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/lit/ - Literature

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6609452 No.6609452 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>reading Book of Samuel
Why didn't /lit/ tell me King David was so based?

david and goliath discussion thread

also daily reminder God is good.

>> No.6609466

Because no one here reads the Bible past Genesis and one of the Gospels.

>> No.6609473


>> No.6609480


So op, you plan on reading some Buddhist Theravada , Buddhist Mahayana, Brahmin, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Babylonian, Sumerian, Islamic, Mormon, Animist, Celtic, Greek, Roman, and Atheist literature next?

>> No.6609484

The snake on the tree was the only character I liked in that whole mythos.

>> No.6609486

I've never heard of any serious literature by either of these two religions. Could you recommend me some, my brother?

>> No.6609488

He's not a character you fucking moron

>> No.6609496

Why not? And don't pretend the Bible isn't more important to Western literature than any of those

>> No.6609507
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The char God was the first anti-hero archetype.

>> No.6609508

Of course he's a character, he's the fucking catalyst! Without the snake, Eve wouldn't have tried the apple then given it to Adam. So, man would've never left the garden of boring vegetarianism. The snake is probably the most important character in The Bible. And he gets the best reveal, was actually the devil in disguise before it was cliche.

>> No.6609527

Not OP, but so far I've read:

The Bible
Tao Te Ching
The Dhammapada
The God Delusion

What should I read next?

>> No.6609529

And that's the gospel truuuuuth~

>> No.6609530

>first anti-hero archetype.
Care to elaborate on that dilettante level speculation?

>> No.6609559

Do you want to argue about what an antihero is and why God fits it it so you want to protest at me not praising Him as a pure soul even though he floods whole planets (supposedly kek)?

>> No.6609571

>Do you want to argue about what an antihero is and why God fits it it so you want to protest at me
I'm sorry is english your first language not being rude just wondering if you could reformat your assertion before we engage in friendly academic banter

>> No.6609588

>And he gets the best reveal,
It isn't actually revealed until the last book of the bible, when the dragon is named as the "ancient serpent, is it?

That build-up and bookending though

>> No.6609596
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Fuck off alter boy.

>> No.6609619
File: 298 KB, 1600x1066, Godisgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it from the fact that you posted anime that you are deeply unhappy with your life. I also assume you don't know enough about literary theory to justify your assertion. I hope one day you see God's light and realize you don't have to posture or watch bad cartoons.

>> No.6609644

look at this multicultural evangelist

like a dog you will eat anything given to you

>> No.6609670

How's that Bible expanding your mind?
guess not

>> No.6609686

GOD IS DEd mothafucka

>> No.6609718


This OP, it sure is important for you to be able to grasp all those allusions to Theravada Buddhism in Western lit.

>> No.6609724



>> No.6609817
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>> No.6609825


lol, what?

>> No.6610889

It's so obvious that David was going to win. Dex>Str

>> No.6610896

No, if I read anything that isn't the HOLY BIBLE I would probably end up in heck.

>> No.6610899

Christposting moves essentially in the direction of shit.

>> No.6610915

>end up in heck
Only if you don't believe in Gosh

>> No.6612499

>the garden of boring vegetarianism
top kek