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/lit/ - Literature

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6618492 No.6618492 [Reply] [Original]

Tips for better reading and avoiding distraction ?

>> No.6618497

I also want to know. I can't concentrate for more than a few seconds and I often reread the same few sentences instead of just "flowing" with the text.

I don't know if I'm OCD or what.

>> No.6618500

Smoke weed

>> No.6618502

read in a hyperbaric chamber

>> No.6618503


>> No.6618518

rub your balls with fingers and smell them
do it now

>> No.6618525

I read somewhere to pocture inside your head what's happening, works a few times but not constantly.

>> No.6618531

Drop your internet.

>> No.6618554

that's the purpose of reading. how gave you gone this far without knowing that

>> No.6618563

read in a language that people around you don't speak

>> No.6618576

Read 5 pages a day etc etc

>> No.6618627
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Enjoy and have an interest in what you're reading. If you're just reading a philosophy book because /lit/ told you so, of course you're going to get distracted. Not saying that what /lit/ recommends is shit, but in terms of reading for the sake of your own enjoyment, you're preference matters above others.

>> No.6618695

filter your screen so that it displays only red.

put some rain sounds on. (google rain on youtube)

type in fullscr, oh nevermind, you said reading. damn, i can't help you there, since clearly i'm not very good at it. i was so excited to reveal my techniques...

>> No.6619824

I became an avid reader etc etc

>> No.6620463
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My advice to those whom are just beginning to read or are struggling with reading.

I began reading a couple of years ago, however, it was on and off and I could never get through a book or I could never a new one. Now I read consistently every night before bed. Here are a couple of tips that helped me.

1. Start slow but be consistent. It’s okay if it takes you longer to read but reading is a skill or a muscle just like anything else.

a. I recommend reading a chapter of any James Patterson book every morning when you wake up (or a book with short chapters.)

2. Read for time, or pages (I recommend 40 minutes as your minimum reading time). When I read for time I feel less stressed. When I read for pages, it stresses me out because I began to count the pages. Lately I’ve been counting pages because it comes out to two hours, and I read for two hours. Roughly 30 pages (Plus the morning chapter reading.

3. Turn off the T.V., it’s less stimulating than a book.

4. Talk to other readers find out what they can recommend you.

5. Talk about the book you’re reading to anyone. If you find interesting I’m sure a friend, family member or a coworker will also.

6. Read anything that interests you. Fiction, sifi, mystery, non-fiction. Pick something, there’s something out there for you.

7. Reading is an invaluable tool.

8. Read at a table, don’t read in your bed, or on the couch.

9. Pick a book, and find the time.

10. You can do it. Stick with it.

>> No.6620500

I had such a problem concentrating, if I ever wanted to buckle down and read, I had to resort to packing by book bag, walking 2 miles in 40 minutes to my library (No car/bike lock) reading there for like an hour or 2 and then walking 2 miles in 40 minutes back.

TL;DR if I want to read I do an oregon trail and go on a 30 year trek in which my family dies and I remarry, get in a couple hours of reading, then turn around and walk back and die.

>> No.6620510

right post
wrong pepe

>> No.6620517

>Read at a table, don’t read in your bed, or on the couch.
Can you please elaborate?

>> No.6620535

you'll fall asleep

>> No.6620564

Be interested in what you are reading, I used to have that problem, but then I just got interested in the books I read.

>> No.6622747

The purpose of reading is to picture it in your head? That's the end goal?

>> No.6622755

Smoke and drink coffee

>> No.6623098

there is a very clear distinction between actively visualising something and stimuli (such as text) provoking the formation of an image within the mind. If you do the former while reading, the mind will fill in the blanks of what is not mentioned with whatever it can summon; the latter presents you with the bare essential partial objects and the significant exchanges occurring between them. Visualisation might make difficult passages more comprehensible, but whether or not you've better understood the text because of it is anyone's guess, an important exchange between the partial objects of the text may have been obscured by the inaccurate visualisation of a reader.

>> No.6623100

smell the balls or the fingers?? please clarify.

>> No.6623117

if you've never done this you aren't a man.

and OP, what you want to do is do like the guy in your picture and take public transportation, preferably the bus in a seedy part of town. you will be surrounded by hideous cretin beasts, and will want with all of your being to escape, if even in mind alone. this leads to such a full immersion in the text that you can't smell the hoboes sitting next to you anymore.

BONUS: when an inquisitive, poverty-class pleb asks what you're reading, oblige him and explain. you will brighten his day with the patrician boon of a literary summary and hopefully plant a seed of intellectualism in his breast.

>> No.6623144

I do this too, but I listen to podcasts on the way to keep from shitting myself out of the Apache whooping I hear in the empty hills.

>> No.6623169

>lele drink coffee & smoke XDDD

Isolate yourself. Go to the library. Turn your phone off. The reason your attention span is so short is because you're over-saturated with useless little gadgets.

Oh, and don't go on /lit/, like ever.

>> No.6623210

>30 pages in 2 hours

you might be illiterate, I'm sorry

>> No.6623231

My main problem is that once i'm reading, the text evokes thoughts about my life and I can't concentrate when that happens

>> No.6623238

Take a small break, finish the thought and continue.

>> No.6623258

Just b urself

>> No.6623263


ok will try

>> No.6623329

I'm not a man, thats why I ask.

>> No.6623336

I have the same problem. I just deal with it and dont let it bother me. I've gotten better at finishing long passages. you get used to it over time.

>> No.6623339

pocture....pocture inside your head

>> No.6623403

Read interesting booms, not boring booms.

>> No.6623408

L O N D O N ?

>> No.6623448


>> No.6623577

Let's go see GZA @ the Roundhouse