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/lit/ - Literature

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6615502 No.6615502 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the only highbrow sci fi book?

>> No.6615535
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It's complete shit.
> Muh rudimentary politics
> conceptions of analogous societies blatant as fuck and thus eye role tier
> muh androgynous society is actually just both genders without any masculinity
> then to top the above green arrow text off it makes generalizations of the female sex and places it on those (see also greentext arrow point three for cross-applications)

>> No.6615552

Sounds like someone hasn't heard of Aniara.

>> No.6615598
File: 17 KB, 250x383, SolarisNovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is

>> No.6615609

These, plus Childhood's End and A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.6615613

Actually those but NOT plus the stupid shit you said.

>> No.6615616

Childhood's End is honestly the most overrated sci fi book.

It's not particularly well-written or original. People just read the end and it blows their (tiny) minds and think it's amazing.

>> No.6615624


>> No.6615645

Agreed. It was very entertaining/epic for me tho (the actual end), perhaps becoz I haven't read much else from Sci-fi , still.

Is there anything as well written as Dune though?

>> No.6615664

of course not, you stupid faggot

>> No.6615701

Fortunately, yes, there are a lot of things better-written than Dune.

>> No.6615746


See Solaris praised highly all the time, but what about it is so highbrow? The idea of the planet?

>> No.6615752

There is the "Foundation" series.

Also, everything written by Phillip K. Dick

Some people consider "A Clockwork Orange" a science-fiction.

>> No.6615757

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Dogvomit.

>> No.6615769

>You're welcome.

>> No.6615822

Read it in the original Polish and come back.

>> No.6615852

it's philosophical. it's not literary really, which is good, since sci-fi shouldn't waste its time trying to be literary.

>> No.6615925

I don't understand why this is considered high brow. Aliens imitating shit, = (to a human) real shit.. I'm supposed to believe this fantasy is a philosophical masterpiece?

>> No.6615934

Read Blindsight by Peter Watts, it's basically Solaris for dummies.

>> No.6615938

fitting that you'd know about it then

>> No.6616038

>liking Philip K Dick
lol pleb

>> No.6616075
File: 39 KB, 446x362, 1386821784606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 some autistic pedant educates us on the worthlessness of all "genre fiction"

>> No.6616097

Maybe you would be able to properly employ the term pedant if you weren't afraid of "boring grown up people" books.

>> No.6616115

>Also, everything written by Phillip K. Dick
Nobody who's read everything written by PKD (I haven't, but I've come pretty close) would ever say this.

Then again
>empty meme recommendations

>> No.6616128

I've never read Lovecraft, how is his stuff?
I heard it's just a constant barrage of "The gastly cosmic entity, etc"

>> No.6616134

Good, I wouldn't sit down and read it cover to cover though. He does suffer from repetitive lexicon and a lot of filler stories that are "scientist finds undescribable thing, tries like heck for five pages". Most of his stuff is worth reading if you like spooky skeletons.

>> No.6616140

i do like the idea of unfathomable entities in the deepest, darkest corners of the sea
Is that just cthulu though?

>> No.6616144

>you didn't understand it
>not even close

>> No.6616149

>Is that just cthulhu though?
Not even close
>at the bottom of the sea
Well sorta in that case but not completely

>> No.6616167


Read some Clark Ashton Smith as well. He was pals with Lovecraft and is arguably a much better writer.

>> No.6616210

it's a bit of a meme around here these days, but i think Book of the New Sun is properly highbrow sci fi

>> No.6616259

I couldn't even finish it. It was really boring as shit and nothing really new or mind blowing. I don't understand why it gets so much praise here

>> No.6616275

because you didn't finish it, you retard
if you noticed it being spammed here, you'd have also noticed that everyone said most of it makes sense in retrospect, especially after rereading

>> No.6616279

Most of Samuel Delaney's sci-fi books (Dhalgren, Tales of Nevermore) are on some high literary shit. These books are next level tho

>> No.6616288

Well I got about 70-80% thru it and just couldn't stomach any more if severian. His internal dialogue (or his writing)is really insufferable.

>> No.6616305
File: 31 KB, 232x348, greatestworkofsciencefiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Absolute plebs with no appreciation of the genre's illustrious history.

Hey OP, don't you want to read what Arthur Clarke called the most powerful work of the imagination ever written? Don't you want to read the SF writer Borges and Virginia Woolf admired?

Then get on Stapledon's level.


>> No.6616367

Do you have any of your own words to use in praise of the guy?

>> No.6616422

he's a dumb horny teen, it's supposed to be insufferable. I've noticed a good amount of both Wolfe detractors and supporters either miss this or are in denial about it

Le Guin's a better author anyway

>> No.6616423

Can't read Polish though

>> No.6616467

>why use words
>when "words"

>> No.6616482

Because I'll know when you've put your heart into it. Sincerely is the new truth, friend.

>> No.6616521

This especially. Smith is under appreciated among classic pulp writers

>> No.6616525

That's even worse than genre

>> No.6616540
File: 100 KB, 800x1321, Le Guin - The Dispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really made an impression on your mind
And ass, it seems.

>> No.6616555

Okay that's the last time I make a thread with your name.

I'm not sure I can devolve into becoming a relatively more passive reader when I read something bad, really bad, it makes me frustrated. Especially when it's sonevidy trying to be overly ambitious when they can't cant even come up with well-thought out writing. I haven't felt so bad since I read The Alchemist. Besides, I read it barely 5 days ago so the hurt is still fresh.

>> No.6616559

> intellectual posturing
> anime image board

>> No.6616575

Pulp is genre.

This image board is about Literature. The Anime image board is much further to the left.

>> No.6616583

> then to top the above green arrow text off it makes generalizations of the female sex and places it on those (see also greentext arrow point three for cross-applications)

this is an intentional ambiguity in the book you may have missed: to what extent does Genly only read masculinity and femininity into the traits of the Gethenians, and to what extent do they have some legitimacy? there is no right answer, but the cultural context Genly comes from and refers back to is obviously important

>> No.6616610


Yeah. "He's great." Oh, and he invented Dyson spheres before Dyson, which even Dyson acknowledged. Based.

(You'll be able to trace a lot of sci-fi ideas back to his work.)

>> No.6616644

Were you >>6615535 ?

>> No.6617021

All you need is Rats in the Walls, Color out of Space, and At the Mountains of Madness.

>> No.6617075

>Having bad taste
>Not realising that most of the stuff on both sides of the arbitrary meme-divide is lowbrow a
>Implying pulp isn't an entirely valid medium on its own terms

>Book of the New Sun
>Fifth Head of Cerberus
>No Enemy But Time
all 'highbrow' sf, at least in their aims and mood.

Phillip K. Dick's work is like the sci-fi equivalent of Elric of Melnibone. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not exactly highbrow...