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/lit/ - Literature

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6599680 No.6599680 [Reply] [Original]


>"We are all one unity, as such there is no difference between life and death or space time," Holmes wrote, according to King. "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why does the value of a person even matter?"

So, /lit/, why does the value of a person matter?

Also, this is a /lit/ thread because James Holmes wrote this in his notebook, thereby making it literature.

>> No.6599693

Value is subjective and so this edgelord's comments, aka babby's first existential experience, are useless.

>> No.6599697


>> No.6599701

what the hell is wrong with this guy

>> No.6599719

Seems like a grade A attention whore. Everything from shooting shit up, making 'crazy' faces, half-hearted suicide attempts to scribbling inane shit in a notebook for people to find. I would know.

>> No.6599730

Make sure to include in your journal how /lit/ influenced your decision making so during your trial the soccer moms get the feds to shut down this place and I can move on with my life.

>> No.6599749

where can i download the notebook

need to see if it's anything like mine

>> No.6599767

The whole point, or motivating energy, desire, behind the Derridean project of deconstruction which finds death within the Husserlian concept of life is to reconstruct life and death as such, not to reduce value. In other words, by revealing the trace that makes possible the concepts of life and death we are able to 'know the other', and sincerely come to terms with the relation to death. Anyone who thinks this is a negative project has missed the entire point of deconstruction and differance.

>> No.6602032

Verbal diarrhea.

>> No.6602054

Isn't it incredible how serial killers, mass murderers, terrorists and so on always fail to live up to the expectancy of genius-meets-madness that our media constantly tries to push?

Bin Laden was an idiot that spent most of his time reading conspiracy theories, that Korean dude was a truly terrible playwrighter, Norwegian dude's manifesto was plagiarized and shit, and now this faggot shows up with this 16-year-old atheist-libertarian garbage. If anything, they're the living intersection between mediocrity and madness.

The only interesting dude is the Unabomber

>> No.6602059

Don't forget Elliot Rodger quoting video games.

>> No.6602062

This. It is logically impossible for something to be inherently valuable.

>> No.6602073
File: 58 KB, 600x799, Unabomber-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holmes a shit.

If you want real, cogent philosophy from an American murderer, treat yourself to the Unabomber Manifesto, if you haven't been. Sentences are clear, the train of thought tells a beginning-middle-end story, and familiar ideas are developed over the course of several pages, complete with its own idiosyncrasies (every philsosopher must coin and force a meme-phrase, Ted's was "Leftism" in general).

In fairness, a notebook is distinct from a carefully prepared treatise.

>> No.6602076

Or you could just make right thoughts, into right actions and GTFO.

>> No.6602081

Oh god yes.

Btw anyone interested in seeing how bad those Virginia Tech shooter plays were should listen to this


>> No.6602089

>believing the official bin laden story after Hersh
Those conspiracy theory books were fabrications so the CIA could pretend they found something. If Osama wasnt a prisoner of the ISI then why did Pakistan try to find a scapegoat to blame in the UK to keep its people from rioting?

>> No.6602104

He really was the living example of a mad genius. The guy was a child genius accepted into Harvard at 16. Where he was the subject of unethical mindcontrol test by the CIA as part of MKULTRA. Which is theorised to be what caused him to go crazy.

His life was literally that of a Super Villain.

>> No.6602169


He is right though, using deconstructive discourse to backup destructive actions is just people who should not read philosophy misinterpreting it.