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6595393 No.6595393 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any rigorous definition of heresy?

John Milbank said:
>I regard Catholic Christianity as fulfilling the best pagan impulses, heresy as exaggeration or thinning-down of the truth, and nihilism as a parody both of the Christian view that we are created from nothing and that therefore all that is finite is indeterminate, and equally of the likewise Christian view that ordered beauty is paradoxically in-finite.

I've looked over people who were tried for heresy and the reasons invoked, such as with Meister Eckhart, but is there an actual codification of heresies? It seems like there should be, or at least there should be a list of things that are heretical if violated. I see the term getting tossed around a lot where "heterodoxy" would seem to suffice.

>> No.6595396

Getting real tired real fast of the Milbank spam.

>> No.6595401

This is about heresy, not Milbank, m80. I only used his definition as an example.

>> No.6595409
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>tfw it I just realized m80 means matey and isn't a typo
I'm not gonna make it lads

>> No.6595460
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It will be alright

>> No.6595518

Christfaggotry is already heretical so who cares.

>> No.6595522

*tips fedora*

>> No.6595524
File: 26 KB, 367x500, legenteman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6595539

Same. It was cute until it became obvious that it's one guy.

>> No.6595545

I'm not the guy who posted the other Milbank threads, though

>> No.6595580

It's still samefagging

>> No.6595590

Maybe so, but that doesn't really concern this thread, which isn't about JM

>> No.6595591

If you google "Muh religion" the first result is a definition of Islam, I just thought everyone should be aware of this.

>> No.6595599

Better late than never

>> No.6595600

I'm not anti-religion. I'm anti-Christfaggotry specifically. Any other religion I'm fine with. So no.

>> No.6595603

>I bet no one realizes I'm samefagging.

>> No.6595604

Why do you hate Christianity more than Islam and Scientology?

>> No.6595609

JM is the OP quote. You can't separate the thread from him.

>> No.6595612

>I bet no one realizes I'm samefagging.

>> No.6595619

Because it's shitting up my board.


>> No.6595623

Islam is going through that same phase Christfaggotry went through hundreds of years ago with the Inquisition and the Crusades. If anything, it's just following the precedent Christfaggotry set for that sort of twattery.

As for Scientology, it's literally a sci-fi author's get rich quick scam so I don't consider it a religion.

>> No.6595625

A OP quote, but the thread is not about his quote, his quote is just an example. I'm looking for a more rigorous definition.

>> No.6595629

>being this new

>> No.6595637

What was wrong with the Crusades, apart from number four? And I don't think you can compare the Inquisitions to things like 9/11

>> No.6595646

>Islam is going through that same phase Christfaggotry went through hundreds of years ago

That's patently wrong. The current Islamic radicalism is nothing new. It flares even few decades since the beginning of Islam.

>> No.6595666

>Islam is going through that same phase Christfaggotry
This is such a cop out, though I agree with its logical conclusion, which is that Islam should suffer the fate of Christianity and meet its death.

>> No.6595746

>I hate Christianity more than Islam because Islam is basically a more backward version of Christianity

>> No.6595825

is this b8? God, you must struggle to walk and talk at the same time you poor thing.