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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.82 MB, 3000x2529, litcanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6608564 No.6608564 [Reply] [Original]

based on the poll. i just made the pic. i thought the other one looks like ass.

was also thinking about compiling and uploading all of those somewhere and putting a link in the pic, but i can't be fucked to rehost it and i'm a bit paranoid about that kinda stuff anways.

enjoy. or don't

>> No.6608572

Looks a lot nicer than the other chart. Still a shitty poll though.

>> No.6608574


Good job.

>> No.6608591

Thank you OP Nice design
cheap font

>> No.6608592

Yeah, I like it a lot. Took you long enough

>> No.6608608
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>the bible
It's not funny; staph.

>> No.6608611

but it wasn't a canonical essentials chart, it was just a poll to gauge popular favorites

>> No.6608621

someone has a life

>> No.6608627

Nice OP. Thanks :)

>> No.6608650
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could be worse. it's not really about literary merit anyways, there's better lists if you want that. just a meme compendium

shit, you're absolutely right. i just sorta used that as a placeholder and just went with it when i was done. maybe i'll fix it if i ever do an update. could be interesting to do it every so often and watch as the /lit/ hivemind taste changes over time.

oi, i didn't make the fucking list. and i don't think anyone was trying to be funny anyways, it's just the one book literally anyone knows. we do have some christians here and a lot of people will say that the bible has merit by historical influence. in any event, not my decision

that was mostly in jest, but in a sense it is the /lit/ canon; the story that /lit/ tells (itself) ... i suppose

yeah, finding and placing all the images was a bitch. u r welcome

>> No.6608656


>Implying the Bible is GOAT

Your pleb is showing.

>> No.6608659

great, now i can become a mindless drone copying everyone's ~taste~ too. can't we get a list of acceptable book reviewers too?

>> No.6608668

Yeah it was your decision to not ignore obvious /pol/ spam you fucking moron. Shit poll, christfags and cancer pretend christfags shitting up the board nonstop and you fucking retards defend them. Kill yourself.

>> No.6608678
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kek, the madness.

>> No.6608695

I agree with this guy. we should burn the bible and wipe our ass with a nuns robes. all christfags shoudl be exterminated like the roaches they are. I hate my parents so much


lel get a grip you delusional fedora

>> No.6609007

The bible is retard tier. How can anyone read it seriously. The list is totally invalidated with the bible at 1, what a joke

>> No.6609064


I only see one retard here....

Even if you're a fedora tipper, you can't deny the beauty of the Wisdom books, the drama of the Torah, or the revolutionary nature of the Gospels.

Stop being butt mad at Christianity and just accept the fact that the Bible is the most important book to have ever been written. This is historical fact.

>> No.6609096
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you guys are so anal. it's just a fucking list. i could have removed the bible, the other religious stuff or the genre fiction, but someone put time and effort into collecting the votes and making that list in the first place, it would have been a dick move.

you do realise it's almost impossible to make a poll here that will be to everyone's liking and not be rigged in one way or another.

the sole purpose of this list is to present a somewhat accurate picture of what books /lit/ is reading and / or talking about. it's not a bad list from that perspective.

that being said the bible has been like the main influence on european and western writing for two thousand years so to just disregard it half assedly like that shows how much of a dolt you are. think of the writing what you want, it's one of the western core texts

>> No.6609162

>making a poll and expect the retards to not flood it

OP is a retard

>> No.6609205

Nice job polishing a turd OP. Our poll was shadier than the Sevastopol referendum. At least next time do it on a site that doesn't allow multiple voters so a troll with time on his hands can't derail the entire thing.

>> No.6609217

can someone explain why the autists here are so mad the bible won the poll? I'm writing an article for the daily dot.

>> No.6609234

Probably the most pretension one too.

Saying something is important is stupid. The Cold War was important, so was communism and so was the holocaust.
Use your reasoning son of jesus if Nazareth.

>> No.6609339

>Our poll was shadier than the Sevastopol referendum
kek, it's funny because it's true

>> No.6609369


All of those are events or ideas. The Bible, as a book, is the single most important text ever produced, no matter the lens you view it from. Historical, theological, philisophical, sociological, etc etc etc. No other book has had the impact the Bible has had on the world.

Again, you're only proving yourself to be a fool. Shit half the books and writers /lit/ splooges over wouldn't even exist without the Bible (Dante, Joyce, Faulkner, Shakespeare, Milton, Etc.)

>> No.6609387

Yes, but is it the book you can learn the most from and the book you enjoy reading the most and is it the most beautiful book?
I'd argue no, for all three.
(not that guy btw)

>> No.6609405
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>mfw I voted The Bible

>> No.6609413
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Me too!

>> No.6609420
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>mfw I voted the Book of Job
am I the only patrician around here?

>> No.6609421

I voted for it like 15 times. step it up

>> No.6609432

you FUCK you just triggered my loneliness. use a fucking spoiler please. i desperately want to stroke the top of her head and run my fingers through her hair while kissing around her mouth until she grabs my head and shoves her tongue into my mouth. knowing i'll never experience that with her, i have an urge to kill myself.

>> No.6609435

>is it the book you can learn the most from

>and the book you enjoy reading the most

>and is it the most beautiful book?

>> No.6609446
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>being a christfag and not treating the bible as literature
"get out"

>> No.6609457
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I'm sorry. God you made me laugh; one more just for that.

>> No.6609483

don't understand Book of Job's appeal. think it's a meme. dumb fucking story.

>can't love God unless you do it amidst suffering
>boohoo me sads

>> No.6609500

>things I don't like or understand are memes
You spend too much time on the internet arguing about atheism.

>> No.6609504

Honestly even your three-liner greentext makes it sound like a good book.

Guess some things can't be helped.

>> No.6609514

who is this spunk punk

>> No.6609516


I'm a vehement Christian

I just think the Book of Job was goofy af

maybe I'm just pleb

>> No.6609517
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Why are atheists so bitter? Don't they want to be loved?

>> No.6609521

Y'know there is a thread up right now with such a poll going on but it's not getting a lot of traction

>> No.6609524


>> No.6609532

Why are Christians so willfully ignorant, can't they handle the harsh truth and its complications?

>> No.6609533

>I'm a vehement Christian
>I just think the Book of Job was goofy af
this is the state of christianity today
why are YOU not a negative atheist yet?

>> No.6609543

I am way overactive in complaining about /pol/ but I don't think the Bible won due to /pol/ invasion.

>> No.6609545
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>> No.6609550
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Wouldn't atheists make more sense and live more fulfilled lives if they knew what they believed?

>> No.6609564


>tfw in love with Regan
>tfw starting to read some of the fantasy she recommends

help I'm being swallowed up by pleb vagina monsters

>> No.6609579

goddamn son go outside

>> No.6609584

Holy shit, you are a fucking moron. Those events are essential, they've taught us more about humanity than any novel ever could. The bible has as well. Go back to leddit for the sake of this community.

>> No.6609617
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Le ad hominem.
Le no argument.
Le shakes rosary vehemently.

>> No.6609637
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>> No.6609645

top tier thread

>> No.6609646


>> No.6609661


>> No.6609666

>not expanding the font so the last in line comfortably justifies

do whatever it takes OP, you worthless, shitsucking cumrag

>> No.6609667
File: 64 KB, 308x476, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus literally put over a dozen babies to death FOR NO REASON and they wonder why we mock.

>> No.6609725

>Jesus literally put over a dozen babies to death FOR NO REASON and they wonder why we mock.

An atheist appealing to objective morality

Top kek.

>> No.6609731

A new word, just for you: Christ-fallacy.

>> No.6609749

>it's one of the western core texts

...That no one reads

Of course /pol/ tards are going to vote more than once, you probably are one yourself. Don't be disingenuous to say its not fair to discount obvious vote rigging. Jesus wouldn't approve, not that you're at all christian.

>> No.6609755

In a real world scenario, if a person was to read every book on this list, but nothing else, would /lit/ consider them "well read"?

>> No.6609756

>that no one reads
maybe not philistines like yourself
I'm not a Christian, but I've read the Bible a few times in full.

>> No.6609757

Jesus died so I could vote against him today.

>> No.6609758

>That no one reads
that plebs don't read. If you're on lit and you consider yourself well read without having read the bible in it's entirety you are a gauche moron.

kill yourself it's part of the literary tradition you autistic cunt.

>> No.6609762

Ofc not
Half of the canon I've read sucks anyhow

>> No.6609769

>...That no one reads
i've read it. not christian at all. also read the koran and jewish texts and some buddhist stuff and general books on religion

the > noone reads the bible thing is mostly a meme amongst pre-euphoria christians i think.

>> No.6609772

no his understanding of literature would be lopsided as fuck. he would be more meme than man.

>> No.6609773

If you are so butthurt about this poll being spammed, go vote in the other one.

>> No.6609774
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I just don't believe you. There are so many obfuscations, repetitions and general confusion reading the bible that there's a .000003 % chance anyone here would have read it in full. So easy to lie here, practically impossible to read and comprehend the bible in full. I know, I've tried.

>> No.6609782
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stirner was removed from this list

2 s p o o k y

>> No.6609784

>check for The Count of Monte Cristo
>It's there

All smiles from me.

>> No.6609792

>nothing else

It would be an impressive collection of things to have read, but if you've only ever read 100 books total, you're not well read, and it would be quite surprising for you to have read (and understood) some of those books if you haven't read much in the past. Assuming a basic literary education growing up, if someone tried to get into literature and read those 100 books over a year or two, I'd consider them well-read in the context of them being a somewhat new reader, but if you're reading for years you should have totaled hundreds of books. Part of being well-read is having a wide sense of context for things you're reading.

>> No.6609794
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I got this from another board. How accurate is it?

>> No.6609802

Very accurate

>> No.6609808
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It's perfect!

>> No.6609812

>I'm dumb and found it difficult therefore it can't be done
This is your argument. Anyone who wants takes western literature seriously is going to have to read the bible at some point, whether they are an atheist or a christian. Just because you would lie to impress people on the internet does mean everyone would.

>> No.6609823


is that real?


what board would spend the time making something like that?

it's a joke?

>> No.6609832

>I hope to read the bible, and say I have, yet never will

Fuck off dum dum /lit/ isn't 4 u

>> No.6609835

learn how greentext sarcasm works my nubile newfriend

>> No.6609836


Holy shit look at this newfag idiot. You're better off over at r/books or r/atheism. If you honestly believe people here haven't read the Bible in full you are either a newfag or just stupid.

I've personally read the entirety of the Bible three times. I return to certain books and passages on a weekly basis.

>> No.6609845

Absolutely haram

>> No.6609862

you're still here

>> No.6609928

Can we all agree that the people whining about the Bible are fucking trolling?

>> No.6609932

Go back to church

>> No.6609936

>he would be more meme than man
A king he shall be. Or is this how miss are made ?

>> No.6609942

maybe whining about it isn't appropriate but it really shouldn't be there, and this poll sucked in general, partially because OP didn't restrict to one vote only properly

>> No.6609946

lmao Ham on Rye

>> No.6609947
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Thanks Aaron!

>> No.6609952
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>> No.6610001

I'm not even a Christian. Oh wait, you're the troll.
The polls will always suck, but it should be there. The effect it's had on the western canon is undeniable, and it's not THAT fucking long. Skip all the begets if you have to.

>> No.6610004

Well read is a slippery term, but I propose anyone whose ACTUALLY read something like Ulysses is well read from that alone. Not the way people around here read Ulysses, but if they've actually read it for real.

>> No.6610008

Why didn't you use the real poll instead of that ballot-stuffed piece of meme garbage you fucking retard


>> No.6610017

>Not the way people around here read Ulysses, but if they've actually read it for real.
Lmao so reading the book doesn't actually mean reading it TOTES FOR REAALZZZ LOL!!!!! Got it, Anon.

>> No.6610019

>pick any number
>divine comedy is /lit/s favorite book by far
literal garbage

>> No.6610036

>pick any number
That's how a favorite books poll should be, dipshit

>> No.6610048

I voted for like 75% of the choices

>> No.6610081

>no Mistborn series
a bunch of blowhards on this board
let me guess, you tell people you enjoy "literature"?


>> No.6610093

no, it should be 5 books, even 10 would cause too much confusion

>> No.6610102

>no obscure action adventure book that only a handful of nerds cares about
Yeah, right. Godo point, Anon.

>> No.6610113

It's not obscure you retard it's fucking great and more people read fun stuff like that than your shitty Ulysses or Infinite Snooze or Gravity's Snorebow.

get pawned, kid.

>> No.6610122

I've never in my life heard it brought up in casual IRL conversation and I hang aroudn with tons of book readers, bitch

>> No.6610132

holy shit, your good puns have convinced me that those books are boring and I should read adolescent power fantasy instead

>> No.6610140

Why are people so upset about the Bible being up there? I'm irreligious and I voted for it. That book is one of the foundations of Western culture. It would be like not including the Odyssey on the list.
There's a reason men like Harold Bloom consider it to be so important.

>> No.6610154

you hang out with boring ass nerds like yourself kek
seriously you should check it out they're neat

>> No.6610157

Because it's ridiculous by modern standards, and it's been proven that 90% of these bible votes were spam.

>> No.6610216
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>Gravity's Snorebow.
if gravity's rainbow is boring

no, that's not possible

you're just being silly

>> No.6610231

>Because it's ridiculous by modern standards
No it isn't, you fucking idiot. It's one of the foundations of Western literature. It's essential reading for anyone looking to make their way through the Western canon.
Go be a peasant elsewhere.

>> No.6610253

>you hang out with boring ass nerds like yourself kek
Actually I hang out with awesome interesting cool people who know a lot of stuff

>> No.6610256

Actually it is kind of ridiculous but that's one of the good things about it. Pretty much all mythology is ridiculous

>> No.6610257

that one got spammed by some dude and his proxy bots. most people who voted in the first poll didn't vote in the second.

>> No.6610258

it's literally shit by any standards of criticism.

>> No.6610272

Not true. All of the most famous parts of it are actually great literature. At least as great as anything else in the ancient world

>> No.6610281

>any standards

even the standards of biblical scholars?

>> No.6610285

so you're lowering your standards to absolute shit? why don't you go and read some greek, indian and chinese literature and then compare the bible and realize the worthlessness of it

>> No.6610286

I would say even greater

if you aren't trolling I am going to let you know that you are so stupid most of the conversation on /lit/ will go over your heads. you can keep posting but you might as well put "I'm an ignorant pleb" in you name field because most of /lit/ holds you in disdain. if you are trolling 10/10 well rused

>> No.6610298

your post is literally shit by any standards of criticism. no discernible talent

>> No.6610299

Kind of silly to deny in the 21st century that a lot of the stuff in the Bible is ridiculous

>> No.6610322
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What version of the Bible?

>> No.6610330

king james version has some of the most beautiful prose in the english language.

>> No.6610365

it didnt state the version in the poll. just said "The Holy Bible".

>> No.6610386

most people wrote the King James bible but there were a few who wrote in their preferred translation

>> No.6610390

Even ignoring the fact that you're wrong, you shitlipped christposter, you're conveniently ignoring the fact that
>90% of these bible votes were spam.
And hey, by the way? They're mostly the same votes as the Infinite Jest ones. That's what you've been reduced to. Congratulations.

>> No.6610392

King James?
New American?
New Living Translation?
English Standard?

Pick faggot

>> No.6610399

>one guy
>most people

>> No.6610404
File: 65 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who disagrees with me is a troll guys because no one could possibly disagree with me because I'm so smart because I'm an atheist!


>> No.6610408 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 351x489, GGweewee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as i stated before, i just took exactly what's in the poll. you can do the picking yourself, nigger.

>> No.6610414

The bible spam was trolling, you dumbass. The same poll run on a form where one had to switch IP to spam (something which is beyond the abilities of christposters) got a dozen votes tops for muh bible.
Back to bed with you. No, you don't get to jack off either.

>> No.6610420
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The poll taken last year didn't have the bible anywhere in the top 100, and now suddenly it goes to #1.

There's obviously been ballot-stuffing from bible-bashers, or a bunch of trolling going on.

Reminds me of the "reader's list" in the Modern Library top 100. That was Scientologists and Randroids stuffing the ballots, with the same kind of result.


>> No.6610426
File: 85 KB, 500x479, fedorafags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fundies are spamming good books
>I can't get my pleb taste on the chart!
there was no spam except for the leaves of grass guy and someone doing fault in our stars. you're mad because your a pleb and the whole board knows it. We voted and your taste is democratically shit. you don't like it go back to r/athiesm or leftypol or where ever you shitposters come from.

>> No.6610436
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>> No.6610437

you need to add the Divergent series, and Maze runner to it under god tier, move les mis, and gatsby to shit tier and it's perfect, oh add the bible to low tier

>> No.6610440

no one who voted in the first one voted in the second just one guy and his bots and like 5 butthurt militant atheists like yourself who don't belong on /lit/ anyway

>> No.6610441

>We voted

>truly believing THAT many people, even here on /lit/, are as retarded as you
I'm laughing

>> No.6610443

he's not wrong though.

>> No.6610451

No one who voted in the first poll took the second seriously. I hear that somebody used a proxy bot and spammed divine comedy or something. other than him and his bots it was just fedoras who were assmad the bible got #1.

we have our poll and it's>>6608564 like it or not.

>> No.6610465
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>> No.6610466

>we're umm just ignoring the second poll which has been open for days and still is because it's, umm, beneath us
Jesus, your spammers aren't even dedicated enough to reset their IP.
It is cute that you believe The Most Holy Bible as #1 will be taken seriously by anyone.

>> No.6610470
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>> No.6610471

you seem to take it pretty seriously kek

>> No.6610472
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>> No.6610473
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I updated this to a more accurate list

>> No.6610475

>I hear that somebody used a proxy bot and spammed divine comedy or something
idk if that's true but yeah like fuck is the divine comedy /lit/'s favourite or most famous book, come the fuck on.

some people know hesse, some people know celine but fucking everyone knows the bible, so people are likely to give it one of their three votes. simple as that.

>> No.6610478
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>> No.6610482

>shit tier
this list is shit tier

at least the OP list doesn't pass judgement

>> No.6610484
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>> No.6610488
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>> No.6610489
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you should probably read the list a little closer

>> No.6610490

doubtful, unless you've only read two books in your life you're unlikely to pick the christian bible as one of your *favorite* books
even the divine comedy spam is more believable tbh

>> No.6610496

The Bible is an important work, whether you consider it to be fiction or nonfiction. It's not fair to associate everyone who recognizes this with /pol/.

>> No.6610508

>at least the OP list doesn't pass judgement
OP personally decided what to ignore and omitted several books for no reason I can think of.
>Mason & Dixon

>> No.6610525
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i'm op and i didnt omitt anything. what list are you comparing mine with

>> No.6610548

Sorry, not OP, the guy who closed the poll. You just copied his arbitrary count.

>> No.6610588
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Can't re-introduce the fringe mistakes bc the original results aren't accessible anymore but at least the major offenders are down. We good?

>> No.6610616

how was his count arbitrary? i don't follow

>> No.6610633

>le stranger is the sixth best book
>catcher in the rye above don quixote
>naked lunch still on the list
you might as well delete this abortion of a list Aaron you dun goofed

>> No.6611430

this just makes me wonder how many of the fedora tippers in this thread, let alone in all of /lit/, have actually read the bible.

Like holy fucking shit

>The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
>He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
>he leadeth me beside the still waters.
>He restoreth my soul:
>he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
>Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
>I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
>thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
>Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
>thou anointest my head with oil;
>my cup runneth over.
>Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
>and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

>this is shit

>> No.6611432

>no bible
top kek

>> No.6611471

there are literally 31,000 verses in the fucking bible

you picked 13, there are whole books in that garbage that can be thrown away and the book would improve significantly

That being said, Ecclesiastes is beautiful.

Also, not everyone reads literature to fulfill their autistic goal of learning the social history of england through the literature.

>> No.6611481

>this just makes me wonder how many of the fedora tippers in this thread, let alone in all of /lit/, have actually read the bible.

/lit/ doesn't read anything, just say what should/shouldn't be considered literature

>> No.6611516

>all these newfags getting trolled to hell and back over the bible

c'mon guys, this your first day? Ironically enough I'm trolling others in the thread on a different topic. Guess this list really is just shit overall.

>> No.6611560

The bible is in the top right hand corner.

>> No.6611568

We are being raided by followers of the left-right dichotomy from 8gag's /pol/ and /leftypol/ simultaneously. I learned this when they began outing each-other in another thread.

>> No.6612099

The guy who made the initial poll ignored votes and/or devalued them.

>> No.6612400

more like the book of jobby

>> No.6613072

>tfw you made this and posted it here to bait
>tfw it worked

>> No.6613111
File: 1.27 MB, 499x499, 1431248839356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the polling, the results, the charts

all garbage

>> No.6613824

I think it's a pretty good list, actually. People can quibble about the rankings or whatever, but their are no 'bad' books up there.

Whoever put it together deserves more gratitude than he's getting.

>> No.6614272

This list is shit but god damn it's sexy.

>> No.6614511

Maybe it has had an effect but I'm not sure people will really get much from reading it today. I dunno. I'm torn

>> No.6614597

>getting this mad about a list of books on the Internet.

I really don't get the backlash here. Like everyone's said the Bible is important for a number of reasons, and if you don't want to read it then don't. Overall this is a pretty good chart of the big books you'll find discussed and recommended, but I guess people gotta argue about everything.

>> No.6615854

How does one pronounce canon? Is it like a cannon that shoots stuff or more like canyon. Plz help I'm trying to start being smart and it would help if I pronounced important words properly.

>> No.6616136

Epic retort friendo! Upboated!

>> No.6616545

its like mixing diamonds with shit.
bukowski? kerouac? jesus christ what are you doing

>> No.6616638

>tfw you were the only person to vote for the new revised standard version - catholic edition

>> No.6616653

So its just 1 christian guy samefagging this thread

>> No.6616672

no maybe :^)