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6632358 No.6632358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

But seriously, how do I get rid of this existential nihilism?

I don't want to be an insincere, overly self-aware ironic memer my entire life.

Where do I find the meaning in life /lit/? When does it start to feel good?

>> No.6632368

I too would like to know.

>> No.6632370

Imagine Sissyfussy happi.

>> No.6632371


>> No.6632401

read some Marx or discover God or make yr own meaning like the mustacheman said or learn to dance because dancing always feels good or do some drugs because they're supposed to feel goood or get really into conspiracy theories and figure out why you can't stop the bourgeois lizard people and then move onto some occultism to realize you can and that there is some crazy other shit in this world that you can believe or just kill yourself because nothing is worth it
these captchas are killing me; I just had to click on "pasta OR noodles"! There shouldn't have to be these complex-ass qualifiers for clicking on food groups, so maybe you can apply yourself to advancing understanding of Captchas and making a better system

>> No.6632406

You'll grow out of it. You'll stop being so sensitive. Just do something. Become active at something. You can't do anything if you worry about what you should be doing. Start with the Greeks, go to the gym, go out with your friends, do something for yourself.
If you hate yourself at the moment... Destroy what you are right now (not via suicide) and become a new person that can enjoy life even if it has no meaning or whatever. Don't worry about how. Just go.

>> No.6632412

This is the most 'liberal arts undergrad' post I've ever read.

>> No.6632416

>You'll grow out of it.

Pretty much this. It took me a good 4-5 years to grow out of it, and I was thinking I never would, but I finally did a year or two ago.

>> No.6632418

pretty much this, but suicide is always an option

>> No.6632432

>make your own meaning


>> No.6632459

Embrace the meaningless of life and begin on a path that will set you above the mindless masses: the search for knowledge and a greater understanding of existence and the universe.

OR: do what all people in your situation have considered doing at one point, kill yourself.

>> No.6632471

You don't, either the molecular structure of your brain lines just so or it doesn't, there is no you and there is no action, only changes in the distribution of matter and energy in spacetime.

>> No.6632478


>implying life is for feeling good

Sure, life feels good sometimes - if you think life is for feeling good, that's your problem - that's your problem.

>> No.6632481

try quitting 4chan; the people here are poisonous and it gets worse everyday.
If you're overly self-aware and insincere, maybe try identifying how you really feel about a thing and don't deliberate too long and just say it. Saying what you mean is a good quality that there ain't enough of.
also I fail to see how this is related to the topic of this board, which is literature

>> No.6632488

Become a pleb. Start subscribing to commercial literature, music and film. Start reading the Daily Mail; obsess over celebrities and that one day you might be as rich as them, able to buy all the clothes you'd ever want!

Turn the Game of Thrones book series into your bible

>> No.6632494

You watch the movie Naked and realize what happens to your kind.

>> No.6632511

>Saying what you mean is a good quality that there ain't enough of.
>implying people take kindly to people who dislike things they like

>> No.6632523
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>i don't want to be a memer
but memes are fun

>> No.6632527

I don't mean be an asshole! We all know no one argues in real life the way they would on the internet except in greentext stories. Maybe I should've added a "be civil" because I mostly meant this all within a social sphere.

>> No.6632537

Don't do this, OP. My stepmother is the same way and its not pretty. She used to read a buncha philosophy and literature when she was young but then embraced plebbery later on. She still seems ironic in all her enjoyment of Judge Judy and reality shows and is always playing dumb but its really transparent. There is no way back and if you do look back, you become an insufferable monster of inscrutable intentions. Find another way.

>> No.6632550

When you hit the lowest of the low, when your soul turns into a clay cast of emptiness and you drown your hopes in the shit and piss and blood and cum of the everyday, then something might happen.

I have no guarantees though. It's as tricky as it gets. Good luck.

>> No.6632639

Anything other than Michael Bay/Marvel films, Genre Fiction, and the Daily Mail is pretentious wankery.

tfw my housemates actually held this view

>> No.6632648
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Go travelling m8

>> No.6632662

this is a quick but actually and totally right answer.

>> No.6632691
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>> No.6632694

Whoa, I just came here to make a similar thread.

But I'm looking specifically for psychological tricks/techniques to enjoy life more. So instead of feeling an empty nothingness after fulfilling a desire, I reframe it as a positive experience. The paradigm being that I love life and that it DOES matter that I fucked this girl and not some other girl or I did one thing and not another thing. Regardless of the fact that we all eventually perish and none of this will be remembered.

>> No.6632729

Stop using words like existential nihilism to make you feel good about being an apathetic teenager. If you're 'overly self aware', you're obviously not nihilistic

>> No.6632738
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tried reading the sticky?

>> No.6632757

This is NOT the answer you're looking for

>> No.6632772

For me, it was a girl I met. If I hadn't, I have no idea where'd I'd be today (although probably a lot more lost.) At some point, I think many of people have this experience, not just with girls, but with having an experience that sparks a thought paradigm shift. All you can do to ensure you receive one is to expose yourself to new things, and be present in everything you do. It's one thing to be physically present but mentally restraining yourself from the activity, and another to realize you are here, doing this, in the world, right now and take it on. If it enchants or scares you, live in it and appreciate it for what it is, so that you can walk away from it improved. Some people call it living vulnerably. This is not the panacea to your life problems, but it's a good place to start.

>> No.6632773


The fact that there's a sticky for existential crisis is pretty disillusioning within itself when you think about it.

>> No.6632793

Suicide is always the answer.

Everything else, religion, philosophy, etc. is just a justification for not killing yourself because you're a little bitch.

>> No.6632800
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>> No.6632806


understand that your self does not exist, for instance by noticing that you do not know why you love such or such things, why you have used such or such words in your message

try to answer why you need meaning, fulfilment and so on. I bet that when you were a child, you did needed none of those.

>> No.6632807

Read more philosophy. Existential nihilism is usually the result of your first experience of being able to doubt your previous verities in a serious way. You're still stuck at that place emotionally. When you spend more time in philosophy, your heart has time to adjust. You also need to find a thinker who is congenial to you, and true.

I'd say your best bet is William James. He's also a fine writer. If he doesn't work, Kant.

>> No.6632808

You don't. You either succumb to it (booze, pills, dope, suicide), or you adapt to it and learn to create your own meaning rather than looking for one that doesn't exist.

>> No.6632810

Start doing something.

Stop making of people who do something.

Recognize that there is no such thing as sincerity, and that an onion is nothing but its layers without a core.

>> No.6632968
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Embrace Epicureanism.

>> No.6632979

Islam. Give your life some order.

>> No.6632983

This. The nihilism doesn't go away, but your attitude towards it changes. It just sort of becomes normal and after a while you can't see what's wrong with it and what this supposed now absurd sounding 'meaning' was you used to be looking for and just live your life in the void that doesn't feel like a void any more.

>> No.6632993

People don't take kindly to people who disagree with them in a civil manner either.

>> No.6633029

Read Proust:


>> No.6633207

only cowards commit suicide m8

>> No.6633214

>Pretty much this. It took me a good 4-5 years to grow out of it, and I was thinking I never would, but I finally did a year or two ago.

Oh, she comes back again, and when she does she sinks her teeth a little deeper.

You're fine now, I presume; you're probably healthy, have a full head of hair, friends, aspirations, dreams, a potential future, but you're not 'cured'. Wait another decade or two. Wait until you have a wife you no longer have sex with - you lost interest after the first baby (which you regret having and being shackled to, but you're obliged to show the family photo's with a counterfeit grin), you're asking your wife to touch up the growing patch of greys with hair dye and a toothbrush, you're stuck in a job you started to hate years ago, and signed a mortgage agreement without really understanding how compound interest works, and every crease; every wrinkle glimpsed in the morning mirror reveals a little more death around the eyes. That's when she bites again, and she'll bite hard... She'll take a few nips at you along the way when you least expect it too.

If you make it there, she'll bite again hardest nearer the end. I remember my grandfather passing about five ago years now. He had both cancer and parkinsons. I remember my mother calling me right at the end and telling me I needed to get to the hospital. I understood the undertone. I didn't actually see him go; the last time I saw him was roughly four hours before he died, but he was surprisingly lucid considering his parkinsons. I remember looking down at this gaunt, emaciated man - and I know this sounds really fucking cold, but the most apt word I can find is pathetic. He had just shat himself, the catheter stuck down his urethra was leaking with urine slowly pooling beneath the collection bag, his muscle tissue and body fat was so diminished that his skeletal structure was lifting through his wrinkled skin like tent poles. All I could manage was, "You okay, grandad?" with an attempt at a reassuring half-smile. I know my eyes betrayed me, but his eyes were horrific. They wore pure undiluted terror mixed with an emotion I still can't place -- maybe jealousy? maybe pity that one day I'll be laying there too, subjecting my future grandchildren to the revolting onset of death? maybe something else entirely?

But those eyes told me the 'existential crisis'; the fear of death, the lack of meaning, the nothingness and irrelevance and pointlessness will never leave. She may leave you alone for a few years, but she will come back and bite you again.

A few months after his wake my mother, quite uncharacteristically, though obviously a reaction to her father passing, joined a yoga class. Having a look at her eyes revealed a small fraction of what I saw in my grandfathers, but it was there, and it was obvious. I could tell she had just been bitten again too.

>> No.6633218

There's a reason Sartre when back to The Church; there's no way out but through spooks. The question then is: can you ignore it when the little voice inside tells you to burn it all down?

>> No.6633219

Become the Uber mensch

>> No.6633222


>> No.6633254
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>not staying NEET forever

>> No.6633263

What a pussy...Leave your fucking wife and kid and go live your life, moron.
If you are not happy with them man up and do something.
Dont want to die like your granddad did? Man up and kill yourself when you know your going down.
If you cant do it dont complain but dont pretend you are helpless.
Im not saying ill be man enough for it, that remains to be seen but at least i dont wine like a broken faggot who is caging himself.

>> No.6633274
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What's a good "bootstrap"?
You probably know what I mean. Like, when it cripples you and, even when you think you know what to do, you can't push yourself to do it because of the accumulated apathy.
A big modern problem that goes along with this I think might be the dependence on easy but little satisfying things like shitposting on 4chan listening to music.
If I spend all day here I might feel like shit as always, but it's a way to spend time that keeps me away from trying to do other things that might better my condition on the long run.

>> No.6633295

This particular listlessness hits me hard when Im in a depression (kinda like now) where those short term pleaders i overrate because of my condition. But then when I'm not depressed there's never enough non-listlessness to make me want to further myself in anything but fiction . I wonder if it's because I've subconsciously tricked myself into thinking that's the only way for certainy of sorts.

>> No.6633323

You are just psychologically addicted. Its not a modern phenomena, its a human phenomena.
As you repeat certain things habits form and the yare hard to break. That is it, there is nothing special here.
All you gotta do is in a moment of decisiveness, which im sure you sometimes get despite your habitual life, change everything irreversibly towards a different direction.

>> No.6633352

>What a pussy...Leave your fucking wife and kid and go live your life, moron.
I'm not married. It was a hyperbolic observation of most middle aged males in western society.
>If you are not happy with them man up and do something.
See above.
>Dont want to die like your granddad did?
Don't particularly want to die at all: like my grandad or any other way. That's part of the problem, the fear of death.
>Man up and kill yourself when you know your going down.
Thank you for your advice, wise sage, I'm writing that down for future reference: "If you fear death, then attempt suicide." Genius.
>If you cant do it dont complain but dont pretend you are helpless.
There are a few flaws in this one, but I'll focus on the most glaring: "dont pretend you are helpless." So is there some 'help' I can seek to prevent death? The Samaritans perhaps?
>Im not saying ill be man enough for it, that remains to be seen but at least i dont wine like a broken faggot who is caging himself.
It's 'whine', and I'm not whining (though 'wine-ing' is a useful shield for some), and I'm not sure how I am caged or broken? I am a very happy person who knows that the problems of mortality are not a 'teenage fad' one gets over -- they are a reoccurring theme throughout ones life. The so-called, and somewhat fallacious, 'teenage existential crisis' and the 'mid-life crisis' are intrinsically linked.