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/lit/ - Literature

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6604159 No.6604159 [Reply] [Original]

>get up
>commute to work on busy train
>read 18 pages during my break
>commute home on a busy train
>read 10 pages because I'm too tired to concentrate

Remind me again how this is better than NEET life.

>> No.6604167

It builds character

>> No.6604171

You are presumably saving money for a pension.

You musn't rely on other people for money.

>> No.6604177

What exactly do you do?

>> No.6604184

How demanding is your job? It was like this for me when I was studying
>get up
>commute to work on shit bus service
>do STEM labs
>study STEM textbooks
>go home on shit bus
>more textbooks
>sleep, repeat

now I have an undemanding job I can read the books I want to read, it's alright.

>> No.6604186

>work at Subway
>wake up at 5:00AM
>work 7:00AM-2:00PM
>no breaks whatsoever because Subway
>45-min. bus ride home
>read at least 2 hours a day anyway
>write at least a page a day

suck it up fgt

>> No.6604187


>have money
>have social circle
>have reason to leave house
>expanding your skills

and the list goes on

>> No.6604194

Your long-term quality of life is better with a successful six figure job.

There's no reason to have a job if you aren't earning enough to support yourself in your old age and you aren't a masochist.

I get $500 a month through mturk and can pay off my rent with chump change to spare.

>> No.6604207

>ooh i'm so pessimistic and cynical
fucking hate that cunt

>> No.6604220

I commute and try to read, too, anon. On a crowded smelly subway half the ride. It sucks. Sometimes I can get into it, sometimes not. This is where audiobooks (almost wrote "books on tape") help. That way you can just state into the middle distance and let the words do their work. I know the cycle you're in, but always try to keep your day job. Fucking grind but how else can you buy new books you can't read? So it goes.

>> No.6604228

That sounds horrible.

>> No.6604233

>read 10 pages because I'm too tired to concentrate
lol this is why going to college for humanities is important
reading requires no mental effort when you've mastered hegelian quad-dialectic phenomenological will-to-power in your youth

>> No.6604248

financial independence is nice.

if your job drains you, find another one. if there's none where you are, relocate or something

i get that there's people who are somewhat restricted by their circumstances but most people just live their shitty lives because they're convinced there's no other way. understanding that you have options is half the battle.

>> No.6604256

>you will never commit major crime and then live the easy life just like renzo novatore and icycalm
kill me tbh

>> No.6604258


Audiobooks and good headphones will convert your train ride into reading time.

In the evenings, watch movies instead of shitposting here.

>> No.6604375

listening to an audiobook is not the same as reading

>> No.6604414


how is that better than any other shitty job? genuinely wondering

>> No.6604473


>> No.6604474

>Remind me again how this is better than NEET life.

You have an income and you live by yourself you fucking weab. You're no longer a parasyte in constant fear that all your money will end.

>> No.6604505

Really. Reading is not the only way to ingest story, believe it or not.

>> No.6604506

>Be me last year
>Studying from 7AM-5PM
>Have a shitty 40 minutes lunch I can't do shit with other than eat and run back to school
>All time is wasted either taking tests or just sitting around because the school just pretends to have an "all-day" schedule.
>Arrive home at 5PM, go to bed 11PM
>I have six hours in hands, three of them wasted dining with my family, showering and resting.
>Write 3000 words a day

Absolute madman.

>> No.6604508

WTF is mturk? Doesn't sound like a real job. OK, get back to us. Also, your apartment is less than 500 a month.

>> No.6604513


>3.5 days off a week
>work 40 hours a week
>spend 20 of those 40 hours reading
>spend 6-8 hours a day reading during the days I'm off work

it's great

>> No.6604522

It's fine if you don't really care about literature, which many people stop doing after they leave college. If you are an aspiring writer you either have to find an extremely comfy 9-5 that doesn't wear you out or work part-time. No good writer has every worked a tough 9-5 jobs and produced good books. Don't bring up Frost because he was a poet, as was Larkin.

>> No.6604528
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I also:
>Read "A Confederacy of Dunces" in my cellphone that year
>Read "Naked Lunch" in the cellphone
>Read "The Ocean at the End of the Way" in the cellphone
>Read (Bukowski's) "Post Office" in cellphone
>Read (Palahniuk's) "Survivor" in cellphone


>> No.6604531

I run it in a separate workspace and opt in for any jobs 25 cents and up. I can finish one 'job' within three minutes. Repeat at my own leisure.

I prefer it because I never have to leave the safety of my own house on serious terms.
Mechanical Turk. An advertising service managed by Amazon Inc. It's mostly just reading emails off of receipts and entering captchas for bots.

How do you define a 'real job'? I don't get benefits, if that's what you mean.

I split the rent with two other people.

>> No.6604539


>I didn't put in enough effort to get paid to do something I am interested and enjoy doing
>I never put effort into anything
>I have to go to a place I hate and regret and whine about going to all the time
>I should just be on da welfare instead of trying to improve

Ah, how pathetic and near suicidal the NEET life must be.

Wish you'd just end it already. Sure would free up some space.

>> No.6604553


>> No.6604558

What are you even talking about?

You seem like a very angry, unpleasant person.

>> No.6604568

Who /disposable income/ here

Feels good

>> No.6604577

I'm talking about how pathetic OP is.

>i work
>life so bad
>so cynical
>boo hoo
>wish I were NEET

What you are witnessing is a pathetic sack of shit with no ambition, who instead of realizing that the reason why he is in a shitty situation is because he's a lazy cunt. And instead of doing something about it, he hates on the entire working class in a stereotypical way instead of working to be in a place in his life where he is comfortable other than being a whiny, depressed, pathetic NEET.

In other words, he's worthless. And if he isn't going to do anything but shitpost memes about it, then he's better off dead.

>> No.6604579
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>> No.6604583
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>> No.6604587

Again, you sound like a retard and it seems you lack the self-awareness to know that. Work does suck for many of us, and finding the energy to read is difficult if you're working a busy or stressful job (which OP seems to be doing). A NEET is someone not in employment, education or training. Therefore he isn't a NEET, as convinced as you seem to be of that fact.

>he's worthless
Nice projecting there. Did your Slipknot Greatest Hits not arrive in the post on time or something? I suspect OP would take you far more seriously if you weren't such a tryhard edgefag. Kill yourself.

>> No.6604590

One day, /lit/ and /polr9kcucks/ will realize that being cruel and straightforward is the only way to get to them, because they have been positively reinforced their whole lives by shittier parents, that if you give in to their feels threads and connect with them, it only further drives their denial that they are okay and right.

Maybe, just maybe, by telling them that no one actually gives a shit, that they actually are better off dead and that they really are worthless, maybe they will get up the next morning, or some morning within this year, and decide they will actually do something and that just because you don't receive all the rewards at once doesn't mean it's not worth busting ass and bleeding and crying to get the rewards spread out long term.

Then maybe, just fucking maybe, they will wake up ten years from now and look at what they have done and say, "Wow, holy shit. It actually does feel good to work towards something."

And then they will have kids, and they will teach them lessons instead of just letting them sit in their rooms masturbating to robot traps.

>> No.6604595

>positive reinforcement parenting
>worse than negative reinforcement
Come on /pol/, back to your filter board.

>> No.6604596

I never called him a fucking NEET you dumb cunt.

I said he wants to be fucking NEET because he's a fragile worthless fairy fuck.

Jesus this whole board is full of you stupid cunts.

You are the prime reason why parents should keep plenty of loaded weapons lying around the house. That way, the idiots still have a better chance of dying and moving out of the way.

>> No.6604598
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>They will get a job and a family and a cozy life because a stranger in chan told them they're shit.


>> No.6604599

what if the pay's shit and you're too tired from work to leave the house and have a social life?

>> No.6604600

Then why not leave and sign up to the forums on ubermensch.com instead?

Stay mad kiddo.

>> No.6604602

I never said positive reinforcement was worse than negative reinforcement.

I simple said the positive reinforcement was overdone and didn't work.

It's all about balance. And you are a completely delusional argument searching twat.


I think you're the one who actually belongs there.

>> No.6604609

>I may be stupid
>but how about I just tell you to leave
>not my fault im stupid

>> No.6604612

If you're a consumerist pleb, sure.

>> No.6604613
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>Maybe, just maybe, by telling them that no one actually gives a shit, that they actually are better off dead and that they really are worthless
4chan is literally bursting at the seams with self-hating losers already, your unique snowflake psychological tactics will probably do nothing

>> No.6604617


I want to be you when I grow up

>> No.6604618

Awesome post dude. Reminds me of something Patrick Bateman would say, he's so f*****g cool! I'm like totally a sociopath like him *frowns mysteriously* ;)

>> No.6604625

Lol chill man. Chill.

>> No.6604626

Come on, take the shitposting somewhere else.

>> No.6604643

IKTF I and I also ktf of your colleagues being terrified, illiterate lumpen who will never engage in collective bargaining so you know this is as far as you're going in life

Every time I step into the office I think to myself "I fucked up. This is my life, and I fucked up"

>> No.6604645

Why? This thread is so fucking rad I wanna stay here. Reminds me of this one passage in Thus Spoke Zarathustra where he got really angry on an internet forum frequented by virgins and losers, that guy was so effing merciless. I can't wait until I'm an ubermensch like him!

>> No.6604650

get a different job.

>> No.6604651

Went on a job site and posted my resume for a few jobs. Thanks, /lit/ :)

>> No.6604658

OP where do you live?

>> No.6604659

>mfw being a neo-marxist is ironically just a commodity like wearing an expensive coat

>> No.6604662


lol jesus christ where do you work

>> No.6604666
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>> No.6604669

Watch out there Seinfeld or soon you'll be making "ever noticed Marxists have smartphones" type of observations

>> No.6604670

So what if I want to be a lazy cunt? People have never had to work so much in their lives since the advent of industrialism and with every new form of technology adding more to the workload.

>> No.6604694

>that projecting
>that depressing denial
>that surrender
>that submission

>> No.6604697

...because somehow working on an assembly line is working harder than hunting for you food everyday...

You're a fucking millennial cuckcunt


>> No.6604699

Oh my gawd I love that part of Beyond Good and Evil. *opens some Nietzsche* GRRRRR (thumb up if you're ubermensch too guys!)

>> No.6604706


so this is what crying looks like on the internet.

This thread was shitposting ass soon as OP typed /r9k/ tier shit and submitted it.

>> No.6604709

Know who else doesn't like to work? Every great poet and writer and artist.

>> No.6604714

Except they worked mercilessly at their craft and most became educated in prestigious universities.

So, wrong again, lazy cunt.

>> No.6604717

Dude do you have a blog or something cuz I'd totes subscribe. I'm only 14 but my mom said I act twice my age, and all the kids at school see me reading Nietzsche and are intimidated as heck! I'm gonna start borrowing my older brother's weights soon so I can be big and strong and dominate all those silly untermensch! Eww poor people lol :D :D :D

>> No.6604718


>smackhead by 16
>somehow keep it together and get into Uni
>quietly drop out in final year
>move 400 miles away, get clean
>almost saved up enough money after four years of working a 40 hour per week retail job and 12 hour per week cleaning job to go back and finish degree
>implying that been exhausted and cynical because you work a shitty job is anything to be ashamed about

go fuck yourself

>> No.6604724

>I run it in a separate workspace and opt in for any jobs 25 cents and up. I can finish one 'job' within three minutes. Repeat at my own leisure.
>I prefer it because I never have to leave the safety of my own house on serious terms
sounds comfy af. signed up

>> No.6604730

blatantly lying, i know people who work in my local subway and they get breaks

>> No.6604748

>implying that been exhausted and cynical because you work a shitty job is anything to be ashamed about

Never implied that.

Implied that wanting to be a NEET faggot because
>muh lyfe is da hard
>work is stupid

Worthless junky, STFU
you've obviously rotted your comprehension ability.

>> No.6604759

>you are not edmond dantes
>you will never go to prison and be educated by the most based abbe alive and learn everything possible about arts and sciences
>and never be told the secret of an enormous horde of treasure which you can use to do whatever you want for the rest of your life

this is not a good feel

>> No.6604765

did your eyes hurt? i could never read on a phone

>> No.6604783


If you pay attention it's roughly the same value. It highlights the figures of sound in a book, too, and can mimic steam of consciousness really well. Dalloway and Ulysses were amazing on audiobook. Good noise canceling wrap-arounds and a high volume setting will mean basically the only sense experience you're getting through your ears is a pleasant human voice. Very easy to focus on that, especially on something as visually boring as a train.

But you sound like somebody who needs to feel superior about something.

>> No.6604786

It sure is summer in here.

>> No.6604820


They did

>> No.6604834
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>> No.6604842

I don't know about that. You realize that until relatively recently the vast majority of people just grew their food right? And that was also way more difficult before modern technology.

>> No.6604850

What's an easy way to make money with minimal social contact? I'm thinking either landscaping or clicking web ads for money.

>> No.6604856

this, except I like to hold the book in front of me
the trouble is finding audiobook torrents so i usually don't bother

>> No.6604857

I can imagine it would be good when driving in a car as reading in a car will make you feel sick,
but on a train I prefer to read from a physical copy.

>> No.6604860


>> No.6604877


you're forgetting the part where's he imprisoned for decades and gets cucked

>> No.6605515

just give up moron.

>> No.6605548

Public libraries, especially central ones, have huge audiobook collections. Old people, who have compromised eyesight, and deaf people love them. I hear good things about audible.

Some people, myself included, have trouble when there's a lot of conversation on the train. It can also be hard to read if the train is packed and you often have to stand.

>> No.6605564

kek, fucking boomers

>> No.6605590
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>tfw all I did today was soak and boil batches of beans and drink whisky

I play the neetlife because there's no place I can go
Neetlife, it's the only life I know
Neetlife and there's a thousand parts to play
Neetlife until you play your life away