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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 303x475, richard-yates-revolutionary-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6603073 No.6603073 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: post
Nightmare mode: if someone asks you why, you have to explain

>> No.6603106

Uh, do we have to land on one?

>> No.6603108

leaves of grass
nightmare mode: because it's good

>> No.6603114

Stoner is my favourite so far but I'm a beginner. I liked it because of the way it was written I think. I liked the sentences and it felt good reading them. Prose over plot I suppose

>> No.6603117
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Revolutionary Road is fantastic, certainly, but best? Oh well, nice to see someone actually enjoys it more than I do.

>> No.6603119


If in doubt just pick the oldest one among your favorites. Older always gets more respect, even if it's as unwarranted as Hemingway.

>> No.6603120

The Virgin Suicides
Honourable mention: Heart of Darkness

>> No.6603125

because it's always about /respect/ on a site like 4chan

>> No.6603137

>Tao Lin
fuck u OP

>> No.6603155
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>> No.6603158
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>> No.6603165

>Hemingway is old

>> No.6603175

divergent by veronica roth

>> No.6604137
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Why is Revolutionary Road the best book you've ever read? I liked it but I'm not a huge fan of Yates's prose, it's a little too much detail or something. He knows how to write a character though, Frank was great.

>> No.6604172

Don Quixote

>> No.6604175
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Pic related because it bridges high and low culture while being fun and having a lot to say without being cold or cheaply sentimental.

>> No.6604459

I am a pleb and haven't read Lolita.

Why is it the best book you've ever read?

>> No.6604463
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>> No.6604486
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First non-linear narrative I ever read before Infinite Jest. Special place in my heart.

>> No.6604488
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haha well meme'd my friend


I love the Royal Tenenbaums and this is the book equivalent


great book

>> No.6604504

>the stranger wrote about him while imitating Time
Have you ever picked up an actual copy of that newspaper? It's only free because nobody would read it if they charged.
If not, get prepped for stoner editorials and feminist/nu-lib rants.
>tao lin reading his memoir to white 20-something hipster types in a grimy art gallery
I had a feeling this existed before I clicked on the link.

>> No.6604509
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>> No.6604516


Have you read Eleven Kinds of Loneliness?

Rev Road is great but 11 Kinds is his masterpiece

>> No.6604546

It's just a beautiful piece of fiction. Nabokov's prose is perfect, every word in Lolita shines. I don't think I've ever felt so affected by the end of a book, something about those last couple of lines.

Prose aside, the plot itself is wonderful. People get caught up in the pedophile aspect and forget that it actually tells a story.

Read it, you won't regret it. It's really not a difficult book, it's relatively short and engaging from the start. I'm a pleb too and had no issues.

>> No.6604555

Really? Not OP, but I read Eleven Kinds before reading Revolutionary Road and hated it. It was so fucking dry, I liked a couple of the stories but the rest just felt flat and amateur. Why did you like it?

>> No.6604569


>> No.6604571


Hmm I haven't read it in years (when I was maybe 19) but I remember all of the stories having a greater emotional impact than Revolutionary Road, I still remember a few of the gutpunch endings despite not having read it in so long. I also remember being very impressed by the self-reflexivity of the final story on the collection. It's been so long though but I remember at the time thinking it topped Rev Road.

I also like Easter Parade quite a bit.

>> No.6604584

Thanks anon, I'll go ahead and start it then.

>> No.6604591

I might revisit Eleven Kinds at some point, maybe it will resonate more when I'm a little older.

>> No.6604597 [DELETED] 

Also one of my favourites. Never felt more disturbed by a novel.

>> No.6604616
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Also one of my favourites. Never felt more disturbed by a novel.

>> No.6605065

The Border Trilogy

>> No.6605078

You, I'm considering reading this. Why should I?

>> No.6605106
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Well, I can't actually name one book. They are all different and I can't choose one so I will do something else and go with one of my reent readings.

Like Anon above me said, I never felt do disturbed by a book. It was intense and painfull to read but somehow I couldn't stop. Ketchum actually made me feel sympathy for girl, but not like 'oh my, i hope it will be okay' and then forget about it on the next day. Thigs they did was killing me inside, and it still holds me.

>> No.6605111


cant tell if unconsciously sexist or ESL

>> No.6605129

The second one, I'm still learning, should have point that out.

>> No.6605186

keep going man, you're on the right track being here

>> No.6605343
File: 243 KB, 1000x1333, ilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, whatever, suck my dick

>> No.6605381

I will suck it. I hope you shower regularly.

>> No.6605392

you've never seen a cleaner, more inviting dick

>> No.6605393

>He doesn't have the first ed trilogy in its three separate books

>> No.6605446

i used to have the originals but they literally fell apart

>> No.6605449

>He doesn't have a climate controlled personal library

>> No.6605463

tbh I've seen an alarmingly small number of dicks.

>> No.6605523



>> No.6605533

The Dragons of Babel. It was so good I still dream about it sometimes.

>> No.6605536

Honest answer, probably Blood Meridian. I know it's memetacular on here, but I love it all the same

>> No.6605540
File: 697 KB, 500x279, tumblr_ndsw8bQ92y1spzmduo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommended. Most of /lit/ would benefit from a visit.

>> No.6605577
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Fight me.

>> No.6605865

Tbh I wasn't big on the third one. Though the epilogue was probably one of the best things McCarthy has written.

>> No.6605895


>> No.6605919
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>> No.6605944

This was actually pretty funny. I might have to give this guy a try. God damn it.

>> No.6606001

>P&V translation
>best book

>> No.6606023

>I know more than a professional book reviewer

>> No.6606036

Maybe you should read some actual professioanl book reviews instead of the single sentence cherry picked for the book cover? You are the worst sort.

>> No.6607337

I liked The Big Sleep so much it led to a few years of reading lots of noir/hardboiled fiction. Unfortunately, few of the writers in the genre are as good as Chandler. Wish I'd realised that earlier.

>> No.6607357

But really, though

>> No.6607490
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Why would I fight somebody who has already done the worst to themselves?

>> No.6608873


>> No.6608901

i approve of lexi-posting

>> No.6610748


>> No.6610759
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>> No.6612261

so far, the Once and Future King

>> No.6612269

because it's really good

>> No.6612275

Catcher in the rye, no troll

>> No.6612353

Let me guess, because he rapes his sister, Phoebe?

>> No.6612381

Only simple men have a favorite. There's no way to capture the best of everything in a single book. I love many books for different reasons. This thread is heresy.

>> No.6612390

I love you and your gifs.

>> No.6612391
File: 94 KB, 486x750, 1432885569738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such a complex individual, anon.

>> No.6612397

go back to reddit

we dont appreciate your kind here

>> No.6612408

I'm sure you've both read nearly ten books and have a much easier time deciding.

It's a little harder for me :'^(

>> No.6612414
File: 108 KB, 500x667, 6416597092858393438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire board is in awe of your achievements.

>> No.6612419
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Oh my god, I love your funny fedora pictures. Please tell me you have more.

>> No.6612425

I've never read it, but the adaptation with Jenniffer Lawrance is just average.

>> No.6612428

why is it your favourite book?
(asking because it's high on my to-read list lol)

>> No.6612430
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>> No.6612432
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I got you on a list of mine

>> No.6612935


don't do it. Woolf is terrible. Except for Dalloway which is a masterpiece.

>> No.6614835
File: 80 KB, 309x473, catch 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice. That's one of my runners up along with Infinite Jest and Portnoy's Complaint, but Catch-22 will always be my favorite since I read it at a formative age. My first experience with postmodernism

>> No.6615074

Midnight's Children or Pale Fire

>> No.6615133

I think anon meant old to them. As in read this as a child or teenager.

>> No.6615156

The Adventures of Augie March