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/lit/ - Literature

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6616892 No.6616892 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread? Got these at a library book sale yesterday. Also a copy of Emile by Rousseau but it smelled like it had been sprayed with pesticide at some point so I three it out.

>> No.6616899

>buying shit tier editions in bad condition

Might as well just pirate or borrow from a library

>> No.6616906
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>> No.6616909
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All from used shops in New Orleans apart from the textbook, which was ebay. The Pound collection is super cool - printed in 1927.

>> No.6616912

lol also Paul Auster - The Art of Hunger, which is inexplicably underneath Mumbo Jumbo

>> No.6617148
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>> No.6617152
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and these

>> No.6617160

Why did you get Kafka in German but not the Walser or Zweig in German?

>> No.6617165

My German needs some practice, but this edition was cheap and looked very nice. I'm used to reading in English so that's why the rest are translations. I have read Chess Story in German a couple of years ago though.

>> No.6617167
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>> No.6617200


>great taste but hasn't grown out of posting lame pics of his shit like the other /soc/ level teens

conflicted tbh

>> No.6618377


>> No.6618448

leave now

>> No.6618450

ok, bye! I'll write to you!

>> No.6618644
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>> No.6618698
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Pybchon seems really intimidating, so l'll probably save TCoL49 for last.

Who's the publisher of that Hemingway?

>> No.6618706

Damn, why did that turn sideways?

>> No.6618725


And don't be scared of The Crying of Lot 49. It's not too hard. And it's short. It's a fun read.

>> No.6618735

Sweet, thanks.

How's Hemingway?

>> No.6618737


I really like that TCoL49 cover, mine: >>6617167 is ugly as all hell.

>> No.6618754

I'm not one for paperbacks, but l really like the quality of this one. Yours isn't that bad, even though l prefer minimalist designs.

>> No.6618756

Have you never read Hemingway?

I find his books super comforting. Their usually very cold and written in a matter-of fact kind of way that has a very specific charm to it. I've read The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and The Old Man and the Sea. Sounds super cliché, but they are really the kind of books you sip brandy to.

All great books in my opinion. If you were to start somewhere, I'd suggest either A Farewell to Arms or The Old Man and the Sea. Some people speak against reading The Old Man and the Sea as a first, as they see it as the summary of his life's work. The apex of his writing.

I am very excited to read this new hardback.

>> No.6618768

Let's see if I remember them all
>the castle
>catch 22
>devil in the white city
>nicomachean ethics
>collected poems of Emily Dickinson
>sorrows of young werther and novella
>the frogs
>oedipus cycle
>euripides collection
>epictetus discourses
>ada, or ardor
>south of the border, West of the sun
>three lives
>the man who was Thursday (which I've read before)
>the stranger (same as above)
>where I'm calling from
>the leopard
>fear and trembling
>Descartes discourse and meditations
From various library sales
some people buy books to read, not to jerk off over their tastes or to decorate shelves. Although it does fucking suck when you end up getting one with notes in it, reading that is like watching a movie with some asshole talking over it.

>> No.6618772

How is The Man Who Was Thursday?

>> No.6618785

No, l haven't read him yet. I'm still kind of a newfag to this whole literature thing, but Hemingway is definitely on my list.

Thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.6618795

Go read A Farewell to Arms or The Sun Also Rises. You won't regret it.

>> No.6618800
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>> No.6618814
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ew at the lolita cover (penguin uk? more ew i guess at balthus in general), but in some light it might be somehow better than the ones that have post-puberty teen/'teen' on the cover bc that's what everyone thinks of bc of the movies/how the term is used
sun also rises is I think considered his best? it also has the most humor in it (I mean if a bunch of drunks sitting around calling abe lincoln a queerwad is your idea of humor which it likely is(half kidding, it is funny))

>> No.6618817

Thanks dude.


I love everything l've gotten from Everyman's Library, but that one looks so much better.

>> No.6618821
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Finished the Lais yesterday. I dig it. Now onto Chanson de Roland, and maybe some more medieval lit after that.

>> No.6618828

I don't think The Sun Also Rises is his best. It's good, don't get me wrong, I just much prefer A Farewell to Arms, For Whom The Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea.

>> No.6618832

it's fun
sux when you wanna lend a book and have to choose between being a dweeb and say uhhhh it wasn't me who wrote in it! and having a friend thing you carved the word whore into the cover of Beloved and highlighted all the bad words

>> No.6618833


Deleuze - Bergsonism

Ethics Without Ontology
The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichtomy

Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
Hume - Treatise on Human Nature

>> No.6618843

From what I read its a good translation vs the others they had

>> No.6618844
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>that bastardized meditations cover

>> No.6619041
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>> No.6619048

Ivan is boring as fuck

good books

i loved Nausea but kafka was boring to me.

From >>6619041

>> No.6619051
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>> No.6619054

>James Joyce
You're fucked.

>> No.6619055

I finished Nausea today and it was really good. Start that one, OP

>> No.6619110

Real fun and witty although it gives way to repetition a bit but it's short enough that any flaws don't matter greatly.

>> No.6619149
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I wanted to give The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a go and it was buy one get 50% off another B&N collector's edition. The other choices that interested me besides HP Lovecraft was Dune, John Carter of Mars, and finally The Iliad and The Odyssey (which was my original top choice but I felt the HPLC one came with more in it.)

Also I just started getting into literature and my general knowledge of books is not that big compared others on this board so if my purchase is shit then that is my reason.

>> No.6619214

Paradise Lost
Lucky Jim
Brave New World
Poems by Kipling

>> No.6620820
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>> No.6620842


I've just finished reading Herzhog, very good book and definitely an underrated gem, the main character reminds me a lot of /lit/ personified. I wouldn't be surprised if Woody Allen was inspired by this since a lot of Herzhog reminds me of his films.


I'm jealous of that V. edition.


Why have so many anons bought Crying Lot lately? I've got it ordered too but just curious.

I should be getting the following in the post sometime this week:
Book of New Sun volume 2: Sword and Citadel
The Crying Lot of 49
The Double and The Gambler
The Pale King
Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace

Also planning on getting Oakley's Warlock and Sorokin's Ice Trilogy today.

>> No.6620857

Nah we all start somewhere. Just read what you enjoy for now

>> No.6620863

Bellow is a gem not often discussed here, I can't imagine why. Second the V. comment, I spend a lot of money on nice editions of books and that's a great grab. Honestly, that looks like a first edition V.? Surely not first printing?

>> No.6620877
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Why was one book 35 cents but the other cost only 25?

>> No.6620885

Look at the numbering in the top left. They probably came out years apart, the price difference is inflation.

>> No.6621276

I''m a newfag to /lit/, but l've wanted to read Pynchon for a really long time. I read the first chapter of Lot 49 last night, it's not as difficult as l thought it would be. I worked out what he was talking about most of the time, with the exception of a TV show reference l had to look up.

I like it. Hope you enjoy it too.

>> No.6621326
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I bought these so I can improve my French.
I speak well, I write okayish French (much better than your average French pleb), but I'd like to reach a top notch level.

Also I got two books from the same author because I actually met him yesterday at some small book fair, and he gifted me the white one.

>> No.6621332


I wonder why I held off buying Crying Lot until now, maybe because Pynchon said he disliked it least of his works but I look forward to reading it,


>I Am a Cat
Good book, one of my favourites.

>> No.6621337

It's not "I Am Cat".
The English title of that one is "To the Spring Equinox and Beyond".

>> No.6621988
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>> No.6622081
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>> No.6622099


>> No.6622252

I've got £20 amazon voucher and can afford 3-5 second hand books from amazon.

Here is some stuff on my wishlist, what shall I get? Feel free to add your own suggestions.

Labyrinths - Jorge Luis Borges
Saul Bellow - The adventures of Augie March
George Orwell - Essays
Marcus Aurelias - Meditations
Curzio Malaparte - Kaputt
Daniel Ellsberg - Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
Carson McCullers - The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

>> No.6622615

tips: most of the books that are written in regular english (and some that aren't) aren't as hard they're made out to be, just wing it
I mean, if you haven't read anything since hs or have never read a book or something don't skip over every other book that's closer to a beginner's level just so you can say you read GR or Ulysses (esp not Finnegans Wake-why do so many people here want to do this?) like half of this board seems eager to do

>> No.6622633

how much was V?

>> No.6622656
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>> No.6622690


>> No.6622818

get Saul Bellow and Labyrinths and Kaputt

>> No.6622825


>> No.6622927
