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/lit/ - Literature

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6599447 No.6599447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a literary feels thread?

>> No.6599481

>tfw panicking for the horse in Master and Man by Tolstoy. smh
>tfw Agathe kisses Ulrich on the cheek, because peasants thought they were a couple (literariest boner i've ever had)
>tfw THE POEM AT THE END OF BILLY BUDD FORETOPMAN. i cannot stress enough the beauty of Billy Budd. i have never read "i am tired and the oozy weeds about me twist" without crying.

>> No.6599496

>let my friend borrow one of my favorite novels
>he loses it before he even reads it

>> No.6599531

>Accumulate dozens of books over the years that you want to read
>Feel panic because you don't know when you'll get to them
>Sell them to get rid of the stress
>Get nervous because you see your backlog is getting pretty high again, while also feeling anxious that you got rid of a bunch of books

>> No.6599538

>tfw reading a really good short story that suddenly becomes SF or fantasy as a TWEEST at the end and you have to disregard it because of its fantastic nature

>> No.6599547

>when You cut your finger turning the page

>> No.6599553

Twiggy is a retarded pleb

>> No.6599554
File: 36 KB, 500x632, 1416596327273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know qt who is super confident normally but is always shyish around me, speaking with a cracked voice and covering her mouth and nose when I compliment her
>one day her friend says "I think she likes you anon"
>give qt nice copy of William Blake one day
>she hugs me and smiles and says thank you I love William Blake
>a week later she gets me a book of love sonnets
>ask her if she wants to get together
>she says yeah
>get together than weekend
>go out to eat and have a good time
>drive her home
>lean in to kiss her and she freezes
>a few slight kisses and she starts reciprocating
>start groping her breasts and can feel hard nipples
>she leans back and says I-I'm sorry I'm just not comfortable with that right now
>ask why not
>she says she's just a little inexperience and isn't ready right now
>ask what she's okay with
>she says kissing is nice
>ask if she'd like to give me head
>she looks away and says she'd rather not right now
>beg her over and over
>finally she blows me
>leave her that night
>she stops answering my calls and avoids me in public

Brokenhearted to this day.

>captcha: Select all images with pasta or noodles.

>> No.6599564

You're socially inept or just an asshole

>> No.6599569
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Absolutely pathetic
You're the worst kind of human being
>not the ideal way to end the first date
>Implying you even deserved for her to accept that Blake book from you

>> No.6599573

Socially inept I guess. I still wish she would have at least responded instead of just braking contract without any explanation or goodbye.

>> No.6599578

>really want tot get The Sound and the Fury
>Can't find it at book stores
>finally find one at used store
>someone drew a fucking pen all over the interior
>ask fatass tattoo lady at the desk if there's more/could get a lower price
>tfw still no Faulkner

>> No.6599579

>no explanation or goodbye
>>she says she's just a little inexperience and isn't ready right now
>>ask what she's okay with
>>she says kissing is nice
>>ask if she'd like to give me head
>>she looks away and says she'd rather not right now
>>beg her over and over
>>finally she blows me
>>leave her that night
Yeah, it's a mystery...

>> No.6599581


>responding seriously to that bait

>> No.6599586

You're fucked in the head m8

>> No.6599588

Uhh, is it that hard to google 'Sound and the Fury full text'?


>> No.6599594

>tfw wrote war "novels" in middleschool and gave them out
>tfw there might be at least one copy still out there stuffed in someone's closet
>tfw walk around constantly cringing and ashamed of things I've done throughout life all day

>> No.6599595
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>tfw went out with a girl a few weeks ago and never touched her even by accident
I feel like a Chinese father.

>> No.6599598

>soft copies

>> No.6599600

You haven't earned that feel, anon. Not after what you did. You're a nasty boy.

>> No.6599624

"ask if she'd like to give me head"

Fucking hell, anon. I feel sorry for the poor lass.

>> No.6599643

>be at nicer club
>see girl with "logos" in Greek letters on a flatbilled baseball cap
>ask her about it
>turns out she is really into Greek literature and philosophy
>dance with her for a while, have a great time
>get table and talk for a long time
>at the end of the night she asks if she could come over to my house in a few days so would talk more
>I realize place is complete mess
>say, I don't really know, I'm busy
>she leans in and says c'mon, I won't bite
>tell her sorry, but maybe we'll keep in touch
>she looks disappointed
>tfw never see her again

>> No.6599644
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1389798731350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading the same 3 paragraphs of the Phenomenology of the Spirit the whole day

>> No.6599653

Good call, anon. She could have been lying and bit you.

>> No.6599654

clean it up fagtard

>> No.6599660

Why wouldn't you just clean your place?

>> No.6599669
File: 58 KB, 598x450, 1413492968270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6599673

I'm lazy as fuck, I try to clean and I just lose my attention after fifteen minutes. But even if I could stay dedicated, I don't think I could clean it up in three days to the point that I wouldn't feel like a creep having her over.

>> No.6599692

Well, I'm suffering more than she is, I can guarantee you that. I'm still a virgin to this day, unless you count that bj

>> No.6599694

> tfw I live alone and haven't cleaned my house well in 3 months or so
> everything is all over the place everywhere
> kitchen sink full of dishes for 3 months
> kitchen floor full of dog poop and pee
> tfw I wake up intending to clean it every single day but kinda lack the motivation
your situation is probably better, but I understand you anon

>> No.6599704

You pressured a poor girl into giving you head, I hope you die a virgin.

>> No.6599706
File: 66 KB, 500x599, 1360213678950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to qt about books
>"you've read everything"
>she brings up sound and fury
>haven't read it, say I have anyway
>fake a conversation based on what I've heard about it
>think she's on to me
>"i have to go"
>buy and start reading sound and fury immediately
>look up criticism to find interesting points of discussion
>I never see her again

>> No.6599707
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>> No.6599714
File: 241 KB, 1180x1204, 6d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day my friend invites me to his friend's party
>i normally don't go to them since i usually don't know anyone but i say yes
>drive to the house and show up alone
>"anon! what are you doing here?" says one of the few people i know
>around school i'm known as an intellectual/studious type despite the fact i drink/smoke/have sex like any other degenerate
>mill around my friend since the guy bringing the alcohol hasn't come yet
>the guy finally arrives and he turns out to be a really good friend of mine, people are surprised when they see us catching up
>everyone starts taking shots in the kitchen, i go in there and wait
>see qt brunette with dark, deep eyes sitting down texting, doesn't seem like anyone's talking to her
>take 12 shots before i muster the courage to talk to her
>don't remember how but i start dancing with her, introduce myself by saying I like literature and philosophy, drunkenly kissing her hand, and telling her she's attractive because she's reserved
>don't remember much aside from the fact she left
>i throw up and stay the night, the next day she adds me on facebook
>apologize for hitting on her
>says it's alright, asks if it was true I was into literature
>say yes
>apparently she's into reading and writing
>we start messaging each other and eventually she asks to read a short story i told her i'd written while high a week or two ago
>send it to her
>"it's really good"
>all further conversation seems forced
>doesn't seem too interested in talking
>tfw literary qt turns you down for not being a patrician-tier writer

>> No.6599732

That's because I never had a sexual encounter before, and I didn't force her to. I got her to, she agreed to. She regretted it later, but I imagine she enjoyed it at the time.

>> No.6599755


don't listen to the whiteknight fags, you done good anon.

>> No.6599772
File: 266 KB, 431x336, 1430749294191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that story actually happened and was not carefully crafted to push the buttons of e/lit/ists

>> No.6599831
File: 22 KB, 488x351, never happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can one fuck up after not fucking up?

You're a miracle of nature, Anon.

>> No.6599833

Except she won't talk to me anymore....

It did actually happen.

>> No.6599839

I want to kill you

>> No.6599842

PROTIP: Girls don't enjoy or want to give you head, especially inexperienced ones who say they would rather not at the moment

>> No.6599843

holy fuck you are such a tool, and to think that reading should educate people

>> No.6599856


you're fucking disgusting

>> No.6599873
File: 7 KB, 243x208, KnightofInfiniteResignation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stumble upon cool book in family's library
>have meant to read that book for a long time
>it's volume 1 out of 2
>finish it in one week
>volume 2 is nowhere to be found
>one year later
>stumble upon volume 2 somewhere else in family library (that library is really a mess)
>read it slowly, enjoying it over two weeks
>reach page 513 out of 630
>suddenly the sentence stops making sense
>read it
>read it again
>look at number page
>next page is number 531
>mfw page 514 to 530 are missing
>mfw the book looks perfectly fine, probably was printed that way
>mfw the book I've tried to finish for over a year has some rare printing flaw
>mfw the Universe doesn't want me to finish this book

>> No.6599880


git gud

>> No.6599899

>tfw lending your friends books that mean a lot to you and discussing them in depth

>> No.6599918

>show someone something you wrote
>'it was good'

>> No.6599990

you rapist

>> No.6599998
File: 20 KB, 235x236, 1428730887728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6600015

>Reading Tom Sawyer I find myself wishing I was a dirty jackass kid doing the most ridiculous shit in a small town

>> No.6600032
File: 949 KB, 756x9800, lit is worst board ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that /lit/ is the worst board on 4chan. Even worse than /b/.

>> No.6600080

That is soul crushing. I hope those people die alone.

>> No.6600091



>> No.6600092
File: 29 KB, 283x283, d6qnzh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6600113

I agree with him

>> No.6600127

>read to kill a mockingbird
>read the grapes of wrath

>tfw you're not American and you could never write something like this

>> No.6600145

Why is this image always paired together with a "/lit/ is the shittiest board Xd"? Please stop.

>> No.6600150

b8 but if its not ur a rl fkn cunt

>> No.6600178


Piss bottles EXIST?

>> No.6600183


Write something that ends with an old man sucking on the tit of a young woman

>> No.6600188
File: 51 KB, 500x332, 7gktsR-vlESc9Y5wQ0lD1Q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it makes /lit/ look like it is the shittiest board imaginable, full of the shittiest people and dedicated to being shitheads to a masterful degree.

The sad thing is that it is actually pretty representative of /lit/ from what I have seen.

I'm sorry if that offends you.

No I'm not.

>> No.6600194

Just blast some music and clean to the beat bucko. A good tune can keep me scrubbing up for a while. Helps keep you focused.

>> No.6600199

It wasn't really that bad. The women was a fake cunt and just playing off for attention anyways.

>> No.6600206

holy fuck that's a real feel mate
What books?

>> No.6600207
File: 16 KB, 180x180, pot and kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much like /lit/ and its seeming majority of pseudo-intellectual attention whores.

>> No.6600255

Absolute gold every single time

>> No.6600257

damn anon, I know that feel. The amount of research I've done for conversations I never have is immense. Good motivation for reading though

>> No.6600261

I remember seeing that thread when it was up, hiding it, and thinking it was fucking embarrassing for everyone on /lit/. Now it's considered one of the high points of this board. I think I need to go somewhere else.

>> No.6600268

at least you tried anon, still inspiring me

>> No.6600275

It's not so much a high point as it is so low a point as to be the funniest image of a thread I've read.

>> No.6600290

Not that guy but it gets less funny every time I read it.

>> No.6600301

And? That's a normal thing, for literally all things one would ever consider funny.
Does your emotion go, however, from its being funny to some neutral feel or from such to disgust?

>> No.6600325

There are certain moments of jubilant ecstasy from my childhood I remember to this day and I can't help but laugh. they have always seemed funny to me and never lost their essence. But I agree with your second point that as one thinks of the girls feelings from a human perspective it was a juvenile and disgusting thing to do.

>inb4 moralfag
I don't care what you faggots do I reserve the right to judge you. I don't derive my identity form a Bhutanese songwriting forum

>> No.6600684

It was literally two or three people
Get over it, Jesus Christ. Just because the mods are slow doesn't mean this place is awful, and it doesn't get any better with you posting that image all the time.

>> No.6600921

>despite the fact i drink/smoke/have sex like any other degenerate
She probably sensed you were a bit of a self-righteous asshole but could use you for literary critique whilst shagging chad

>> No.6600934

Didn't someone post pictures of their dead girlfriend on /b/?

>> No.6601064


Whatever, you got head dude.

There are plenty of those stupid girls out there. You just happened to get the one who didn't want to put out.

Roll with it, man. Who cares? She did it. She didn't like it afterwards. Big deal, her problem, maybe she won't be such an easy skank anymore.

>> No.6601087 [DELETED] 

>tfw bored of Pynchon's v. on chapter 10

push through or drop?

>> No.6601140

If you're bored then you should start over and actually pay attention this time.

>> No.6601171

Fiction and nonfiction have the same intrinsic value, dipshit.

>> No.6601175

>Except she won't talk to me anymore
So the only thing she was good for was hoovering your noodle, which she did. I hope you made her swallow it. Does she have a sister? or a mother? go talk to them and act all confused like "why won't she talk to me? I'm a nice guy!" and they will have pity sex with you and she will be to embarrassed to tell them she slobbered on you knob. Eventually her whole family will be your harem you magnificent bastard

>> No.6601187

>Fiction and nonfiction have the same intrinsic value

I love this meme. "Muh subjectivity. I have carte blanche to throw out all value judgments, even contextual"

>> No.6601199

>>she says kissing is nice
>>ask if she'd like to give me head

>> No.6601207
File: 572 KB, 600x580, laff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6601229
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>TFW all media is simply perception
>TFW life is perception
>TFW claiming some perceptions are more valuable than others because they fall in line with other perceptions
>TFW you're deluding yourself and hiding behind imaginary walls to feel safe

I hope you're enjoying your hallucination.

>> No.6601258

I'm sorry anon. I know that missed opportunity feel.

>> No.6601264

Jesus man go to counseling.

>> No.6601288

That's rape anon

>> No.6601305

are you me? kind of the same thing happened to me several days ago. she avoided me for a day, then could not afford losing me. and i found nothing autistic in your greentext until i read the replies.

autismo increases.

>> No.6601387

>tfw living in constant feat that the qt I will meet will disregard me as a pseudo-intellectual douche

>> No.6601416


>> No.6601483
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>> No.6601488
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You act as if the only way values are assigned is the former in pic related.

>> No.6601590
File: 1.96 MB, 2471x3293, 1380243683168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, sophomore year of college
>Meet girl at Starbucks, hit it off.
>I go to engineering school for a Bio major, She's Bio too, but...
>She goes to UPENN
>All my aspirations of ever being patrician stir within me a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.
>I play it cool, we date for a while
>First date was actually a picnic on a roof, re wine and SPAGHETTI I made. I shit you not.
>Turns out we're both into BDSM, fun on that note.
>Eventually, winter break is seen to be kinda around the corner. I have this horrific habit of getting bored with whatever girl i'm with then looking around.
>No matter how perfect. I cannot tell you how true that has proven to be.
>Know I'm going to break up with her "So I don't cheat on her."
>Study hang at her library.
>Her library. Ivy Library.
>I actually get a little stiff. She loans me a copy of The Sound and the Fury
>I am retroactively wondering if this book makes people sperglords
>Determine that I'm going to break up with her as soon as I finish it, do the day before winter break.
>I invite her to my place to say goodbye before I head to the train, soothe her into the idea of taking a break.
>We fuck viciously.
>I call her a week later, after her finals and before a party to end it gently. Haven;t seen her since.

I'm pretty sure the literary feels aren't mine, but hers. I think that she thinks that I broke up with her because of that book. Tbh, I'm not sure what did it.

>> No.6602048

Holy shit. I'm pathetic and I cringed while reading this. God...

>> No.6602056

What an ugly picture

>> No.6602226

is this the worst active post on the board right now? it's like you're trying to subtly brag about how cool you are under the pretense of sharing a sad story but it's not even real and you don't come across cool

>> No.6602575

I was standing in front of a coffee shop having a cigarette, and this guy comes up with his phone out to take a picture. He points it at me and says "you're gonna be in my picture." I didn't care what he did, so I just said ok cool and stood there. He pauses and is like "well, I'd rather you not be in it". I then realize he was trying to get a pic of the coffee shop, so I just kinda shrugged and moved to the side.

also this

>> No.6602601

Ouch. That's doublefeels.

>> No.6602615
File: 156 KB, 380x323, sofloantonio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask if she'd like to give me head
>beg her over and over

>> No.6602617
File: 63 KB, 373x523, O8gKBX8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god no. Too many men do not know how to take prudes or virgins. THen they say it is the girl who is inapt.

>> No.6602618
File: 63 KB, 323x312, smug gambia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im in this image

>> No.6602622

>I took the hinges and put them on the fuccbois hands

>> No.6602628

Nice bait.

>> No.6602633

That's your fault. How the fuck haven't you read that yet? You don't deserve her. Idiot.

>> No.6602651

Get get got got

>> No.6602660

>Her library. Ivy Library.
I loved that so much.

>> No.6602673


>> No.6602784

Because none of that happened, anon

>> No.6604756

>tfw you finish a big ass novel and it feels like you've lost a friend

>> No.6604760


>> No.6604790

Not the poster, but I'm 22. I don't have time for middle school modesty. I don't have the patience nor the drive to wait around to earn sex or some stupid bullshit. I'm 22, and most girls I hang around or go for are 19-25. We should be fucking, not treating ourselves like we are some fucking temple to only be fucked for reproduction.


>> No.6604793
File: 365 KB, 1000x995, 1429675054774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me that this is not real.

p l e a s e

>> No.6604796

>tfw can't tell if you're actually a misunderstood genius or just another "one of them"

>> No.6604802

What do you mean? He got the blowjob.

>> No.6604811
File: 99 KB, 640x448, 0dfa13a225de0e0c7040a473f181ab36da0b6ad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didn't read literature from age 15-21
>You have rekindled your love of reading but will never get all that potential reading time back

>> No.6604824

There's a feel I know. Luckily I got back into it at 18, but still, all that highschool free time wasted. I'll tell ya, I wasn't doing homework and I sure as fuck wasn't socializing.

>> No.6604827

You're on 4chan. you're not a genius. You are the painful majority sitting perfectly at average or below.

>> No.6604835

>spend the three weeks of summer primarily reading before I have to start working
>people have asked me what I've been doing
>"j-just reading a lot haha"
>two reactions:
>those looks of confused disdain
>or looks of acceptance and they try to connect even though they havent read a book for pleasure in years
>which is then followed by "what are you reading?"
>answer even though I know they havent heard of whoever I'm about to say
>and then they ask if I've ever read stephen king or some high school level shit

It's so awkward. People really don't know how much time I spend talking and thinking about books.

>> No.6604845

Don't feel ashamed anon. We've all been there. I faked an entire conversation about 1984, which I've never read but is so saturated in society that its way easier than bullshitting Faulkner, who most people know by name but have never actually read.

>> No.6604891
File: 1.41 MB, 2000x2000, 1382601986476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'm a terrible writer or not. I know in order to improve I need to receive criticism but I'm too insecure to share anything I've put effort into. I can only show people things that are deliberately shitty written while I was drunk.

I'm afraid that I've been ironic for so long the irony has is that my shitty writing isn't ironic anymore.

>> No.6604914

You done good, now you can enact the next steps of the DENNIS system


>> No.6604939 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 662x684, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet tall QT short-haired single grrl
>ride bus to college classes together some days
>I get on before her, eventually she starts always finding where i'm sitting in order to sit next to me
>She is super-attractive and apparently is impressed that I didn't try to get her number right away and instead treat her like a regular person and not an object to obtain
>eventually I ask her of she wants to get coffee after school, she says yes
>talking over coffee, topic goes to books
>"anon what do you think about the ASOFAI (game of thrones) books?
>don't think about what I say because I'm already sure I've got this locked down
"Well, I can understand why people like it but I think its pretty bad, the writing is horrible; there meant for kids really"
>she goes "oh" and looks down
>10 minutes later she says she has to go
>stalk her Facebook later, see that the ASOFAI books are one of the only three books she liked in her "likes" page"
>she doesn't sit next to me on the bus anymore

thanks /lit

>> No.6604950
File: 37 KB, 662x684, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet tall QT short-haired single grrl
>ride bus to college classes together some days
>I get on before her, eventually she starts always finding where i'm sitting in order to sit next to me
>She is super-attractive and apparently is impressed that I didn't try to get her number right away and instead treat her like a regular person and not an object to obtain
>eventually I ask her of she wants to get coffee after school, she says yes
>talking over coffee, topic goes to books
>"anon what do you think about the ASOFAI (game of thrones) books?
>don't think about what I say because I'm already sure I've got this locked down
>"Well, I can understand why people like it but I think its pretty bad, the writing is horrible; there meant for kids really"
>she goes "oh" and looks down
>10 minutes later she says she has to go
>stalk her Facebook later, see that the ASOFAI books are one of the only three books she liked in her "likes" page"
>she doesn't sit next to me on the bus anymore

thanks /lit

>> No.6604955

The beginning hit close to home in a way I won't explain.

>> No.6604957 [DELETED] 

did you mean this one?

I missed a line of green text so i had to redo it

>> No.6604958

Meant for >>6604950

>> No.6604965


Just a pro-tip for next time:

>Not the biggest Game of Thrones fan myself but I'm open to exploring it, I have some friends that are really into it. To be honest I usually read stuff like ___________.

>> No.6605036

That's a fucking doormat-tier reply.

>> No.6605059


>> No.6605108

>Off my face drunk, get talking to random QT at 4 in the morning
>She's an English Lit student, I take her back to my room to show her some poetry
>"Wow, Anon, that's a lot of books"
>Too drunk to fuck or even make a move, she leaves
>Send her a friend request
>No response
>Decide to ask her out for a meal in person
>Can't find her
>Ask her friend if she knows where she is
>Friend outright lies to my face
>Okay. Forget them then.
>Go to English Society poetry night
>Drink at a bottle of their free wine
>Plastered again
>Read some of my own poetry
>Steal bottle of wine
>Leave, pass out drunk.
>5 new friend requests from lit QTs in the morning

>> No.6605125


based anon

>> No.6605126

>ask why not

You have super autism.

>> No.6605155

Write better stories and you'd get more tail.

>> No.6605160

My problem is I speak before I think. I spout so many lies without hesitation and then immediately regret them. The web is too much to keep track of.

>> No.6605170

You won't meet a qt, don't worry.

>> No.6605197

You're better off without her if she likes genre fiction lol

>> No.6605208

IKTF, anon. I can't talk about literature to a single person in my life. It's why I come here

>> No.6605248

On the one hand, if this is a shitpost I must commend anon for writing probably the greatest shitpost I have ever seen on this board.

On the other hand, if this is true I think I finally understand why this place is such a piece of shit

>> No.6605251

>tfw you will never find your own sick crew
I don't care if the Whole Sick Crew was satirical it sounded fantastic

>> No.6605265

I don't for a second think there's even a shred of truth to it. It is hilarious though. It's the perfect bait story for /lit/, even if everyone knows it's a joke they're collectively enraged at this oblivious dumbass defiling their concept of a pure dream girl. And then to have the dumb brute post as if he was the one who was damaged? It's genius.

>> No.6605268

The mods don't care that /pol/ and /r9k/ come here to shitpost.

There is nothing we can do but watch as /lit/ falls.

>> No.6605278

I refuse to believe it's real.
It's just too hilarious to be real, tbh

>> No.6605291

It's too real not to believe.

Think about it. Really think about it.

>> No.6605313
File: 16 KB, 400x449, 1432316074053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw think a qt3.14 is a /lit/erate because she's reading IJ, but after trying to talk to her about /lit/, it turns out she has no clue what it is and that you've just embarrased yourself and ruined your chance at a qt reading buddy

>> No.6605320

sometimes i wonder why i forget to always ask anons about any advice

>> No.6605334

>tfw you will never be able to create a form-of-life with your friends that can escape the force of the law, both in its formal enunciation and in its informal governance
>tfw even if revolution where to come we would still be trapped in the oblivion of Being and reproduce technic/instrumental logic in different forms

Feels sacred man.

>> No.6605337


just say that it's a forum that you use to know more about books, it's not that hard anon. don't mention 4chan not the memes and it will be fine

>> No.6605344




>> No.6605345

>not the memes

I started my conversation with, "Fell for the meme, eh?" so I think I ruined it there already.

>> No.6605350

Anyone got the image of the skeleton talking to that kid in bed about all the books he has yet to read?

>> No.6605352

Lol stop

>> No.6605358
File: 47 KB, 558x564, lookatyougobobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fell for the meme, eh?

>> No.6605372
File: 104 KB, 724x1023, img017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an edit of this?

>> No.6605396

You human beaned it.

>> No.6605407

Yeah, that's the one.

>> No.6605450
File: 73 KB, 909x681, cringing-in-pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6605464
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>> No.6605476

>qt likes the greeks
>oh no she's going to judge me based on how messy my place is

You messed up. I hope this is bait.

>> No.6605477

You miss out on a babe because you're too lazy to clean? This fucking generation, smh.

>> No.6605480
File: 26 KB, 284x305, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always reading at lunch
>Quiet pseudo intellectual girls see me as brooding lit guy
>Have qt girlfriend but flirt with girls at school a little here and there
>Reading Kerouac while eating tater tots and shy poet girl approaches
Yes Kerouac, I know... I was young and had never left my hometown at that age. I actually loved On The Road
>Shy poet girl and I get talking about lit
>Actually have a lot in common, we become friends and share books often for a while, then stop talking for some reason
>Break up with qt girlfriend when I leave for College
>Enrollment induction, I sit next to friendly face by coincidence.
>The fuck.. It's shy poet girl, didn't even know she had applied to same College. Same course and such
>We hang a lot but she now has a beta boyfriend who wont even fuck her
>We drink plebeian wine and bang on a regular basis
>It peters out, I meet a new poet girl who I'm really into
Little while later
>Still with new girl, but shy poet girl has broken up with beta boyf
>We meet in bar to catch up but she gets way too sentimental and clingy
>I have to be firm even though I want to be beta and fuck her again
>Tell her no and stop seeing her
>It's my birthday and she posted a present for me
>It's an On The Road poster and a note reading, 'One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.'
>She drops out of College after suicide attempt then ends up back with beta boyf

MfuckingFW she hadn't even read Dharma Bums.

>> No.6605489
File: 29 KB, 395x428, 1418423650937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like this exist

>> No.6605535

The Second Sex

I case you're wondering, yes, sex was better after reading it.

>> No.6605555
File: 42 KB, 532x370, guy-with-girl-in-park-reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Dany did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again

>> No.6605613

>she says kissing is nice
>ask if she'd like to give me head

Just in case this isn't bait.
How the fuck does this even happen? She just says she's alright with kissing, and not with you touching her tits, and you come out and ask if she wants to suck your dick?
>beg her over and over
The only thing worse than this is that she actually obliged to your pitiful display.
This person is a moron

>> No.6605625

Are you the "oh god this generation" guy ? Because I forgot to mention you in the "anonymous /lit posters you recognize thread. I'm sorry.

>> No.6605667

I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.6605680
File: 1.88 MB, 500x281, fuck-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that fucking thread where nobody mentioned the sassy gay guy?

>> No.6605683

This is the life I want to live

>> No.6605688

This kid seems like the type to cite memes offline.

>> No.6605690
File: 40 KB, 530x600, 1418827330339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fell for the meme, eh?

>> No.6605696

Good to know!

>> No.6605788

>in the nether-region of life for a humanities graduate where I'm either gonna throw it in and become a teacher or work my ass off to get into a good phd program
>working at a school with low pay but only 35 hours a week and pretty chill for most of it
>meanwhile reading Heidegger, Agamben, Foucualt, Arendt, Levinas, Rilke, Kafka, and various other writers and historians trying to flesh out a body of work for personal statements and professor networking and recommendations
>auditing classes at my old uni and attending weekly reading groups at local leftist space
>coworkers ask me what I got up to on the weekend

Sometimes I get a view of myself from the outside and even wonder to myself what the fuck it is that I'm doing.

>> No.6606069
File: 91 KB, 390x539, 1428779617850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy no gf

>> No.6606086

>not knowing that Infinite Jest is a meme is a meme
No anon, it is you who fell for the meme!

>> No.6606107
File: 650 KB, 499x699, 1429412266438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6606116


underrated post

>> No.6606176

>studying whitehead in city library on a whim
>not understanding anything
>qt guy comes over and says something like whitehead is a dork and that you should be doing blah blah blah
>trapped in his eyes
>i can see the reflection of my cock spunking all over his pretty face
>i can taste his smooth and sweaty chest
>i want his boipussy
>can only mutter some low and drawn out ungghhhhhh sounds
>he walks away

>> No.6606199
File: 538 KB, 810x920, 1428545136365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a retarded pleb

>> No.6606229
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dating qt art student
>write me a poem anon

>> No.6606234
File: 177 KB, 600x400, 1343768666084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>she says kissing is nice
>>ask if she'd like to give me head
>>she looks away and says she'd rather not right now
>>beg her over and over
>>finally she blows me

>> No.6606244
File: 201 KB, 354x367, 1389811481085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let my friend borrow one of my favorite novels

>> No.6606456

A lot of smart people I know, as well as myself, tend to lurk more than post, so you don't see much evidence, but we exist.

>> No.6606502

its a good thing you're a bio major your writing is fucking awful

>> No.6606517
File: 52 KB, 1698x544, lit meets a nice girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking saved

>> No.6606545
File: 85 KB, 590x850, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ dude

>> No.6606549
File: 9 KB, 183x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making her blow you on the first date

>> No.6606561

I wondered about that too. Then, I started going to college. Now I know that I'm much more intelligent than most people. I'm still all fucked up though.

>> No.6606565
File: 126 KB, 324x306, 1430508953132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the meme, eh?

>> No.6606571
File: 183 KB, 1025x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have a happy feels thread?

>qt (and by qt, I mean beautiful. she's a model) approaches me
>feel so invigorated talking to her
>feel inspired to write
>write a lynchy bunuelesque screenplay, protagonist is based off her
>it got picked up, going into production soon

>> No.6606577
File: 130 KB, 490x350, joyce490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fell for the meme, eh?

>> No.6606579

I've gotten the "smart, sensitive, poetic" card and the "narcissist" card from the same people. It's like a constant battle of self image

>> No.6606587


>> No.6606588
File: 196 KB, 817x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw existential crisis about your self worth and authenticity

kind of reminds me of birdman tbh because I'm an actor

>> No.6606590

I had a girl ask me for a poem recently. She ended up really liking it. I surprised her with another poem, and she actually cried. It doesn't matter if it's good. Just make it heartfelt and not actively bad. Make sure to read it a fuckton so you get the pacing right, then read it to her instead of handing her a copy.

>> No.6606592

what do I have to prove to you?

>> No.6606605

post her nudes or she doesn't exist

>> No.6606618

>>write a lynchy bunuelesque screenplay, protagonist is based off her
can you get any more hackworthy?

>> No.6606620
File: 83 KB, 880x553, sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you write a greentext that ruffles people's feathers

Good job, anon

>> No.6606623
File: 283 KB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw read french poems I memorized one night to a girl while I was traveling in sweden
>sat there stroking her deep golden hair, whispering until she fell into slumber
>eventually I fell asleep myself
>when I woke up in the morning, she was gone and took my money and a rose in a nearby vase
>she wrote down "jag är ledsen", and that "our time wasn't for now" (for whatever reason, this section was in English. She most likely thought I wasnt well versed with swedish enough to know what she was trying to say so she wrote it in broken English instead)

>tfw i never knew her name

and that was the first and last time I had sex

>> No.6606628

I can post the napkin she wrote that on, if you guys are curious. I saved it.

>> No.6606633

>>6599564 >>6599569 >>6599586 >>6599600 >>6599624 >>6599755 >>6599831 >>6599990 >>6601064 >>6601199 >>6601288 >>6601305 >>6602048 >>6602615 >>6602617 >>6602673 >>6604793 >>6604914 >>6605126 >>6605248 >>6605450 >>6605489 >>6605613 >>6606234 >>6606517 >>6606545 >>6606549

I don't know why all you guys feel the need to shit on me when I already feel like shit. I posted this here because I wanted people to help me cope, not because I wanted to get shat upon

>> No.6606640
File: 210 KB, 500x745, THE_SWEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we tried to warn you anon

>> No.6606651


>> No.6606656


>> No.6606668

>it's really real. really guys! oh, god, someone believe me, please! I can post napkin which has "evidence"

>oh my god, I'm so desperate for someone from 4chan to believe me
>please 4chan pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6606670

we feel the need to shit on you because you're not the victim

>> No.6606673

>replying to obvious bait

>> No.6606678


>> No.6606690


Share it anon!

>> No.6606691
File: 14 KB, 400x227, 5235125125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot find any grill who legitimately enjoys literature and can discuss it with me
>probably never will

>> No.6606692


Yeah, you probably never will.

>> No.6606699

Except you're a fucking idiot

Grow up dude, sex isn't that fucking important.

You had a girl that honestly liked you and had a connection with you and you fucking blew it just so you could get some shitty, inexperienced blowjob? Fuckin A, I'm taking the bait this time, fuck it.

>> No.6606705

Maybe we're both victims? have you thought of that? neither of us were experienced and we both lost something precious by losing each other. I already feel like shit, rubbing it in isn't going to fix anything

>> No.6606717

>maybe we're both victims

Oh woe is fucking me

Jesus christ, if you're going to be an asshole and coerce a girl into doing things she's not comfortable with because she really likes you, at least fucking own it like the hormone-addled retard you are.

>> No.6606721

lmao bruh try using that excuse when she takes you to court for rape

>> No.6606737

nono, "I was an asshole but now I regret it" is not the same as being a victim

Perhaps you could spin a long sob story about how you were raised by wolves who showed you porn DVDs every weekend and when you were finally reintegrated into human society that's the only way you knew how humans behave, and in that way you could be seen as a 'victim of fortune'

But in the scenario you described, with your words, with your complete control of the data prescribed to us, you come off as an unsympathetic asshole, so don't expect no sympathy from 4chan you fagle bagel

and pro tip: in terms of 'fixing' things it's more healthy to come to terms and repent your past assholism rather than try to reframe the narrative to justify your actions

>> No.6606744

I think you need to look up the definition of that word before you use it

I didn't rape her, and I doubt she's a feminist, so I don't see why that would happen.

>> No.6606757

Oh, I'm sorry, let me fix that

You pressured her into sucking your cock because you're a desperate loser. Why would she want to be with someone who can't even respect her wishes because he's too self-involved and focused on getting his fucking rocks off?

Whatever mental romantic image she had of you was shattered when you sat in your car and literally begged her for head after the first date. You're a fuckup, dude.

>> No.6607041

Reading poetry to a qt is so cringe worthy to me, how do you guys do that with a straight face. Incredibly pretentious

>> No.6607120

go for it mate

>> No.6607124


If the QT actually likes poetry and you take turns reading it's fun. A straight on recitation is pretty cringy.

Also you have to be not garbage at reading. I've done a hundred hours or so of reading to myself and at open mics. I'm clear, I can give passages some emotional color, I can follow the meter and linebreaks without stumbling.

>> No.6607132
File: 643 KB, 799x525, 0M0iYDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the actual fuck anon

>> No.6607144

I'd like to see it, if you do have it, anon.

>> No.6607520
File: 975 KB, 250x250, steveycry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Embassytown
>tfw "Before the humans came we did not speak so much of certain things"

Pretty much cried from the start of Spanish Dancer's speech to the rest of the Ariekei till the end of the book.

>> No.6607525

>Agathe kisses Ulrich
What book?

>> No.6607540
File: 81 KB, 754x1005, why fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got aspergers
>got derealization and depersonalization
>0 energy
>got no m8's
>got no friends
>father died, he was a loner, a loser, never went outside, never had kids
>got downs syndrome
>got cystic fibrosis
>got autism

>> No.6607542

i cringed so hard, couldn't get past the 3rd line

>> No.6607554
File: 92 KB, 462x579, you retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6607571

>write smth
>read it again a year later
>cringe hard

>> No.6607580
File: 16 KB, 221x216, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6607622

>tfw parents banned you from going to the library
10 years later and I'm only just starting to recover thanks to Pynchon & /lit/.

>> No.6607713

That's a good thing, reading's for losers

>> No.6608100

>tfw parents banned you from going to the library
Wait what? Why in god's name would they do that? I hope you excommunicated them.

>tfw really picky about the type of girls I like so finding a qt who shares my interests is even harder
Why does it seem like girls never delve that deeply into any one interest? If they read more than average then they're always just below the surface of the ocean of literature when the plebs are floating above it. Same with music although usually they're a little deeper in that sea. I guess most people in general have very shallow interests but it seems even worse in young women

>> No.6608676


>> No.6608917
File: 7 KB, 207x200, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle is a well known writer
>His books have sold over 7 million copies worldwide
>Exclusively writes airport-tier Christian thrillers

Is there anyway I could become a writer without forever pandering to plebs who are all too willing to line your pockets?

>> No.6609000

summer isn't even trying anymore

>> No.6609360

just post it already

>> No.6609691

Possible. Who's the sassy gay guy ? There's so much pseudo-gay banter here that it's hard to tell who's who.

Is that a sex offer ?

>> No.6609761

I saw this at the feminist bookstore I went to yesterday

>> No.6609798
File: 124 KB, 1102x967, 1368953202305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finish a classic book, really enjoyed it
>Realize that everyone who read the book when it first came out is dead, and the author is long gone

>> No.6609931

>have had this thread sitting open for hours
>236 posts of feels
>not sure if I can read this
it's my birthday btw

>> No.6609948

A lot of great writers failed miserably at first. Just make good shit and stop being so concerned about "being a writer".

>> No.6610165

>>she says kissing is nice
>>ask if she'd like to give me head
>>she looks away and says she'd rather not right now
>>beg her over and over
/lit/ is not this bad, it's just you, anon

>> No.6610187

>Now it's considered one of the high points of this board.
fuck no it's not, where did you pick that up

>> No.6610222

>assuming someone must know about 4chan's literature board because they read infinite jest
you realize that infinite jest is widely known and was very popular when it was published right

>> No.6610236

>be 21~ year old white middle class or upper middle class beta male
>have mild depression at not being more popular and charismatic in spite of my overinflated sense of self-worth and just slightly above average intelligence
>compensate for it by devoting my life to criticizing people on the safe haven of the internet, where they can't effortlessly disregard me as a low status social reject
>gradually evolve from youtube comments and atheist blogs to criticizing other internet social critics, on literature forums and in my circle of spergin friends
>go into humanities degree that has the perfect mix of an easy curriculum and the nebulous, vague pretense of cultural sophistication
>lie to myself that postgraduate studies are my ultimate goal despite having no real plan B after attaining my worthless undergraduate degree (that my prole pleb family and social peers still fail to respect or care about)
>spend free time lurking literature enthusiasts' forums and websites that i claim to detest, 99% of whose users have non-academic jobs and active social lives, so that i can glean evidence of their dilettantism and report back to my fellow spergers, whereupon we will sup on their uninformed opinions and interests like manna from heaven
>marry a heifer in my late 20s or early 30s and imperceptibly forget about my stunted manchild dreams of academic auctoritas
>struggle to find authenticity in the life of an unambitious intellectual civilian, never quite realizing my reactionary superego fully encompassed my ego long ago
>spend the rest of my existence only dimly, unconsciously aware of the still living ember of narcissistic compensatory delusion, submerged in my soul like a red hot coal at the bottom of a lake, but still burning
>always burning

>> No.6610400


You deserve better than Hegel, man

>> No.6610421

Well not really /lit/ related but:

>coming to the realization I have some combination of OCD, anxiety, depression and possibly ADHD
>Anxiety manifested it self in panic attacks and severe hypochondrasis in 2009.
>noticing intrusive thoughts getting worse and worse, including suicidal ideation/thoughts
>Spend hours rationalizing why I am right or wrong to think or feel a certain way about something never coming to a conclusion due to self-doubt.

I graduated last year in Dec. so I no longer have access to health benefits. I don't have a job either. I have no one to talk to about this and don't want to burden anyone with my problems. Also because I think a lot of people would freak the fuck out if I told them any of this.

>> No.6610500

Ah, that good old pasta. I've missed it. It's really good.

Thanks mister Pastaman.

>> No.6610517


This guy, a couple years ago, had a great site up where he had uploaded a ton of French video clips and transcribed French subtitles onto them, for the purpose of people improving their French listening abilities. He also a made a couple youtube videos like the one I posted. This truly helped me immensely in getting good at understanding spoken French -- without this site, I maybe would have never gotten to the point at it I am now.

Then he posted a notice that he was going to stop updating, but that all the videos would remain up on the site. Then the site went down, a year and a couple months ago, and he hasn't updated any of his accounts anywhere. He was obviously proud of the work he'd done and obviously put in an INSANE amount of time doing it. Being an old man one can only assume he died, or is in a very poor state of health.

Perhaps not directly literary, but related to learning a language. Close enough, and certainly feely.

>> No.6610732

Happy birthday, anon. I just turned 21 on the 21st. Had a blast and I hope you do as well

>> No.6610854
File: 19 KB, 252x240, 1388630509527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You magnificent son of a bitch.

>> No.6611210


Daaamn, know any other good site or user to watch vids with french subtitles? I've tried movies but is hard to find frnch subtitles for a french movie

>> No.6611600

You've made the sale man, give it a rest.

>> No.6611645
File: 6 KB, 350x200, noway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you think your professor is just a cozy old man who published a couple of novels back in the day
>google him at the end of the semester
>tfw he actually has a couple of O'henry awards, shared an agent with Pynchon, was pals with Philip Roth and has been on faculty at several well known MFA programs and Breadloaf.
>tfw he probably thinks you're a tryhard

>> No.6611649

>tfw can't decide what to read next