but that depends how far you stretch the definition of "elf."

>> No.661684

Clearly you didn't read the OP.
>Epic fantasy novels without elves

He does _not_ want all that stuff. That's the point.

>> No.661702

Yeah, I got that, I just replied to a different post accidentaly...meant to reply to >>661573

>> No.661724

The only fantasy story I can think of that fits this is the story of Planescape: Torment. There is even a novelisation of it on the internet, could be it considered a novel then?

>> No.661757


Too bad the novelization sucks monkey balls.

>> No.662043
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this book (book 1 from the avatar series, forgotten realms)

just human race stories and gods.

>> No.662054

You could read Bernard Cornwell and just pretend it isn't historical. A lot of the crap isn't true anyhow.

>> No.662070

Maybe some michael moorcock?
Not Elric obviously

>> No.662072

Doesn't he tell everyone that he writes sci-fi?

Not that it matters. The guy sucks no matter what he thinks he writes.

>> No.662079

The Drawing of The Dark by Tim Powers.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it you cunts.

>> No.662098

What about the longsword? And boats on the Danube?

>> No.662120

Look up Almuric by Robert Howard. Might fit the bill...
The Dungeon series might work as well.

>> No.662123

Certain books of the bible?

>> No.662192

What about the Thomas Covenant series? He pretty much says 'Fuck that' to the political intrigue

>> No.662217
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That Greg Bear fantasy series what started out with The Infinity Concerto.

>> No.662242

His Dark Materials

Mortal Engines

and so on

>> No.662260

Cough dark lord cough

>> No.662298

Prince of Nothing's good. there's plenty of politics, magic, desert races, and barbarians though. i really dont know what you're expecting OP

>> No.662307
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>> No.662311
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>> No.662315
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>> No.662383


This is what I do, and it works just fine.

>> No.662390

This was the first thing that popped into my head, but damn if it doesn't have a kickass enchanted sword.

>> No.662428
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>> No.662510

OP is a troll who carefully constructed a list which would cancel out any and all fantasy books, and a good chunk of any other genre really.

>> No.662594


The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.662624


>Lord of the Rings

>> No.662724

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed..."

Yeah it is a desert.

>> No.662737

Coldfire Trilogy.

>> No.662749

The Solomon Kane stories, while not epic novels, might work.

>> No.662768
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>> No.662770

Other than one or two uneventful boat trips, this actually fits the criteria.

>> No.662772
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>> No.662775
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>> No.662777
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>> No.662779
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>> No.662785
File: 20 KB, 316x475, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.662790
File: 28 KB, 309x475, Latro in the Mist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.662793
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>> No.662798

Oh shit yes. This this this.

>> No.662815
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>> No.662823

the fuck? African fantasy? explain this shit

>> No.662876
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OP here, just got back from work. I've briefly read into all suggested novels and NONE of them fit my criteria. Some of them come pretty damn close, but fail on either the dark lord or coming of age aspects. Also, Greg Bear's books are science fiction, not epic fantasy. Try again!

>> No.662891

sci fi challenge
Sci fi novel without aliens, space travel, computers, technology, the future, speculation, conversations, a story involving characters, and of course, AI. Go?

>> No.662897

political intrigue.

>> No.662903

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

>> No.662906

political intrigue.

>> No.662910



At this point you can define political intrigue as "any Man vs. Man plot"

>> No.662915

no, just political ones.

>> No.662930

The hell is wrong with the Coldfire Trilogy?

>> No.662945


>> No.662951

Actually, Chronicles of the Black Company fits pretty much all those.

No elves dwarves, goblins, or orcs. Some supernatural creatures appear at various points but they are rare.

No boats. Travel is rare in the world of Black Company and people don't travel beyond view of shore even when they do go out in boats.

No enchanted swords. One enchanted spear in the later books though.

No desert land or desert people or barbarians.

No archer woman.

Very little political intrigue. Some serious military intrigue, but mostly politics is just the stuff that people fondly remember before they Black Company shows up and starts wrecking their shit.

No coming of age story. All the POV characters are old fucks.

THERE IS however a dark lord. And a couple dark ladies.

>> No.662957

Except for the whole Napoleanic War political intrigue thing.

>> No.662962

Ah, I had my hopes up for a moment.

>> No.662981

Neither Norrell nor Strange did any grabbing for political power in that area. There was no struggle for leadership of the country, a company, or anything else. There was no level of intrigue whatsoever. Norrell was tricky about Lady Pole, but that was about it.

At the most you could say that Strange and Norrell's public spat about the nature of magic was almost an intrigue but again I say that if this disqualifies the book you might as well nix all man vs man plots.

>> No.662988

But is it "epic fantasy"?

>> No.662998

Watership Down. Suck it you asshole. Suck it long, and suck it hard.

>> No.663015

It's not political intrigue at all. It's dry, utilitarian, and not very important to the book. "Can you kill all their soldiers with magic?" "No, but I can make the grass fairly muddy so they don't march too fast." "Well, that'll have to do." Norrell never tried for intrigue, never tried to increase his wealth or political power with his magic.

>> No.663026

It's set in a parallel world and alternate history. If you define epic fantasy as taking place in an entirely fictional place (Dun'ge'd'sdd planet in Powoel'rffk' galaxy) then no, it's not epic fantasy.

>> No.663028
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>General Woundwort falls under "dark lord"


>> No.663036

I guess it's DISQUALIFIED then. Nice try.

>> No.663044

damn, this is tricksy

Curse of Chalion?

>> No.663050
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lol no

>> No.663057

If you take all of those, it wouldn't be epic fantasy. Especially enchanted swords. Those are the best.

>> No.663074

I'm starting to get the feeling there is no right answer

>> No.663080

Has my challenge finally beaten /lit/? Is there not at least ONE book out of the millions out there that falls under my criteria?

>> No.663081


what, cause there's a boat in one scene?

>> No.663082

Shadowmancer was pretty cool as far as pseudo-Christian fantasy books go.

>> No.663083

Also no guns, parents, or POLITICAL INTRIGUE.

>> No.663084

It might be a little bit on the side of a coming of age theme, since the main character was a teenage boy, but other then that it fits all of OP's other criteria.

>> No.663086

>The story... concerns the evil sorcerer the Reverend Obadiah Demurral... who is seeking two powerful amulets... which he plans to use to control the elements and dominate the world.

>> No.663087


fuck yeah, saberhagen for the win

and screw you OP you wouldn't appreciate the book of swords. GTFO

>> No.663088


or maybe I'll GTFO since it's your topic. Meh.

>> No.663091

so can we get some description of what "political intrigue" means in your opinion OP? Because I think Dr. Norrell and Mr. Strange might do it.

>> No.663094

He's a false priest, far from a "Dark Lord". Unless by dark lord you mean any antagonist ever?

>> No.663098

not OP, but "evil sorcerer" sounds analogous to dark lord to me... just saying...

>> No.663101

Shade's Children?

>> No.663105


He's trying to take over the fucking world with magic. Also, see >>663084

>> No.663109

It was disqualified on the "epic fantasy" criterion, because it does not take place in a completely alternate world.

>> No.663111


haha, good one

>> No.663112

Harry Dresden!

>> No.663115

not epic fantasy

>> No.663119

coldfire trilogy by CS friedman

>> No.663122
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ITT: Most successful troll in the history of /lit/. Subtle and clever, OP. I commend you.

>> No.663123


>>662770 is a cause for disqualification

>> No.663124

Lord Darcy

>> No.663127

I like this thread because people are suggesting non LOTR fantasy... (I have much less stringent conditions than OP, lol)

>> No.663129


this thread is entertaining, so stfu

>> No.663133

Collections of short stories are not novels, and the novels that do feature the character are not epic fantasy.

>> No.663135

Read lovecraft....and preternd there is a good guy beating cthullu.

>> No.663138

Well, if you leave the few and far apart amounts of Boats.
The Magic World at war series from Harry Tutledove is great. Though there's a teeny bit of political intruige, desert lands, desert people, and coming of age, they're not the main story.
since it revolves around about fifteen different viewpoint characters you can just skip the ones that have those interactions. Seriously though, for me, it was like putting ten books into six books... if that makes sense...

>> No.663140

All of Lovecraft can't get past this rule:
>no dark lords

>> No.663142



I agree. The good trolls usually are.

>> No.663143


Also, because it's not epic FANTASY

>> No.663145

Little, Big by John Crowley

>> No.663146

>Though there's a teeny bit of political intruige, desert lands, desert people, and coming of age, they're not the main story.

>> No.663149

LOL, how did i miss that point?

>> No.663154

the flying sorcerers by larry niven and david gerold

>> No.663156

It's not in the main sotry though you can LITERALLY skip it if you so wished so like.. hmm. The story of Skarnu and how he becomes a renegade and fights the opressing army and such. no boats, political intruige or the like, so it's perfectly fine. But Ealstan's story is a coming of age one, so you'd skip it.
Oh by the way Lots of sex in these books so it's good just for that reason alone.

>> No.663157
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>> No.663161

>sci fi

>> No.663183


does that mean he found it?

>> No.663184

I argue that, while it seemingly fits under all of the criteria I have set forth, it is not what is commonly accepted as an "epic fantasy" novel. It is epic in length, to be sure, but it doesn't feature many of the key features that would make it fall under this genre, such as wizards and huge multi layered alternate worlds. I submit to that this novel is just normal "fantasy", and not "epic fantasy"

>> No.663187

there is no good reason to exclude political intrigue

>> No.663190


i suppose that's what makes it a challenge

>> No.663198

Whew, /lit/ really picked up the pace for a while. Unfortunately, we have yet to find an epic fantasy novel that fit my specifications. Keep on trying, guys!

>> No.663202


your conditions are getting fuzzy

>> No.663204

Fantasy is not the same as epic fantasy, I'll say that right now.

>> No.663207


define "epic"

>> No.663213


>> No.663215

Sharing Knife by Bujold

>> No.663220

Dragonriders of Pern

>> No.663231

>grand struggle against supernatural, evil forces
>elves, fairies, dwarves, magic or sorcery, wizards or magicians, invented languages, quests, coming-of-age themes

Ah, I see. You want epic fantasy that isn't epic fantasy.

>> No.663234

Urth of the New Sun. There might be a boat but you'll have to check me on this, my memory is faulty (unlike the main character's)

>> No.663241

And it's sci fi

I'll be back in a while, /lit/, keep em coming.

>> No.663244

I can think of a million things that fail this just because they have fucking boats in them. What the fuck?

>> No.663249

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

>> No.663261

I, for one, fucking LOVE reading epic fantasy in which elves, dwarves, men, orcs, wizards, vampires, zombies, dragons, and other such things strap on their armor, group up in armies, and beat the SHIT out of each other with magic swords and spears, and whatnot.

I love it almost as much as I love sci-fi about epic galactic civilizations grinding the shit out of each other with political maneuvering, huge armies, navies, or elite pilots/commandos/special forces unit of your choice here.

I was born and raised with Robin Hobb, Robert Jordan, Michael Moorcock, and Ursula K. LeGuin.

I grew up on The Chronicles of Prydain - a dashing tale of warfare, boyhood, bravery, kings, queens, princes, princesses, Dark Lords, wizards, knights, and pig farmers...

.... and my teenage years were full of the X-WING series by Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston, in which the New Republic sent its daring, dashing X-WING Pilots to strike at the ruins of the Galactic Empire, full of heroic pilots, exotic females of all species, elite special operation commandos, secret agents, political maneuvering and other brilliant things.

These books left a very indelible impression on me, perhaps even more so than my childhood favorite Redwall, or The Liveship Trader series, which I fell in love with in my teen years.

>> No.663272
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>> No.663275


>> No.663280
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>lol guys let's go on a book forum and not talk about books

excellent plan, anonymous

>> No.663293

Perdido Street Station.

I mean, fuck, there are boats. And the world has a desert land. BUT COME ON.

>> No.663296

This is the only book that passes the test. It has a multi-layered alternate reality and none of the stuff mentioned in the OP

>> No.663300

I'm pretty sure that the witch falls under "Dark Lord".

>> No.663304


OP should seriously read The Tale of Beren and Luthien.

Unless he hates DEM FUNNY NAMES, which seems to be an issue amongst a few discriminating fantasy readers.

>> No.663305


>> No.663311

Iron Tower

>> No.663315

The Talisman, Stephen King.

>> No.663318


>> No.663320


and while there are a number of amazonians, not a single one is an archer ;)

>> No.663331

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Wait. I think it had boats in it. Fuck.

>> No.663335

Orlando Innamorato

Now piss off.

>> No.663339


>> No.663378


>> No.663379


boats? wat?

>> No.663474


Probably the part with the mock turtle, it's been a while really since I read it...

>> No.663484

So your asking for historical fiction, right?

>> No.663498

nope, he'll piss and moan bout it not being epic fantasy

>> No.663512

Ok. Name a novel (of any kind) that does not have in it the following things:
Anthropomorphic animals
Anything anyone has ever thought of

>> No.663519



>> No.664028


This, this, this. A million times, this.

OP is asking for epic fantasy without the components that define epic fantasy.

It's like saying "Science Fiction with no advanced technology, speculative ideas, alternate history, time travel, transhumanism or aliens, and it can't be set in outer space or in the future."