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File: 522 KB, 856x570, Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 1.06.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6598632 No.6598632 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/, here it is. The trailer for Jason Segel DFW movie.

What do you think?


>> No.6598635

>Brian Wilson and DFW both get biopics this year

This is a good year

>> No.6598644

The only good thing about this shit is all the DFW memes that will come about as a result

>> No.6598654

It's cool that they have the song Strange Currencies in the movie since it was one of DFW's favourite songs.

But the movie looks shitty

>> No.6598658
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had no idea that he smoked tobacco

could be good but i got a lingering uneasy feeling by how well segal plays dfw, and i asked myself why we even need biopics at all but eh could be good

>> No.6598659

I am really excited to see Jesse not play an asshole. Looking forward to this.

>> No.6598663

DFW was really frumpy

>> No.6598668

ehhhhh doesnt looook that great

>> No.6598671

>green !YOUlQWt3s6
Kill yourself my man

>> No.6598678

I can't decide if Segel is trying too hard or not hard enough. He is attempting to act, at least, which Eisenberg is incapable of doing.

I HAVE to go see it, obviously, but there are a lot of ways it will possibly make me feel, and most of them are bad, so I'm scared tbh.

>> No.6598683

I liked the spectacular now so probably gona watch this as if it were something like that and not DFW related at all.

>> No.6598689

he seems to have picked up on a few characteristics and either he's not good enough to bring them all out or he needs more time to practice it

>> No.6598698

As soon as they announced Segel for DFW I felt it would be a good movie. This trailer has not changed my opinion.

>> No.6598713

Not read anything of Bandana Man but Segel is a good dude.

>> No.6598723

spoiler: he dies

>> No.6598726

can someone explain what the fuck this is? is it comedy?

>> No.6598740

He watched this interview once a day to get in character


>> No.6598766

Who did they cast for the role of audience pussy?

>> No.6598767

he should have watched it twice

>> No.6598772

segel sounds sorta like him

might be ok

>> No.6598774

Rated R for language and sexual references?

The Fuck?

>> No.6598777

audience pussy

>> No.6598783

Maybe they talk about Pynchon's shit-eating from Gravity's Rainbow a lot.

>> No.6598798

ok cya

>> No.6598833



>> No.6598916

I really hope this ends up being good. I feel a little lukewarm towards Jesse Eisenberg, but Jason Segel I actually quite like.

>> No.6598919

The Hulk as David Foater Wallace

>> No.6598953

He's not doing an impression, which is good. He could have taken really obvious steps to make his voice sound like DFW's, but this is better.

>> No.6598993


>> No.6599114

looks pretty boring but probably comfy enough to watch just because DFW

>> No.6599180

I gotta say, I think segel's impression is pretty spot on.

>> No.6599188

this. if you're not buying your ticket now so you can help establish the dominant memes get off /lit/

>> No.6599203

oh i guess he acts just like your freshman year roommate when you bring up Die Hard. fuck this

>> No.6599208

Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg star in, "We Are Smarter Than Other Hollywood Actors: DFW, Ever Heard of Him?," in theaters Summer 2015.

>> No.6599219

I don't think anyone who actually cares about literature would go see this movie.

>> No.6599222

- movie looks like shit
>- most talked about
- this guy doesn't look like DFW, he has a relaxed guy's chin and a proto-lisp whereas DFW permanently looks like he wish he could suck in his cheeks but can't due to being a dog
- DFW is uncomfortable, not uncomfortably large
>- explode

I don't know whether DFW deserved a movie, but if he did this isn't it

>> No.6599232

Would DFW like a movie in which he is portrayed as 1) the prodigy taken before his time, 2) the enigma who unwittingly transforms those around him, and even 3) some sort of 'Magical Negro' (in the sense that he possesses a higher understanding of reality than the main character (Eisenberg) and dispenses this wisdom despite his less-than-ideal lifestyle in an attempt to usher the main character through his own life journey)?

>> No.6599237

I don't care if DFW would like it. I care if I would like it, and the answer is a resounding no.

Usually, they try to hide bad acting in trailers. "Interesting" choice for them not to attempt to mask it for this flick.

>> No.6599255

I'm a big DFW fan and there's no way in a million years I am watching this.

>> No.6599306

Guys I know we all love to make memes about dfw but I sincerely really like the dude and love his writing, this movie is a travesty.

>> No.6599333


top fucking kek.

>> No.6599365
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>> No.6599373

Horrible acting aside, isn't the script largely based on that shitty D. T. Max biography?

>> No.6599397
File: 228 KB, 492x387, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This film feels like it was made as an apology or for closure for all the audience pussy DFW slew who thought he was gonna call them back before he killed himself. I will not be in attendance.

>> No.6599413

looks comfy as fuck, who cares if they portray DFW in a corny, regular-guy-genius, flawless martyr sort of way
it's good to have martyrs

DFW was all about that corny "let's feel happy" shit.

i bet he'd hate this movie, but if so that just makes him more of a martyr honkhonk

>> No.6599415

water lmao - lex zuckerberg

>> No.6599434

>i bet he'd hate this movie

he'd probably kill himself all over again

>> No.6599493

They seem to have gotten some of his intonation correctly but segel is completely unable to sell the awkwardness of Wallace. He just seems like too laid back a guy and in no way as uncomfortable as Wallace was any time a member of the press was around.

I'm glad that they are going to try and make the film about celebrity and the gulf between the persona and the person but I'm sorry to say that this doesn't look like it will be an accurate portrayal of David.

>> No.6599516


I think Segel could actually pull it off but not sure about the rest, he's a very underrated actor though however he's always going to be known as that guy from HIMYM and deserves more roles.

I wonder how mainstream this will make IJ more so than it is now.

>> No.6599524


>Mentions liking the first Die Hard

BULLSHIT, Wallace watched nothing but Lynch since he said he didn't like films that much.

>> No.6599525

I think this might be the first time that the lead actor in a biopic is actually uglier than the real life person it's based on

>> No.6599528

>paying for the privilege of making dank memes
I would just pirate it m8

>> No.6599535

its straight out of the book its based on.

>> No.6599560

In the Charlie Rose interview he says he loves movies.

>> No.6599561

big dfw fan here.

i dont care if it'll be a great movie, or even good. it'll just be fun to see simply because of how bizarre it will be.

segel actually does a pretty good dfw.

>> No.6599584

>segel actually does a pretty good dfw
you can't think this

it's almost as bad as when an American tourist in a pub thinks he can do a good british accent and there's nothing you can say to stop him

>> No.6599591

i do think that, actually.

>> No.6599596

how is his voice bad? he's talking normally in an american dialect that's slightly different from his own.

>> No.6599604

DFW was not a fat slack jawed mumbler, he was a lean quick-witted mutterer.

>> No.6599605

Segel pulls it off well enough, I don't know what people are expecting, an exact copy? The dude isn't Daniel Day Lewis. I agree with the guy above, he seems less nervous than DFW actually was, but maybe he was just that way in front of a camera or something.

Movie looks like it could be insipid though. I'll reserve judgment until I've seen it. You know, like a normal human being, as opposed to crying like a fucking faggot over a trailer.

>> No.6599607

>shitty DT Max biography?
1. it was shitty?
2. it's based on the lipsky book, boyo.

>> No.6599619

Maybe i have to watch the trailer again, it didnt seem to me that segel was slack-jawed or mumbling.

>> No.6599623

He looks like a bad cosplay.
And like he's only uncomfortable because he doesn't have any weed to offer you, man. Not like an anxious person at all.

>> No.6599678

I'd probably watch it if I were given $100 to do so.

>> No.6599855

That's more than $50/hour, pretty good salary I would say. For that kind of money I wouldn't mind watching this movie full time.

>> No.6599993

It's mumblecore

>> No.6600037

Reminder that DFW would never agree to a filmic portrayal

>> No.6600088

obviously. who cares.

>> No.6600130

The film intends to glorify DFW but ironically shits on his beliefs by making a film about him in the first place

>> No.6600146

there is no DFW

>> No.6600156

Jason Segel portraying Wallace looks like he threw together some stuff for a Halloween party and now girls share the pics on tumblr gushing about how DEEP that guy from how i met your mother is

>> No.6600233
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who is playing Franzen?

>> No.6600238


>> No.6600256
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kevin bacon

>> No.6600272

Not enough audience pussy.

>> No.6600302
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Do you think that more people have read IJ in this thread or in the one on r/movies?

>> No.6600318

Peter Dinklage

>> No.6600320

>who cares about if this movie shits on this dead guy's legacy XD
If you liked DFW you would not support this movie

>> No.6600338
File: 38 KB, 485x355, yelling man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW is literally the Kurt Cobain of books

>> No.6600349


Where's my Thomas Pynchon biopic

>> No.6600357


>> No.6600362
File: 229 KB, 620x413, dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that make Franzen the Dave Grohl of books?

>> No.6600369


Was his demeanor in this interview ever explained? It's much different from how he was on Charlie Rose.

And I do not have high hopes for the movie.

>> No.6600371
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>> No.6600381

Fuck me, man. Being from Minnesota and looking at the scene in the mall (where I frequented with my friends in high school) is shitty because I can identify the stuff that shouldn't be there (chronologically) in DFW biographical film. Looks pretty bad, IMO.

>> No.6600405

We're all going to see it, regardless of quality.

>> No.6600409
File: 17 KB, 350x353, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dfw you realise this is water

>> No.6600423

Silly. Davey like Alien, Terminator, How to Get Ahead in Advertising, the list goes on.

>> No.6600427

For some reason I feel like this is a joke more than anything else. Like a saturday night live sketch or something. Jason Segal looks ridiculous as him, and he changed his voice because he sounds different in everything else, but he still sounds nothing like him.

>> No.6600428

practice some self control

>> No.6600432

The indoor roller-coaster?
Man, what a country.

>> No.6600442
File: 233 KB, 970x579, santamaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a replica of the Santa Maria

>> No.6600489

Jason Segel looks like a parody

>> No.6600497

Man the whole time I was thinking just kiss already and get it over with.

>> No.6600515

Sort of insulted they picked an ugly comedian to portray David Foster Wallace. He was sort of cute in an awkward geek way, they could do better. They could've asked John Krasinski to grow his hair out and put a bandanna on; he get them dick sucking lips like Wallace.

>> No.6600521

*keks zuckerberg

>> No.6600530

I just read some short stories and saw some interviews from DFW but this seems so bad and wrong. I will watch for the memes, though.

>> No.6600548

If you don't wear a bandanna to the theater when you go see this movie you are a faggot and should leave /lit/ forever.

>> No.6600549

those older women in the trailer, I believe

they're gonna say fuck a bunch and DFW might fuck some women


>> No.6600554
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If you pay money for this movie then you are the biggest faggot

>> No.6600556
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>> No.6600558

not reading the thread right now, but I thought it didn't look that bad? looked kind of good, but
it's at least no more or less embarrassing than the source material already was...i'm pretty easily seduced by trailers and rem though
also weirdly glad they didn't cut out all the smoking to get a pg/pg 13 rating or whatever the standards with that are
but yea real df was a lot qter :3

>> No.6600559
File: 154 KB, 317x262, big ol lug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw you still draw crowds of prime audience pussy even though you killed yourself like seven years ago

>> No.6600568
File: 1.08 MB, 3072x2304, DSCN0724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they made a zadie smith movie
i really want that now

>> No.6600574

What is it with the quirky outfit choices? Is there a correlation? Should I be wearing a turban?

>> No.6600577

Do you think people are gonna cosplay as DFW? All you need are glasses, a bandanna, a noose, and a thesaurus

>> No.6600604
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>> No.6600605

I heard the bandanna they're using in this movie is the same one DFW was wearing when he killed himself. There's been reports that Segel, when in costume, has been using an uncharacteristically verbose vocabulary. Eisenberg allegedly caught Segel by surprise, startling him, to which Segel replied "Jesse, you really gave me the howling fantods". The production staff has several times had to stop takes early because Segel was beginning to sweat profusely, mumbling "audience", "Dr. Pepper" and "pussy" under his breath.

>> No.6600612

pleb fuckers who haven't read the book/obsessively read everything on dfw out there

(it does suck for his family, but having a maybe shitty biopic made out of your life is one of the risks of f@me baby-I doubt this will be unflattering of him anyway if they keep it to only the transcript)

>> No.6600615

if you are a beautiful Jamaican and English person then yea sure

>> No.6600633

Even if this film portrayed DFW as a god who cured cancer, he would not support it. He would vehemently oppose it.

>> No.6600655

yea well edgar allen poe might not be too keen on a movie having him be a vampire? vampire hunter? whatever it was, but unfortunately neither of them aren't around to oppose it

>> No.6600682

Though I don't blame the journalist for trying to make money off of the tapes of their conversations, it was not a very enjoyable read. The examining nature of his (most specifically non-fiction) writing voice makes him just talking in a car or diner gruelingly recursive time and fucking time again. 'What does X say about me and what does it mean that I ask what X says about me and what does it mean that I care what X's meaning to me means' for-fucking-ever.

Siegel looks like he's in an SNL skit. Getting the speaking voice right might have been worth more than the 10 minutes he evidently put into it.

>> No.6600690

La mort de l'auteur baby

>> No.6600693

is that the Edmonton mall?

Yeah, that particular one in the video is relatively new. I think it would be interesting to read DFW's writings on the Mall

>> No.6600706

Your post would be valid if the movie wasn't about the dead author himself

>> No.6600716

that is, how do you say, the joke I'm making

>> No.6600814

Thats not in mall of america you retard, its from WEM in canada

>> No.6600832

This looks like a good hang out movie

>> No.6600844

beautiful Minnesota

>> No.6600856

Well on Charlie Rose he who was just coming off of the success of ij and also received at MacArthur Fellowship so he didn't have to work or worry about money for like a year. by 2003 he was probably already jaded by fame and struggling to write something important again, plus hes in foreign country and probably more conscious of his language and mannetisms

>> No.6600864

he was also I think married by then and iirc his wife was up on stage with him as a security blanket and that calmed him down some

>> No.6600872

great now hipsters are gonna ruin DFW and Infinite Jest

>> No.6600891

i'm starting to fucking feel glad i read IJ at 16 and don't have to again because i feel more like bloom every day

>> No.6600893
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>> No.6600901

>i'm starting to fucking feel glad i read IJ at 16 and don't have to again because i feel more like bloom every day

It's better the second time than the first. It is The Entertainment.

>> No.6600910
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>> No.6600917

they have since 1996, if you think that way

>> No.6600924

I know. And I've just finished it now and everyone will think that I read it for the movie.

Fuck, it's over, boys. Pinecone gets the 1# un-disputed meme-author title now.

Just kidding, no one will think about me reading an postmodern novel because that's so boring

>> No.6600928

ij/dfw has been the wannabe intellectual literary bro reference point for two decades and then plus some after his death/this is water went everywhere

>> No.6600930

Do you think there's going to be a one hour subplot about all of the Jester's audience pussy?

>> No.6600941

I wonder how they'll let the audience in on how much dfw is lying his ass off (understandably, but) about IJ being pretty autobiographical/based on his personal AA/addiction/depression experiences.

>> No.6600943

DFW wasn't supertall like Segel is, right?

I also don't think his "accent" was too bad. DFW didn't just have a midwestern accent, he had a pretty distinctive way of speaking

Also I thought that was Everybody Hurts playing in the background and I laughed

>> No.6600956
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Who else is gonna give you... a broken thorax?

>> No.6600960

lol this. ij is /lit/'s fight club

>> No.6600963

Segel seems pretty terrible. He doesn't come of as the brilliant/quarky/awkward/pseduintellctual guy the meme man was


>> No.6600964
File: 73 KB, 600x338, whydidntyoustopit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that trailer

>> No.6600965

he was pretty tall iirc (and in ref to him not being as fat as segel, his weight fluctuated throughout his life)

I googled Franzen's height (kill me) and "Franzen is 52, tall (6 feet 2 inches)" and they seem about the same height in that Italy pic
also-"Max never figured out how tall Wallace was because everyone close to Wallace gave a different height"

>> No.6600968

>Also I thought that was Everybody Hurts playing in the background and I laughed

I think it was 'Strange Currencies.'

>> No.6600972

As if anyone on this board doesn't already know IJ attracts the !ost clueless inepticons desperate to seem smart.

>> No.6600973
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>that video

>> No.6600976



>> No.6601161
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>segal plays dfw

>> No.6601178

This only becomes the perfect micro-meme if everyone criticizing the trailer did not actually view the trailer.

>> No.6601179
File: 710 KB, 1044x495, lit trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the Joyce movie, a-and the Pinecone movie?

>> No.6601211
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>pls watch my dfw movie
He wasn't even that good a writer tbh. He's literally a meme author.

>> No.6601269

Meeeeh, no he was pretty good, really good actually.

>> No.6601300

>it does suck for his family, but having a maybe shitty biopic made out of your life is one of the risks of f@me

Seems more like one of the risks of suicide. Kind of limits your control of the narrative.

>> No.6601310

One of the risks of dying, more like. Anyone can say anything about you after you're dead and you won't be there to tell them otherwise.

>> No.6601316

True. You can't libel the dead.

>> No.6601326

segel has played some roles that are new sincerity-esque such as how i met your mother and forgetting sarah marshall. it makes sense he would pursue this role and perform adequately.

imo movie looks cool but nothing outstanding.

>> No.6601351

His autopsy report lists him as 72 inches, the perfect height for fresh, dripping audience pussy wherever he went.


>> No.6601368

76 inches. Did you read the autopsy? It's on the fourth page.

>> No.6601371

Man, why did he have to die?

>> No.6601375

>tfw I've been driving past his house for years.
>He lived in a really pretty area

>> No.6601390

>Man, why did he have to die?

I suspect it had something to do with the belt cutting off his oxygen.

>> No.6601393
File: 24 KB, 340x227, http---cdn.cstatic.net-images-gridfs-4f44080185216d65d31306e5-C09026904_11_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the actual patio arbor beam that he hanged himself from with a belt after duct taping his hands behind his back

Post-credits scene maybe?

>> No.6601396

>76 inches. Did you read the autopsy? It's on the fourth page.

That's after he was pretty stretched out, though.

>> No.6601401

>committed suduko only 7 years ago
>already making cheesy romcoms about him

Isn't this a little insulting to the guys memory?

I've only seen segel on himym, he wasn't exactly bursting with talent.

>> No.6601404

okay now i'm getting bummed out
and i've made multiple dfw death jokes itt

>> No.6601415

This essentially

You'd think it would go for something more than straight faced saccharinity and sappiness that the trailer suggests, considering how much dfws work was about film and entertainment. It looks very much like an image of a film that already exists.

>> No.6601424

It depends on how you look at it. On one hand his life is being cheapened, commercialized, and pushed as a source of bargain bin sentimentality. On the other hand, people care enough about him to make a movie 7 years after he died.

>> No.6601427

>his life is being cheapened, commercialized, and pushed as a source of bargain bin sentimentality
this already happened when This is Water became popular and like a Dads and Grads gift book

>> No.6601448

To some extent every modern author is a commercialized product pushed by the publishing industry.

>> No.6601451
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>no smell of cunt in the air
>no audience pussy
not interested

>> No.6601468

the 1st die hard is fucking amazing tho

>> No.6601478


>I know. And I've just finished it now

It's 2015.

You're as late to the party as they are.

Get over yourself.

>> No.6601484

>On one hand his life is being cheapened, commercialized, and pushed as a source of bargain bin sentimentality.

His whole life was moving from one academic institution to another. If one can even call that a life.

>people care enough about him to make a movie 7 years after he died.

White, suburbanite college students have become a very dominant market. DFW actually plays to this educated-but-not-smart post grad demographic.

>> No.6601496

>White, suburbanite college students have become a very dominant market. DFW actually plays to this educated-but-not-smart post grad demographic.

I've noticed that all DFW haters presume that they are smarter than his fans. This seems sort of self-congratulatory and silly to me.

>> No.6601499

>image macros

>> No.6601503

You trip on 4chan.

You have no room to call someone else "self-congratulatory and silly", frankly.

>> No.6601511

*grabs popcorn*

>> No.6601525

I used to go out to the Claremont colleges and University of La Verne for debate tournaments and practices. It seems like it would be a terribly boring area to live.

>> No.6601529
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>Bachem !!AVHKAJ5YEoh

lol who?

go home, board tourist

>> No.6601540

>You have no room to call someone else "self-congratulatory and silly", frankly.

I don't think that putting my name on my posts is giving myself a big round of applause or anything. I understand that some people find it upsetting. I do it for them.

>> No.6601544
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This may be the only movie based on a real person I can think of where the original person is better looking than the actor who portrays him.

>> No.6601548



>> No.6601579


>I understand that some people find it upsetting. I do it for them.

lol no one here finds it upsetting because you are a literal nobody on this board.

every other trip here probably doesn't even know who the fuck you are lol.

>> No.6601583

Yeah pretty much this. His voice at times sounds like DFW, but he doesn't capture the mannerisms and manner of speaking.

>> No.6601594

>I don't think that putting my name on my posts is giving myself a big round of applause or anything.

it's nothing but a self-suck
self-suck elsewhere

>> No.6601597

>dfw says things without taking 30 seconds to think, 3 minutes of 'uhhs', 30 seconds of silence, 4 minutes of 'uhhs' and then a cringe right after what he said

>> No.6601611

>lol no one here finds it upsetting because you are a literal nobody on this board.
>every other trip here probably doesn't even know who the fuck you are lol.

And yet you need to pop off all aggrieved and hurt, like. Why is that?

>> No.6601614

>it's nothing but a self-suck
>self-suck elsewhere

I can't imagine having so little to think about that someone having a name on their post would bother me in the slightest. What's that like?

>> No.6601627

This nigga is always crossing his arms like wtf get some confidence.

>> No.6601629


>And yet you need to pop off all aggrieved and hurt, like. Why is that?

haha no i am shitting on you because it's fun and easy.

you are tripping on a board where you're not even known hahahaha like why even bother.

>> No.6601639
File: 151 KB, 1125x681, 1390192935380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is now all about you
>you obviously delight that it has become about you
>what is this why is this I don't understand, what's the problem?

You're literally a cliché and don't even realize it.

>> No.6601646
File: 25 KB, 298x233, dfw I hit the blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't lose hope, there was a shot of him with a girl

>> No.6601666

>haha no i am shitting on you because it's fun and easy.
>you are tripping on a board where you're not even known hahahaha like why even bother.

Don't confuse making yourself look like a dildo with shitting on ME. Now I see why you would value your anonymity.

>> No.6601669

would df have a man bun if he was a 24 yo today?

>> No.6601670

>>thread is now all about you

More precisely, the thread is now all about certain embittered little guys' problems with me.

>> No.6601703

>Pinecone gets the 1# un-disputed meme-author title now.

But there's the Inherent Vice movie.
Joyce is our last hope. Thankfully I doubt the normies will ever ruin the Riddler.

>> No.6601706


I know, it's shocking stuff happened before you were born.

>> No.6601712

there's also a Nora movie and i think a couple more Joyce movies
also dummy df's hideous men was made into a movie by the office guy i think right after his death?

>> No.6601719

calling you the dummy, not saint favey boy davey boy

>> No.6601729

>Joyce will have a movie made by hollywood
>all males are turned black to meet diversity quotas
>all females are cute white girls who get the farts fucked out of them by dat BBC


do you get it? cuckoldry! interracial breeding! Louis C.K. approves, if you catch my le drift! The Jews want to make sure all white women enjoy having a thick, long black cock pumping in and out of their eager, sucking mouths, their once-tight pussies that'll no longer even get wet around a white boy, and their tender asses (they'd never let a white boy near there, but a black man? Hell yeah!).

White girls want to be impregnated by black sperm and have mixed race babies as long as they keep getting gangbanged, literally hundreds of black men are filling up every hole of that cute little white girl you adore so much, all holes at the same time, cumming deep inside before another black man comes to fill the void.

sa;jfkds;fjkdsljf;sdjfsd;df;a fuck fdufksd;fdsj;sdf joycean erotica someone help me im stroking out

>> No.6601731


board tourist do you even read?

no, seriously.

>> No.6601736

I can't believe anyone would want to watch this unironically.

>> No.6601744


DFW hated irony more than he would've hated this film.

>> No.6601747

lol he says he did and made arguments against it, but lots of his work and faves are steeped in irony

>> No.6601750

Because that's the kind of movie normies in 2015 watch.

>> No.6601788
File: 302 KB, 403x524, 1432420951067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's pretending to be a nervous genius so he can get the audience pussy

>> No.6601790

I think a lot of people misunderstand Wallace's stance on irony. He didn't think that irony was itself always bad, he thought that believing everything had to be ironic would lead to people feeling empty.

>> No.6601801

Normies didn't like Inherent Vice either, neither did most of /lit/ but still.

>> No.6601808

That actor doesn't look like him and the movie looks sappy and bad.

>> No.6601912

>board tourist do you even read?
>no, seriously.


>> No.6601930

This is true. And this is true.

>> No.6601966

Nigga there's movies for passages of Finnegans Wake.

>> No.6602456

In what way?

>> No.6602735

Can someone explain the audience pussy meme to me? I've only been here for a couple of months.

>> No.6602739

I can't see either of those two actors as playing people other than versions of themselves. I won't be able to take this film seriously, even remotely. The one playing DFW just looks like he's doing some shitty cosplay.

>> No.6602767



>> No.6602778

Jesus this is so bad, it's like they are making a movie about John Green.
But than again DFW isn't exactly a good author.

>> No.6602816

'cause he's god damn right for the role

>> No.6602873


>> No.6603079

in the bio they quote m karr (people forget this part! we have her to bless for the coinage) as saying david was after that audience pussy ie sleeping with fans or girls who came to his signings, he also slept with his students/undergrads when he was teaching like the whole time until he cleaned up in the 2000s

>> No.6603122

But, anon, everyone does this given the chance.

>> No.6603193

lmao at this bachem kid, he got trashed in some other thread too. He just keeps embarrassing himself. Wouldn't even be surprised if it ws a chick.

who would play john green in the official john green movie that they make after he kills himself because people find out he's been fucking his teenaged fans?

>> No.6603213
File: 16 KB, 287x330, Ben Al GhaziFleck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using bachem

>> No.6603215

I haven't read any DFW yet, what's with all the "audience pussy" in this thread? Is it something he wrote about or is it just that he fucked a lot of people when he did book tours?

>> No.6603223

I actually had an idea for a screenplay where a newcomer screenwriter is tasked with adapting Ulysses for a mainstream audience and he becomes so frustrated with the task that he feels Joyce is personally mocking him and fucking with him.

who would watch this tho

>> No.6603224

The answer is four posts above yours, anon...

>> No.6603272

shut up cunt im the king around these parts mothafucka

>> No.6603278

>no mention of "am I parsing this correctly" or "I'm having difficulty parsing this"
>no perspiration
>no weird meme contortions of the face when he tries to answer a simple yes or no question
>calling it a "thousand page book" when it's clearly 1079 pages
And is Jesse Eisenberg supposed to be the audience pussy in this film or what's up with that?

>> No.6603306

it works...

>> No.6603314

I cannot watch that uncut interview all the way through but DFW seems like a guy who let all the little niggles of life just eat him up. Like that other thing posted in here, where he's talking about "prior to" and "before".

I wonder if his mind was constantly hung up on all these things, constantly hanging up on every single sentence, every word, every idea, wondering if it was correct and the best way of doing it, the best way of thinking. Probably why it took him so long to answer a fucking question.

I wonder if he started out doing that to seem smarter than everyone else, but then it consumed him.

>> No.6603319


this guy's other movie The Spectacular Now is surprisingly good and I'm guessing this one will be good as well.

>> No.6603335


He was definitely an autist ,that's why there is so little humour in his works.

>> No.6603338


Keep that bitter fanmail coming!

>> No.6603346

Hi reddit

>> No.6603354

>I wonder if his mind was constantly hung up on all these things, constantly hanging up on every single sentence, every word, every idea, wondering if it was correct and the best way of doing it, the best way of thinking. Probably why it took him so long to answer a fucking question.
i think that he said somewhere that he was obsessed by wittgenstein at some point in his life so naturally it follows

>> No.6603365


This man died seven years ago. Why is there a film about him. This is horrible

>> No.6603370


>> No.6603374

>I have literally no idea what I'm talking about and must post

>> No.6603463

>Hi reddit

Why is it the laziest-minded people always assume I have some association with a site I've never been to?

Anyway, hi!

>> No.6603472

>This man died seven years ago. Why is there a film about him. This is horrible

How long after Cobain's suicide did that Gus Van Sant movie 'Last Days' come out?

I want this trailer to be a Funny or Die sketch, but I suspect this is really a movie.

>> No.6603507

>Madam Zubumba The Dream Weaver

>> No.6603563


It's different with musicians, though. It's kind of wrong to treat DFW like a rockstar.

>> No.6603580
File: 668 KB, 766x653, 1426045336063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not basing your spending habits exclusively with the intent of maximising the number of potential memes resulting from your expenditure

>> No.6603676

>It's different with musicians, though. It's kind of wrong to treat DFW like a rockstar.

The romanticized tragic hero could be from anywhere, though. Rock sees this narrative a lot, but doesn't necessarily own it.

>> No.6603726

Normies will love it.

It will be critically successful.

It will introduce a whole new audience to DFW, albeit it'll be the audience of YA novels who want to see intelligent so Richard Ayaode's adaptation of Dostoevsky's The Double is their favourite film because fuck actually reading anything worthwhile.

>> No.6603799

Not autistic enough.

>> No.6603836

if anything, df is the closer to the opposite of autistic?
unless 'sometimes socially awkward and anxious=autistic' like it seems to be most of the time i don't get the need to call everyone autistic in an insulting and not even close to accurate way, it's so lazy
it's like how for decades people would use schizophrenic (and bipolar) to mean split personality/mind or as having two or more conflicting opinions

>> No.6603848

also stop saying normies you fucking dweebs, it reeks of 2001 era hot topic suburban kids calling people posers
ij/dfw aren't cool or exclusive things to know or care about, no more than nirvana or kurt cobain are

>> No.6603860
File: 72 KB, 259x400, Don DeLillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The worst thing that happened when Inherent Vice came out was that I saw the novel at an airport, I wonder if the same will happen to DFW? I can't imagine how bad this film will polarize people.

But yeah, the movie is going to target the audience you exactly you described and teenage girls will pretend to love him just because of how much John Green talks about him.

I say we make Don DeLillo our new Post-Modern king.

>> No.6603864

im now gonna start saying normies because it's clearly good if that's the reaction it gets.

>> No.6603872

i'll show you DAD

>> No.6603877


If he's 6'4" then based on that photo Zadie Smith would have to be about 6', which I doubt. Maybe they measure from the toes when a body's on the slab?

>> No.6603882

>It will be critically successful.

It won't even get mention and no one will care.

>> No.6603894

it's already been critically successful.

>> No.6603898

all those people if they're above the age of 13 already have df on their radar, esp if they're john green fans (he's been ripping off DFW his whole career-that's who all of you worried about David's 'purity' or whatever being ruined should have been focusing on)
maybe in the UK?, but the double got barely any attention in the US so idk why that's your example

>> No.6603899

[citation needed]

>> No.6603910

dfw is already extremely popular and im not surprised anymore to see people reading him in public. any young person who's moved beyond stephen king knows who he is. he is very, very famous now.

>> No.6603912
File: 24 KB, 110x99, Screen shot 2015-05-28 at 2.02.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after some close inspection, Zadie appears to be wearing wedge heels and also everyone to the right in the pic is closer to the camera (6'4" does seem a little off though, he doesn't look like he's towering over people in pics)

>> No.6603918

I'm from the UK so i didn't know that The Double didn't have much success in the US. I use it as an example because it's a film I hear people calling their favourites when they want to seem intelligent, but don't actually want to put any effort into reading the book. The adaptation was okay at best, with Brazil-esque and Lynchian tinges here and there, but the sort of people who claim it as their favourite film know fuck all about literature or cinema.

>> No.6603922


Maybe in the US but he's not that popular here in the UK, he does have a sizable fanbase but not on the same scales in his home country.

>> No.6603926

end of the tour review roundup


very positive.

>> No.6603929

you're right, i mean in america.

>> No.6603946


All true; well considered.

According to an interview, Franzen is 6'2". It may be a trick of perspective, but he looks taller than DFW there.

>> No.6603959

>Maybe in the US but he's not that popular here in the UK, he does have a sizable fanbase but not on the same scales in his home country.

Pardon my going off-topic, but I'm curious: how popular is Matt Beaumont there? I never hear him mentioned here, but I've read a few of his books and I think he's very funny and creates some brilliantly-conceived narratives.

>> No.6603966

I'm pretty sure this is the exact kind of tacky shit he would have hated.

>> No.6603969

Weirdly enough, on the first page, it lists his height as 72 (in the height box under his address), and on the fourth page it is 76. The second on is probably a mistake, since in photos he looks closer to 6 feet, as some have already pointed out.

>> No.6603970

The Pale King and Both Flesh and Not got quite a lot of coverage here in the UK when they were released. His books are always prominently placed in big bookshops too. And I once saw a qt reading A Supposedly Fun Thing on the Tube.

>> No.6603976

Wasn't there a movie starring Obi Wan Kenobi as James Joyce?

>> No.6604002

I hope I'll be able to find a copy after the movie is released, I've never ever seen on of his books in this fucking city (I'm not from the US), they sell shitty american not popular authors, but not this guy

>> No.6604003

This is 4chan. Please just be anonymous. Literally no one wants to know who you are. We'd all actually really prefer not to

>> No.6604014

>>thread is now all about you
>More precisely, the thread is now all about certain embittered little guys' problems with me.

That's still about you

>> No.6604020

>This is 4chan. Please just be anonymous. Literally no one wants to know who you are. We'd all actually really prefer not to.

Well, I would prefer that everyone put a name on their posts that made them accountable, but everybody gets to make that decision for themselves.

>> No.6604027
File: 74 KB, 479x640, 3MgVhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, I would prefer that everyone put a name on their posts that made them accountable, but everybody gets to make that decision for themselves.

>> No.6604028

>That's still about you

No. it's about people's strange problem with me. I'm incidental to it.

>> No.6604030


Please go back to reddit.

>> No.6604045

>Please go back to reddit.

Why does every gruelingly unoriginal anonofag tell me to go back to some site I've never been to?

>> No.6604046

you don't belong here

>> No.6604052

If you've never been there, then just go. It's got all the "accountability" you want, bud!

>> No.6604084

Just because I started on r/4chan doesn't mean I don't belong here

>> No.6604087


Take 2

>> No.6604088


I'd love to see on your screen how many of these posts have (you) next to them, but I suppose that's why you cower in anonymity in the first place.

Instead of obsessing on me, wouldn't you rather be disparaging an author whose major work you never read? Sounds more your speed.

>> No.6604091


Impersonation is the creepiest form of flattery.

>> No.6604098
File: 19 KB, 853x327, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop trip or leave

>> No.6604102


Or what? More pouting?

>> No.6604103

Just 2, early on

You just officially derailed the thread and made it not fun for everyone

>> No.6604104
File: 1.76 MB, 294x313, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to anonymous posts

>> No.6604111

>I would prefer that everyone put a name on their posts that made them accountable

You're missing the whole point. If you want everyone to have a name, there are literally hundreds of forums (like Reddit) where you may go have that. 4chan is almost the only place anywhere where everyone agrees to be anonymous. This is why everyone has a problem with you.

>> No.6604113

Why does anyone even talk to tripfags? They're the most autistic 4chinners.

>> No.6604115
File: 154 KB, 1063x1080, 1423988115488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6604118


No, you've done that. Take some responsibility for yourself. My posts have either been on-topic or responses to your off-topic comments to me. Only a child would deny it.

>> No.6604121

This is now a Bachem thread

>> No.6604123

>You're missing the whole point. If you want everyone to have a name, there are literally hundreds of forums (like Reddit) where you may go have that. 4chan is almost the only place anywhere where everyone agrees to be anonymous. This is why everyone has a problem with you.

Then why does the option for a name exist?

>> No.6604129
File: 1.76 MB, 292x310, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6604140

Kill yourself autistic faggot

>> No.6604162

That's mighty unfortunate.

>> No.6604173

i think he'd look good in one.

>> No.6604193

best actually read some DFW before normal people find out who he is :/

>> No.6604202


>> No.6604205

Normal people don't read 1000+ page books so infinite kek will never be mainstream.

>> No.6604242

summertripfag everyone hates you

>> No.6604247

>dfw only one (you)
You and your infinite jest need to go

>> No.6604325


buddy boy, read this and tell me that it isn't good:

"Past the flannel plains and blacktop graphs and skylines of canted rust, and past the tobacco-brown river overhung with weeping trees and coins of sunlight through them on the water downriver, to the place beyond the windbreak, where untilled fields simmer shrilly in the a.m. heat: shattercane, lamb’s‑quarter, cutgrass, sawbrier, nutgrass, jimsonweed, wild mint, dandelion, foxtail, muscadine, spinecabbage, goldenrod, creeping charlie, butter-print, nightshade, ragweed, wild oat, vetch, butcher grass, invaginate volunteer beans, all heads gently nodding in a morning breeze like a mother’s soft hand on your cheek."

>> No.6604333


medium-rare pepe. v nice.

>> No.6604382

It kind of looks like a nun from the thumbnail

>> No.6604400

yeah it does

>> No.6604532


Who does this impress? People who've never been outside before? It's such a hollow passage.

>> No.6604561


>dfw you will never get your 85 bucks that you could have spent on a premium belt or a cool bandana with orange flames

>> No.6604604


>> No.6604640

wow, he was fedora before fedora was fedora so it's actually pretty cool

>> No.6604647
File: 2.83 MB, 1024x1881, goya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he put duct tape around his wrists. why? is that something out of suicide mantels?
it says the drop would have been 1'4" (about 40cm), is that enough to break your neck?

>There is a tattoo on the right upper arm laterally with word "Karen" and a symbol of the heart.

you can find the house on street view btw, nothing special

>> No.6604946

That passage opens The Pale King, if I'm not mistaken.

There are lots of passages in Infinite Jest I like more; just remarkable turns of phrase and casual high-level cleverness.

I think it's the key book to read of its generation, though a lot of folks prefer to read other generations' key works of fiction.

>> No.6605353

Just a reminder that this film is an example of how disgusting America, capitalism and human nature is:

>"The David Foster Wallace Literary Trust, David's family, and David's longtime publisher Little, Brown and Company wish to make it clear that they have no connection with, and neither endorse nor support 'The End of the Tour.' This motion picture is loosely based on transcripts from an interview David consented to eighteen years ago for a magazine article about the publication of his novel, 'Infinite Jest.' That article was never published and David would never have agreed that those saved transcripts could later be repurposed as the basis of a movie. The Trust was given no advance notice that this production was underway and, in fact, first heard of it when it was publicly announced. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no circumstance under which the David Foster Wallace Literary Trust would have consented to the adaptation of this interview into a motion picture, and we do not consider it an homage."

>> No.6605436
File: 581 KB, 2000x1000, o-END-OF-THE-TOUR-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a big guy

>> No.6605644

This dudes the dane cook of literature. Oversells everything. Everything's rapid, off-the-wall, exaggerated, urgent, hilarious, weird, crazy. Seems like he started to tone it down in Pale King, but 80% of his stuff is just stupid.

>> No.6605684

Not to mention he's a stephen glass-level fabulist, but no one cares because journalism wasnt his main gig.

>> No.6605922

Yeah, you'd think all the people who made this movie are asking themselves if this is the sort of thing he would have wanted.

Also, how much of an ego trip is this for that magazine writer? Spend a few days interviewing a writer, 20 years later you're featured as a main character in a movie about it.

>> No.6606025

I'm sure the movie will make it out like they have some great connection, like they completed each other, but reading the book you got the clear idea DFW was just buttering the guy enough to where he wouldn't fuck him hard in the piece. He's aware that he's at the guy's mercy in the Rolling Stone piece (that wasn't).