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6625259 No.6625259 [Reply] [Original]

how much of a good/bad idea would it be to majoring in Philosophy?

>> No.6625264

If you have to think about it, then don't.

Why are you thinking about it, if I may ask?

>> No.6625266

Supposedly it's not terrible if you want to go to law school or something. Though that comes with it's own set of issues.

>> No.6625268



you're already the state's ideological whore. dont bother reading about why

>> No.6625270


Is that the only use? I want to major in philosophy but hate law.

>> No.6625271

If you're not serious about philosophy, it's a bad idea.

If you are serious about philosophy, it's a terrible idea.

>> No.6625274

Literally any degree will open up job opportunities, there are jobs that screen people solely on whether or not they have a college diploma and don't care what it's in. That said, education isn't just about a career, so if you are passionate about philosophy then do it.

>> No.6625276

Truism nonsense.

>> No.6625300

I'm undecided. It's between English, Math or Philosophy. I'm interested in all three.


>> No.6625310
File: 10 KB, 224x225, starcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, I'll take a venti mocha with a little bit of cream and a parfait to go please.

>> No.6625369


>literally making the same jokes that conservative babyboomer dads are making these days

woah look out next he'll throw some jabs at monica lewinsky

>> No.6625375

if you want to be an academic or lawyer it's good. If you want anything else it's bad. simple as that.

>> No.6625390
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What school are you going to?
There are many white collar jobs and graduate programs that don't care what you major in so long as you have a good GPA, demanding extracurriculars and internships. Many of these same jobs also place a great deal of importance on where you went, so that's useful info from a "can I get a job with this degree" perspective.

If you apply yourself, you'll sharpen your critical thinking, reading and argumentation skills beyond belief. If you skate through, you'll learn a lot of new names.

>> No.6625397

It's a cliche for a reason anon. Everyone, not just your dad, thinks you're destined to be a loser.

>> No.6625409

it's a good idea if you plan to be the next Zizek, Chomsky or even a fucking academic version of Sam Harris.
Go for it.

If you are a pussy and don't want to become famous, then enjoy being a faggot.

>> No.6625421

as long as you aren't planning on going into a profession for which there is a preprofessional program, most places do not care what you major in. if you plan to go to grad school then of course it matters what you major in

of course if you just want to skate by and have a job waiting for you at the end of your undergrad do cs

>> No.6625473


lol are you like one of those guys who is never cognizant that he's shitposting on 4chan when he says shit like this?

get off 4chan if you're such a winner.
go on. live your bravado, killer.

>> No.6625483

>Graduate with CS degree
>Discover interest in philosophy
>Want to go back to school but don't have time

>> No.6625491

how bad of an idea would it be to major in film restoration?

>> No.6625503


>mad because he wasted thousands of dollars to study something where a library card and a little dedication would have taken him much farther

>> No.6625511


"Every good mathematician is at least half a philosopher, and every good philosopher is at least half a mathematician."

Who said that? Only mode: no google

>> No.6625513

just choose the most boring law imaginable like family law or some shit. You still won't like your job, but it won't be uniquely bad, you'll be like any other pencil pusher.

>> No.6625526

A niche degree in a field where the objects in question get progressively more valuable. It's probably a good idea.

>> No.6625528

No, I didn't.

Still, it's difficult to get caught up in the conversation, really in the Analytic discipline. I recommended this:

Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.6625532

Philosophy is basically maths, so go with maths. You'll also get a job out of it.

>> No.6625537

>this is what NEETS actually believe

Reading about a subject on wikipedia doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6625550

why is futurism so dank?

>> No.6625551

There's no harm in at all if you have some pre-existing talent for it. A helpful compromise might be to major in something "useful" first and then take on philosophy as a minor or second major. You don't want to start school as a philosophy major for reasons I'm sure other anons in this thread won't mind sharing. For my part, I graduated with a major in branding and advertising and a second major in process philosophy. The philosophy actually helped me get a couple interviews I otherwise wouldn't have. Some firms out there get very interested in people who have a humanities perspective, especially when most other applicants lack it.

>> No.6625553

it's not your fault

>> No.6625597

why wouldnt you want to study the fathoms of human thought?

>> No.6625622

The fuck? Is this some Good Will Hunting shit?

>> No.6625635


What? They're talking about the current academic viability of the field.

That was an oddly vague pontification there.

>> No.6625682

it's not your fault

>> No.6625826


>you're either studying in a uni or reading wiki articles

top logic bro

my self-designed education blows your uni bullshit clear out of the water, guaranteed

>> No.6625981


Yes and no. You are going to need real academic certifications for most industries.

It's a closed system.

>> No.6626007


Anyone who makes a career out of philosophy should not be taken seriously

>> No.6626008

Bertrand Russell? Rudolf Carnap?

Regardless it's kind of a stupid quote.

>> No.6626044


>implying most of the great philosophers past didn't do just that

I get it. You're jaded when it comes to modern philosophy. You might have good reason to be. But don't say stupid shit like that.

>> No.6626055

Oh it's a large amount of good/bad idea

Also fuck these captchas because TEAM LOGOS ARENT STREET SIGNS HOLY SHIT

>> No.6626090


Famous because of philosophy is not the same as a career in philosophy. Most great thinkers had minimal to no affiliation with a university. Independent thinkers have inveighed against university philosophy for centuries.

>> No.6626110


You were close. Gottlob Frege. Taking into account significance of logic in analytic school I can agree with the quote as long as we remain within said school of thought.

>> No.6626183
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>Be graduating from highschool next week
>Want to go to university to study mathematics or philosophy
>Due to a downward spiral in terms of my emotional/mental health over the last few months I've fucked my grades
>Not that they were ever that great, mostly A's and B's but this semester's been a crapshoot
>But I'm better read than most people, and while most normies tend to dislike me I've never met a professor who didn't seem to take a liking to me
>I'm not stupid either, I've been blowing through Stewart calculus like it's poetry
>Previously I'd been hoping to get into some preppy liberal arts college with a good endowment plan, but my grades lately are making me question that possibility
>But I'm way too poor to afford to just 'go to university' like most people, financial aid is pretty much going to determine whether I can or can't
>Besides that, the prospect of going to some shitty university with the same plebs I go to highschool with, or at least similar, makes me want to kill myself

Lately I just want to curl up in bed and cry, I've barely even lived and already I feel like I've got no future to look forwards to. I've been getting dizzy spells and feel sick all the time, when I blow my nose blood comes out and has for the last several days. Last night my piano teacher called me up just to yell at me, she sounded exactly like my parents. Nabokov and Gide feel like my only friends sometimes, but really they're dead. I don't want to make a thread about it, but can someone who's been in my position pat me on the back and tell me it's going to be OK?

>> No.6626396
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>getting degree in philosophy from a shitty liberal arts party school in the middle of nowhere.
>dream of getting tenure in an even shittier liberal arts party school in the desert somewhere
>spend rest of life writing half assed memoirs, teaching, living in isolated rural home, and smoking weed.

>> No.6626572

>have Phil degree
>friend also has phil degree
>i work as editor for a japanese/english mag
>he works for Verizon
>our bio friend is selling insurance for scotiabank

Literally do whatever, nothing matters unless you want to be a doctor or engineer; and don't do either of those things because you think people will be impressed or care.

>> No.6626584

The dream

>> No.6627479

>If you have to think about it, then don't.
This is terrible advice.

>> No.6627662

hang in there buddy, get tough. Deal with your issues either through force of will or old fashioned psychiatry.

also don't kill yourself, only fucking cowards kill themselves.

Don't know about the financial aid thing, but university is cheaper in Europe. And its not worth wasting four years of your life in a shit hole. If you can get into somewhere good take the financial hit.

>> No.6627694

name 5

>> No.6627720

jesus christ are you me

>> No.6627733
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>he wasted thousands
>mfw college education is free where I live

>> No.6627891

I don't believe so, in the case of philosophy.

>> No.6628030

It's not a bad idea if you get a master's degree in something else after that.

>> No.6628095

grey eyes black hair found new fetish